Kevin Costner denies dating Jewel, ‘I don’t want these rumors to ruin our friendship’

Back in December, there was speculation that Jewel, 50, and Kevin Costner, 69, were dating. It all started when they were seen getting cozy together at a Richard Branson party on Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands. Apparently, they hung out together for “more than a week” and were “flirty” and trying to be discreet about hooking up. TMZ had pictures of Kevin with his hands around Jewel’s waist. It was definitely giving hookup vibes, especially after Jewel name-checked Kevin in an Instagram post.

When Elle magazine asked Jewel what was going on, she played coy, saying, “He’s a great person. The public fascination is intense for sure.” Kevin, meanwhile, responded to paparazzi questions about them dating in February by simply shaking his head. It was such a seemingly random pairing that everyone wanted to know what the deal was. Apparently, even his kids were asking Kevin if he was macking it with Jewel! This week, Costner appeared on Howard Stern’s show and finally set the record straight. According to Kevin, he and Jewel are just friends.

“No, Jewel and I are friends. We’ve never gone out ever,” he asserted. “She’s special, and I don’t want, I don’t want these rumors to ruin our friendship because that’s what we have. She’s special to me. She’s beautiful enough to go out with.”

“How does that s— start? Kevin, how does that work,” Stern, 70, asked.

“We were down at Branson’s Island. She has a foundation, which I didn’t know, and she was part of the foundation. And Richard Branson has been asking me for years to come down to Necker Island, and so I finally did,” he began.

“I’m divorced all of a sudden. I’m a single father, and he’s asked me for, you know, 10 years to come down there. I said, ‘I guess I’ll go down.’ ” He then explained that it was him, Jewel, Emma Watson and seven other people “who weren’t celebrities.”

“She was somebody I just had some tremendous conversations with along with Emma,” he said, before explaining that the “rumor was [he] went down on a private plane with her” and “went back on a private plane [with her].”

“I was on with nine people and, and I don’t want the press to ruin this for us, because … I’ve had conversations with her, text wise, and she’s so smart, and she’s been through a lot herself, and so we have a friendship. We don’t have a romance, and we’ve not dated,” revealed Costner.

“She’s beautiful and smart enough for all those things. It just has never happened for us,” he added. “She’s everything you might think, but it just hasn’t happened.”

He also revealed to Stern that even his teenage children — sons Cayden, 17, Hayes, 15, and daughter Grace, 14 — were asking about the rumored romance. He shares his three children with ex-wife Christine Baumgartner.

[From People]

I know that his words say that they are just friends but dang it, that man also sounds smitten! ”She’s everything you might think” sounds like something that someone who has the hots for his friend would say. I wonder if this is the full story or if there’s more to it. I know friends can be touchy-feely but how many men put their hands intimately around their female friend’s waist like Kevin did? Just sayin’. It’s also kinda wild to bring Emma Watson into it, as though it’s proving a point that he and Jewel aren’t together because he also had stimulating conversation with a much younger woman that he isn’t attracted to at the same time. Mmm hmm. Methinks the man doth protest too much.

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10 Responses to “Kevin Costner denies dating Jewel, ‘I don’t want these rumors to ruin our friendship’”

  1. Smart&Messy says:

    So she was only down for sex and he is hoping for more.
    His divorce was/is messy, but I didn’t have the time back then to follow it. It sounds like Christine wanted out and he tried to financially manipulate and abuse her. But then Christine also had a pretty awful exit strategy and muddied the waters by outing her relationship with the neighbor too soon. Was that it, or did I miss something?

    • Seraphina says:

      As far as his divorce goes, I think that synopsis is accurate. I had no idea about him and Jewel as friends (or maybe more). They seem like they don’t go together but opposites, they do attract. And damn it, I have always found him attractive – the way he treated his wives makes him unappealing as a husband but I can see maybe giving him a go for sex (like you said).

      • Nibbi says:

        Any one else get ego/arrogant vibes from Costner’s comments, or am I just hair-trigger at this point? “She’s beautiful and smart enough for me to date”

      • Escondista says:

        They’re both pretty conservative and like the country. I think they go together pretty well.

  2. Eurydice says:

    I love how he insists that Jewel is beautiful enough for him to date.

    • Seraphina says:

      He’s always been that way. Empty and shallow. I remember being a young teen and reading in an interview that he didn’t find his ex wife attractive any longer – something along those lines. I remember thinking, well good looking on outside can mean ugly on the inside.

    • bisynaptic says:


  3. Bumblebee says:

    Wow. He talks like the main character from a 1970s Harlequin Romance. And the smoldering look. Definitely cover photo material. Hahahaha. Jewel should be too grown to fall for that, we’ll see.

  4. Eve Pave says:

    He was riding high with the success of Yellowstone then gave his wife a hard way to go w the divorce
    Now he has to come down off the high horse after his movie BOMBED.
    Now he’s saying he’s OPEN to returning to the show.
    He luck out getting Yellowstone. He should have been grateful but it only fed the ego.
    Some people will never learn

  5. yupyup says:

    They are banging and I’m in support of this. Come on Kevin, you two makes so much sense!

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