Duchess Sophie, Zara Tindall & the Yorks came out for Ascot Day 2

Here are more photos from Day 2 of Royal Ascot. I apologize for breaking this one day of Ascot into so many posts, but a lot of people attended Day 2! Bizarrely, that was the one day King Charles did not attend, and the palace publicized that ahead of time. It was like the other royals were coming out to party in his absence. People who attended Day 2: Sarah Ferguson, Princess Eugenie, Jack Brooksbank, Princess Beatrice, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, Queen Camilla, Carole Middleton, Michael Middleton, Prince William, Princess Anne, Zara Tindall, Mike Tindall, the Duchess of Edinburgh, Prince Edward and of course, Carole and Michael Middleton. These people love horse races.

Fashion notes: Beatrice wore a familiar Zimmerman dress… familiar because Sophie wore the same dress to the Garter Service on Monday. Speaking of Sophie, I found her full-length maxi dress to be a bit too much for Ascot – most women wore tea-length dresses, and Sophie’s dress looked really heavy. Too heavy. Camilla looked especially dowdy and her hats keep getting more and more absurd (although absurd hats are welcome at Ascot). I’m a little bit surprised that Fergie came out, but I guess she felt like it was okay because she was with her daughters and their husbands.

There were a few moments when Carole Middleton seemed to seek out Princess Eugenie. They were photographed together a few times, which I find interesting because the Middletons have always been pretty malicious towards the Yorks. All forgiven and forgotten? That was the vibe of Ascot, btw – “all hatchets have been buried, except for the big one.”

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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61 Responses to “Duchess Sophie, Zara Tindall & the Yorks came out for Ascot Day 2”

  1. Krista says:

    Did Zara and Bea wear the same dress???? That’s not something that happens often in those circles, at least not on the same day!

    Edited to add: No, it’s slightly different, now that I look closer. But a casual glance made it seem that way!

    • equality says:

      Bea’s is being compared to the one Sophie wore a couple of days ago. Bea looks better than Sophie did and better than Zara.

    • TRex says:

      @Krista – Zara and Bea – As they say in SE Asia, “Same Same, but different”

      I really like Sophie’s dress though (length and all) I think she looked lovely.

  2. Neeve says:

    Please tell me Carole and Kate were mean to the Yorks after she sealed the deal(not okay either). It would be quite bold of her to bully Blood Princesses when she was just the girlfriend.

    • The Hench says:

      Actually no. I think there are tales from her being nasty to them when she was just a girlfriend. Something around the roller disco Kate organised if memory serves…

    • Becks1 says:

      She was just the girlfriend. There were a few incidents, but the most infamous is when Kate organized some sort of roller disco that was a costume theme (70s maybe? disco theme?) and didn’t tell the girls it was theme so they showed up dressed nicely and normally and then felt out of place. I think that’s the story.

      There’s a reason Beatrice wore that hat at the CAmbridge wedding.

      • equality says:

        I guess it made them feel better when Kate fell flat while skating.

      • Christine says:

        I really don’t understand how Kate doesn’t get the concept of karma by now. That photo of her flat on her ass makes me laugh every time, and it’s what she deserved that day. Bea and Eugenie had to be really young when that happened, teenage or even younger. Tell me all about how you are passionate about protecting kids.

    • Juniper says:

      Her being a jerk as the girlfriend was part of the reason the order of precedence was changed, I believe. Prior to Kate, the wife of a higher ranking person had the same precedence as the spouse. However once Kate married William, it was changed for that rank only mattering if the higher ranking person was present.

      • Agnes says:

        Oh my, the “the order of precedence” is so hilarious in this day and age. WHO in the flying F cares what order a bunch of mean coked-up creeps goes into dinner anymore. Can they pull ahead at the drive-thru window? Now THAT would be useful.

  3. Abby says:

    I like that green dress and tan shoes in the second to last photo. I would wear that!

  4. Smices says:

    That random pink tassel hanging off Eugenie’s hat is cracking me up.

    • Renae says:

      At first glance, I thought Sophie was wearing a dress of bubble wrap! (Hey, small screen/cataract eyes).
      Whatever it was that Cam was wearing should be burned. Its just ugly!
      Who knew that Fergie would come out looking better than most!
      She didn’t dress in a pattern generally seen in upholstery or a Hawaiian shirt.

    • Lau says:

      I was coming to the comments just say pretty much the same thing. It looks like she’s forgotten to take the fancy label off.

    • Jen says:

      There was a time years ago when I remember noting one or the other between Eugenie and Beatrice wearing boaters a lot, and Eugenie previously wore one with a tassel as well.

  5. equality says:

    Eugenie seems like the type who is polite to everyone. She wouldn’t snub Carole. All of the family will likely follow along with what the higher up royals want anyway. I like Cam’s hat. For Ascot, it’s mild compared to some that are posted online.

    • Miss Scarlett says:

      Bea and Eugenia both, to me, seem like they are unfailingly polite to everyone. They seem to have impeccable manners.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed. There’s a reason why Harry and Meghan still consider them close family.

    • Feeshalori says:

      I like Camilla’s hats too, she’s got good hat game. She carries those whimsical styles well.

  6. Lusaka Mom says:

    All the ugly dresses we find on what we call bend down boutique (second hand clothing) in Zambia l think are from UK/ England 😂

    Sometimes, you wonder what to do with them…
    Now l know 😫 they must be worn at a garden party 😂🤦‍♀️
    *l like the cream pant suit on that lady behind Beatrice’s husband.
    More of that please.

    • Barbara says:

      Some of the ladies’ shoes are pretty ugly too. Out of all of them, the only ones who look fine are Bea and Zara.

  7. Agnes says:

    Sofa never fails to disappoint with her wardrobe choices. The comments on Twitter were all highly entertaining, mostly that the dress was made from their Nan’s favorite tablecoth. She is certainly committed to the bit.

  8. fanzea says:

    Sophie’s dress had potential to be cute – but turned went overboard and turned into a shower curtain.

  9. SURE says:

    So much contrived bonhomie: E&S holding hands (!); Z’s OTT physical affection for W, C, Jack & F; all the Windsors mingling so warmly with the Middletons and F also being invited to the royal enclosure. Fake and phony doesn’t even begin to describe the show they put on yesterday.

    • ABritGuest says:

      I noticed that. It was hugs all around- I even saw Mike& Edward embrace & I’ve never seen Edward be that warm with anyone including his own wife. I’ve never seen the royals so touchy feely & warm with each other and It stood out as so contrived. Maybe the press didn’t even buy it as the many royals & middletons at Wimbledon didn’t get one front page

      William was grinning so hard at Eugenie it looked like it hurt & I do think Carole’s being so friendly with Eugenie was for the cameras & part of ongoing effort to show one of the few family members who’s been seen being friendly with the Sussexes since they left- is now Team Wales

      • equality says:

        Was it hugs all around or was it Zara and Mike hugging people? All the pictures I saw of hugging involved Z&M.

      • Jais says:

        It felt like a memo had gone out and told people they needed to show up ready to play. I think maybe this was supposed to be William’s Spencer moment.

      • Christine says:

        They flipped a coin before it started, to see which Windsors would have to pretend they like to hug people. Mike and Zara lost.

      • equality says:

        Mike may have volunteered if it meant he could feel up the women.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Funny how the Sussexes hover over them. I remember when it was against protocol to touch your spouse in public. Can you imagine the meeting that was had over this Ascot appearance?

  10. SussexWatcher says:

    Okay, what in the hell is Sofiesta wearing?! And, when will the 4000 articles about her and Eddie breaking protocol by holding hands be written? That’s against protocol, right? Sofiesta is being a clingy stalker, right?

    Also, can Zara please get some shoes that fit?! Her feet look horrifying.

    Other than that…utter snoozefest. Enjoy your Leftover Royals, Salty Isle.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    Sophie’s dress was too long. She has no fashion sense.

    • Libra says:

      Yes, no fashion sense. But!! She is a duchess, the past queens favorite and the royal families secret weapon. Let her stand out looking like an unfinished wedding dress if that is her choice.

  12. Angelica Schuyler says:

    The dresses are All. So. Ugly. It’s like a contest to see who can look the most like they smell of mothballs. I’ll just never understand the British fascination with dowdiness. Ugh. It’s the annual parade of Miss Havishams. SMH….

    • Call_Me_AL says:

      Absolutely hideous, all except the green shirtdress (not sure who that is). They truly could have all been wearing these in 1980.

      • Liz says:

        Think it’s Lucy van Straubenzee. Married to William’s friend Thomas. And former teacher of Charlotte.

    • Proud Mary says:

      “The dresses are all so [Fugly].” There, I fixed it for you.

  13. The Hench says:

    Camilla’s hat is hilarious. It looks like a pile of hats all stacked on top of one another.

  14. Athena says:

    It was Sofie and Edward’s wedding anniversary, so the dress may have been a nod to a wedding dress.

  15. Libra says:

    I wrote in a different post that the tide has certainly turned from William being shunned only months ago ( what did he do to Kate) and now the whole family is falling all over him with air kisses. What changed?

    • Jais says:

      Charles’ prognosis? Sorry that’s dark and it feels ghoulish to be on some sort of watch. But it really looks like a kiss the future ring moment.

  16. Chaine says:

    The photo of Carol and Eugenie – – Carol reeks of desperation, while Eugenie body language says, “I don’t want her touching me, but I’m going to be polite until I can shake her off. “

  17. LolaB says:

    These people look like they all raided a rural community theatre’s closet. These people have money, they can afford to look better.

    Good lord.

  18. IdlesAtCranky says:

    I just don’t get this.

    Ascot used to be an event to come out and play in fun, fancy dresses and hats.

    The men are all dressed in actual formal wear, including vests, tail coats and top hats.

    Meanwhile the women all look like they’re doing Tuesday With Ladies Who Lunch, with obligatory hats plopped on top — all too casual, down to Eugenie who literally looks like she’s wearing athleisure with a skirt.

    Except for Sophie, who did some sort of cosplay as a 60s couch cover.

    What happened to the fun??

    • Miss Scarlett says:

      I don’t love shirt dresses at Ascot. I love a good shirt dress but think they are way too casual for this event. I miss the pageantry and fun outfits.

  19. Nerd says:

    The only thing that comes to mind is NO. No to all of the ugly dresses and the fake hugs and touching that has never happened before. How are they worth all of that money yet none of them have any sense of style between them? It all screams desperation and it’s hilarious to watch.

  20. Roan Inish says:

    I really like Eugenie but she does not wear clothes that are flattering to her body type at all. This white sweater knit outfit/dress is tragic. Knits are anethema if you have bumps or rolls.

    • tamsin says:

      I like Eugenie’s attire here- it’s clean and unfussy. She looks happy and relaxed. I wish she had snipped off the tassel, though. In one picture, Carole has her hands on Eugenie’s arm, but Eugenie has both hands firmly on her clutch- her body language closes her off from Middleton.

      Personally, I don’t care for all the florals and puffy shoulders and buttoned up sleeves along with the maxi hems and the over-the-top hats. It makes everyone looked trussed up, uptight, and corsetted. I nearly burst out laughing at the picture of Camilla standing with her friend. They look like a couple of comic characters, caricatures even. Great for people-watching, is Ascot. Wonder what the late Queen thinks of all this, if she is haunting the race track today.

  21. Gingerbee says:

    I see that the women are copying Meghan’s shoe brand, Aquazzura. The women are wearing stilettos on grass, but we do not see any outrage from the gutter rats. When it comes to Meghan, they were squeaking about it.
    Ed and Sophie are holding hands, omg protocol 👀

    • Well-Wisher says:

      But with Meghan it is consistently more than style over content .
      That is not a miracle.
      She wore the shoe, not the other way around…..

  22. Tessa says:

    Sophie is wearing what looks like a quilt.

  23. martha says:

    I like the green shirt-dress.

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