Justin Timberlake told his wife that ‘he was barely drinking’ the night of his DWI

Jessica Biel has historically put up with a lot from Justin Timberlake. Even before their wedding, Justin was cheating on Jessica and she turned a blind eye to it or parlayed his infidelities into getting what she wanted. Then he turned the wedding into The Justin Timberlake Show. He did the same for Jessica’s first pregnancy. I’m wary of boxing Jessica into some “long suffering wife” role though – while she has suffered (as have we all), she also did the most to get the ring and she always done the most to keep the ring. So what if her husband just got arrested for drunk driving? At least he’s not cheating on her (again). So we keep getting all of these “how is Jessica reacting to JT’s DWI?” pieces. Long story short, she’s upset but it’s not like she’s actually telling him he needs rehab or anything.

Jessica Biel has been “extremely upset” following husband Justin Timberlake’s DWI arrest, multiple sources tell Us Weekly.

“Jessica is extremely upset. She was shocked to hear the news and had no idea as she was working,” an insider exclusively tells Us. “She was really worried about him.”

Biel, 42, who has not publicly addressed Timberlake’s arrest, is currently filming The Better Sister in New York City. The actress has been married to Timberlake since 2012 and they share sons Silas, 9, and Phineas, 3. Per the source, Timberlake told Biel that “he was barely drinking.”

“She always gives Justin the benefit of the doubt,” the insider adds.

A second source, meanwhile, tells Us that Timberlake was “taking a quick break” from his Forget Tomorrow World Tour.

“Justin was at dinner with friends and … [and he] wanted to enjoy some down time and have fun,” the insider says. “He and his friends didn’t even really drink that much so they were shocked he was pulled over.”

According to the source, Timberlake has not really “been drinking” while touring. “[He’s] been really healthy with the ongoing tour,” the insider notes.

[From Us Weekly]

Timberlake told Biel that “he was barely drinking.” Just my opinion: Justin is either an alcoholic or he’s in profound denial about his social drinking, and in either case, no one believes that he was “barely drinking.” The whole reason the cop pulled him over was because he blew through a stop sign and he was driving on the wrong side of the road. That’s not “oh, I just nursed one beer the whole night.” We have enough evidence that Justin is a habitual sloppy drunk. Now, whether his wife sees him enough to understand that, I don’t know.

Meanwhile, TMZ has quickly become Timberlake Media Zone with all of their men’s rights activism on Justin’s behalf. TMZ’s sources swear that JT has never had a documented problem with alcohol and he will not check into rehab or do any kind of 12-step program or anything like that. Page Six’s sources confirm that Justin’s tour will continue without any pauses or cancelations too. Some people theorized that a DWI might be a convenient excuse to cancel a tour with lackluster ticket sales. But no, the “world tour” will limp on. Drunkenly stumble on.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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72 Responses to “Justin Timberlake told his wife that ‘he was barely drinking’ the night of his DWI”

  1. Cheshire Sass says:

    I’m sure he did tell her he was barely drinking, I’m also sure he has gaslit her at every opportunity during their entire time together. Look at his eyes, he’s hammered.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      I have never seen a person who was barely drinking with those glassy eyes. His eyes are the dead give away that he was most certainly not just “barely drinking”.

      Add in the reckless driving and no, just no.

      • Steph says:

        I’ve seen people barely drinking with those eyes. It’s bc they are using other drugs.

    • JRT says:

      If Justin only had one drink, a martini, than why did he refuse the breathalyzer test?! People don’t refuse a breathalyzer if there’s nothing to hide. Real good role model for young impressionable boys…once again the pot calling the kettle black!

      • Elo says:

        Justin looks like an alcoholic and he’s hammered but people absolutely do and should refuse breathalyzer tests regardless of whether they have been drinking.

      • Dalat says:

        I doubt many impressionable young boys are following Justin Timberlake!

    • GrnieWnie says:

      Yeah those eyes do NOT say “one drink”

  2. Molly says:

    He looks as bad in the photo with her and the one on stage as he does in his mugshot. Time is not being kind – although Karma seems to be having fun.

  3. Aimee says:

    Garbage in, garbage out. She can do better.

    • Flamingo says:

      She’s trash herself; they deserve each other. She’s in lock step with that kook Robert Kennedy Jr. she back peddled later for optics. But she is anti-vax.

      • lovelyone says:

        I didn’t get the JAB either….does that make me a bad person??

      • AlpineWitch says:

        There’s a difference between not wanting a jab yourself and peddling untruths to others.

        It’s like the difference about you praying in private or holding sermons..

    • Shawna says:

      She said ages ago that she wasn’t given roles because she was “too beautiful.” This is how she explained how the acting opportunities all dried up. They’re both egomaniacs.

  4. Lol 😂😂😂 I also heard Travis Scott caught arrested for something similar

  5. Nicole says:

    I hate to beat a dead horse here, but looks like the whole family is in denial. If nothing changes, nothing changes. There is no incentive for him to stop drinking.

  6. sevenblue says:

    TMZ is the platform of male abusers. They love giving excuses for abusive men, while punishing famous women for every little mistake, slip up. I am sure they are also getting paid, but the misogyny is their bread and butter.

    • StellainNH says:

      That site is simply awful. It is so full of misogyny that I don’t even look at it or believe half the crap.

  7. Bumblebee says:

    He is not aging well. I mean, how did he lose that baby face so fast? Is the drinking causing the tired look? Or maybe his bitter personality.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      The man is 43 years old. Why would he still have a baby face? He lost that many years ago when he became an adult.

    • C says:

      In some photos more than others you can see he is aging terribly.

      • RJ says:

        He absolutely looks his age. No Photoshop or fillers. That’s what 42 years looks like for most of us. Especially white people. We age rough. Now quit shaming him for undergoing a natural process for God’s sake.

  8. Hypocrisy says:

    I hope they release whatever video footage they have of the entire arrest. I was always under the impression if you refused a breathalyzer they would arrest you and have blood work done anyways🤔 (curious about his blood alcohol levels).. but honestly I’m not a drinker so I’ve personally never had this problem.

    • ML says:

      Do they have footage? I’m surprised that PageSix hasn’t gotten their hands on it yet.

    • Flamingo says:

      There is body cam but they aren’t releasing it due to it being ‘an ongoing investigation’. I assume after the trial or plea deal. They will have to release it. Though Justin’s attorney will fight to keep it under wraps.

      All I want to hear is that young cop say ‘what tour’ to his face.

      • ML says:

        If they aren’t releasing the footage and his attorney is fighting to keep it under wraps, then that footage is not helpful to JT at all, right?

      • lucy2 says:

        I can understand why anyone wouldn’t want their DUI arrest footage out there (of course the solution is to NOT drive intoxicated) but I have a feeling sooner or later someone will release it or sell it.

      • Lindsay says:

        Almost every single one of us would agree to a field breathalyzer if we were sober and accused of drinking.
        I know I would smugly accept the challenge.

        It’s obvious of course, to state he could have injured or killed someone.
        But a signature behavior of an alcoholic is drunken arrogance.
        And I will never, ever understand why a millionaire chooses to drink and drive.
        If I won the lottery, I would hire a driver/personal assistant for the sole reason of hating traffic.

    • superjosh says:

      Yes, if you refuse a breathalyzer test it compounds your problem. They’ll have to do blood work at a hospital and if you refuse that, then they’ll get a warrant. And they do this pretty fast so your BAC doesn’t change too much. A refusal actually has more severe repercussions on your driving record and potentially additional charges. Otherwise, everyone would just refuse a field breathalyzer.

    • Sister Carrie says:

      Finally, someone gets it right! I have seen too many other comments telling people to refuse the breathalyzer. Do not refuse in NY. Automatic one year suspension of license WHETHER YOU WERE DRUNK OR NOT. The breathalyzer is just one of many tools used to determine if you’re drunk; by the time the cops ask you to blow they have pretty much already determined that you’re impaired. Refusal just adds MORE punishment for you.

      • superjosh says:

        Exactly! It’s irresponsible journalism to keep stating that he refused as if it was some kind of defiant protest of unjust treatment. It is actually another infraction and that should be emphasized. They make it sound like he was being rebellious and standing up for himself.

  9. Sass says:

    I don’t assume to know a thing about either of them, or their marriage – but why TF does Jessica put up with his crap, and constant humiliation by his behaviour?!

  10. Joanne says:

    Now Britney Spears song “Criminal” is now #68 on iTunes. Cry me a river Justin.

  11. Kathgal says:

    She did a post a short while back about cutting her hair. I don’t remember what she said exactly but at the time I thought it was a sure signal that she was done putting up with nonsense and it was a fresh start. Like a post break up haircut. I remember thinking we were going to hear any time that they had split.

  12. Kiwifruitlover says:

    Alexa, play Liar by Britney Spears.

  13. ML says:

    As to Jessica… Does she honestly believe that her husband just had one single drink and was pulled over by a cop, refused a breathalyzer, had a pink-eyed mugshot taken, was jailed for 9 hours, and he’s not at fault??

    • Hello Kitty says:

      Yes. Look up their wedding photo from the cover of People magazine. She is sitting on the GROUND while he is jumping around like a narcissistic goofball. It looks like he’s jumping on her head. That photo tells me everything I need to know about their relationship. He can’t even be bothered to embrace her the way a husband would proudly and sweetly embrace his wife ON THEIR WEDDING DAY.

      • DCLite says:

        HK, THANK YOU! That cover has haunted my dreams. A photo like that would seriously make me consider annulment on the spot.

  14. Jay says:

    Oof – the emphasis on JT not having a “documented problem with alcohol” is pretty darn noticable. Like, yeah, it hasn’t been publicly known or documented – that’s part of the problem!

    I hope, without snark, that this was a wake up call and he gets help.

    I fear, with snark, that he will go to rehab half-heartedly without taking any responsibility at all and then subject us all to an acoustic album and an insufferable press tour all about what he has “learned about himself”.

  15. Mel says:

    He’s a functioning alcoholic. I’m sure he thinks downing 10 drinks in a row isn’t a lot…..

  16. Jamie42 says:

    Oh, it was Justin Timberlake! I was somehow thinking it was Justin Bieber and wondering why Jessica Biel cared.

  17. NotSoSocialB says:

    His photo should be shown as a definition for “backpfeifengesicht.”

  18. Whatever says:

    The name of the tour is kind of unfortunate/hilarious now. Forget Tomorrow? Dude can barely remember today.

  19. BestCoastBae says:

    Public defender here. Our office has 0.02 DUIs, suboxone DUIs, and an array of prescription drug DUIs where the levels are well under our client’s prescribed therapeutic dosage. Some of these do fit within the definition of A DUI in my state. But I take DUIs to trial and frequently win in front of juries.

    But if Timberlake refused the breathalyzer, they have no idea yet what, if any levels of a substance are in his system. It sounds like there is some bad driving and other indicators of substance use here. But there is a reason people are innocent until proven guilty – an arrest alone doesn’t prove it.

    • Jaded says:

      He failed all the physical coordination tests. We don’t know what other tests were administered while he was being held. He’s definitely not innocent. Oh he’ll get a slap on the wrist and pay a fine, he can afford a top loophole finder…I mean defender.

    • ML says:

      Forgive me my confusion, but according to the internet, if I understood this correctly, is that if JT refuses all alcohol/ drugs testing in NYS, then he’s not innocent if he didn’t pass the field sobriety tests? Or am I missing something?
      I used yo live in the States, but I’m now in Europe. Where I live, JT would have been stopped for blowing the stop sign and erratic driving. They would have had him blow into a preliminary sort of breathalyzer at the scene and he might also have had his cheek swabbed to test for drugs. If he failed the breathalyzer, they then would take him into the station where they have much more accurate equipment. If he’s asthmatic or too drunk or whatever, then he’d get a blood test instead. Otherwise, he needs to blow twice into the station breathalyzer. If he had an issue with the breathalyzer’s results, then he could get blood alcohol testing. Refusing to cooperate with testing is essentially a guilty verdict.

      Some people here have said that you should never cooperate and I don’t understand why. JT stated (not that I actually believe him) that he only had a margarita—one drink won’t get you to fail a breathalyzer! Plus, if you block the police from gathering evidence, how can you presume that JT is innocent until proven guilty? He could have had a blood test and they’re extremely accurate. Why would you not want to get someone who has potentially endangered others off the road and get them help?

  20. Amy Bee says:

    Who’s going to see Justin Timberlake in concert? Anyway, it does seems like Jessica is willing to put up with a lot.

  21. H says:

    As someone who grew up with an alcoholic father, please do not judge Jessica or prescribe what she should or should not do. Not so much here but i have seen many posts and comments elsewhere that also seems to extrapolate from that deciding whether or not her choices regarding him somehow damn her entire character in their estimation). This angle focused on her is toxic and i feel many are harsh and oversimplifying the complexities of love and family in the context of addiction and problematic behavior.

    • Lauren says:

      Jessica is toxic herself she a Robert Kennedy Jr supporter and is anti-vax.

      He trash and she trash they are perfect for each.

      • H says:

        I dont agree. I may not share her views but she is not trash. NO human being is trash. But i guess that is too complex for the netizens of today who like to see everyone as 100 percent good or bad.

      • Whatever says:

        I don’t think everyone is 100% good or bad, but some people are pretty darned close to one end of that spectrum.

      • Lauren says:

        You may be ok with her and people like her putting other people and other children lives at risk , but I’m not trash.


        Trump/Trump supporters
        Child abusers
        child predators
        Murderers of innocent people
        Drunk drivers ……….

      • H says:

        Nowhere did i indicate I am “ok” with such things. Also – Trump supporters and antivaxxers not a monolith. Some are misguided people who are ok otherwise. Your label and conflating with abusers and rapists dehumanize those with disagreements on political issues and that makes the world more toxic. You are part of the problem and need to get offline.

      • Whatever says:

        “Ok OTHERWISE?” It feels naive to not acknowledge that some actions a person can take are so damaging and reprehensible that they just overwhelm everything else about that person. I mean, can you hear yourself saying something like, “well, sure, he murdered an innocent child, but overall he’s really a pretty good dude?” I struggle to understand why someone would defend people like this. It helps no one. Should we attempt to understand why seemingly sane people would support someone like Trump so we can effectively fight against it? Of course. But that doesn’t mean we have to support or defend them.

      • Lauren says:

        No I’m not just a black women who life/ rights are put at risk because of Trump supporters and their views . Just because you sympathize.with those people doesn’t mean I have too.

        Let’s not talk about how many people have died in this country because of antivaxxers.

      • Jaded says:

        @H — “No human being is trash”? Are you kidding us? Are you saying, for example, someone like Timothy McVeigh may have been a messed up person to blow up a building killing 168 innocent people but had some redeeming qualities? He was a soulless monster who deserved to be put to death.

        Anyone who gets behind the wheel of a car after sinking umpteen drinks, blows through a stop sign and drives on the wrong side of the road is trash, selfish, thoughtless trash.

      • MD says:

        H, cut that cloying crap. There’s some stances out there, including political, which are not a matter of preference like when you like soup or you don’t . Some stance are existentially threatening to others. Anti-vaxxers and Trump supporters are both such categories. I don’t care if a Trump supporter volunteers tot he puppy shelter. They are malevolent people, period.

  22. Cheryl G says:

    When his wife on the phone told me to hire him for PALMER little did I know how toxic he was or he would even try to hit on me, the disgusting pig. I’m an aging nearly 60 year old lesbian but I do have a drinking problem so maybe that’s the common denominator.

  23. Allison says:

    First of all, I want to say that there is no shame in admitting a problem and getting help for it. In fact, I just, myself, completed a 90 day rehab stint for alcohol. I applaud others for doing the same.

    The shame is for snobby elitists like Justin Timberlake who have been thinking they’re above the law, above consequences, above the safety of his family and others, above seeking treatment, and making shitty music to top it all off.

  24. Serena says:

    Jessica is a doormat, and Justin is in denial about more than his alcohol issue.

  25. Ladiabla says:

    He’s always been a sleaze. Never really cared for her, though I thought she did well with that series she produced, The Sinner. Now that she’s a known anti-vaxxer, I don’t care to watch anything she’s in. I don’t know what it’s gonna take for her to draw the line with Justin; maybe she’s really gonna stay with him no matter what. Her children are still young; maybe she’s trying to stick it out for them? It’s a good thing she has her work to focus on, but they’ve always seemed like very separate people to me. He seemed to embrace coupledom more with Britney tbh. Maybe they (he and Britney) were young, but I never thought him and Jessica looked like a couple in love, ever.

  26. SammiB says:

    @H agree with you 100% but sadly the commentariat here doesn’t believe in nuance :’(

    • Lauren says:

      Sorrows sorrows sorry we don’t think about the Anti-vaxxers, Rapist, Racist, Trump/Trump supporters, Child abusers, child predators, Murderers, homophobic and Drunk drivers volunteering at the Boy Scouts, hoping to serve meals at the church on Sunday while they kill and destroy lives of innocent people.

      Sorry, we see them for who they truly are and think about the victims in a big people affected by their hatred.

      Cry me a river .

  27. Beverley says:

    Xwitter is having a field day with JT. We’ve been waiting since he threw Janet Jackson under the bus. I hope they drag him up, down, and back up again. Savage him raw!

    Nope, he ain’t bringing sexy back, ever.

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