Queen Camilla wore the rarely-seen Delhi Carved Emerald Brooch to Ascot

Here are some photos of Royal Ascot Day 3 (Thursday). I actually just learned this week why King Charles avoided Day 2 and why Prince William attended Ascot on Wednesday – that was the day of the “Prince of Wales’s Stakes,” a specific race. So, that’s why Charles skipped Ascot on Wednesday but he attended Day 1, Day 3 and he’s scheduled to appear today as well. As we’ve heard, he’s trying to become a late-in-life horse enthusiast (as opposed to a long-time one-horse man). Unfortunately, the horses he inherited from his late mother are a bunch of chokers and scrubs! His horses keep losing the big races. On Thursday, his horse finished 12th. Ouch!

I’ve mentioned this before, but I have some begrudging respect for the fact that Queen Camilla is bringing out some Royal Collection jewelry which haven’t been seen for years/decades. That’s what happened on Thursday – Camilla dusted off an epic emerald brooch called the Delhi Carved Emerald Brooch. It was a gift to Queen Mary in 1911, when she visited India. It’s a hexagon-shaped emerald surrounded by round-cut diamonds. According to a jewelry expert, the brooch has rarely been worn by queens and queen consorts because it’s so heavy. It also feels like Camilla’s hats are getting bigger and bigger, right??

Zara Tindall and the Duchess of Edinburgh also attended Ascot on Thursday. I actually sort of like the floral on Sophie’s dress but I don’t get why she’s been wearing such heavy maxi dresses. Zara’s dress is just awful.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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76 Responses to “Queen Camilla wore the rarely-seen Delhi Carved Emerald Brooch to Ascot”

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  1. Proud Mary says:

    Meghan”s slanted hat at Jubilee really got them shook. Copy the model, but you will never look as good. BtW, did Sophie get fashion cues from a Mormon polygamy camp? Camilla, what an ugly woman. Inside and out.

    • rosa mermaid says:

      Camilla is looking better in the one where she is puffing out her cheeks.

      • Ronaldinhio says:

        I feel she looks refreshed

      • JanetDR says:

        Very much “refreshed”

      • Doppelgangers R'Us says:

        @Rosa Mermaid I thought that too. That picture made me think of Imogen Stubbs, and I think she needs to play Camilla in any future movies about this time. Lol

        Charles and his one horse comment up thread made me think of Richard III and the “a horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse”

    • Ella says:

      The gall. The nerve. Camilla’s kajillion dollar Indian brooch could feed millions of poor exploited children in India, if only it didn’t look like a big plastic green traffic light signal. No shame.

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        The thing is, none of the “royal grifters” see these items as being stolen. They feel they have the right to wear what was “gifted” to them. Much like how Chuckles takes in bags and suitcases of cash–freely given to him because reasons–the side chick feels she has the right to wear the brooch. It likely never occurred to the side chick that others would find her wearing such a piece offensive because she’s not offended. And you’re right, what a horrible thing to do to an emerald–both the carving of it and the person wearing it.

  2. equality says:

    None of them look happy. I guess, day 2 was hug and look happy day.

    • Interested Gawker says:


    • WithTheAmerican says:

      Seem to have exhausted themselves with that one day of “Happy Warm Royals” and Zara’s husband seems to be rubbing off on her, which isn’t good.

  3. HandforthParish says:

    I actually like all the outfits today!

    The one thing I can say in Camilla’s favour is that she has a good hat game. She’s often worn big hats, and I think she suits most styles- maybe it’s her poofy hair?

    I feel that Zara’s finally started to dress for her body shape. Has she invested in a stylist?

    That brooch is rather spectacular!

    • NuArtHistorian says:

      Intricately carved gemstones (emerald, ruby, Sapphire) was a feature of Indian Mughal jewelry. Cartier created a lot of amazing pieces with historical carved gemstones that were supplied either directly from Indian princes for their splendid pieces or bought from them.

      Check out the big emerald brooch for Marjorie Merriweather Post.

    • Agnes says:

      Yes, Zara is the only one who doesn’t look like she makes her dresses out of upholstery remnants, even when she goes floral. She must have a new stylist because lately all her clothes fit. Eugenie and Sophie could use some serious help. Camilla has A+ brooch and zip-up housedress game, and her over-sized hats take the attention off her smoker lines.

    • Josephine says:

      I think the queen side-piece is pulling out all of the jewels because she suspects that she’s going to lose access soon. I don’t think charles looks well.

    • Emme says:

      @isabella, those huge gaudy earrings the side piece is wearing do not go with the stunning emerald brooch imo. Emerald earrings would have looked far better.

  4. Tessa says:

    What’s with Camilla expressions. Was she caught sighing out of boredom.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      The Chief Royal Nag is upset that Sandringham’s Stables are letting the King down.
      You can almost hear her in some of these pictures, can’t you? “I could have run that better!”

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      Every day her lip liner drops lower and lower on her bottom lip. It’s going to be halfway down her chin next week.

  5. Today Horsilla looks like she has caught the flies and is now chewing them. Another great picture!!

  6. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Sophie must have an issue with her legs wearing 2 days in a row a too long dress? I kinda like zaras dress. Same color as my cottage bathroom tiles that I am learning to like. It came with the house.

    The brooch looks cheap from afar, really nice up close

    • ELX says:

      Varicose veins are so unpleasant.

      • Bean says:

        I have them – I’m not going to knock anyone who wears longer dresses to cover their veins. I do the same thing.

      • Louisa says:

        I have terrible spider veins on the top part of my left leg and my right ankle is a cankle so I have taken to always wearing maxi skirts and dresses! It’s annoying as I am a runner and other than the cankle have well shaped legs but I can’t show them off!

      • Nuks says:

        Yes this summer is a maxi dress year. I’m getting veins treated but it’s a longer process than expected. Thankfully long skirts are in.

    • Iolanthe says:

      Sophie looks like a tea cosy

    • Eating Popcorn says:

      Sophie just misses no matter what – that bag doesn’t go with hat or dress but also doesn’t quite contrast either.

  7. ML says:

    There’s this trend of over-lining your lips to make them appear bigger… Camz should ignore that trend in the future.

    KC might not have been on-call for the PoW race, but the interesting thing is that everyone seemed to be kissing W’s ring yesterday.

    • Libra says:

      Birthday wishes? Or celebrating something else not announced yet?

    • ELX says:

      That’s lipstick drift into the lines around her mouth. When you are older, you have to be careful to use lip liner and the right sort of lipstick so the color doesn’t spread into the lines.

  8. Lolo86lf says:

    Queen Camilla looks kind of nice in these pics I will give her that. I have red-green color vision deficiency so that brooch looks like jade not emerald to me. It is nice regardless. And yes, her hats are getting a bit huge especially that gigantic blossom on the side. I am not forgiving her for trying to alienate the king from Harry.

  9. Jais says:

    Now this is the right place to wear that kind of hat as opposed to a dday memorial. And those are some impressive jewels.

  10. Becks1 says:

    Camilla has always liked big hats (and can pull them off) so I don’t find anything super unusual about her hats this week. That one is a little poofier with the side……well, ribbon, bow, fake flower, I dont know what to call it, lol….but overall I think its a pretty typical Camilla look. And that brooch is gorgeous and shows up really well against the white.

    Zara looks nice, and Sophie would look a lot better with a few inches chopped off that skirt.

    • ElleE says:

      Her hats have saved her skin.

      I don’t care if she’s had any cosmetic work, her skin looks really good for a woman her age. I have friends that enjoy skiing, hiking and boating. sans chapeaux and they’re starting to look like Robert Redford in their early 50s.

  11. Tursitops says:

    Chucky Trips looks more every day like the royal whom Paul Reubens played on 30 Rock.

  12. Ana Maria says:

    “long time one-horse man🤣

  13. Aimee says:

    Wow, her skin looks ironed and pressed. Like it just came back from the dry cleaners.

  14. Tessa says:

    The queen studied pedigrees to get the best runners. Charles apparently can’t be bothered.

    • windyriver says:

      Didn’t Charles rush to sell TQ’s horses almost immediately after her death? Probably sold the better ones that would bring the most money. That the ones left are mediocre neatly symbolizes the mediocrity of the RF that remain post TQ, Philip, and of course, Harry.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    Sophie’s dress would have been much nicer if it was shorter. I think the person who was the happiest that the Queen died, besides Charles, was Camilla. She now gets to wear all the jewels that was prevented from wearing when the Queen was alive.

  16. TheOriginalMia says:

    That brooch is amazing. Zara looked nice. Sophie’s dress pattern is reminiscent of the one offered by Temu.

  17. Plums says:

    The MO for Sophie for years is to wear the dowdiest outfit of the bunch to hide the fact that she’s the only naturally attractive royal in that generation of the family. If she were fashionable as well as pretty, god forbid, but people may actually notice her or compliment her. Unbearable thunder stealing.

  18. Wagiman says:

    Maybe Camzilla is smuggling the crown jewels out in those big hats if the writing is on the wall!

    I actually like Zara’s dress. The colour is bland but I like the shape. Sophiesta looks shockers! Don’t force your daughter to wear that, fiesta.

  19. Brassy Rebel says:

    I like Zara’s dress too. I just don’t like Zara. She’s part of the privileged class enjoying its privilege.

  20. rosa mermaid says:

    badly put up hem on Zara’s dress.

  21. Cheshire Sass says:

    Don’t hate on me, I think they all look nice in these pics. Not my style choices but still nice. Camzilla can’t help with all the weird gawking faces, I think photographers do not like her and pick these photos on purpose which is funny! That emerald brooch is spectacular!

  22. blueberry says:

    Ah… “gifted” was it? These people have been thieves and grifters from the start.

    • Little Red says:

      No doubt “gifted” at the 1911 Delhi Durbar which George V and Mary did actually attend in person.

      • BQM says:

        It was a gift of the Ladies of India ie the various Maharanis who had plenty of jewels to go around. It commemorates the first British queen (the only) to visit India when it was part of the Empire.

  23. Digital Unicorn says:

    I don’t mind Zara’s dress, better than Sophies.

    As for Cams, she does love the big bling bling and it suits her. She is one royal who can wear those big statement pieces.

  24. Emme G. says:

    Kaiser, I truly admire your shady photo game– it’s a gift. Thank you for continuing to bring the lols with your Camilla photo choices. <3

  25. Laura says:

    Nothing about this lifestyle looks enviable . Bunch of corrupt, racist adults with the petty minds of middle schoolers.

  26. Tuesday says:

    I like Sophie’s dress and I wear long sleeves and skirts in summer. I run cold, even in the heat. I dress for my comfort. 🤷🏾‍♀️

  27. tamsin says:

    I think Camilla has always worn sombrero- sized hats. The one she wore to Meghan and Harry’s wedding was particularly big. I notice that she seemed to wear smaller hats for a couple of years, for whatever reason, but she’s back to giant hats. I think she carries them off very well, and I thought they were a sort of her trademark. She must have a large head, as she carries off the big tiaras as well.

  28. Eden75 says:

    I have no love for any of these people and Camilla really rubs me the wrong way, but I have to give her credit, she does the hat and jewelry game well. I love a good hat, and she always brings them, even if I don’t like them all. I also agree with other posters above, she does the big statement pieces well too.

  29. Lindsay says:

    As we are all aware these colonizing, grifting family members were only just lucky to have been born into great wealth and power.
    None of them have merit. Just existence.
    Watching this ambitious Rottweiler rise to the top is fascinating.
    Yet to ponder that she is admired for wearing this antique jewel 😖

  30. Allison says:

    Why do they both look like turtles poking out of their shells?

  31. MaryBeary says:

    I like Camilla’s hat! And I toowould be wearing all of the jewels all of the time. 👑

  32. NikkiK says:

    Camilla looks fabulous. She does. She looks happy, and Charles looks better than he has been looking. Doesn’t look like a man who is going to expire anytime soon that’s for sure.

  33. therese says:

    Poor Camilla. And L’Oreal makes a beautiful lipstick that won’t bleed or come off when you’re wolfing food or drink down. It’s called Infallible, goes on liquid and then dries and WON’T COME OFF. But Milla won’t listen to me. She needs a haircut, style, and needs to brush and shape those brows, exfoliate……..No disrespect to posters that think she has had a face lift: no, she hasn’t, and I’m always thinking, why haven’t you? I know the brooch is meant to be stunning, and the size and quality is impressive, but I don’t like it. But I find a parallel between the brooch and Milla: a lot of money has been put into it, and it is meant to be impressive, it just isn’t.

  34. MoonTheLoon says:

    Duchess Sofiesta looks like something out of Downton Abbey. That’s not a compliment.

  35. Shoegirl77 says:

    I absolutely adore green jewellery, and the brooch jumped out at me yesterday when I was watching the races, absolutely magnificent. Almost as magnificent as your always hilarious photo curating, Kaiser 🤣

  36. martha says:

    Camilla looks cute in that first binoculars photo! Sort of youthful.

  37. Mtl.Ex.Pat says:

    Zara always strikes me as such an arrogant b-tch. Sorry not sorry. I actually like the detailing on Camilla’s dress/blazer/whatever it is. Sophie – just no.

    • ElleE says:

      Zara appears to be a good example of arrested development. Can you imagine her mother acting the way she did at Harry’s wedding?

      Zara was mean-girling the bride (not her cousin who outranks her) with her expressions of shock at the “black parts”, knowing she was on live TV, as she has no self-control or manners and doesn’t know how to behave in church.

      Not sure if you’d call that arrogant, she’s just seems to be a tiny bit maladjusted and a weirdo.

  38. ElleE says:

    This is a beautiful emerald. I like vintage jewelry but at some point, it has to be reset or updated to be enjoyed. Anyone know if the royals ever reset jewels?

    I’ve seen nice stones in antique or pawnshops value seems to be based on the stone-which makes sense.

    Except who’s gonna wear gaudy, old grandma jewelry? And I’m not gonna buy a big vintage ring and then pay extra to have it reset – I don’t like it that much!

    At some point, the value of the jewelry has to include the wearability and ability to enjoy the jewelry, right? This family needs to update their sh!t. With a talented jewelry designer these could be absolutely killer pieces.

    • BQM says:

      Ironically queen Mary would approve of that. She frequently redid pieces including wedding presents.

      • Tessa says:

        Mary never received Wallis after she married Edward. I doubt mary would have approved of Camilla wearing jewels that belonged to her. Charles would have been given the same choice Edward had. Marry the mistress and lose the throne.