Ben Affleck: ‘I have resting hard face… I also don’t like a lot of attention’

Ben Affleck is the first guest on Kevin Hart’s Hart to Heart Season 4. That’s Hart’s interview show, which (full disclosure) I’ve never watched. I’m actually surprised that Ben would agree to this kind of interview, but the man does love to talk. No one is saying when this was recorded, but given the lack of questions about the state of his marriage, I would think it was probably recorded two months ago (easily). Ben does talk about his wife, Jennifer Lopez, but the conversation is mostly about how he deals with his wife’s fame, given that he’s so uncomfortable with paparazzi and his kids being photographed.

Explaining to Hart why he slightly preferred directing movies to acting, Affleck begins, “I’m also a little bit shy. I don’t like a lot of attention. This is why people see me and they’re like, ‘Why is this dude always mad?’ Because someone had their camera sticking in my face, and I’m like, OK, here we go.”

“You have resting bitch face,” Hart jokes.

“Bitch? Now,” Affleck responded, with mock outrage. “I have resting hard face. People are projecting onto me something that I don’t feel about myself at all….I also don’t like a lot of attention. This why people see me [and] they’re like, ‘Well, this dude always mad…’ Because somebody has their camera and sticking to my face. I don’t mind you taking my picture about a club, a premiere, whatever. My wife, I don’t give a f—. Go ahead. Knock yourself out. I don’t notice you,” he said before adding, “My children, that’s a different thing.”

As the conversation continued, Affleck remarked on the different ways fans express their affection for him and Lopez. “We went somewhere with [Jennifer]—I can’t remember because she’s so famous, and she creates this—people love her. And she really represents something important to people,” Affleck explained. “[To me,] people are like, ‘Hey, I like your movie,’ and then they’re like ‘AHHHH! J-LO!’” he shouted. “It’s amazing, you know what I mean?”

[From People & The Daily Beast]

He also told a story about forgetting about Jennifer Lopez’s crazy fame when he was with her and the kids and they were trying to walk through Times Square, and basically they were crushed by J.Lo’s fans who freaked out as soon as they saw her. In their first go-round, I often thought that Ben was jealous of the kind of attention Jennifer commands, but this time, I buy that he’s more annoyed by it than anything else.

As we discussed, Jennifer is currently on vacation in Italy without Ben. I genuinely hoped that they would spend the summer together and give their marriage one last shot, but these photos are definitely giving off “I want to be out of the country when he files for divorce” vibes. I hope Ben doesn’t file. But it’s not looking good, is it?

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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22 Responses to “Ben Affleck: ‘I have resting hard face… I also don’t like a lot of attention’”

  1. Flamingo says:

    Oh please, this is the same BS Sean Penn tried when he was married to Madonna. You don’t marry the most famous in the world. And not like attention.

    He loves to hate it. But he wants it.

    • Mcali02 says:

      Exactly. He’s messy so that is why he is always followed – Jennifer or no Jennifer.

    • Granger says:

      I mean, I guess you could argue that you love who you love, and maybe he went into the marriage thinking he could handle her fame and the immense amount of attention she gets. But then reality set in, and he realized it’s not for him. In which case — that’s pretty unfair to Jennifer Lopez. She’s never tried to hide who she is.

    • Agnes says:

      He’s a LEO! Of course he wants attention. He just doesn’t want secondhand attention reflected off JLo.

      • joey says:

        Exactly! remember the pap walks with Ana De Armas during the pandemic!? or the pap walks with Garner and Kids when he was campaigning for an Oscar or whenever the tabloids reported trouble in their marriage. this guy is cut from the same cloth of every celeb but tries to behave like its all beneath him. he’s exhausitng

    • sunny says:

      I don’t know. I think that is a bit of a simplistic argument. He might be ok with it sometimes and loath it when it is applied to his kids. And he is right they have different levels of fame. JLo is mega famous.

      I remember an interview Matt Damon did years ago where he talked about the level of his fame/being stalked and harassed when compared to Ben and Jen Garner. He was talking about how much more the press was focused on them and the level of stalking they received when both couples lived on the same street and how frustrated and miserable Ben was about it, especially when it came to his kids.

      So yeah, I get that her fame probably did attract him but also repulsed him. He may have felt better equipped to deal with it than he did in their first go around but it is looking increasingly like that he isn’t.

    • Laura says:

      Came here to comment something similar. I think he has a love hate relationship with the media. But we see dozens of celebrities stay quiet, and move about quietly, pictures here or there, but he’s in the press every other week, even before JLo.

  2. Carolnr says:

    This interview was done many MONTGS ago. Ben has a full beard here & he has been clean shaven since filming the Accountant 2.
    I do believe that Ben does not like the paps filming his children. He once said they did not sign up that. However, I think Ben likes the paps when he can control the narrative.
    I believe that JL older fans ” go bananas” but this younger generation does not know her for her music.. ( just like Justin Timerlake)

  3. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    He’s an actor. Of course he likes attention. Is he jealous of her level of fame? Or overwhelmed by it? Which ever it is, he should have accepted it before marrying her.

  4. Lilly (with the double-L) says:

    I wrote something yesterday, but it disappeared. Trying again and I think you can’t post in quick succession and that’s why it deleted? I love that he highlights the difference in what their respective fame means. She’s a Latina woman who carries more responsibility and hopes than he does. In an old interview she talked about James Olmos giving her that talk. Anyway, I’m excited for the sequel to The Accountant. I saw it in the last few months and I don’t know how I missed it. So, my point yesterday was, if I had to leave my partner behind to go on a fab holiday while they worked, that’s great. And, yes, leave him to complete the movie I’m looking forward to. Lol. I’m not good at predicting relationships, but I do wish them the best.

  5. Louisa says:

    I mean we all knew this was going to crash and burn but honestly I gave it a little longer than 2 years.

    • Mtl.Ex.Pat says:

      Exactly this. I didn’t give it MUCH more, but a little more than 2 years…

      • Whatever says:

        I thought the marriage would last at least 6 or 7 years. Crashing and burning within 3 years of getting back together and less than 2 years after getting married was not on my bingo card.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Ben shaved his beard for The Accountant 2, which began filming on March 25, and I imagine he would have shaved his beard at least a week or more before that so there aren’t any differences in skin tone on his face. So this interview was filmed before that since Ben has his beard in the interview.

    It was a good interview, but the number of commercial breaks was extremely annoying. It’s weird. It felt like they sat back down to continue and another break was had five minutes later.

  7. Brynne says:

    These guys don’t want to admit they actually do like the attention, just not when it’s not longer flattering to them. He went through Bennifer 1.0 and whined about the same media attention, he would be a massive idiot (he’s not) to not know what he signed up for in round 2. He was fine appearing in and producing JLo’s cringey movie and documentary—until it was widely made fun of.

    This is the same dude who was fine with daily paparazzi walks when he was dating Ana de Armas, he was fine appearing on her social media and they both leaned into their relationship for publicity. He’s not media-shy at all, he just can’t admit when he’s embarrassed because of his ego.

    • Rhea says:

      You made a great point – he was fine with all the media attention with Ana de Armas. It seems like a switch just goes off and boom, he’s over it. I don’t even think he knows himself well enough to know why.

  8. ohwell says:

    Ben is so exhausting.

    His depression, addiction, need for attention are all too much. J-Lo messed up marrying this guy.

  9. Jane says:

    She’d be tough to be married to but he’s not a good partner in a committed relationship. Wasn’t it Gwenneth P who said, Ben makes things hard for himself.

    Anyway he’s a self saboteur and shouldn’t blame HER fame on his issues.

  10. Carolnr says:

    Ben was quoted as saying ( on the Kevin Hart podcast) that ” he likes to talk” but then in the next breath he says ” he is shy” Most shy people I know don’t like to & don’t talk.
    The pics of JL’s ENTOURAGE( not friends) helping her get into the boat are priceless! The one guy looks like he is part of a barber quartet( hopefully, that is not her stylist, lol!) The other lady with the turban looks like her spiritualist. These people are paid handsomely & if she told them to wipe her feet, they would! JL looks ridiculous taking selfies of herself! She is a grown woman fgs!
    I can’t imagine how miserable Ben or any other man was in a relationship with her!!! Talk about HIGH MAINTENANCE!!!

  11. lily says:

    All celebrities like attention. If he didn’t like attention, he wouldn’t become an actor. He would pursue a career that let him be private.

  12. Bread and Circuses says:

    I was thinking just the other week that what he has is Resting Despair Face.

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