Kylie Jenner: ‘It’s a miracle… I can still look in the mirror & still think I’m pretty’

Out of all of the Kardashian-Jenners, I tend to give Kendall and Kylie Jenner the widest berth when it comes to how they deal with fame and celebrity. They became famous through Keeping Up with the Kardashians when they were 12 or 13 years old, before they had any concept of what they were doing, before they could really “consent” to being part of this circus. They still choose to be part of the family business as adults, to varying degrees, but I’m not surprised that Kendall and Kylie both seem to have a really f–ked up relationship with their “celebrity.” Speaking of, Kylie had some sh-t to say in this week’s episode of The Kardashians (the Hulu show) about how people still have so much sh-t to say about her appearance. Keep in mind, Kylie has been getting cosmetic work on her face and body since her teenage years.

On the June 20 episode, Kylie Jenner, 26, said to her sister, “It’s a miracle I still have confidence and can still look in the mirror and still think I’m pretty.”

The Kylie Cosmetics creator shared that after Paris Fashion Week in September, she got a lot of negative comments about her looks. She said she wanted to do a more minimal makeup look, because people tell her she wears too much, but then she’s criticized for doing too little.

“I hear nasty things about myself all the time,” she said in a confessional. “I think it’s just after 10 years of hearing about it, it just gets exhausting.” She said she’s “so numb” to people talking about her looks all the time and wonders why “the internet” thinks it’s okay.

“I went on a journey last year dissolving half of my lip filler,” Kylie continued. “I hate even having this conversation over and over and over again. It feels like it’s a waste of my breath because I think, with me, it is never going to change.”

Kendall wrapped her younger sister up in a hug, seeing how much the criticism weighed on her.

“Like, I’ve never cried about this before, but I guess it does affect me,” Kylie admitted. “People have been talking about my looks since I was 12 or 13, before I even got lip filler.”

“I think I’m a really strong and I was put in this position for a reason,” Kylie said in a confessional. “I do think of myself as a confident person… but I’m also human and there’s only so much someone can take.”

[From People]

I remember those photos of Kylie at the Gaultier show six months ago, when it was a major headline that people said Kylie looked “old” when she was doing a more natural makeup look. I do think she’s changing up her cosmetic work these days because she doesn’t want to look so “Instagram filtered in real life.” Kylie, Kim and Khloe all have that look in real life, like they’ve gotten so much done to their faces that they look permanently “filtered.” Anyway, I know people are yelling at Kylie because of the years of problematic messaging from the K-Js, but again… Kylie herself is damaged by her own family’s relationships with plastic surgery, image and fame. I find it sort of remarkable that Kylie is a somewhat functional person, because she would have been better off being raised by wolves.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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39 Responses to “Kylie Jenner: ‘It’s a miracle… I can still look in the mirror & still think I’m pretty’”

  1. Josephine says:

    Hopefully she will remember this when it comes to putting her own kids in the family business, which to me, has always been the business of humiliating yourself for fame and clicks, and using anyone that can help in that endeavor.

    She has the ability and money to step away, to protect herself, and to protect her kids. But she won’t.

    • Susie says:

      Tbf to Kylie she hasn’t shoved her kids in our face as much as the others. I don’t think I’ve seen a pic of the son since his infancy. She kept her first pregnancy completely private and her 2nd wasn’t as in our face as her siblings. Even her relationship with Timothée is very under wraps. For good or ill they are a family business. And until skims Kylie was the Gen z breadwinner with the biggest business. Kris was never gonna let her go off into privacy. And as the youngest in a big family it would be emotionally difficult for her to cut herself from that. which she would need to do if she ever wanted to get out of the family business. I feel for Kylie. She grew up idolizing her sisters while being super young when they made their deal with the devil to make it big. She’s seen some dark things. She knows no other way and she’s probably scared that leaving would cut her off from the family. Which would be emotionally difficult for anyone. It’s why I think she had kids so young. She wanted a family that didn’t need her as a business partner but just loved her.

  2. Waitwhat says:

    Kylie was actually 9 years old when the show started and her first appearance was being silly with a stripper pole in their home which immediately caused a huge conversation in pop culture. So she’s been essentially encouraged to be controversial since she was NINE. And I remember when they were teens, full grown adults would talk about how Kylie was the ugly sister and Kendall was so pretty.

    I think her cosmetic work looks awful, but I have empathy for her too. You’re right- she would have been better off being raised by wolves.

    • Susie says:

      I remember that scene. It’s one of the few episodes that stayed with me. I think people underestimate how difficult it is being the youngest kid in that family. And if you think the Kardashians have been bad for the culture imagine being on the frontlines with strong emotional ties to each of the them. Add Caitlyn transition in the public eye (with the vehicular manslaughter) must have been difficult cuz I don’t think anyone was checking in on the younger girls emotionally. She’s never had a safe space to discover who she is.

      she also became the richest one very young too. She idolized Kim but looked nothing like her. Did so much to her face to look like her made a business of that and then Kim became jealous of her. And she had to deal with the drama around her best friend and Khloés immaturity. She has a lot of money but I would never choose her life.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      People compared her looks to her sister because her f-ed up mother made her walk a runway next to her taller, more attractive sister.

  3. Neners says:

    I know it’s mean, but if pointing out how Kylie destroyed her face with excessive cosmetic procedures will get others in her generation to not follow her lead, it’s a net win.

    • Jan90067 says:

      It’s a miracle that she can recognize her*self* in that mass of repacked plastic that makes up her face/body now.

      Wonder what the kids think when they pull out “old” family pics… do they even recognize their mothers/aunts???

      How long do you think Pimp-Mama is going to wait before making “suggestions” to the grandkids??

  4. Glamarazzi says:

    I mean, she is incredibly beautiful now – can’t she just stop the procedures? Say “I got where I wanted to be, I’m good right here.” Or is it a kind of addiction that you can’t ever stop tweaking?

    • lucy2 says:

      I absolutely think it’s an addiction. Maybe a form of something like body dysmorphia, people getting hyper-fixated on their “flaws”. I think if you find the wrong doctor who is willing, if not encouraging, constant modification, and a family all doing it and pushing it on impressionable young people as well, it’s a bad combination. I feel bad for her pushed into it so young and never having the chance to mature and truly decide for herself what she wanted to do.

      At the same time, she and her entire family base their careers on appearance – it’s all “beauty” products and photographs of themselves. I wish just one of those women had said “f- it, I’m going to do something else with my life.”

    • sevenblue says:

      I think, you need to maintain fillers. They don’t stay like that forever. Other than that, she can stop in theory, but I am sure it turns into addiction especially getting old means losing influence on social media.

    • kelleybelle says:

      I think incredibly beautiful is a real stretch, considering her face barely moves when she talks.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      She’s one of those people who needed therapy, but got plastic surgery instead.

    • Thinking says:

      You can tell she’s sort of “manufactured.” She doesn’t have the natural beauty of other celebrities, who might be altered, but still had a great canvas to work with before they got the standard nose job.

      I think she’s a walking advertisement against plastic surgery whereas the naturally pretty celebs can kind of convince me why a nose job wouldn’t hurt.

      Nicole Kidman has had too much plastic something-something to her face, but you can tell she started off naturally beautiful and charismatic-looking. I don’t think plastic surgery can actually make someone incredibly beautiful unless they were born like that to begin with. It can sure make things look manufactured in the case of average looking people though.

  5. sevenblue says:

    Here is the thing: Kylie has been the victim of her upbringing and beauty standards since she was a public figure as a little girl. Now? She is the face of all of her companies, product lines. She is heavily sharing her life through social media. There is a video where she is showing her getting a shower even. These videos, photos are all edited, photoshopped. Even on their reality show, they are using video filtering. The only time we are seeing their real faces is when they go to events and get photographed by professional photographers. That is why a new discussion gets started about their looks whenever they go to events and we have a chance to see the reality.

    If she is fed up by these discussions, she can hire professional models for her promotions and enjoy her millions out of public light. Her brother did it, went away and no one is looking for him anymore. You can’t sell an idea of beauty with your ads, then get shocked when people realize even you don’t look like that in real life. She is also showing her children on social media. She is continuing the cycle with that. Keep your children away from social media and commentary of strangers.

    • NikkiK says:

      She’s a mess. That’s mostly a result of her upbringing with Kris as a mom and Caitlin as a father. Also, from an early age she clearly learned that the only value she had as a human was her looks; which is why she’l has a completely new and unnatural face and body by age 25.

      She should have spent that money on therapy and finding something worthwhile with purpose to do to increase her self-esteem. It’s beyond obvious that her self-worth and self-esteem are both in the toilet. I just feel for her biracial daughter – I can’t even imagine how messed her and her cousins are going to be. It’s sad.

      • sevenblue says:

        They are already editing their children’s photos when sharing on social media. That is very f*cked up. Imagine growing up and realizing that your mother did that to you because you weren’t cute enough for her social media page. They needed therapy before being a parent.

  6. Ameerah M says:

    I mean – she is still a human being. And I think people sometimes believe what they say on the internet about famous people exists in a bubble or somehow doesn’t count. And I’m sure it can feel quite dehumanizing to be on the other side of that. Kylie isn’t a villain though people like to portray her as one because of her family. And people who criticize her for plastic surgery seem to conveniently forget that she was being called “ugly” or not pretty pre-surgery. I remember reading comments about her way back when. So is it a surprise that a young woman who is known by millions and who was publicly called ugly for YEARS may want to change how she looks? Not really.

  7. Nicki says:

    The before/after photos of her face that are running with some of these stories are crazy. Everything is changed, nose, eyes, lips, even her hairline, and she’s so young.

    • Justjj says:

      Just imagine all the peasants out here, stuck with their original faces for their entire lives… Oh, the tragedy.

  8. kelleybelle says:

    “Like,” you should, because everything in you/on you is plastic, bought, and paid for.

  9. Lindsay says:

    This is a young woman who was a preteen/teen when her older sisters became absolutely consumed with beauty/photography/pap images.
    She watched her sisters and her mom court the press on a daily basis.
    She could hardly wait to join in, and she began with a bang. And she really went for it with things like a breast aug, lip fillers and her own ideas to court attention and press in the beauty sector.
    When we invite the public into ourselves, there will be fans AND detractors. Although I personally accept how humanity is currently enthralled with SM imaging, it’s always annoying to me when the biggest players of this game complain at the negativity of their constant, self posting lifestyle.
    Social intelligence is a thing. And it’s also a thing to take responsibility for ALL of our choices. To take the hits, not just the compliments they are constantly waiting for. These family members literally survive on feedback. It’s their fuel.
    They are constantly waiting for inevitable commentary on a 24/7 basis.
    This is their entire existence.
    I get that she’s young, but it just comes across as super dumb to complain when she isn’t JUST showered with praise and compliments 🙄

  10. Peony says:

    Some of us still remember the lies about the lips and young girls hurting themselves suctioning shot glasses to their faces .

  11. pyritedigger says:

    Didn’t she used to lie and say her over-filled lips were just make-up or her lip kits? This is what bothers me about this story. She and her family are extremely dishonest about their plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures.

    I have some sympathy for her because her family absolutely ruined her life in many ways (while also making her obscenely rich). I wonder how ‘educated’ any of these people are. I don’t think you have to go to school to be educated but like, do we think Kylie has independently educated herself? Like cracking open some history books or doing math?

    • Justjj says:

      What reasons do rich influencers or celebrities have to learn anything substantive about the world or how it works? I’m honestly asking. I don’t think any of them prioritize education.

      • pyritedigger says:

        It was more of thought exercise for me. Like I was just thinking how vapid she must be since this has been her life since she was 9, according to comments. Like what can she possibly talk about? I don’t know too much about this family aside from some main items I glean from this website. Just seems really horrible. (I bet she’s crying into her billions.)

    • Rachnz says:

      Would just like to say thanks for including that education doesn’t only happen in a university/classroom.

      Sometimes I feel the Americans (sorry but it is mainly Americans) on this site really only consider educated people as going to college.
      This is not always true and comes across elitist.

      What’s the bet now some smart-arse will come to correct my comment, my grammar…
      It’s boring.

      We CAN educate ourselves at any point WITHOUT paying a school thousands.
      Thanks for pointing this out!!

  12. Mel says:

    Everyone can be mad at me but she should have thought of all of this about FIVE faces ago. I don’t feel sorry for them. They have been pushing their distorted, surgically enhanced faces and bodies as natural for YEARS to con their younger fans into buy things like tummy teas aka laxatives, waist trainers, their clothing lines and their cosmetics. Kim who thinks she works hard had the nerve and gross lack of self-awareness to yell at women to get off their asses and work. Seriously? I’m sick of all of them and they are nothing but a blight on humanity.

  13. Justjj says:

    Wow. We are all victims of completely unrealistic and unreasonable beauty and body standards, and some people are even poor on top of that. People have a lot of animosity towards celebrities at the K-Js level because we live in a system that not only makes the rich richer, but is actively abusing, gaslighting, and outright killing the middle class, the marginalized, and the oppressed every. single. day. I understand why people are angry. Angry that someone can spend thousands of dollars altering their face for fun and then complain if anyone talks about it. It’s not the fault of the Kartrashcans there is a class war well underway that is systemically eradicating everyone who isn’t wealthy, but I think a lot of people side eye these folks wealthy for the sake of being wealthy for a LOT of perfectly valid and understandable reasons these days. I know celebrity must mess with your head on another level, but at the same time, whenever people boohoo about the public being critical or commenting on their nepo status or whatever, my main guy reaction every time is: a lot of people out here right now have real problems. She is an adult. If she is in the spotlight to the point of being mentally ill, perhaps one could step out of it until healed. I know we look at these celebs and think they’re these high functioning people, but I don’t know, it looks to me like a lot of them have a lot of help and maybe some of them need more of it. I realize there are worse things than being broke, but I totally understand the animosity leveraged at the K-Js. That said, I don’t know how *anyone* who reaches a level of fame before like 25-30 is okay… has to mess with your sense of self in the most fundamental ways before you even know who you are.

    • NikkiK says:

      It is their fault and they are a part of it. They are doing everything they can to maintain their wealth and advantage. And they are all just mind-boggling vapid and ignorant. I have no symaothy for any of them, they have all the means to do something of value and they could give two shits.

    • Mel says:

      Oh please. People like them are born on third base and think they’ve hit a home run. They admonish people for
      “Not working” while they pay slave wages. They are famous for nothing, they can’t act, they don’t write, sing, make music, they don’t play sports. They’re not teachers, drs. , lawyers, pharmacists, nothing,. They’re famous for their fake bodies, faces and Kim’s sex tape. They bring nothing to further culture or humanity. If you think fame for being nothing but vapid and self absorbed is good. Glad, it works for you.

  14. Flamingo says:

    I am just impressed her team tricked Coty into buying the overinflated price for her company.

    She’s not ugly, she isn’t beautiful either. She’s an average looking person that has used as much cosmetic surgery as she can to enhance her looks. Some of it is more obvious than others.

    While I don’t love Momager put the young girls in the show not having the consent they should have.

    But as an adult, she chose to continue to be a part of the family industry. You put yourself in the spotlight. You get the good as much as you get the bad. And she is getting Chalamet D, life is good for her.

    Or go be like Aimee Osbourne.

  15. Tangeray says:

    Well, it’s all fake. An illusion. So she might as well accept the fact that’s not what she really looked/looks like and will have to continue with fillers, botox, surgery, etc to keep up the look. –But to be honest, it may have been the lighting or filters?, but I thought she really looked lovely at the Globes this year. The makeup appeared toned down and she looked more her age and fresh faced.

  16. Serena says:

    Because she won’t admit to all the other work she got done, which is visible and looks unnatural that’s why people talk about it.

  17. sparrow1 says:

    She is the one, out of her entire family and all the other zillions of enhanced celebs, who’s changed her appearance so radically that it’s frightening. There must’ve been a significant period of personal readjustment to her new face. And as a mother. She no longer looks like the daughter she once was. At all. Surely that is really strange. Anyway her money her choice etc.

    • Liveandletlive says:

      I think Kim has done as much as she has – and even rib removal or something. Khloe too. I don’t know much about them and never seen an episode but I still know too much about them!

  18. Gisby says:

    I’m not certain why she takes these comments to heart: People aren’t criticizing her looks, they are criticizing her surgeon’s and her photo editor’s work. None of them have looked like themselves for many years, and even with the surgeries, they still photoshop all their pictures.

  19. Liveandletlive says:

    Dysfunctional upbringing but there are others who are in a lot of need, with even worse upbringings and without even 0.1% of her resources, and she continues with the trajectory of taking selfies and encouraging vacuity and destruction of the planet through overconsumption instead of using what she has know to expand her perspective.

    She looks like a wax figurine in that second photo.

  20. Veronica S. says:

    It’s the cosmetic enhancements that age her, along with the heavy makeup, IMO. I look at pictures of her as a teen and frankly feel she would’ve grown into her natural features just fine. She was a kid. She still had her baby fat. All of the kids were exploited by their mother, so I’m not sure they know how to live any other way, but I’d hope for the sake of her own, she keeps them mostly off of television.

  21. Valentina Burgos says:

    I still can’t get over Kylie bullying Selena Gomez. She’s an adult now a mom of two and she’s bullying. That says a lot about herself. As far as her looks go, well all I’m gonna say is she messed herself up. PERIOD.

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