Prince Edward is ‘relaxed’ about being known by millions as ‘Sophie’s husband’

Of all of the royal title-changes in recent years, one of the most difficult for me is Sophie, the Duchess of Edinburgh. She will always be Sophie Wessex to me, or the Countess of Wessex. I still think of Sophie and Edward as the Wessexes too, not the Edinburghs. Anyway, everything’s coming up Wessex these days. Sophie and Edward just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary and they’re the picture of grumpy domesticity. They’re relatively low-drama inside the Firm, so King Charles appreciates that. They manage their own little embiggening campaigns for themselves without throwing too many people under the bus. In many ways, they are the one of the best examples of the merits of mediocrity. Largely inoffensive, they just sort of float through life these days. As for that embiggening campaign, it was extended to the Daily Beast. Here’s an excerpt from a piece about how Sophie and Edward became “palace power players.”

Friends of the couple say the marriage is one of equals, its success fuelled by mutual support. One said: “Edward is quite reserved, slightly awkward, but Sophie is very gregarious, one of those people who can just put you at your ease. It’s a united front—they are a great double act.”

Sophie became a close confidante of Queen Elizabeth II, a bond which was highlighted by the fact that she was one of the few non-blood relations summoned to Balmoral Castle when Her Majesty was on her death bed. A friend of the late queen’s told The Daily Beast: “Elizabeth was an astute judge of character, and her endorsement of Sophie still carries a lot of weight. Sophie exemplifies the qualities she valued: duty, loyalty, service, discretion.”

Edward himself has said of his wife: “You need a really good supportive network in this and family is incredibly important. I am just very, very lucky that Sophie is a brilliant, brilliant person in her own right.”

Her background in public relations has helped make her a trusted advisor within the family, particularly during periods of crisis. Her influence has continued to grow under King Charles III’s reign, with Edward and Sophie being granted the title of Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh. It’s an incredibly significant honor as the previous holder of the title was Prince Philip.

Edward, one source said, is “relaxed” about his wife’s high profile, and being known to millions of people around the world as “Sophie’s husband.”

But friends of the family defend him heartily against suggestions of irrelevance. One, for example, previously told The Daily Beast: “He has dedicated much of his life to public service and charitable work. He has always been very clear about his role which is to support the monarchy. Previously that meant doing what his mother asked, now it means doing what his brother asks. He has always been loyal and Charles likes him enormously and is very grateful to him.”

[From The Daily Beast]

I’m laughing my ass off at “being known to millions of people around the world as ‘Sophie’s husband.’” Oh, honey. Millions of people do not know you as anything and your wife is not a Diana-like figure with an enormous international profile. The average person on the streets of LONDON would struggle to pick Sophie out of a lineup, much less her husband. As for Sophie and Edward’s hustle for position within the family… the Wessex-Edinburghs need the monarch’s blessing, support and money to continue to live in the way they do, with security and the enormous Bagshot Park mansion. That’s why Sophie has made such a point of cozying up to Camilla and William.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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17 Responses to “Prince Edward is ‘relaxed’ about being known by millions as ‘Sophie’s husband’”

  1. Tessa says:

    Now a saint Sophie article trying to make her happen

    • ML says:

      Saint Sophie dictated this article if she didn’t write it herself.

    • Lau says:

      It wouldn’t be the first (or the last), Sophie is very good at working her press connections. Also she’s perfectly capable of throwing people under the bus, didn’t she throw Meghan under the bus when there were articles about her being relieved to have been made a duchess because it meant she didn’t have to curtsy to Meghan anymore ? Sophie is just as capable as the rest of the family and she has better PR skills.

  2. MaryContrary says:

    She’s brilliant at self preservation, I’ll give her that. But yeah, she’s not Diana, and people are not clamoring for her. It’s nice that her husband thinks that she’s all that 😉

  3. equality says:

    How stupid. Of the people who actually know who she is, it’s because of who he is. If Sophie were all that, she could have made it in private enterprise and wouldn’t now be a “working” royal. And give me a break with the queen valuing certain qualities. Make that jibe with her employment and friendship with Angela Kelly.

    • Mayp says:

      “And give me a break with the queen valuing certain qualities. Make that jibe with her employment and friendship with Angela Kelly.” 🎯

  4. Wagiman says:

    Devoted his life to public service and charity work? Does he have a choice? It’s his actual paid job and keeps him living a life of luxury in a 50 room or whatever mansion on vast estate. These people piling more manure on top of existing manure… Ridiculous. Sure, grumpy, germophobe, well-known snob Eddie and his dull obnoxious wife are caring /sharing and just like everyone else.

    Like that stupid bucket and spade holiday comment yesterday. Bucket and spade in the UK actually means a beach in the Caribbean 🙄🙄 that’s where they holiday.

    • Thena says:

      Edward did try to make a career out of producing television, but his company lost more money than it earned, so he had no choice but to come back to The Firm.

      • Wagiman says:

        I know.. Sophie’s business was a failure. Plus the fake sheik debacle.. I was aware of all that at the time. I’ll never forget the absurdity of its a royal knock out.

        I fly into a rage at the lying liars who lie pretending they’re just like everyone and devoted to charity work. No, they’re not. They fly private planes and helicopters and do bugger all other than the bare Min to keep the money flowing. Notice they don’t mention the size of bagshot.

  5. Anna says:

    Millions😂I only know of Sophie from here, and even then, I get her confused with Zara

  6. Miranda says:

    My husband knows him as “damn, William is looking extra rough”. I’ve had to point out the difference a few times. 🤣

    I would wager that most people outside the UK aren’t even aware that QEII had 3 sons.

  7. CatJ says:

    In the top picture, it looks like her head is off centre of the hat…. really strange…

  8. upstatediva says:

    Back in time, I used to kinda follow Sophie on her charitable trips to various places — one of the only royals of that generation that you would see out and about internationally. One of the funniest things when Meghan came on was the sheer number of people I would see on royal gossip sites who had NO IDEA that QEII even had a fourth kid (Edward), much less who was Sophie (cousin? niece? who?). Obviously, with the ‘slimmed down monarchy’, she’s more prominent — BUT I snort-laughed at this article. Some days it is hard to distinguish Wills, Edward, and the Duke of Kent. (them Windsor genes!!!). Nice work, Sophie. You better get it all out now before Wimbledon, sis.

  9. Mayp says:

    Sophie who?

  10. Oh come on. says:

    I doubt anyone but royal watchers even knows who Sophie is.

  11. Nerd says:

    There is nothing about Sophie to put people at ease. This is the same woman who during Diana’s time was copying her for attention while directing steely eyed stares at her, just as she has started to directed them at Diana’s DIL, Meghan. The worst part is that she always chooses to reveal her evil and spiteful ways during events in a church. This is the woman who had her own controversies by bad mouthing the royal family and trying to make money off of that connection to them. She and Edward are there because they both failed at their PR adventures and couldn’t cut it out in the real world. Most people in the UK and world have no idea who either of them are, which is probably why they hand out photos of themselves when they visit commonwealth countries.

  12. Well-Wisher says:

    Amateurism and mediocrity is all that is needed; where PR is prevalent and the reliance of Sledgehammer Journalism is all that is necessary for unmerited position(s).

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