Eden: If the Sussexes want to come back, they should do it while Charles is alive!

The Princess of Wales has been outside and everyone got photos of her and we all know that she seems to be doing well enough to attend Trooping the Colour. Given the six months of shenanigans, chaos, frankenphotos and lies, you would think that Kate’s Trooping appearance would sustain the royalist media for a full month. I’ve been astonished to see what a short half-life Kate’s reappearance has had though. Not even one full week later, Richard Eden at the Daily Mail was already back to talking about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The conversation was mind-numbing and hilarious in equal parts. Eden is trying to “warn” the Sussexes that they need to come back soon, before King Charles dies, but he’s also trying to say that they’re completely irrelevant and no one wants them. I guess the Mail’s readers still believe this sh-t, four and a half years later.

Speaking on the Mail+’s weekly talk show, Richard Eden, the Diary Editor of the Daily Mail, claimed that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are now ‘not wanted’ by the royal family. In particular for Charles’s youngest son, 39, ‘time is running out to come back while his father is still King’. Before Harry and Meghan made their move to the US in 2020, Richard said Harry was always ‘central’ to royal plans.

‘We saw that at Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012 where it was just Harry and his brother, Camilla and Charles and of course, the queen,’ he explained. ‘Charles thought that when Harry had a family, they would be carrying out engagements and sharing those duties with William so, I think time is running out. If Harry wants to come back at any stage, he needs to do it while his father is still King.’

The Diary editor added that the Prince of Wales would be far more reluctant to allow Harry back into the family, should he try, than their father.

‘I really think that when Prince William is King, I can’t see him letting Harry come back and have a role again,’ he stressed. ‘They are irrelevant now, they are just not wanted as part of the monarchy. Maybe there could be some radical change but it’s hard to see.’

Richard explained that the awkward [ARO jam] overshadowing was a result of their ‘marketing campaign’ where the former actress sent out goods to friends and influencers to post but ‘you never know when they’re going to post so it’s completely out of your control’.

‘It’s very embarrassing when it’s just before Catherine’s reappearance at Trooping Colour, it can look very pointed,’ the expert said. Rebecca English, Royal Editor at the Daily Mail, added the the jam incident was ‘clumsy’ but explained by the fact that the lines of communication between the Sussex’ and working royals is ‘not existent’.

‘People don’t tell them things because they don’t trust them,’ she claimed. ‘It just shows how wise Queen Elizabeth was in having a half in, half out job.’

[From The Daily Mail]

This is all getting to be such a broken record, so I’m just going to amuse myself here.

British media: You’re irrelevant, no one wants you anymore!
The Sussexes: Cool, we’ve been living in California for more than four years and we don’t care.
BM: You better make peace with the royals and come back!
The Sussexes: But I thought you just said…
BM: When Charles dies, which will be happening very soon, King William won’t even speak to you!
The Sussexes: OMG, what did you say about Charles??
BM: William talks about how much he hates you all the time!
The Sussexes:….
BM: Please come back. We hate you. Come back, you’re so irrelevant, come back! You need us! You’re nothing without us! Please pay attention to us!
The Sussexes: *laughs in the mansion with eleventy million bathrooms*

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32 Responses to “Eden: If the Sussexes want to come back, they should do it while Charles is alive!”

  1. TN Democrat says:

    Harry and Meghan are never coming back. Will-not and keen are on their own and have lost their access to their scapegoats. The rota are going to go broke covering lazy/lazier and declining senior citizens.

  2. Neeve says:

    As bad as Charles is I think William is even more cruel,and if this was another time in history Harry would have been in a dungeon wearing an iron mask somewhere.May the Sussexes never return to that madness.

    • Zoid says:

      Fully agree. William is why I personally would have run for the hills. Will was dying to have full financial control over the Sussexes. He would’ve made them dance for their living, their home (probably would’ve forced them out of Frogmore) and sold their children to the rota. On top of that, they would’ve been the media scapegoat for life and their work stolen to credit him and Kate. What a living nightmare.

  3. sevenblue says:

    I really wish Harry writing a short memoir maybe after 10 years leaving the cult. It fascinates me reading about how people who left a cult navigate their new world. It was very interesting to read on Spare that Harry didn’t have bank account, credit card to his name, etc. He is literally starting his adult life in his late 30’s.

  4. Laura D says:

    Do these people even talk to one another? In one article we have Quinn telling us KCIII will be making a “descreet” visit to see Harry and his family in “Overseas.” Now we have Maureen telling us H&M better get over here before the king dies! Which story is true and which is click bait?

    And for pity’s sake do they know how ridiculous they all sound when they’re telling us in all seriousness that a pot of frigging jam overshadowed the re-appearance of Kate? SMH.

  5. GMH says:

    Actually, William wants to be cruel but is so irrelevant himself as well as hapless and lazy he has zero ability to be cruel. Poor tabs have to dream this stuff, fantastical as it all is, because they need click bait and have run out of ideas.

    • Zoid says:

      The worst he can do is threaten to not allow Harry to come to Charles’ funeral and his own coronation. Maybe stripping titles. But from there, his power is nil. The rota will still go on and on about it though.

      • Angied says:

        It’s not easy to strip titles. What would be the reason? Calling Harry treasonous would have to be the reason. Getting Parliament which will probably be an incoming Labor government to do this would be next to impossible. A former war veteran and Patron of one of the biggest organizations that help wounded veterans. No one wants that heat. Also, the first people of color to have titles in the Royal Family stripped of their titles in a multicultural UK would be a disaster for the Royal family. You would have to strip anyone that’s not a working royal of theirs. There is no justification for them to do this. People really need to stop believing the tabloids. They don’t tell the truth as to how difficult this would be.

  6. Eurydice says:

    Like Eliza Doolittle said – “England still will be there without you…” Even after Charles, Harry will visit the UK when he needs or wants to and there’s nothing William can do about it.

  7. Jais says:

    It’s as if it’s really dawning on them that if Charles goes any hope of seeing the Sussexes goes with him. Not sure there’s any hope even with Charles around. Oh well.

  8. They are never ever coming back. You wanted them gone and they are gone. Stop the nonsense.

  9. Libra says:

    I clearly recall all the horrid comments made in the DM years ago; “go home, we hate you, you’re not wanted here, divorce her Harry, Now what I read is, why does she not bother to visit and wave at us? What about the children? She can’t deny us pictures!! If she comes back we will boo her and the royals will shun her. Why isn’t she coming back”?Can they not see how crazy this is? They have left the building.

  10. Mel says:

    Harry has said on multiple occasions, using his whole chest that he ain’t coming back. They need to stop, but since this is how these hyenas make their money….

  11. Amy Bee says:

    If Harry and Meghan were reaĺly irrelevant Eden wouldn’t be begging for them to return to the UK. The reality is the left behinds are boring and he needs Harry and Meghan so that he can make some money. Kate didn’t break the internet so it’s back to focusing on Harry and Meghan.

    • Julia says:

      Exactly, people have already moved on from Kate’s ‘big return’. William can only get attention when he attaches himself to a famous celebrity (world leaders don’t seem that interested in him despite the ‘global statesman’ hype.) So it’s back to obsessing about the Sussexes.

  12. Wagiman says:

    So this is the second article today where it’s explicitly stated Harry was central to the future of the monarchy. Don’t ever remember Charles siblings discussed that way?

    Those aren’t breadcrumbs they’re 200ft long subs. With all the filling.

  13. Carol says:

    What “wise” half in, half out??? The one that was refused as an option before the meeting to discuss it was even started??
    They’re giving credit to the Queen for something she never actually offered?? Place that “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills” gif here.
    These experts traffic in half baked fairy tales and outright lies. They’re constantly contradicting themselves and gaslighting an entire nation! It’s insane. How are they able to get away with this as a *profession*.

    • Wagiman says:

      I think there’s a ‘not’ missing. Wise not to have… Etc

      • Carol says:

        Ah, thanks! I reread it 4 times and thought wth.

        Still, the ROTA really need to coordinate their attacks. They contradict each other daily.

    • equality says:

      H&M weren’t allowed it but some of QE’s cousins and Bea and Eugenie are basically half-in.

    • IFoxi says:

      That flipped me out also. But it does make more sense if they forgot “not”. Except that the way media tries to make all of H&M’s events count as “royal engagements” it seems like the press does think they’re half in. Absolutely maddening. So much lying. I really miss journalistic integrity 🙁

  14. Hypocrisy says:

    If the Sussex’s were ever to return to that family and give Peggy or Chuck any control over their lives and finances again, I would question their sanity. Survival for the Sussex’s means staying as far away as possible.

  15. seaflower says:

    Narrator: “But in fact Harry very much never wants to come back”

  16. Ace says:

    This sounds as if they know Chuck doesn’t have that long to get photos with his Sussex grandchildren he can feed the press.

  17. Steph says:

    H&M leaving and thriving has really damaged the brand of Monarchy hasn’t it? It’s at the point that it looks like the Monarchy could die due to apathy and a lack of an heir. Why would why woman going fwd marry into that institution?

  18. bisynaptic says:

    “It just shows how wise Queen Elizabeth was in having a half in, half out job.”
    — LOL she did, indeed. Don’t tell the peasants!

  19. Moniquep says:

    Hey Eden, is it WEDNESDAY yet? Because we are all waiting anxiously and with bated breathe for you to shut the f.., I mean hell up about the supposed irrelevant H&M!!

    Harry’s 5 words from the Stephen Colbert interview: Freedom! Peace! Happiness! Space! Love!!!

    60 Minute interview question: Is there a chance of you returning to be a working…

    Harry: NO!
    Subtext: Not a chance, no way Jose, a snowball’s chance in hell, hell to the no!
    Noooooottt! Buhbye!

    Could he make himself any clearer?

  20. equality says:

    So come back while Charles is king so that when Will is king he can kick you out again?

  21. Murphy says:


  22. Kim says:

    Richard Eden should be investigated for his obsession with The Sussexes. While he has never spoken directly with them, he acts as if he is a member of their household and pretends to know every step they take. Why do so many British journalists act as if they personally know The Sussexes and attempt to dictate their life activities?

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