Prince William’s birthday briefing to Richard Kay was all about Prince Harry

Prince William turned 42 years old last Friday. It felt like it wasn’t a traditional “royal birthday,” in that Kensington Palace didn’t brief multiple reporters about William’s keen plans to be a global statesman and how he’s incandescent with rage over all things Sussex. Well, there was ONE briefing. It’s an interesting one at that. It comes from Richard Kay at the Daily Mail, someone known to have deep sources in KP and, oddly enough, Buckingham Palace. Kay’s piece plays a dangerous game, going overboard with William’s talking points about Prince Harry and William’s estrangement and Huevo’s “year from hell,” but there’s a ton of subtext in the piece about how KP is still putting out janky edited photos and the Waleses are stupidly obsessed with never telling the truth and a lot more. I mean, the biggest headline is that William is still whining endlessly about the Sussexes. Now that Kate has “come back,” it’s back to regularly scheduled programming, it seems. Some highlights:

The weird (edited) photo released for William’s birthday: Observers will be searching for clues ­everywhere, from where precisely it was taken to its composition. But the central message would seem to ­suggest a much simpler one: after the year from hell for our most photogenic royals, things seem to be getting better.

William is still handsome?? It can be said with some certainty that the mood in the family home ­yesterday was cheerful. Even so, when William peered into his shaving mirror, he will have seen a face that has noticeably aged in the past 12 months. Still handsome, but the ­reflection will show a profile which is a ­little thinner and the lines a touch deeper.

Infuriated by the speculation about Kate’s health: At times this year he has been infuriated by the global social media firestorm surrounding his wife’s health. Her long absence from the royal front line triggered multiple ­conspiracy theories about her well-being and her whereabouts. She was subjected to a barrage of trolling that has been both ­upsetting and offensive. The prince responded with anger and frustration. ‘In a way that has been quite a useful foil,’ says one of his circle. ‘It has added to his resilience, which he has always possessed, and I think it is fair to say it has helped him cope.’

William expected Harry to run back to deal with Kate & Charles’s cancer battles: If ever William has needed the support of a brother who was once seen as vitally important to the running of the monarchy, it has been this year. But for all the honeyed words of so-called friends that Harry is ­prepared to do his bit at a time of royal crisis, that ship has surely sailed. While the King hankers for the day when he can see his Sussex grandchildren without the ­rancour that seems permanently to ­surround relations with his ­California-based son, William has, as a friend says, ‘turned the page’ on that chapter of his life. ‘Whatever might happen in the future, the trust that was implicit in his relationship with Harry is gone for good,’ they say. ‘Even if it is possible that some kind of ­managed reconciliation could be achieved, it will be never anything more than superficial.’

Charles & William’s relationship: The temper tantrums that once marked their relationship have passed. Like his father, William has a short fuse but one, ­according to friends, that is ‘getting longer’. As for the King, he is grateful that he and William have been drawn closer. ‘They don’t talk about the past and Charles feels lucky that the two of them can talk about ‘the job’,’ says one old friend. ‘The illnesses have increased the bond between them, but there is also greater tolerance between the two men.’ This closeness has also given William an appreciation that has not always been evident for his stepmother, Queen Camilla, and the vital part she plays in his father’s life. She not only supports him as he fulfils his duties but keeps him cheerful.

Charles’s worries over an angry egg: Charles still worries about his son’s custody of the Duchy of Cornwall, the land and property estate from which ­William derives his income. It is, along with the Prince’s Trust, Charles’ most obvious legacy — and a highly profitable one too. When he was running the duchy, Charles was recognised as a man of the land, with not just an ­abiding love for the countryside but a deep knowledge of rural issues too, from a familiarity with rare breeds of cattle and lambing to hedge-laying and the ­maintenance of dry-stone walls. With so much on his plate, it is hardly surprising that William has yet to find the time to develop the philosophical zeal for the duchy that his father exhibited over the decades.

William is so lazy: The King would also like his son to take on some patronages in the world of the arts and culture, but there is a general agreement that such unresolved matters can be put to one side while Kate’s health remains the number one consideration.

William wants Royal Lodge: It has led to speculation that it is William who is pushing his father to evict the Duke of York from Royal Lodge, so the Waleses could move in. But, as a friend of the couple noted, taking on Royal Lodge would mean a ­transformation in the way they lead their lives. One of the main reasons why the couple are so content at Adelaide Cottage, their current home in Windsor Great Park, is because it is a family house and there are no live-in staff. Moving into the vast Royal Lodge would mean having to accommodate domestic staff, something they have long resisted.

[From The Daily Mail]

If you think Will and Kate clean their multiple homes and take out the garbage and trim their own hedges, boy, do I have news for you. They have tons of domestic staff, the staffers just don’t live-in. W&K don’t want any additional witnesses to their very weird domestic set-up, nor do they want prying eyes into what has been happening in their marriage for years. The stuff about Charles’s disappointment that William is so dull, useless, incurious and uneducated is certainly fascinating too. William’s not going to take on any more patronages unless it’s some kind of diss to Harry. Speaking of, the whole Harry section is so utterly bizarre. It’s like… William is truly mad that Harry didn’t rush back to take care of Kate?? Or take care of Poor William? “But for all the honeyed words of so-called friends that Harry is ­prepared to do his bit at a time of royal crisis, that ship has surely sailed.” Harry never said any of that, it was made up by British tabloids. And I love the fact that the Sussexes just blanked on W&K entirely for months. That’s the healthiest choice, especially when the heir is still stomping his feet and punching walls about “why doesn’t Harry come back when Charles has cancer??”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Kensington Palace.

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68 Responses to “Prince William’s birthday briefing to Richard Kay was all about Prince Harry”

  1. Ariel says:

    I just can’t.
    White men with everything – money, success (okay that’s a stretch)
    , kids, adoration/attention…
    And the relentless unhappiness and snark. Jealous of a man he’s abused and punished and exiled.
    And can’t seem to ever get past it- not one article ever sanctioned by him ever fails to mention the hate for harry.

    It just has become sad and kind of pathetic.
    Get some therapy!! It could help.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      It really is shocking that Huevo and Chuckles (and the entire establishment including the British media) can’t get over it. MOVE ON!!!

      Harry has been gone for YEARS now and they’re still a) acting as if he did it to spite them instead of to ensure the survival of his family and b) admitting over and over again how incompetent they are at their jobs and that Harry was the one keeping that shitshow together. It’s bonkers.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      All the therapy in the world won’t help him – there are just some people that can’t be helped or are unwilling/unable to change their behaviours, he is one of them.

    • Magdalena says:

      I’m of the opinion that while Harry, as the spare, was badly neglected, the powers that be DID in fact arrange for William to see therapists/counsellors (throughout his childhood and) after Diana died. I suspect that a huge part of William’s anger at H is that he blew off “therapy” as something ridiculous, only to see his younger brother finally get an opportunity to seek, receive and benefit from therapy and thrive in all aspects of his subsequent life as a result.

      • Krista says:

        Funny, going to therapy seems to be the only part of Harry’s life that William hasn’t or doesn’t want to copy.

    • Jane says:

      He will forever be the brother who’s totally jealous of Prince Harry. Peg has no redeeming value when it comes to his relationship with the Sussexes . Not a good brother at all.

  2. jazzbaby1 says:

    Harry did come back, twice. His father gave him 45 minutes the first time and was too busy the second.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Right?! And he came back recently for the Invictus church service, which every royal chose to boycott while briefing to the press about how much they hate Harry. And even if he hadn’t ever actually returned to the UK, why would he when all Huevo, Chuckles, and Camzilla do is rage to the rota rats about how much they despise Meghan or want to punish Harry. Every single article contains some threat or insult to the Sussexes. Why would Harry want to come back for that?

  3. Tessa says:

    He sounds so petulant and self centered. He lost his looks well before last year. Charles does not want to see the Sussex, children. I doubt charles and harry are close especially when William talks about when he’s king.

    • Tessa says:

      Edit I doubt William and Charles are close

    • Hypocrisy says:

      The Oprah interview, Harry and Meghan Docuseries and Spare are obviously still daily topics for WanK and the fact that they are still screaming about it to their propaganda team 18+ months afterwards is very unhinged and imo psychotic. The Sussex’s have moved on and their silence about the left overs after documenting the truth is truly highlighting just how embiggened WanK are.. they were handed pr gold (sucks it came with a mystery illness or facelift whatever she had) and they chose to focus on the hate campaign and destroy any good will they might have garnered.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        The “William furious over speculation over Kate’s health” is sending me.

        Translation: he’s mad as a hornet that the public has his number and held him responsible for her disappearance, given what we’ve already seen/heard from the rota about the DV situation (rota writing articles well prior to Dec 2023 about how WanK fight regularly and throw things at each other).

  4. equality says:

    “With so much on his plate”, PW can’t show an interest in the duchy? Millions of people in the world with cancer who are working themselves, let alone their spouse with cancer and they still have to work, but PW can’t pretend “work” because Kate supposedly has cancer? He can certainly find time for concerts, award shows with celebs and sporting events. Betting now that the short amount of time that KC gave to PH was to get him to come back and leave M, A & L in CA to “work” for the RF while they are supposedly too sick/caregiving to work.

    • Theresa says:

      My husband has brain and lung cancer and I am his caregiver…as well as taking care of his 95 year old father…I work a full time job and these POSs can’t do anything? Please…admit it, you are lazy and don’t want to do anything except collect all the money the British people give them

      • Pajala says:

        @Theresa, you are a hero and role model because of your strength and dedication. Thinking of you.

  5. Tessa says:

    I don’t think huevo appreciates Camilla nor does she appreciate him

  6. Jas says:

    They need to pick a lane. We’ve just had a whole lot of stories about how William and Kate wouldn’t meet Harry if he came to the UK, so he’d better not even try to see them.
    And now it’s Harry should have come home to support everyone in their time of need.
    Are these mixed messages coming from KP, or are the media just making up a different story for each day of the week?

    • Darlington says:

      This, and so much more. They act as if everyone has been in a years-long coma and not witnessed all the other narratives and action (or inaction) BP, KP, et al., have been engaged in. Sometimes there are dual portrayals within hours of each other, each spinning a wildly different take on the central theme. It’s insulting, infuriating, and sort of hilarious. Most importantly, as mentioned, this no longer gets the sort of play it did during the early days, especially internationally. H&M get on with life and never mention any royal drama; meanwhile, the other side continues to have a one-sided argument and live a stilted life based on voices in their heads and dreams of how it “should” be. The British monarchy have been around for over 1200 years, way to go out with a whimper.

  7. Chica says:

    Don’t think that pic is fooling anyone except Wills

  8. Yes the lies they tell and the cobbled photos. Harry still lives in Pegs enormous head 24/7. It will never change except for know there are more people who are actually seeing what they are about.

  9. Moondust says:

    William is resilient? And he turned the page? I need to check my dictionary. I still see him as petty and holding grudges for ages. No wonder he’s a fan of Taylor swift.

  10. Jais says:

    Do they believe what they read in the tabloids fr? Scary. In spare, when Harry recounts the fight that led to William physically laying hands on him, William was quoting all the tabloid details about why Meghan was so terrible. In this case though, idk if William actually thought Harry would return to help or he just didn’t like the narrative that Harry was willing to help. Maybe he thought it made Harry look good so he wants to make it known it’s not true. That harry definitely did not offer to help. Bc otherwise, it makes no sense when he’s been advertising that he doesn’t want Harry to even step foot in the country.

    • Becks1 says:

      Yes, I think they do believe a lot of what they read in the tabloids, which is part of the toxic cycle since so much of what is in there was planted by others in the royal sphere, or its the press trying to send a message to the royals.

      So when they talk about Kate being the savior of the monarchy, the press knows William will read it and likely become enraged.

      • Jais says:

        It’s a bizarre cycle. The press sending them messages makes sense and then sending each other messages through the press. And yet they’re also the ones feeding the narratives so they’re reading the stories that they themselves created and then what? Believing them even more? Not sure what I’m saying is making sense😂

      • Eurydice says:

        But becoming enraged is good for him – it’s a coping mechanism and helps build up his resilience.

    • Laura D says:

      @Jais – I do think they believe what they read in the papers as they seem to use it as a means of communicating with each other. They plant stories when they’re annoyed with each other and IMHO it’s why I believe they believe what’s been written about them. In Spare Harry talks about how Kate was surprised that Meghan had cooked them chicken as she thought she was a vegetarian. Harry hadn’t told her Meghan’s dietary preferences but, around about that time there was all sorts of nonsense in the tabloids about the hypocrisy of Meghan wearing leather because she was a “vegetarian.” Harry also talked about how during the Sandringham summit William and Charles were telling him about what he and/or Meghan (I can’t remember who) had said/done and it had all come from the tabloids.

      Where it’s all gone wrong for the RR is that it’s quite clear to everyone (apart from the most rabid members amongst them;) H&M do not engage in this kind of crape and stopped responding a long time ago. William (and his father for that matter) would be much better off picking up the phone to air his grievances with his brother like any normal adult.

      • Jais says:

        Oh yeah interesting detail about Kate being surprised about the chicken. Makes sense if all she knew about Meghan was through the tabs. It’s more that KP was clearly leaking about how terrible Meghan was. The whole tatler article about me-gain. So then William reads something that was clearly planted by his staff and it makes him more certain that Meghan is horrible. Like that makes no sense. He’s citing evidence that his staff planted! Although at the end of the day, William probably already thought that as soon as Meghan didn’t flatter him or appear impressed by him. It’s wild how the biggest relationship of these peoples lives is the one with the tabloids. Toxic mess. At the very least, they should stop reading them. But nope, it’s how they start their day.

      • Laura D says:

        @Jais – remember at that time it was a out and out war on Meghan. William, Kate, Ma Middleton, Camilla (with the permission of KCIII) all had a hand in planting the outrageous stories about her. Then if we throw into the mix Andrew needing a distraction from his vile headlines, William didn’t need to cite his sources.

  11. Afken says:

    Yes, the implicit trust between the brothers was so great that William told him he had proposed to Kate and Harry didn’t have to find out from the press… oh wait.

    Harry has a family and two little kids. They idea that he would abandon them and come back to “help out” William and Charles as if they both don’t have staff and other family to do so.

    And no, William is not handsome. He hasn’t been since like 2007.

    • Chrissy says:

      Not to mention that Harry has a real job(s), obligations and a family of his own that take presidence over his whining backstabbing relatives across the pond!

  12. SussexWatcher says:

    Soooo much delusion. Huevo is one of the most photogenic family members?! The mirror shows Huevo’s handsome face?! He has resilience? And a temper fuse that’s getting longer as he gets older? He hasn’t had time in 40+ years to learn about the Duchy of Cornwall duties and expectations, as if it came as a surprise?!

    The only thing I do believe from that pile of steaming Camzilla manure is that he’s peeved and highly upset that Harry escaped his clutches and he’ll have to be king all alone. They really did expect Harry to do all of the king-ing work while Willy pruned rose bushes and just showed up for the dress up events in his chocolate medals. It’s hilarious that they announce time after time just how incompetent, unserious, and ill-prepared the king-in-waiting is.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Kate and the kids are the most photogenic of the royal family just because the bar is in hell. I did notice that even this butt kissing hack couldn’t get himself to directly state that William was photogenic.

  13. Neeve says:

    How do you have a hotline to the british press and have been foiled from leaking any more about your brother and wife but YOU are the one with trust issues? Lol

    • Jais says:

      Right? William broke the trust when he started playing tabloid games. And that was well before Harry and Meghan ever left the uk. William crying about lost trust has always been a massive eye roll.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    I’m very surprised that William (and Charles) expected Harry to drop everything and return to the Royal fold. Perhaps I shouldn’t be given this is what the press was calling for when the news was announced. But it’s clear now why Harry’s meeting with Charles ended so soon after he arrived.

    • s808 says:

      Yeah I was not buying it when people said C asked H to come back but based on this it may not have been far off….

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      This. And I’d like to add that, Harry being Harry, I’m sure he probably would like to help in case of a royal crisis. He’s a nice guy, after all. But why are they suddenly admitting that Kate and KCIII’s cancer are crises? I thought everything was going great behind the scenes with the RF over the past six months, blah blah blah chocolate blah blah blah shopping blah blah blah swimming. Also, it’s interesting that Kay admits that whatever is happening with all of these people has been happening for a year. When was the Earthshot benching of Kate? That was last summer, right? And when did Willie go to the UN on his own? Also summer of 2023, yes? My timeline for whatever is going on with Kate starts with all that weirdness, and I believe that being outed as the royal racist in December only exacerbated whatever was happening behind the scenes.

    • Jais says:

      If it happened that way, I’d love to know the terms. Charles and William honestly thinking that Harry was dying to come back to royal life is hilarious. And kind of insane. Was Charles like you’ll have to stay for the next 6 months😂🙄😂. And Harry was like yeah no I have multiple jobs and a wife and kids so that’s a no. That’s a hell no, pa.

  15. Liz says:

    The more I read I see why those aristo girls were right to turn William down. And who’d want to cosy up to Camilla – she’s the biggest viper in the nest.

    Everything Harry said in Spare was spot on. And I imagine what he left out was even more revealing about the weird dynamics at play in the rf.

  16. jasmin says:

    I’m always fascinated by Richard Kay’s articles because he always reveals more than expected and I can’t tell if it’s intentional or not. Like in this specific piece, he’s making it known that William really really cares about his physical looks.

    • Liz says:

      Maybe he has a new filly to impress

    • Nic919 says:

      Kay was the one who sparked the Rose affair discussion in his attempt to clear the record between the rural rivals.

    • Princessk says:

      Richard Kay is very interesting. He was Diana’s confidante back in the day.
      I was surprised when he started writing unpleasant articles about the Sussexes but I suspect he has to produce articles to editorial order and this is one of them, plus he still wants to keep his insider contacts.
      I don’t think Kay thinks much of William and Kate at all.

  17. JT says:

    The royals and the BM are backsliding to the Sussexes because Kate’s return did not go how they expected. Kate at trooping didn’t “break the internet” like they thought. Sure, they had some interest but it wasn’t the Wiglet Christ Superstar moment that they were expecting. William and the kids just got a selfie with Taylor Swift and guess who is also on the front page of the DM? Meg.

  18. Em says:

    I’m so happy the horse teeth escaped Harry and his kids

  19. Miss Scarlett says:

    I don’t understand why William hasn’t been preparing to take over the Duchy his whole life. Why didn’t Charles make William learn these things 30 years ago? Was Charles really that hands off and just let William run amok?

    I continue to be shocked and horrified at William’s sheer lack of preparation for absolutely anything. He doesn’t speak Welsh. He doesn’t speak any other languages. He knows the bare minimum about the Duchy, except that it gives him an enormous income.

    William is absolutely average in the worst possible ways, when he has had every opportunity to be extraordinary.

    • Unblinkered says:

      I’d suggest the reason W hasn’t been more involved in the Duchy of Cornwall’s work is bc, come 22yts of age and, leaving university he was already firmly in the clutches of the Middletons. He’s weak and a waste of space, so the Middleton association was the worst possible entree into adult royal life.
      No wonder The Queen and the Duke were so concerned about the situation.
      This article by Richard Kay is another attempt to enbiggen W, with most of the ‘facts’ the polar opposite of the actual truth. I wonder what percentage of his readers take it as gospel, and how many laugh out loud…..

    • Tina says:

      He should have been preparing his whole life for this. Yes QEII lived a long life but she could have easily passed away at a younger age and William always knew he would be the Prince of Wales and inherit the Duchy. He should know everything about the Duchy already. I have a friend whose parents built a very successful business from scratch. My friend was groomed to run it one day (which he now does). He started in the mailroom at 16, then shipping/receiving and after uni started in different roles in marketing and the business side. He spent his entire 20s and most of his 30s working his way up to take over from his parents. I mean he is incredibly lucky and hit the life jackpot by inheriting this business (which he is aware of) but he now has the skill set and experience to make it even more successful (which he has). The mediocrity of William is really just stunning. QEII and Charles really dropped the ball with him.

    • Vik says:

      I think Will’s parents failed him as a child in terms of preparation. With their money, why didn’t Will grow up bilingual? Immigrant children routinely grow up even multilingual.

      When he was an adult, it was too late.

      I mean, this man had in around 2015 a custom-made Oxbridge course set-up for him in preparation of taking on the duchy, it was about land-management I believe. The big rumour is, he didn’t finish it.
      It was an 6-8 or so week course.

      Cannot couldn’t even “guest edit” the HuffPost for one day. They came, set up shop at KP for her (“security couldn’t be guaranteed at HuffP” LOL) and she stayed 45 mins and then went shopping. The pap pic made the papers.

      Willnot and Cannot for ever and truly.

    • Princessk says:

      Charles must be terribly worried and bitterly disappointed with William. The fact that Kay mentioned the Duchy proves that BP are making it known that William is not paying enough attention to the huge estate that Charles put in so much effort to build up.

  20. Alex Can says:

    I suspect that Charles is disappointed by more than William’s laziness and incuriosity. Charles is feudal in his mentality. All that stuff about architecture and the land is important to him. Actually it’s also important to the monarchy that the royals continue those historical traditions. So Charles probably worries a lot about William because he doesn’t seem to care about those things at all.

  21. Moniquep says:

    It’s just so amazing to see the continued trash narrative coming from William and his media taking heads and rota rats demanding that Harry break up his beautiful family, dump his wife and children, give up the only true happiness that he’s ever known to run back to support the 3 people who have blatantly caused him and his family so much pain.
    Does William really read these articles and think that they make him look good in the eyes of the world?
    They really do see Harry as stupid, and he would have to be to allow himself to be guilt dragged back into that nest of vipers.

  22. Eurydice says:

    Yikes, if this is a briefing from William, then Kay took it in some interesting directions. Such a detailed description of Charles’ devotion to the Duchy of Cornwall – the lambing and the hedgerows – so bucolic and Old England, and so different from WiFi William. And all that anger and frustration, it’s not bad temper, it’s a coping mechanism. And how fortunate that Charles and William have stopped yelling at each other long enough to talk about “the job” – which William refuses to do. And then there’s “Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who’s the fairest of them all?”

    • Princessk says:

      No, this is straight from BP insiders who are voicing concerns about Willy and his lack of interest.
      All those public pats on the back are encouraging William to step up and not drop the ball. Charles is seriously worried about the succession.

  23. s808 says:

    All I’m getting W is extremely insecure about his looks, about Harry, is unprepared for the job and doesn’t care. It’s also laughable that they expected H to come back in any capacity. I didn’t believe it before but I now believe that the meeting was so short because C asked H to come back in some capacity and H said no.

  24. TN Democrat says:

    Rota 🐀: Harry and his family fled four and a half years ago. Pulling their security to trigger Harry failed to force him to return. The royals overplayed their bluff and lost. He lives in a bigly mansion in beautiful warm California with his lovely family. He does not have to feed images of his children and wife to the rota. He does not employ bot armies because he is obsessed with social media and is not personally aligned with Murdoch. Will-not failed to launch and is incredibly socially awkward. He needed Harry more than Harry needed him. Is the rota really going to print this garbage into the next millennium? How long until Will-not turns on his own kids?

  25. Lau says:

    Putting William in the “most photogenic royals” category lol. Find me ONE photo where this guy doesn’t look like an idiot. Just one.

    • Beverley says:

      Pegs needs this ridiculous praise. He looks in the mirror and he’s not happy with what he sees. He can’t understand why he the heir isn’t the better looking brother. So his stenographers – the rota rats – are tasked with blowing smoke up his ass constantly. They must flatter him without ceasing lest his sense of inadequacy sends him into daily fits of rage. It’s the management of a mad leader. Difficult to keep an unstable person on an even keel.

  26. Lady Digby says:

    This entire article is full of shade towards lazy Will and includes details of his work schedule last week which was accurate and damming as in the song”the boy does nothing!” Concluding lines were Will’s MAIN achievements in the plural? His HAPPY marriage and settled family?? This 42 has NEVER worked at his marriage or his royal role and is still going to be King!!

  27. QuiteContrary says:

    The idea that W&K resist getting help from servants is particularly laughable.

  28. TN Democrat says:

    Charles was doing solo bread and butter events as a teen. His university studies were interrupted with royal work/tours. His military “service” was interrupted by tours and royal duties. Would Charles/Elizabeth be criticized if they pressed Will-not into royal duty as a 17 year old? C and E tried to give Baldimort space to grow into the role/not pressure him after the trauma of Diana’s death. Will-not always slacked off and managed to never launch. Charles’s intended for his scaled down monarchy to include Willy working a “normal” job like the heirs in other royals familes and just showing up at big events. Willy failing to show up consistently/causing controversy while working as an air rescue pilot torpedoed that vision, but willy still expects to show up only at a few high profile events and not actually work. The press only started treating him with kid gloves around 2016 when Meghan/Harry began dating. Did something other than trimming rose bushes happen that the media/royals have been covering up for him? Willy always seemed reserved, but the odd behavior and complete social awkwardness really have amped up in recent years.

  29. Truthiness says:

    Still handsome?!? What did I just read.

    In my opinion Will and the rota believe that they need to attack M&H daily because the Sussexes became successful on the outside.

    Primogeniture is flawed af but they HAVE to sell it to justify their position and wealth.

  30. Princessk says:

    William wants Royal Lodge and is pressurising his father to get it for him.
    The story about how they love Adelaide Cottage which is a small family home without servants is nonsense. The quarters for staff are just a stones throw away from Adelaide so they are not without servants very close by. Those servants must be in and around the house all day and maybe too close for comfort.
    The truth is that they will need a larger place as the children get bigger and require their own spaces as royal teenagers. I remember someone saying that some of George’s and Charlotte’s school friends live in bigger sized houses.

  31. bisynaptic says:

    “This closeness has also given William an appreciation that has not always been evident for his stepmother, Queen Camilla…”
    — 😳😳😳

  32. Well-Wisher says:

    At the age of 42, William is so spoiled that the word has lost its meaning, his contempt for Harry, his only sibling, is bizarre at least and troubling at best.
    The projection, laziness, lack of empathy and compassion, obsession with his looks, name-dropping …….
    What a nightmare? if peace-of-mind is a stated goal….

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