Andersen: There is no way in which the Sussexes will ‘ever be welcomed back’

The Windsors, and more specifically Prince William and Kate, had a good week, starting with Kate’s big announcement that she would attend Trooping the Colour, then following through with it. The Princess of Wales was finally seen in public for the first time in nearly six months and she seemed well enough to be on display for hours. A huge win for the Windsors and the Waleses. Then William was extra-busy after Trooping – he went to Royal Ascot, he traveled to Germany for the EUROs, and he took his two oldest kids to Taylor Swift’s concert. He received positive PR for all of that. So… why aren’t they just riding that wave and being purely positive? Why is there a sudden influx of anti-Sussex stories in conjunction with the Wales positivity? In recent days, the Mail did multiple stories focused on the Sussexes and how William feels about Harry and whether the Sussexes should or would “come back.” Why is this still a story and why now? Why is royal biographer Christopher Andersen throwing a sh-t fit to Fox News about how William will never “welcome back” the Sussexes?

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will need to be careful in their business dealings if they want to make peace with the British royal family. The claim was made by several royal experts to Fox News Digital who feared that as the couple expands their empire in California, their rift with the royal family will only deepen.

“Harry and Meghan have drifted so far out to sea as far as King Charles III and Prince William are concerned,” Christopher Andersen, author of “The King,” told Fox News Digital. “There is really no foreseeable way in which they’ll ever be welcomed back. Even if Harry was to throw himself at the king’s feet and beg for forgiveness – which Harry is not about to do – the best he could hope for would be crumbs from the royal table, and the sort of grudging acceptance that is currently being afforded to Harry’s disgraced uncle, Prince Andrew.”

“If Harry and Meghan are determined to monetize their titles, then they’ll just be digging that hole deeper and deeper,” Andersen continued. “But if they simply use their California-centric celebrity to build their brand and steer clear of overtly capitalizing on the Sussex name and Windsor connection – well, everybody has a right to make a living. Even then, there would still be acrimony – and zero chance of Harry getting back into the king’s and William’s good graces.”

[From Fox News]

I wish I could issue some kind of memo to every royal expert/reporter/historian, something simple like: “Analyze the situation without presupposing that the Sussexes WANT to reconcile with the Windsors.” Because that’s what every single one of them does now, like they can’t even wrap their heads around the possibility that the Sussexes are fine, they like living in California, they’re not begging anyone to come back and they won’t take any orders from anyone. Sure, Harry would like to have a real relationship with his father, but beyond that, all of this is just wheel-spinning from royalists who can’t figure out why Harry never crawled back, humbled, broke and divorced like they wanted. And again, why is there a sudden influx of these Sussex stories? Some of them – maybe not all of them – are coming straight from Kensington Palace too.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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61 Responses to “Andersen: There is no way in which the Sussexes will ‘ever be welcomed back’”

  1. Oh here we go: they should come back. No they don’t want to come back. They are not welcome back. Rinse and repeat.

    • Yup, Me says:

      Every one of these Sussex headlines should be subtitled “And now, let’s talk some more about the people guaranteed to get us clicks.”

      That’s all this is. The inbred Mayo Brigade doesn’t get clicks anywhere like Harry and Meghan do. Whatever they are doing, they have “it” and no matter what the Royals do (and how many or how few there are of them) they do not. They are human oatmeal.

      • blueberry says:

        True re the clicks and engagement. Their negative Sussex stories make them more money than the OTT flattery about the other ones. They absolutely know how to drive traffic.

    • Lorelei says:


      My first reaction when I read the headline was like, “Are we really going to do this EVERY WEEK for ever and ever?” Really?

      JFC they need to give it a rest. Harry will be back when pigs fly by Buckingham Palace.

      • Jane says:

        Let’s rephrase the headline: Harry and Meghan will never come back to that toxic RF and to the shrinking British economy. Why are these gutter media people so obssessed with the Sussexes — it’s been years ppl. Focus on your economy and the amount of money these RF members are costing taxpayers.

    • Christine says:

      “At night, I’m unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when she [Meghan] is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant ‘Shame!’ and throw lumps of excrement at her,” adding “everyone who’s my age thinks the same way.” x jeremyclarkson.

      End of conversation.

    • Caraaponti says:

      These “royal experts” need money. Harry and Meghan stories get them clicks! They cannot admit that Harry and Meghan DON’T want to come back!,

  2. Dee(2) says:

    These stories pop up because Harry and Meghan’s unhappiness is the sole focus of Charles and William. Even when they have good PR, and could be basking in that and focusing on other stuff they don’t really care about that ( at least not to the extent that they care about being punitive to the Sussexes). So regardless of what is going on with them that they can capitalize on W&C are laser focused on what Harry and Meghan could be doing, how they could be doing something that will make them more successful, and how they are actually happy and not thinking about the BRF nor coming back to that country to be under their thumbs again. Also, the media doesn’t care about William and Charles so they will continue to ask why they haven’t gotten pictures of their kids, what Meghan is doing with ARO, if Harry’s going to be deported, etcetera, etcetera.

    • Yvette says:

      @Dee(2) … What I find more than a bit disturbing and telling is that each of these collective ’email rants’ about the sad-broke-near divorce-desperate-needy-copycatting Sussexes end with the same declaration: Charles and William fear that Harry and Megan will set up a rival court.

      Just wait, as soon as the current batch of emails slow to a trinkle at least one or two or the final emails will end with that sentiment. And it will be the royal expert/rota reporter closest to Charles and William who will write it.

      This is their greatest fear and why they pump up and embiggen Kate so much and claim that William is the best thing since sliced bread. They ‘know’ that Harry and Meghan were the rock stars of the Royal Family, and that they still are. They realized it after Queen Elizabeth set Harry and Meghan to tour the Pacific in fall of 2018 (Australia, Fiji, Tonga, and New Zealand) and they knocked it out of the park. Queen Elizabeth knew it as well.

  3. equality says:

    This one actually seems a little less unhinged in admitting that PH isn’t going to beg to come back. He’s still off about “monetizing” titles like every one of them doesn’t do that.

    • Miranda says:

      It’s outrageusly hypocritical. Makes you want to hit him over the head with a literal briefcase full of cash, doesn’t it?

    • aftershocks says:

      None of these type of articles should be described as “less unhinged.” They are always all about the clicks, with lies, ridiculous narratives, ‘opposite day’ unfounded assertions, reaching, projecting, attempts to embiggen the left-behinds while constantly attacking H&M, etc., ad nauseam. This shrill crap by Anderson is the same ‘unhinged,’ if not more-so. It reeks of desperation because they have nothing left to write about the Sussexes for money. Thus, we get this nonsense repeated like burnt meat revolving on a rotisserie over-and-over again. 🙄

      Where you say that Anderson is ‘admitting’ that Harry ain’t coming back.* Nope, he throws that sentence in there in part as filler, and also to fool the gullible into thinking the rest of the crap he’s spewing has some bearing on reality. Clearly, it does not. He does the same thing with throwing in, “… well everybody has a right to make a living,” followed by nonsense contradicting the right of the Sussexes’ to even exist.

      As usual, the Sussexes are falsely described as “capitalizing on their royal titles,” when in reality they are merely living productive lives, giving back to others, and minding their own business in their beautiful ‘multiple bathroom’ Montecito home. By now, these rota nonces are like broken records on steroids. 😵‍💫 Please do not give credence to any of this repetitive clickbait.

      * We don’t need Anderson to even throw this in there and then idiotically contradict it. We already know that Harry is NOT going back there to be part of that.

  4. Brassy Rebel says:

    They need new material. They’ve had this stupid story on a loop for months now.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      “Why is there a sudden influx of anti-Sussex stories in conjunction with the Wales positivity?”

      The British Tabloid Media are running these stories because Kate and William do not sell newspaper and Harry and Megan do sell newspapers.

      • SURE says:

        I think there are stories about WanK that would attract plenty of clicks but the BM refuses to report on their shenanigans.

      • Dee says:

        Sure, you’ve hit the mark. The stories that could be told are right there, but the royal rota won’t touch them, won’t investigate, won’t dare to print.

    • Anna says:

      And in 10 years they will still be writing “well now they really cannot come back!” While H&M will be like “Chuck and Will… who??”

      • booboocita says:

        In 15 years, we’ll be hearing about Archie and Lili and when they’ll come to the UK to work beside their cousins. To which Archie and Lili will say, “Um … no.”

  5. Wagiman says:

    I can’t even… These people are psychos. I feel sorry for them that they need to regurgitate crap. It’s so embarrassing, surely.

  6. Freddy says:

    It’s beyond creepy that BM is still harping about the Sussexes “coming back”. It’s like an awful boyfriend who got dumped and can’t stop telling anyone with ears that he wouldn’t take her back “even if she came crawling back.” NEWS FLASH: The LAST thing H&M wants is to be part of that archaic institution and toxic family.

  7. Jais says:

    Harry has given zero indication that he wants to go back to work for the monarchy. At most, he wants to safely visit some friends and family. Honestly, I’m more laughing at anyone that watches Fox News super caring about this. They’d rather hear about trump.

    • Wagiman says:

      We all know that.. Even people saying Harry doesn’t want x is engaging with these morons. It’s an always fake story line. But they desperately need to regurgitate it over and over. I’m embarrassed for them. Anything for fake engagement

    • Becks1 says:

      Because of the other stories on this page today, Taylor Swift is in my head so when I saw this headline, I just thought “we are never ever getting back together!” and that’s from the Sussex side obviously.

    • Deering24 says:

      “Fox News Digital” alone is laugh-worthy.

  8. Proud Mary says:

    I think these stories are popping up, because the natives are restless. The Windsors’ poll numbers are dipping – whatever goodwill Charles may have garnered as a result of his alleged cancer diagnosis, seems to have dissipated, and all her popularity with the British media notwithstanding, Camzilla is even less popular as a Queen, than she was as side piece. And despite what CB thinks about William and Kate’s great week, trooping was a big dud and Kate’s attendance was completely overshadowed by Allison Pearson and dog biscuits.

    Not only that, no one seems to be working right now. William is only attending celebrity head-lined events. And KittyKat only shows up for things like trooping and Wimbledon? So the monarchy needs a foil to distract the plebs from “charging the Bastille.”

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Their only “working royal” is in the hospital for the week.

      • JT says:

        Trooping was definitely a thud. If it was so successful H&M would’ve been an afterthought. Instead, they continue to be at the forefront of royal reporting.

    • booboocita says:

      Did any media entity report an estimate of the number of people who showed up for Trooping? I saw a short video on X/Twitter with an overhead shot of the crowd and a lot of empty space. I don’t know if the RF gets Trumpian over crowds (“My crowds are HUUUUUGE!” even when they’re not), but I’d love to read a comparison of Chucky’s Trooping crowd to QEII’s crowd.

  9. Lili says:

    i wonder which of those stories get more engagement
    1 charles wants to see his grand kids
    2. harry wont be welcomed back
    3. thomas marklewants meghan to do something or the other.

  10. Eurydice says:

    At this point, I realty think it’s just the press talking. The royals are just too boring to generate enough clicks and if there’s something juicy in the background, the press isn’t allowed to talk about it anyway. It will get much worse once William downsizes even more. Basically, the royal reporting business is dying.

    As for these stories – it’s obvious Will hates Harry and it’s obvious Charles doesn’t give a rat’s ass for H&M and the children, so there’s no need for them to keep repeating it. But the press needs to keep the story alive just so they have something to write about and there are still the social media hordes out there that need to be fed.

  11. Barbara says:

    Now they’re not even supposed to use the Sussex name? Are they supposed to use the name Smith? Make it make sense.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      This is America. They could *legally* change their names to “Prince Henry” or “Princess Meghan” or “Henry Windsor” or whatever they want, and there’s not a damn thing the royals could do about it, because we won that war 250 years ago.

  12. Joanne says:

    The problem is how can Charles and William shun and snub Harry when Harry refuses to beg to come back. Harry has made it absolutely clear that he’s staying where he is and he’s perfectly happy with his life. The destroys the power Charles and William want to have over Harry. They are lost and don’t know how to cope with someone who doesn’t respect them.

    • booboocita says:

      There’s a lesson there for all of us. You don’t have to remain under someone else’s thumb. And a gilded cage is still a cage.

  13. Beana says:

    Any family that doesn’t want you to make a living and succeed on your own terms is an abusive one. Keep getting that distance, Harry.

  14. sevenblue says:

    OMG, let it go! It seems like Archie & Lili will get to their 30’s and these people are still gonna talk about H&M not being welcomed back. They both have hundreds of jobs, they don’t care about you.

  15. Flower says:

    Is this all they will be printing for the next 20-30 years – jeez how EXHAUSTING…..

  16. HeatherC says:

    This will be of great relief to the Sussexes I’m sure, since they’ve given no indication they WANT to go back anyway! I love their obsession with the Montecito Royals, all that free publicity….

    Poor Archie and Lili, they’ll be of retiring age (let’s say 60s) and the British media will still be bleating on how they’ll never be working royals or stand on the balcony. I’m sure that will be an annoying buzz in the background, like a gnat, that you only occasionally hear.

  17. EasternViolet says:

    The whole narrative of “cashing in on their titles” — ugh. They use their titles appropriately – just like anyone who uses Mr / Ms / Miss / Mx / Mrs.

    And if anyone wants to talk about cashing in, how about Cowzilla’s son who is pimping out a royal themed cookbook.

  18. 809Matriarch says:

    This “family” sucks. All these reporters saying stuff like this…
    It has to be painful.

    At the same time they nail Meghan to the cross for having no contact with that sperm donor in Mexico.😔

  19. Nanea says:

    Let’s be honest, the rota 🐀🐀🐀 all have read “Spare”, despite their ever so implausible denials, and they all know what went down.

    But because they’re anchored in Brexitannia and are dependent on their tax-dodging overlords who have the Windsors on a string, they need to pretend not to care about the well-being of H&M, and write whatever people like Rothermere or Murdoch demand of them.

    I’m sure the vile BM have tons of stuff on the Left-Behinds, but there are super-injunctions in place to prevent them from even whispering about it. Unless P!ss Moron has twenty seconds of sanity, when he gives a few nuggets away.

    So the Sussexes it is, they are far away, they usually don’t talk back, and Harry’s court cases don’t seem to touch the lives of the individual rotas. And it is well-known that Bulliam hates his little brother and SIL.

    Sad, really.

  20. Steph says:

    I think it’s crazy that anyone thinks Harry (esp) and Meghan want anything at all to do with William. They may not be running to the tabloids every five minutes and probably seething with rage bc they are emotionally more healthy and mature but i think they dislike him just as much as he does them. We talk a lot about the interaction between Kate and Meg and walk about for the Queen. We don’t really talk about how Pegs was trying to talk to Harry and he literally cringed away from pegs. He was barely tolerating being in the same vicinity as pegs. Plus, when had ever said he wanted to reconcile with Pegs? He’s said so about his father but never his brother.

  21. B says:

    These ppl are desperate to rewrite the narrative. The facts are the Sussexes stepped down as tax payer funded royals and started their own business in California. They are free and living a life they enjoy. That’s it.

    The “firm” despises this. They produce articles saying the Sussexes want to come back because it burns them they left and they’re doing fine.

  22. QuiteContrary says:

    I think these stories are being served up because of Harry’s litigation against the British newspapers … that litigation is in the news because of the furor over Will Lewis’ hiring as publisher of The Washington Post.

    These nonsense stories are all meant to depict Harry as grasping and desperate and to undermine his credibility.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Very good point, also Peggy has to feed them something to keep the secrecy of what actually happened for the past six months.

  23. Well-Wisher says:

    Sledge hammer journalism, pound….. pound away at the Sussexes, especially Meghan no wonder the Fourth Estate is in crisis…..
    Even in this instance, there is tacit assent from the Royal Family.
    (It would not be a stretch that Harry has so far refused their offer to settle the case in the UK.)
    Therein lies the problem Fox News – Murdoch’s legacy to democracy…

  24. Scorpio says:

    Quite Contrary, I think you are correct. The litigation winds its way on and Harry ain’t stopping. Interesting fact that so many existing UK editors are in place that have alleged ties to that behavior.

    Must feel threatening to them. Finally.

  25. Lucy says:

    It’s cute how they think “California-centric celebrity” is some kind of devastating put-down.

  26. Amy Bee says:

    The Royal experts don’t want to accept that Harry and Meghan have no interest in returning to the Royal fold. If they did what would they have to talk about?

  27. Tessa says:

    Infuriating how Andersen puts harry in the same category as Andrew. The fbi still wants to talk to andrew.

  28. Magdalena says:

    These stories are popping up now because the tabloids, aided and abetted by their American contacts, have heard something about the launching of the Sussexes’ upcoming business ventures and are (1) pissed that they have zero access, but also (2) worried sick that the Sussexes’ continued success will really hammer home the point that they REALLY have zero intentions of crawling back to the curry favour with the welfare royals – and so they won’t be making much more money screeching that the Sussexes are desperate to return. Those launches will bring a definite halt to that fraudulent storyline. That’s what this is – their bottom line will further diminish. More and more people will begin to question the tabloid’s and so-called experts’ lies.

    It’s also the reporters’ way of continuing to use H+M to drum up publicity for the dull royals who they left behind in Little England.

  29. Alex Can says:

    They’re setting up the anti ARO narrative.

    • Scorpio I'm says:

      One wonders if this have a long a run as the Jennifer Aniston is starting a family stories had in the US press. That run was what, 10+ years?

  30. Pork Belly says:

    Every time the BM rehash this narrative another hair leaves Huevo’s head.

  31. Lulu says:

    It’s all clickbait.

  32. therese says:

    I think it is interesting that Harry didn’t fight back until his wife and children were involved, then it was game on. He took their abuse. He won’t take it for his family. I think that all these articles (from Will) may be precisely because Harry hasn’t said a thing, hasn’t apologized to William, hasn’t called him, hasn’t asked to come back, and Will is pitching a hissy fit in his little boy mode. As Harry has said in his book, Will wasn’t interested in him, but Will is intent that it is he who will do the ignoring. I keep remembering a video when the brothers were very small children with their parents, and there was a bunny Diana was trying to interest Will in, and he wasn’t interested. So she gave the bunny to Harry to hold, and instantly William turned around and kept saying, can I hold it, can I hold it, can I hold it. I don’t know that he’s matured much past that point.

    • Gabby says:

      William can be the Primary Ignorer as he so clearly craves.

      BP may even make a medal for that. But a big part the job is to actually ignore.

  33. martha says:

    My gawd – You’d think Harry + Meghan were heavily invested in booze, broads, gambling, gun-running, and a pot farm. With a side-line of handling PR for the world’s worst dictactors! Yeesh! So far, all their business and charity-work does nothing but reflect well on their upbringing. WTAF.

  34. blunt talker says:

    ONe of the poster said it best-the royal family and the UK gutter press want to downgrade Meghan and Harry’s efforts to have a good life and be happy without doing the royaling thing-this is about control-if they could control Meghan and Harry’s finances that would bring them to heel-if they can’t control the money the only thing they have left is to abuse and demean in the press with the blessing of the royal senior members.

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