Thomas Markle gave an interview to the Mail full of royalist talking points

The Princess of Wales’s reappearance, after nearly six months, should have been a turning point for the Windsors and the royalist media. They could have and should have kept it entirely positive and centered on the left-behind Windsors. Instead, over the past three or four days, it’s felt like the palace briefings and the British media is back to focusing a sh-t ton of ire, hate and weirdness on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. For what reason? Your guy just took a selfie with Taylor Swift? Why isn’t the Mail doing wall-to-wall coverage of THAT? Instead, the Mail published yet another interview with Toxic Thomas Markle. While it’s entirely possible that our archives are incomplete, Toxic Tom seemingly hasn’t given an interview since last September? A pretty long time to stay quiet. And honestly, he barely said most of these words – most (if not all) of these quotes were ghostwritten for him by someone in the British media. I’ve said that’s been happening for years and I still believe it. Some lowlights:

He’s turning 80 next month: ‘I never expected to make it to 80 because Markle men never do,’ he said last night. ‘My father died at 61. I’ve had a good life and I am proud of what I’ve accomplished, but everything has been overshadowed by what has happened in the last six years. I’ve never been one for birthdays, but I know the one person I most want to hear from, Meghan, won’t be in touch. I would love to meet my grandchildren, but I would be happy with a photograph at this stage.’

He’s still yammering about how he’s never met Prince Harry: ‘When I reflect back on my life, as you do when you are approaching 80, that’s one of the questions I cannot find an answer for. Why didn’t Harry ever come to meet me? He has the resources to fly around the world – and does – but why didn’t he come to see me, particularly when people in the royal household like Jason Knauf [Harry and Meghan’s former communications secretary] were urging him to do so? That has never made sense to me. What man gets married without meeting his wife’s father?’

He’s in the same boat as King Charles! Mr Markle feels ‘deep empathy’ for King Charles, who is ‘in the same boat’ as far as not seeing his grandchildren is concerned. ‘I would love to speak to him because I am sure he has as many unanswered questions as I do. Neither of us deserves the treatment we’ve received…I have so many questions I’d like to ask Meghan and Harry. The main one being, why have they treated not only me but the Royal Family and the King so badly.’

On Trooping the Colour: ‘It struck me as very sad that Meghan and Harry’s kids are being denied the right to know their cousins, who look like fantastic children. The relationship between cousins is a special one. There’s a unique bond. I feel sad that Lilibet and Archie don’t have the chance to get to know their cousins and take part in things like Trooping The Colour, which is their birthright. They are getting to the age where they will start asking questions, as all kids do. At some stage it’s inevitable that they will ask their parents why they have cut them off from both sides of the family? They have two grandpas who want to see them, one of whom is the King of England. I never in my 80 years thought I’d be in the same boat as the King.’

He’s still harping on about the photos before the wedding: ‘The one thing I never imagined was Meghan turning against me at this point in my life. I thought she would always be there for me. Meghan was mad at me because I posed for some paparazzi pictures before the wedding. I was totally alone and being hounded. A photographer went to my daughter Samantha and convinced her that the pictures would improve my image. It was a mistake and I have apologised for it repeatedly. When you look at what Harry and Meghan have done since, like accusing the Royal Family of racism, it’s far worse than anything I’ve done. I don’t want pity and I don’t want this episode to define my life. I don’t want to be a footnote in history.’

Meghan is entitled: ‘The person she’s become isn’t the girl I raised, but I wonder if they blame the Markle family for everything that has gone wrong. She started to change when she lived in Canada filming Suits and was hanging out with the Soho House [an exclusive members’ club and hotel chain] crowd. She began acting entitled. Things escalated after she met Harry. It upsets me that the Markle name is now associated with negativity. People talk about being ‘Markled’ when they get dumped for no reason. That saddens me.’

[From The Daily Mail]

As I said, these are all British media talking points. One of the biggest and dumbest tells is “people talk about being ‘Markled’.” That’s just some dumb Meghan-obsessed thing made up by the Mail and the Sun – it’s not an actual thing that people talk about when discussing the Sussexes. This is also a gigantic tell: “When you look at what Harry and Meghan have done since, like accusing the Royal Family of racism, it’s far worse than anything I’ve done.” Nothing like a white father siding with his Black daughter’s racist abusers and then publicly gaslighting her about it. Anyway, I hope we eventually learn who is ghostwriting all of Toxic Tom’s interviews at some point. I also hope we figure out why the British media and the Windsors are backsliding into all of this Sussex stuff right now.

Photos/screenshots courtesy of 60 Minutes Australia.

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131 Responses to “Thomas Markle gave an interview to the Mail full of royalist talking points”

  1. Loretta says:

    This man isn’t a father

    • Josephine says:

      Exactly — fathers don’t sell out their kids for a few cursed pieces of gold.

      He’s a classic abuser who is enraged that she won’t engage with him so that he can abuse her more. And just a first-class loser to boot.

    • Megan says:

      His attempts to get an audience with the king are beyond pathetic.

    • Proud Mary says:

      He’s not acting on his own. The royal family pays him through the BM whenever they’re desperate. They hand him a script and he reads it. I don’t get outraged over anything he or his spawns have to say, because I know the source.

      • twoz says:

        Oh, I was angry and disgusted when he had a “stroke” – and moving all his arms and legs – when I was sitting in the emergency department waiting on the outcome of the operation after my mother had a severe one.
        Meanwhile he’s, alive and kicking and my mother’s need dead just over two years. :/

    • Christine says:


  2. In trying to give more cover for the leftovers they have decided to bring out Chuckles competition for worst father and that is Meg’s sperm donor giving another woe is me interview.

    • Brit says:

      The British press and Markles are so played. It’s clear the press want information and a picture that Thomas can leak. This is another game about access and it’s not happening. It’s coming off as desperate at this point. Thomas lost his daughter and the press lost their cash cows. They’ll never recover from losing.

    • kirk says:

      Thomas knows he did bad. And he undoubtedly knows that Meghan had to make space for her own survival. Because it’s happened to him and he couldn’t figure a way out. Britmedia (BRFCo Assoc) got their hooks in him deep. Did he actually get interviewed by a DailyFail hack? Does it matter? We’ll never know. Because DailyFail only lies on days ending in ‘y.’ My response to that whole mess is to never, ever, ever click on DailyFail.

  3. sevenblue says:

    I am surprised her abusive half sister wasn’t there. Maybe, she got another day for interview. It was very enlightening to hear that Tyler Perry reached out to Meghan after seeing this guy’s behavior. He minds his own business most of the time. That is one good thing Thomas Markle caused unintentionally.

  4. Ariel says:

    Me- think of something kind to say…… well, at some point he’ll die.

    Dammit. That probably wasn’t it.

    It never ends.

    I love that the Sussexes are rich, tan, unbothered.
    But it is insane that the British royal pr is still doing this.

    • C-Shell says:


      My demented, Alzheimered, narcissist mother just turned 92, but I keep telling myself she can’t live forever. There’s something about evil that keeps these people going, and manages to keep their diseased hearts ticking.

      Bizarre, is right!

      • terra says:

        Ha! I often said that two of my great-grandmothers were just too mean to die. Sometimes doesn’t it feel as if the worst people we know live purely to spite us?

        My grandmother has spoken about how when her mother eventually did die all she felt was relief. I can’t imagine I’ll feel any differently when my own passes.

  5. Inge says:

    Thankfully Harry and Meghan are blessed with Doria and the Spencers because both of them have awful dads who are happy to brief about them/throw them under the bus.

  6. Debbie says:

    Oh, my goodness, this guy who was whining about not having long to live, so Meghan should talk to him, still isn’t dead yet?! It’s true what they say, only the good die young. And, for all the years he’s lived, he still hasn’t learned that doing the very same thing that got Meghan to distance herself from him (talking to the British media) will only get him the same result — further distance from her. So, he still keeps doing it, bless his heart.

    • Nanea says:

      Seriously — about him being dead, I mean.

      When I saw his name trending on Xwitter yesterday, I thought that Charon had finally come for him with the boat, to take him to the other side.

  7. equality says:

    Yeah, taking the side of those who abused his daughter and not even attempting or pretending to see her and Harry’s viewpoint is the way to get Meghan to visit and to get to see the children. What an idiot. He is like KC, he only wants to see any of them for the positive PR and money he can make off of them. I don’t see him lamenting not seeing his other grandchildren.

    • GTWiecz says:

      Yes, he just keeps digging his own grave. Everything he said “she became entitled”, “the royals are not racist” are definitely the royal rota’s talking points, and just makes Meghan more determined to never listen to this man again. Even after the paparazzi scandal he could have changed his tune, apologize and blame the RF, but he is either too stupid or the RF money is too good. Stay away from Meghan, Judas.

  8. Inge says:

    Instead of being angry that the royals were racist about his unborn grandchild he is mad that the Harry&Meghan mentioned it.

    And when Archie & Lili are old enough they can see exactly what their awful granddads did and their parents were right to leave.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      This right here is and has always been the problem – the people who are mad at Harry and Meghan for talking about the racism and abuse rather than mad at the people who perpetrated the actual racism and abuse.

  9. Seraphina says:

    So this is his side hustle – selling out his daughter and her family. Dad of the year award – neck in neck with the king of England. They should both be proud that they are in each other’s company.

    • Mayp says:

      Charles better watch out. Toxic Tom is unreliable, unless he is speaking through Caroline Graham (elder abusing groomer?) at the Daily Mail. After all, this is the guy that called the Royal family a “cult”. Not that I disagree with that!

      • GTWiecz says:

        Exactly. Maybe Thomas in his deathbed will say the truth about the RF paying him to abuse his daughter.

  10. aquarius64 says:

    This man is garbage and so is the.BM who enable him. When this mess trended of X I found this gem. It’s Toxic Tom’s lawsuit against the pap agency he colluded with for Pap Gate In 2021 he sued for $1M for breach of contract and he submitted the signed deal he entered as evidence. Not once he argued he was manipulated into the deal, he was not of sound mind, or that his signature was forged. He didn’t submit his medical records to show his two “heart attacks”. This proves Bad Dad was a willing participant and not the victim he and the BM have claimed. Bit the good Meghan and Harry have legal proof they were right to cut him off.

    • Jais says:

      How strange that he didn’t submit the medical records🙄

    • Cheshire Sass says:

      This man should have his vocal chords rendered neutral in a painful way – . He is truly a vile POS. I cannot imagine ever trying to drag my child into despair with these shenanigans and then try to make a few dollars off of the chaos caused.

      • Mayp says:

        @jais, Tom senior did produce “medical records” to the press. The funny thing was they looked like they were just typed up by someone on a word processor. A lot of people questioned the validity of that hospital “bill” It wasn’t even on any official letterhead!

        I have wondered what was in those portions of the letter from Meghan that Tom didn’t want the public to see. Did she question the validity of his “heart attack” claims? Indeed, I think it was the Sun that said at one point that Tom had an “anxiety attack” before the wedding.

      • GTWiecz says:

        Only someone who doesn’t love their child is not bothered by the pain he caused her before her wedding day and still does to this day. This must be very hard for Meghan, to realize your father does not love you. Many children of bad parents have gone through this.

  11. Goldenkatz says:

    Wonder how much he got paid for these talking points. The NYT is planning a big series on the phone hacking scandal. Maybe they’ll touch on how storylines are manufactured with paid sources.

  12. Jais says:

    Sigh. It’s as if Meghan and Harry didn’t show text messages of her trying to get in touch with her father. Begging him to get in touch with her. Offering to send a plane to get him. As if that never happened. Please. She didn’t cut him off over those stages pictures. She tried to get him to the wedding. We’ve read spare and watched the Netflix doc. So this is made-up lies but thanks for dropping Jason Knauf’s name again🙄

    • Afken says:

      Exactly. He was supposed to meet Harry at invictus. Doria showed up. Thomas didn’t. That’s on him.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Exactly. And sending a security team to help protect him. And didn’t Harry offer to fly to see him? And on and on. The Sussexes made so many attempts to help and protect him and instead he colluded with the people who were actively harming his daughter.

      He’s a pathetic excuse for a father. Same with Chuckles. Two peas in a bad-dad pod.

  13. Afken says:

    This man doesn’t want a relationship with Meghan and the kids, he wants proximity to royalty. Talking about cousin relationships as if his two eldest kids weren’t estranged from each other for years. Those cousins don’t know each other. Talking about missing trooping the colour. Talking about how him and Charles are the same. Talking about how dare they treat the monarchy like this. He called them a cult and compared them to Scientology, now he’s Team Queen and the monarchy’s number one defender. He said he didn’t buy that Meghan was suicidal. He said he didn’t buy the racism. He has said nothing about the racists that threaten his daughter’s life. He just wants to be in with that crowd. It’s why he wanted to go to the jubilee as a guest of lady c to “honour” the queen apparently. That’s all he wants. Proximity to royalty.

    • Tessa says:

      I don’t get all the cousins talk
      People do make great friendships outside of the family.

      • Afken says:

        He’s just parroting the trolls and the tabloids. He didn’t care about cousin relationships before or he would’ve held his family together better before Harry and Meghan met. He didn’t. This man is evil. He’s the common denominator. I hope he’s advocating for his daughter and son to reconcile with their mother, his ex-wife, who is also elderly? Or no?

      • Julia says:

        Some people are close to their cousins some people aren’t it depends on family dynamics and proximity. How do we know that Archie and Lilli don’t have a relationship with their Spencer cousins? Quite frankly it’s none of our business. Most people aren’t bothered whether kids are close to their cousins or not because it’s unimportant.

  14. Eurydice says:

    I’ll bet he wants just one photo of Archie and Lili – so he could sell it to the tabloids. And I have to laugh at the idea of Tom sitting down with Charles to chat about all the things they have in common. In any case, I don’t believe that any of this came out of Tom’s mouth.

  15. therese says:

    This is certainly a great way to get back in with Meghan, and to meet her husband and children. Nice going Mr. Markle. Was he always this dense, I wonder? I’m so sorry for Meghan, this situation with her father must break her heart. But he has made it so that to protect her children, not to mention herself, she just can’t see him.

  16. Brassy Rebel says:

    He’s worried about being a footnote in history. He needn’t worry.

  17. Blithe says:

    “I thought she would always be there for me.” That says it all.


  18. HeatherC says:

    Meghan already gave him a birthday gift. Without HER name, without hitching himself to her fame, no one would care what this scumbag had to say, nevermind pay for him to say it! I expect these interviews now around his birthday and possibly Christmas lol.

    He deserves nothing but disdain. He’d said in previous interviews that if allowed to see the children, he still wouldn’t stop talking to the media and that was the ONE request Meghan had for this toxic “father.”

    I for one, as horrible as it sounds, can’t wait until he’s gone. Though I bet the British media will then hold séances.

    • Theresa says:

      Unfortunately when he does die the British media will claim it was over a broken heart because Meghan and Harry froze him out from seeing his grandkids, Meghan broke his heart, blah blah blah

  19. JT says:

    The royals and the BM are backsliding to the Sussexes because Kate’s return did not go how they expected. Kate at trooping didn’t “break the internet” like they thought. Sure, they had some interest but it wasn’t the Wiglet Christ Superstar moment that they were expecting. William and the kids just got a selfie with Taylor Swift and guess who is also on the front page of the DM? Meg.

    • Pork Belly says:

      I was thinking this too. K has finally come out of her rock & yet it’s yawns all around, hence the BM has to trot out the Sussexes again for more clicks.

  20. Amy Bee says:

    Kaiser is so right. This interview was ghostwritten for him. It has all the tabloid and Palace talking points in it. I think what was most striking to me was Thomas saying he wants a photo of Archie and Lili. We all know that if he ever got one he would immediately sell it to the DM.

    • Brit says:

      Yep. The press wants access and information. They are really upset and nervous because they have nothing. There are no leaks from the royals or Thomas about any kind of communication and they’ll never see the children, which is something they desperately want. It’s desperation to even go back to “Thomas”. It’s played out and they know it.

  21. SueBarbri33 says:

    I just cannot believe they keep beating this dead horse. Even if you believe every single thing he’s saying and agree with his perspective or whatever… They should still be talking about Kate’s resurrection. But of course, they don’t want us to look too closely at everything that’s been happening with KP over the past six months. What a rotten group of people.

  22. Digital Unicorn says:

    I guess someone is running a bit low on money so out he comes spouting what they are paying him to. Out of all of his children Meghan was always the most successful one and thats why he’s so obsessed and possessive of her – she’s his golden goose. Let’s not forget that up until she married Harry she was financially supporting him and then that stopped which coincides with when he turned on her and started colluding with the paps for money.

    He sold his own daughter out for a quick and easy buck.

  23. s808 says:

    They’re desperate for something to talk about for them to wheeling this loser out. Luckily, his interviews have no impact. People understand why M’s relationship with him is non-existent and why she had to make that choice.

  24. Tessa says:

    Bad dad trotted out as a distraction from the Kate William situation I notice he uses the derangers talk of the childten meeting the cousins. As if the wails would want this man anywhere near their kids. I doubt he had a stroke since he has a camera crew with him and gave an interview instead of being rushed to emergency. He sees none of any of his grandchildren

    • Em says:

      He talks about the kids meeting their cousins so the papers / royalists can start another generation of pitting children against each other and throwing the Sussex kids under bus to cover for the wales kids, derangers already say lili is not as beautiful as charlotte and Meghan is ashamed that’s why she “hides” her kids.

      The papers know that William and Kate have them by the balls and they can’t effectively go after Charlotte and Louis to protect George in future so they’re pushing for the Sussexes to put their kids in the spotlight so they can further the abuse

      • Tessa says:

        Oh yes and they will say that Charlotte looks like Diana and lilibet does not. And Archie would be put down to try to bolster George

    • twoz says:

      Yeah as I said in reply to an earlier comment, that was happening the night my mother was being operated on for the stroke that ultimately killed her. You can imagine how I felt.

  25. Ali says:

    The Windsor’s think they’re winning after Kate’s “triumphant” return. They think they’re ‘back on top’ and now it’s time to try obliterate the Sussexes, AGAIN. This has been and always will be their ultimate goal. This is not guess work on my part, they’ve briefed enough times that this is what they need to do for their survival.

    • Julia says:

      If that is what they are doing it’s counter productive. As Harry and Meghan haven’t been in the public eye for over a month the attacks really don’t land but it does remind people what an awful soap opera the royals have become and it leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      Business as usual, in other words.

  26. Em says:

    If Meghan is such a terrible person who is a narcissist and cuts everyone off why is the mail assisting Thomas in trying to contact her? Isn’t that the kind of person you’re supposed to stay away from? Anyways Thomas is not stupid, he knows Meghan will never speak to him again so he’s just being hurtful and as long as he lives he will give these interviews yearly, Meghan doesn’t care as he has said worse and we shouldn’t too

  27. Tessa says:

    And knauf got a medal from huevo for stirring things up with bad dad.

  28. Libra says:

    Wonder if he wants to have access to Charles pics of the children so he (Tom) can sell and make bank. Why else would he want to see Charles? Money is the bottom line and conning Charles into sharing a sympathy photo isn’t the way to go. Never con a con man, Tom.

  29. Lady Digby says:

    This guy is like the bad smell that can’t be fumigated: paid interviews to trash his own daughter to her biggest detractors eg the Fail, Morgan, Wooton, GB news etc.,
    When on Wilton’s nasty GB show a member of the public asked if he’d stop giving interviews if it meant a reuniown with Meghan and he said NO because he has the right to talk about HIS family whenever he wants too!! Foghorn Leghorn is deluded if he thinks he can demand to be included in his daughter’s life if he chooses to talk trash about her in public for money?! He is being abusive and never addresses THAT 5 page letter that Meghan sent him telling him how HIS betrayal had broken her heart. His response was merely to demand a photo op with Meg and Harry?! Guy is a grifter after access, insider info and photos of Meg and the kids. I genuinely think he believes that after years behind The camera that HE is some kind of super star in his own right and we all need to hear his running commentary on Meg’s life!? He is just a trash talker and every time he gives another interview proves Meg was right to cut him off. Meg or cashing in with tacky interviews and he chose 30 pieces of silver!

    • GTWiecz says:

      And he was completely quiet when his trashy son Junior talked about Meghan in a very disgusting sexual way. That means he’s ok with it.

  30. Slippers4life says:

    JFC these people could have milked the Taylor Swift selfie for at least another month! But, no.

  31. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    Seeing Tom giving another interview just makes me wonder what KP is trying to keep hidden?

    • Just Jade says:

      Me think the Sperm Donor was brought out to deflect something from one of the left behind household or they know ARO is about to launch so they are getting ready to give Meghan all the free advertisement as usual.

  32. B says:

    Above and beyond loving one another Meghan and Harry must be a great source of emotional support to each other. They both have awful fathers and jealous older siblings who sold them out to the press. Who they know don’t care about their children so extra steps have to be taken to protect them. By understanding their similar pain points they can comfort each other, plan and move in unison.

    It also has not escaped me that once Kitty remerged the Meghan toxicity in the UK press started picking back up. The bots, trolls and Thomas Markle are back. That woman is pure poison.

    • Beech says:

      Years ago I followed an online blog about the royals. There was a Twitter account as well. It was fun but over the years it changed hands as well as the name of the blog. It started off along as “I like MM but . . . “. Mind not overtly hateful at the start. The word “narcissistic” popped up from time to time to describe MM. It got ugly soon enough, there were black spider and black stiletto emojis instead of Megan’s name. People absolutely blew up over a lot of nothing. There was an event attended by MM wearing a black velvet one strapped sheath and dark finger nail polish, maybe black? And a picture of MM along with some other women including Rosamond Pike. Commenters absolutely blew up, because it was so Hollywood, gauche, who knows?! Questions were posted why didn’t Harry meet/visit meet TM in Mexico, why, why, why?! Y’know what? I wondered then if some grey man was driving these comments? But then I’d think this is just some inconsequential royal blog, why bother.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        Racism, and especially misigynoir, is a helluva drug.

        I was part of a royal-related blog’s community. The owner shut it down not terribly long after Meghan and Harry’s wedding (post wedding, but pre exit) because the vitriol in the comments section was off the damn hook and … it wasn’t fun for her any more.

        I also saw the absolute 180 degree turn because Kate posts had also attracted a lot of really negative attention and a lot of those same commenters turned around to 100% praise. (In hindsight it was also a time when Kate leaned into what I call royal duchess drag heavily as part of her setting herself up as “the great white hope”.)

  33. TIFFANY says:

    The total erasure of The Raglands is a problem for me. They are obsessed with Thomas and ilk because they still out here saying Meghan’s abuse was not because she is bi racial and that other race is Black. They tried it and not one of Meghan’s Ragland relatives sold her out. Tells you everything.

  34. aquarius64 says:

    Bad Dad’s woe is me act is not played in the US media because I think they know he’s garbage and troublemaking relatives of famous people don’t get press in the US unless they are in the court system. Back to his lawsuit this is the byproduct: Toxic Tom was issued a restraining order for threatening the guy he sued: TT can forget getting visitation of Archie and Lili because his court documented mess is admissible in court as well as his emotional blackmail via press. Someone on X pointed out the new Fail interview was conducted by the same woman who did the first round in 2018. I wonder if the Fail has dirt on this cretin (like faking a heart attack to avoid going to the wedding) and they threatened to expose him if he didn’t cooperate? That includes handing over Meghan’s letter. It explains little to no money to pay him to do interviews. His YouTube channel is defunct so he’ll take the crumbs.

    • Afken says:

      In that lawsuit he tries to claim the damage he suffered was the loss of his relationship with Meghan but also two heart attacks and then submitted NO evidence he suffered two heart attacks.

      • Tessa says:

        He was seen eating greasy fast food a day or two afyer said heart attack
        Pictures to prove it.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      “Visitation” or “grandparents rights” is a lot of BIG TALK that appeals to his audience.

      Rules vary state by state, depending on how many abusive grandparents are in the Legislature, but California’s (among other things) require a previous ongoing relationship with the children. That would be “LOL NOPE”.

    • Blujfly says:

      Spare states that the Mail moved a reporter into the house next to Thomas’ and that he showed up at the secret Thanksgiving after news broke of M&H dating, when Doria’s house was under siege, with all the tabloids under his arm and wanting to discuss engaging with them. He stormed out when Meghan and Doria shut it down. So yes, they know, and are a cause, of everything.

  35. Hypocrisy says:

    Every time they drag this piece of 💩out of his hovel to hurt his daughter once again just breaks my heart 💔.. we all know this is a WanK tactic we don’t need to guess.

  36. Kingston says:

    So once again, this excuse for a human being has opened his piehole to show us who he is: a racist of the worst type (i:e the ones who procreate wth the race they hate); an abuser; a gaslighter; an unself-aware, self-hating, entitled bore.

    I can’t imagine M going thru her entire childhood & young adult life pandering to and appeasing this hateful creature, on top of hvng to navigate the confusion & contradictions in being mixed race. Hsppy for her that she’s had the therapy she needed.

    I must confess, sometimes I hv to ask myself: what was Doria thinking, to hv actually married & started a family wth such a vile human. But then i rmbr, that was the only way M was gonna get here. And the world wd be a worse place without her in it.

    [Disclaimer: I always try hard to rmbr tht this….creature is M’s father whom she loved very much once upon a time and I hv massive respect & regard for her so I should prolly find better words to use when describing him. Just want y’all to know this is the best I could come up wth.]

  37. Lau says:

    This entire interview made me cringe so hard. Him quoting Knauf should also be a giveaway that he is being fed lines to tell.
    Also, “I don’t want to be a footnote in history” screams narcissism.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Of course they feed him. They FEED him every single word to say. He’s still making money, this POS.

  38. Nerd says:

    As a parent there are some things that you never ignore or brush off when your child speaks about their feelings or experiences 1) Bullying from family, friends, partners or others 2) Hate speech that centers around their race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation or religion 3) Abuse that is emotional, verbal, physical or sexual and 4) Suicidal thoughts or tendencies. As a white father he has completely sided with the very racists tabloid that ignited the racists abuse and threats directed not just to his black ex wife but his biracial daughter and grandchildren. There are people in jail because of racists hate that the royal family has contributed to by 1) associating with racists who were more than happy to share their racists beliefs in their tabloids, talk shows and social media accounts 2) refused to condemn racists rhetoric directed towards Meghan, Archie or Lilibet 3) allowed racists rhetoric and threats to remain on their social media accounts 4) used racists tropes from themselves and their staff to be used in articles for years to paint Meghan as the aggressive, difficult, uppity, seductive, manipulative woman of color their racists followers believe people of color to be who was trying to upend the epitome of what white supremacy is. This is who a white father has decided to defend while ignoring the racists hell his daughter has endured for more than seven years at the cost of losing an unborn child and at one point contemplating suicide. He is no father because no father would ever do what he has done. Even if the media had something on him, a real father would still never do what he has done.

    • Kingston says:

      Perhaps its time once again for a conversation about the particular legacy of American slavery in which white slave masters raped and impregnated enslaved females who subsequently had children who were classified as “mulatto,” “quadroon” and “octoroon” and, depending on how light their skin tone was, they may or may not be claimed and treated favorably by the rapist father.

      But there were never any paternal feelings because if a slaver with the right price came along, the “father” would sell that mixed-race child without blinking an eye.

      I am tending to believe that this mentality lies latent within white men who father children by black (and brown) women. And, much like any thing that might lay dormant and may never ever be invigorated, there are white men who are good, decent and loving fathers to their mixed-race children.

      However, as with any ancestral trait, the slave-master mentality might be closer to the surface in some white fathers with mixed-race children. Toxictom has shown that he’s among the latter.

  39. Berkeleyfarm says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised at all to learn that a lot of cash changed hands.

    • Kingston says:

      On the contrary, at this stage in the game where the shitmedia hv so much dirt on toxictom, they can write a whole article, using quotes attributed to him and using his image, without even calling him to give him a heads-up, nevermind speaking to him.

      Whats he gonna say…………….”I did not speak with the british shitmedia for this story………the very same british shitmedia with whom ive collaborated against my daughter for these many years.”

      Everyone wd just laugh at the old fool.

  40. Annalise says:

    There’s a unique bond between cousins?? Since when?? I think for the average American family who DIDNT grow up royal and pestered by paparazzi, the main difference in relationships between cousins is that they’re usually not as close as relationships between siblings. In my experience

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      Of course what they don’t say is that Meghan, not Tom, is the one in contact with at least some of Samantha’s kids.

      • Annalise says:

        Berkeley farm, thats right! Meghan is even in contact with Scammy’s daughter, while Scammy is NOT.

    • Tessa says:

      Cousins don’t generally live in close proximity. Unusual to have all of them in the same vicinity

  41. Sue says:

    I blame myself. I actually thought this week-end how nice it’s been not to hear from Toxic Tom and Scamantha. I’m so sorry!

  42. kelleybelle says:

    You made HUNDREDS of dumb mistakes, you vile idiot. Rot in hell.

  43. Mads says:

    There’s a sure fire way to show some contrition: sit in front of a lawyer and make a video affidavit detailing the truth of how he colluded with the palace and the press to create the drama in May 2018 and perpetuate it ever since. Name his contacts and provide irrefutable evidence with any texts, emails etc.
    He’ll never do it because he’s a self centred c**t.

  44. Tessa says:

    The idyllic cousin talk did not come out until the sussexes left. In fact the elder Phillips daughter was trashed by the media for teasing george.

    • Blujfly says:

      Yep. In fact the tabloids used to point out all the time how little Zara’s children saw of George and Charlotte.

  45. Flower says:

    These are definitely not his words.

    They have completely manipulated him into trying to destroy his daughter and he took the bait, which is just insane and so sad for Meghan.

    That aside, he knows what he is doing by continuing to do these interviews.

    This man will d*e never knowing Archie and Lili.

    Just horrible.

  46. Roisin says:

    H & M should generate an AI image of fake children that look like how we imagine Archie and Lili might look, send it to that awful man and then count the seconds until it is leaked online!

    • ML says:

      On the one hand I get what your saying, but isn’t it much better to leave the kids out of the press?

      • Roisin says:

        Lol it’s more wishful thinking, as they clearly would never do such a thing. And it would not actually be the real children anyway. But if it happened, he’d sell those pictures in a hot minute.

  47. ML says:

    I didn’t have Toxic Tom showing up to spew on my Bingo card either. Since he and Michael Middleton and King Charles are essentially all at the same level in that family, they have used this guy to pull focus from other royals and embarrass Meghan, and there’s this mystery surrounding William, why are they amplifying his voice now?

  48. MsIam says:

    My guess is that the royals (KP) were scared by the backlash from that “kate the better than mere mortals” article so they are falling back on their old standby of dragging out ToxicTom for an interview. Unfortunately, that well is empty now so instead of distracting from the royals own toxicity it just provides more evidence that they were/are complicit in the harassment of Meghan and Harry.

  49. Cj says:

    “I don’t want to be pitied” … proceeds to say woe is me 100 different ways looking for pity 🙄

    Also it’s clearly not the palace giving him talking points because Charles in no way wants ever to be compared to him or have this guy going “we’re so alike, we’re the same” as he squawks “just one photo” with all the subtlety of an elephant with diarrhoea

    • Lady Digby says:

      Foghorn Leghorn responded to his daughter’s heart felt letter explaining just how hurt she’d been by his publicity mad campaign against her and her new husband by sweeping her feelings aside and demanding a photo shoot with the newlyweds? He’s grown greedy over the past 6 years and now wants both photographs and reunion with the grandchildren plus an invite to Balmoral to swop spit with King Chuck and more snaps chez Windsor?

      • GTWiecz says:

        He’s clearly not bright. If he had been discreet and good to Meghan, he’d have been invited to the wedding, walk her to the altar, and be part of his grandchildren’s lives. Same for Scamantha and horrible Junior. They did it all wrong and now are just digging their heels. They’re done. They’ll never have access to the Sussexes.

      • sevenblue says:

        @GTWiecz, Actually he was invited to the wedding. Even after what he did with the paps, Meghan tried to contact him, to get him to UK and he didn’t pick up her calls, then Meghan got some weird text from someone impersonating him. They showed it all on the documentary with the court documents of their texts.

      • Tessa says:

        Andrew Morton wrote a biography of Meghan. And wrote Thomas was invited and said yes since the printed wedding order of service with markle listed as giving the bride away. So there was an accepted invite. Then markle started playing games…

  50. QuiteContrary says:

    Tell me you don’t know anything about raising children. Scam dad says: “They are getting to the age where they will start asking questions, as all kids do.”

    Oh yeah, I’m sure that 5-year-old Archie and 3-year-old Lili are demanding answers about why they didn’t get to attend Trooping the Color. “It’s our birthright, Mama and Papa!”

    • MsIam says:

      Tom Markle and Tom Quinn are now officially interchangeable. They both have the same talking points and they both have the same level of contact with Harry and Meghan, which of course is zero.

    • sevenblue says:

      Good thing H&M did a whole documentary about what happened. Harry also wrote a book with this intention.

    • bisynaptic says:


  51. what's inside says:

    Grifters are gonna grift – He will take as much chump change as can be thrown at him gleefully. What a pig.

  52. Freddy says:

    STOP DOING INTERVIEWS!!!! STOP TALKING TO BRITISH MEDIA!!! JUST SHUT UP and maybe, just maybe the silence might give your daughter and son-in-law cause to speak to you.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Oh, it’s waaaaaaay too late for that. Way too late.

      • Proud Mary says:

        If Meghan ever contacts that money grubbing fool, it will be one of the worst mistakes of her life. He is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the British Media. Any communication of hers is now owned by them. He has sold everything she every wrote him and is now desperate for a new payday; and the media is similarly desperate, because all contact with the Sussexes dried up a long time ago.

  53. VilleRose says:

    I guess this is his annual reminder to the media he still exists and he’s still bitter about being rightly cut out of Meghan’s life. I’m not sure apart from money what he thinks he’s trying to achieve by doing these interviews? If he had wanted to get back in Meghan’s good graces, he would have shut up after the wedding and worked on trying to reconcile with his daughter. Instead he continued to badmouth her and Harry, leaked her personal letter to him to the tabloids, and lied about his relationship with her. What is he being used as a distraction from? The nonexistence of Kate and William’s marriage?

    • GTWiecz says:

      I think so. Kate might be at Wimbledon, but the chill between the couple is so obvious. How long will they be able to maintain the charade? Kate seems like someone who is willing to keep the charade for the rest of her life.

  54. bisynaptic says:

    There’s no fool like an old fool. Surprised he made it this far.

  55. bisynaptic says:

    How much does he get paid for this sh— ?

  56. Rebecca says:

    Ugh, this reeks of the “Fired Mom” on tik tok.

  57. Unblinkered says:

    He’s a disgrace of a man, and the DM a bigger disgrace by courting him as they assuredly have and then printing what they know to be lies.

    My guess is the DM made the approach to then be able to print a negative story about H&M, in a further – clumsy – attempt to enhance W&K ‘by comparison’.

    As others above have commented, one wonders how much the DM paid him. This time.

  58. Annalise says:

    Have there been ANY photos of TM with Samantha, or his son, ever since Meghan got married?? It seems that he’s always bitching about not seeing Meghan, but as far as I know, there is NO evidence of any of his other children spending any time with him either.

    • sevenblue says:

      They get together for tabloid interviews or some cheap docs. They live in different countries and we know that none of them have any kind of a relationship with other members of their family either. Samantha doesn’t see any of her own children, this guy has no relationship with any of his grandchildren, but acts obsessed with H&M’s children because tabloids pay him to do so. He is a coward, he didn’t even pick up Meghan’s calls because he was so ashamed. I am sure even if Meghan calls him, he wouldn’t answer, he doesn’t have the balls.

  59. LookieLou says:

    This guys is such a sleazy money grabbing POS. The way he, with the help of the British tabs, harrased Meghan while she was pregnant and contemplating self harm is disgusting. There is a special place in hell for him.

  60. L4Frimaire says:

    Every time something doesn’t go the Royals way or something doesn’t get the traction they expect, they go after Meghan again and trot out this man. They want to go after her because the jam stole their thunder. That’s how petty they are. He says the same old BS, thinks the only reason Meghan has cut contact is because of those stupid photos and ditching her wedding day. That in itself is really bad, but he absolutely refuses to acknowledge the harm and abuse he continues to perpetuate and encourage against her. He only wants to exploit Archie and Lilibet, and leave them vulnerable to harm.Not once in all these years has he defended his daughter since she married into the Royal family ,but will twirl for the old boys club to denounce is mixed race daughter and dismiss the attacks, character assassination and abuse she endured thanks to the UK press and the royal apparatus he rolls over and performs tricks for. What part of “I lost my father “ does he not understand.

  61. Jks says:

    Karma bus, I know you’ve been super busy this year, and you are doing a great job btw, but please don’t forget this POS and that POS (Jason Knauf). And Samantha, Camilla, Will, Christian Jones, and all of the British gutter press.

    Again, great job so far!

  62. Tessa says:

    Harry and Meghan sent him an airline ticket. Instead of whining he could have flown over to meet Harry. He is emotionally abusing Meghan and she’s the one he wants to see the most. Horrible man

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