Elon Musk had a child with a Neuralink executive, his 12th, earlier this year

Surprise! Over the weekend, Bloomberg reported that Elon Musk somehow convinced Neuralink exec Shivon Zilis to have yet another baby with him. Zilis, who is already the mother of Musk’s two-and-a-half-year old twins, Strider and Azure, reportedly birthed Space Karen’s 12th child earlier this year. Just to break it down, Elon has these 12 children (that we know about) with three different women. There’s the three babies with Zillis, but there’s also twins Griffin and Vivian, 20, and triplets Kai, Saxon, and Damian, 18, who were born to his first ex-wife, Justine Wilson. Justine and Elon’s first-born, Nevada, tragically passed away from SIDS in 2002. Rounding it out are his three kids with ex-partner Grimes, named X, four, Y, two-and-a-half, and Tau, two. To make things a little more complicated, Y was born just weeks after Zilis’ twins were born. He and Grimes are currently suing each other over parental rights and custody. Lordy, he’s so freaking messy.

Congratulations may be in order for Elon Musk. According to Bloomberg, the billionaire allegedly welcomed his third child with top Neuralink executive Shivon Zilis earlier this year, bringing his brood to 12. The baby’s name and sex are not yet clear. Zilis declined to comment and Musk didn’t get back to the outlet. Similarly, Reps for the X CEO did not immediately respond to Page Six’s request for comment.

The 52-year-old Tesla mogul previously welcomed twins Strider and Azure with Zilis, 38, in November 2021. The tots’ arrival came just one month before the birth of daughter Exa Dark Sideræl, aka Y, whom he and then-partner Grimes welcomed via surrogate. When Page Six congratulated him on the arrival of the twins in July 2022, Musk replied, “Bravo to big families.”

He then told he us wants “as many [kids] as I am able to spend time with and be a good father.”

Musk repeated the sentiment in 2022 when he tweeted, “A collapsing birth rate is the biggest danger civilization faces, by far.”

[From Page Six]

I…genuinely don’t know what to say anymore. I can’t wait to hear what the baby’s name is, though. Azure is the name of a character from the fantasy novel Warbreaker, and Strider is a nod to the Lord of the Rings character Aragorn, so I’m legit curious to find out what book character Shivon came up with this time. But congrats her, I guess. I’d hope she knows exactly what she’s continuing to get into by having kids with Musk. She better have a plan in place to protect herself and more importantly her babies whenever he inevitably tries to screw her over like he did with Grimes. I truly have no idea, at this point, why someone would choose to procreate with that lunatic other than they also believe in his collapsing birth rate and racist Great Replacement Theory nonsense. Ugh, he’s just so gross.

Photos credit: Olivier Huitel / Avalon, Faye’s Vision/Cover Images

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16 Responses to “Elon Musk had a child with a Neuralink executive, his 12th, earlier this year”

  1. Eurydice says:

    He then told he us wants “as many [kids] as I am able to spend time with and be a good father.”

    Isn’t that the same thing Nick Cannon said?

  2. molly says:

    Congrats….I guess?
    Also, it’s VERY statistically unlikely that all these multiples were naturally conceived, which feels extra creepy that he’s potentially dabbling in unnecessary fertility treatments to have as many kids as possible.

  3. JanetDR says:

    Ugh. I do love the Space Karen moniker, it is the only reason that I can even think about him.

  4. NJGR says:

    Yuck. I bet Elno Skum just wants an excuse not to use a condom.
    Azure is a pretty name, but the rest of those kids are going to be endlessly teased.

  5. Looper says:

    Very unpopular opinion that I’ve been criticized on in various settings: let’s pause on procreation… like 10 year break…or until we get a handle on the lives already here and suffering as well as get a handle on climate crisis. This guy, ew… top of my list for people who should not procreate ever.

    • lisa says:

      ITA although I know it will never happen. our collective footprints just get bigger and bigger.

      and this guy really only cares about the ratio of Whyte to non white

    • Justjj says:

      Is it an unpopular opinion? I feel like this is naturally what happens when women are provided with options and the means to have their own careers and education. That’s why so many in Space Karen’s triple digit millionaire-billionaire 0.0001% club are trying to take those rights away. They need an underclass to work in their factories and fight their proxy wars. If we really want to press pause on procreation, we merely need to protect women’s choices and access, before the Koch Brothers and Space Karens of the world eradicate them completely.

  6. Sakura says:

    There’s no way he’s spending any sort of meaningful time with all 12 of these kids. Between flying around the world on his jet, tweeting all day, and ( sort-of) running his companies- there’s just no way. And that is extremely unfair to the kids. I bet he misses all the important milestones, but wants everyone to think he’s father of the year.

  7. Ameerah M says:

    Elon Musk is the Nick Cannon of the tech world. Only Nick isn’t having lots of babies because of white supremacist replacement theory BS.

  8. Giddy says:

    I’m confused. Didn’t Amber Heard imply that he was the father of her baby?

  9. LaurenAPMT says:

    Even the idea of that man’s genetic material inside my body is enough to make me want to vomit.

  10. YVR says:

    Musk needs to be neutered. There’s already too much of his DNA for the world to handle.

  11. jo says:

    Scrolling quickly, I misread this headline as, “Elon Musk had a child with Neuralink Executive” and thought the other parent was named Neuralink Executive. That tracks, I thought.

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