John Waters on casting actors: if they ever use the word ‘journey,’ I never hire them

John Waters has said that punks are his people, as evidenced by this year marking his 10th time hosting the Mosswood Meltdown punk music festival. Or as Waters phrased it, “I’m proud to be hosting from the gutter for the tenth time! Mosswood Meltdown — our days to shine in the punk grime.” Those days are July 6-7 in Oakland, CA, and the festivities this year also include an inaugural Peaches Christ Drag Contest that Waters will co-host and judge with Ms. Christ. So to hype the festival, Waters graciously sat down with People Mag where he waxed on punk culture, his movies, and the dangers of smoking. No matter what question People lobbed at him throughout the interview, Waters was reliably, candidly, humorously himself.

You’re known as a huge reader. Would you ever adapt anyone else’s book into a film?

Never. I have never even read a script that I didn’t write. The fun of it for me, if there’s ever fun, is thinking it up. I wouldn’t know how to direct somebody else’s stuff. I’m a writer. Once I think it up, “Oh, now I have to do it.” A lot of it to me is writing the script. Then, I’ve played all the characters in my mind for a year before we even get there. Whoever gets the parts, the stars, don’t ever have to read. They just, if they ever use the word ‘journey,’ I never hire them.

Why is that?

I hate that word. It’s so overused, especially in LA. You’re not on a journey. People that are escaping Ukraine are on a journey, not winning the [Independent] Spirit Award.

When you look back on your career, which film do you think you’ll be most remembered for?

When I die, the first paragraph will be Hairspray and then Pink Flamingos.

Which do you think you should be most remembered for?

They’re all exactly the same to me. I think my best movie is Serial Mom. The best Divine movie is Female Trouble. But Pink Flamingos still caused the most trouble. They’re all the same to me. They have the same message — “Mind your own business. What people use against you, turn into a style, and you’ll win.” Every movie’s about that.

Do you have any regrets from your career?

One regret in my life is smoking cigarettes. It’s terrible. I know many of my friends are dying of cancer right now.

How long did you smoke for?

Oh, I haven’t had a cigarette in 7,782 days — roughly. I write it down every day. But I smoked five packs a day. Not always, but long enough. Camel Cools. Oh, even saying that word makes me cough.

Is there anything at this point in your life and career that your fans would be pretty surprised to learn about you?

Well, I wouldn’t tell you, PEOPLE magazine, if I was keeping it secret. I know PEOPLE is where to come though if you do tell secrets, and they treat you fairly. Every time a star is in a scandal, the right press agent will tell them to go to PEOPLE. And I would too.

[From People]

Thank you, John Waters. These acerbic answers were the sort of zingers I needed to face the beginning of a new week. He really had me cracking up the whole time, from his more philosophical comments to the very particular reporting that he hasn’t had a cigarette in “roughly” 7,782 days (as opposed to roughly 21 years). And am I mixing up my gay icons (don’t answer that), or did Waters sound like Fran Lebowitz when decrying the over/misuse of the word “journey” in Hollywood? But before you can call him too snarky, he goes on to call all of his own films “the same.” I love it. He’s so unprecious about it all. Can you imagine Noah Baumbach saying “Oh yeah, all my movies are exactly the same,”? What’s so compelling about Waters’ answer, though, is that in describing what that same message is across his films — turning what people make fun of you for into your signature — it’s such an important message that you think in response (or at least I did), “Hell yeah, we need to hear that over and over and over again.” Cause it’s not like we’re so evolved now that everyone is minding their own business and done with name-calling, sadly.

But of course, the ultimate moment, the pièce de résistance, is the absolute trolling he gives People Mag at the end there. “As if I’d tell YOU my secrets.” And then to go on and credit People as the outlet celeb’s comms teams go to for image rehab, effectively naming the machinery the industry thinks is invisible to the public? That was just a perfectly punk play made by Waters. Kudos to People for keeping it in!

Happy Pride, kids! Let your freak flags fly! (And don’t smoke cigarettes.)

Photos credit: Avalon, Jennifer Bloc/Future Image/Cover Images, PacificCoastNews / Avalon

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27 Responses to “John Waters on casting actors: if they ever use the word ‘journey,’ I never hire them”

  1. sevenblue says:

    lol. I am surprised they kept that secret answer. Good for People Mag, they know who they are and not trying to hide it.

  2. Dalat says:

    Anna Wintour said journey was one of her least favorite words in her 73 questions video. I adore John Waters and hope he’s remembered for simply being John Waters, Baltimore’s favorite freak.

  3. Jais says:

    Yeah I’m laughing at the People response. If you’re in a scandal, go to them. His answers are a joy. Love the mind your own business.

  4. Digital Unicorn says:

    I LOVE his movies – Divine was a seriously under rated actor and I loved his music and have some of his singles (Shoot Your Shot is fabulous). Waters autobiography is on my reading list and he’s such a great interview.

    Its a shame he doesn’t write/direct any more and I would highly recommend Polyester thou its NOT for the faint of heart.

  5. ML says:

    This was a really fun read! The man dgaf, except about smoking, and he’s got one of the best ways of relating to giving it up without lecturing anyone.

  6. Outoftheshadows says:

    You guys are KILLING IT with the queer content this week. Happy Pride everyone!

    And go read Role Models. It’s one of my absolute favorite books, and Waters doesn’t get enough credit for his excellent writing.

  7. Miranda says:

    I adore this delightfully sleazy, smartassed freak of a man. His snarky remarks about spilling secrets to People was perfection. I’m eagerly awaiting the right time show his films to my stepdaughter, because I’ve always felt that there’s a message of acceptance there, too. He encourages people to embrace their weirdness, and we desperately need that.

    As a sidenote, John Waters once gave THE BEST dating advice I’ve ever heard: If you go home with someone and you don’t see any books on their shelves, don’t f–k them. I always followed that guidleline and it served me well!

    • AlpineWitch says:

      I don’t need to date at present but I’ll keep that in mind if the need arises 🤣🤣

    • BW says:

      I love him, but that book comment just makes me love him more.

      Signed, a book lover with 2 libraries in their house.

    • Bravo says:

      What if you have a library card?

      • Tuesday says:

        If you are a reader, there will be signs. Even e-book devotees have evidence of their hobby around. If someone is using the library, I’d expect library books or media to be around.

  8. Eating Popcorn says:

    One of my dating rules!

  9. ariel says:

    If you ever have a chance to see him tell stories live- GO- it was great fun (i don’t know that he still tours like that), but there’s also a recorded/dvd of his it. Hysterical. Amazing storyteller with amazing stories.
    He talks about his early cinematic influences and favorite characters (the bad seed kid, the wicked witch and capt hook from the mary martin peter pan)
    And i love Serial Mom too.
    And the original Hairspray (before it was made into a musical) was FUNNY!. And i like the musical version too.
    The early stuff is A LOT.

    Divine died a week after Hairspray came out, he had just flown out to LA to do a guest spot as himself (not Divine) on Married with Children. And he died that weekend. He was on the cusp of being a mainstream actor- and i bet he would have enjoyed the hell out of it.

    I’m glad the and John Waters found each other and got to be friends- when you’re young and different, finding someone who gets you- priceless gift.

  10. Cheshire Sass says:

    I love the weird and wonderful John Waters. MY FAVORITE JOHN WATERS QUOTE: If you go home with somebody, and they don’t have books, don’t f*ck ’em! Don’t sleep with people who don’t read! Nothing is more impotent than an unread library. – No truer words said, the “journey” comment is right up there with those “blessed/gratitude” home decoration signs for me. Makes me want to puke.

  11. Becks1 says:

    I love John Waters. he donated his entire art collection to the Baltimore Museum of Art free of charge, with the stipulation that some items from the collection are on display at all times. It was an incredibly generous gift. And I’m from Baltimore so of course I have a “ran into John Waters in a basement bar” story – I was just like eek and scurried off but my husband exchanged a few words with him, LOL.

    • Fra says:

      Wow, I did not know about that. It makes me love him even more. He is really unique. Thanks for sharing!

    • Freddy says:

      This man must be protected at all costs! I first saw Female Trouble in the early 90s when I lived in DC and was attending art school, so we were all young tortured freaks who managed to find one another and we became obsessed by all things John Waters and Divine. He’s the funniest, snarkiest of them all—he should teach a class to celebs on how to conduct themselves in an interview.

    • Ang says:

      I worked at a small fancy restaurant in Baltimore around 2001, and we found out John Waters had a reservation for that weekend. Well, the chef and the lady who ran the place got into a fight and somehow didn’t open that night. Needless to say, he didn’t make another reservation. I was so disappointed

  12. Trillion says:

    For the last 6 years my husband and I have gone to see his Christmas show at the Great American Music Hall (Waters lives here in SF part time). He speaks NON STOP for over an hour about anything and everything and then takes audience questions. National. Fucking. Treasure.

    • Juniper says:

      Same here. Not sure on how many years though. Love that show so much. I also love his book tours and go to those as well. They also turn into 90 minutes of delightful stories.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I have ALWAYS adored John Waters and it’s great to see him in this post. I want another movie! He is a national treasure!!!

  14. martha says:

    Ha – That photo of John being papped on the street!

    I love him and have following ever since my favorite high school Lit/Film teacher introduced us to him. Hmmm, in 1973 – I wonder if a teacher would get away with it these days?!

  15. straight edge says:

    It’s interesting that he’s now realizing that smoking is bad. I remember that decades ago he had to make the anti-smoking commercial that played before movies for an LA theatre and acted the smartass by smoking the “cool” way during the entire thing as a joke.

    I mean, I love him and better late than never, but the signs where there that smoking was bad. They always were. He just had to be the rebel that smoked, because there’s nothing more rebelious than giving tobacco companies money I guess lmao

    This is all is jest btw. I like him. I’m glad he’s trying to drop it now, but he did contribute to the smoking is cool thing. I’ve been an alt scene kid my entire life and I saw way too many friends die of lung cancer. It’s something I don’t wish on anyone.

    • IFoxi says:

      Well, he didn’t just quit, it was over 20 years ago. He may have expressed regret at his snarky smoking behavior back then. At least he’s vehemently talking against it now.

  16. Abbie says:

    As a non-native English speaker, what’s wrong with the word journey?? Jeez I feel bad for all the non-Americans who try to make it in this industry…

  17. DeniseCB says:

    Everytime I see white shoes I think of Serial Mom. LOL. I can definitely rewatch this one.

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