Dave Grohl took a swipe at Taylor Swift: ‘We actually play live. What? Just saying’

I didn’t realize that the Foo Fighters are back to touring, but they were also in London over the weekend, same as Taylor Swift. Taylor performed three nights in a row to sold-out crowds in Wembley Stadium. Foo Fighters played at London Stadium on Saturday night. When they were on stage, Dave Grohl tried to pump up the crowd by comparing the band’s concert to Taylor’s Eras concert. Tell me if you really think Grohl was being super-shady, because I don’t think he was.

Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl appeared to take a jab at Taylor Swift at the band’s concert on Saturday night at London Stadium. After mentioning that Swift’s Eras Tour was currently taking place at London’s Wembley Stadium, Grohl said on stage, “I tell you, man, you don’t want to suffer the wrath of Taylor Swift.”

He continued: “So we like to call our tour the ‘Errors Tour.’ We’ve had more than a few eras, and more than a few f–king errors as well. Just a couple.”

Grohl then implied that Swift doesn’t perform live, telling the crowd, “That’s because we actually play live. What? Just saying. You guys like raw, live rock ‘n’ roll music, right? You came to the right f–king place.”

Grohl has praised Swift in the past and even dedicated the Foo Fighters song “Congregation” to the pop star at the BBC Radio Big 1 Weekend in 2015. “I’m officially obsessed. She might want to get a restraining order because I’m all about Swift,” Grohl said at the 2015 U.K. music festival. “To my opening band, Taylor Swift. Taylor and the Swifts,” he added.

[From Variety]

Is it shady? A tad, but only if you think it’s shady to point out that Taylor uses backing vocals for most of the songs during her concerts. I’m not saying she’s just getting up there and lip-syncing everything and neither is Grohl. Taylor uses backing tracks AND she sings live. Foo Fighters play everything live with no backing tracks. Plus, I think Grohl was mostly just trying to pump up the crowd and get them hyped for the live rock experience.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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80 Responses to “Dave Grohl took a swipe at Taylor Swift: ‘We actually play live. What? Just saying’”

  1. equality says:

    I get what he’s saying. These big concerts aren’t about appreciation for music; they are about a performance and being over-the-top. I’d rather just hear the music without all the lights, back-up events and loud noise.

    • Zoid says:

      I’ve seen them and absolutely agree, they put on a quality show without backing tracks. For some of their songs that require other voices, like Sky is a Neighborhood, they had a mini choir up on stage. Also, he ad libs jokes and tells stories the entire performance. He’s absolutely hilarious. I did not expect to go there and get a mini comedy set in between songs.

    • Dovahkiin says:

      oh give me the SPECTACLE every time.

    • Looper says:

      @ equality, agreed; these stadium concerts feel overwhelming and underwhelming all at once.

      I watched the eras tour movie (much of it, anyway) and reels from this tour are difficult to escape and the show often feels rote and disconnected… I think I’d totally dig her on a very stripped-down tour… her with guitars, piano, band, backing vocalists. That’s my personal preference, obviously. Clearly Swifties feel Very connected and that honestly astounds me!

      • Becks1 says:

        I think part of the fun for these concerts, based on what I’ve seen and heard, is that everyone just seems like they are having fun. We saw McCartney a few years ago and the vibe was just so positive – no one was fighting in line for the bathrooms, no one was mad because they took too long to get a drink, etc. Everyone was just so happy to be there, I’ve never been to a concert like that.

        I get the impression that these concerts are very similar and I think that’s part of the appeal. You’re not just seeing your favorite singer, you’re seeing your favorite singer with 70k of your new besties.

  2. HeatherC says:

    Dave Grohl has a cute story on how TS “saved’ him from embarrassment once. He’s a true rock star complete with some….let’s say questionable…..views and quotes in the past but nothing super bad.

    He wasn’t being shady. She uses backing tracks. This is known. The Foos don’t. This is also known.

    I feel bad for him, he told a joke that didn’t land with the Swifties so the most rabid among them will probably organize death threats, etc. But make no mistake, TS is a pop icon. Grohl is a rock legend.

    • SH says:

      It was still disrespectful to her live band and backing vocalists who are putting in the work to perform 3.5 hours without mistakes because that is what the show demands. Especially when members of her band were just at a Foo Fighters show the night before their own London shows stared.

      • HeatherC says:

        He told a joke that didn’t land with the Swifties.

        This was more self deprecating than a swipe at TS, who he is friendly with.

        He’ll also be the first one to go on social media to tell his fans to calm down, something TS didn’t do when his daughter was getting death threats from the more rabid keyboard warrior section of the Swifties.

        There’s a whole lot of nuance and space between a mild joke and disrespect.

      • Nic919 says:

        He was saying his own show is full of errors and that Taylor has a show that doesn’t. Swifties need to get off line and get a grip with reality. This is cult behaviour no different than MAGA.

      • kirk says:

        So, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
        You need to calm down
        You’re being too loud
        And I’m just like oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh (oh)
        You need to just stop
        Like, can you just not step on my gown?
        You need to calm down
        You are somebody that we don’t know
        But you’re coming at my friends like a missile
        Why are you mad?
        When you could be GLAAD? (You could be GLAAD)
        Sunshine on the street at the parade
        But you would rather be in the dark ages
        Making that sign, must’ve taken all night.

        Stay the death squads, please Swiftie?

      • Lisa says:

        @nic I don’t think anyone in the Sussex squad should be going after swifties since that group makes the swifties look calm and rational. I mean did you see the posts yesterday basically calling Taylor a klan member for a photo with some kids whose mom has cancer? When Taylor has been through that herself and 90% of Americans don’t know a damn thing about the royal family other than their hats and weddings.

      • Nic919 says:

        No one from the squad is going after swifties but the insane reaction of swifties over every critique of their goddess Taylor is not psychologically healthy behaviour and it is the exact same behaviour exhibited by MAGA cultists.

      • kirk says:

        @ Lisa – What??? r u saying?
        Sussex Squad said Taylor Swift is a klan member because she took a “photo with some kids whose mom has cancer?”
        Sounds horrible!
        You’re speaking from a position of authority that Sussex Squad are Taylor Swift haters?
        No wonder u hate Sussex Squad.

      • Sass says:

        @heatherc nearly nothing lands with the Swifties. It seems their default setting is “look for any excuse to attack others.” Waiting for Maggie to come flying into the comments and prove me right again.

      • Ginger says:

        Lisa, no one in the Sussex Squad even CARES about Taylor Swift. Nice try.

    • Mil says:

      I do not think it is cute to attack hard working women in this climate. And I love AiC, Pearl Jam, Mother Love bone, so naturally I like Dave. Just, poke fun at Timberfake.

      And I looove Damon Albarn, so, I hope u get my point…

  3. Digital Unicorn says:

    He’s poking a little fun at her – I believe that they are friends/friendly as he’s spoken very highly of her in the past.

  4. Becks1 says:

    oh man, the swifties are going to come for him.

    One of the issues with the younger Swifties (like high school and younger) is that Taylor has been their #1 for their entire lives, so they don’t have a reference for other musicians and what others do. For example, when the Eras tour started last year and Swifties were like AND SHE PERFORMS FOR OVER THREE HOURS……yeah other artists have been doing that for years, without costume or set changes. But if you bring that up you’re “tearing women down” or something.

    And here – yeah, Foo Fighters and other acts have been performing without backing tracks/vocals for decades. I don’t think its wrong to point that out. I don’t think he was even being especially shady, I just think he was pointing out that music that is 100% live is going to have more “errors” and be less packaged.

    But even so….the Swifties are going to come for him.

    • ShazBot says:

      The thing that drives me nuts about Taylor is that she takes everything so so personally. She is at the literal top, she does not need to be responding to everything. And I think that’s what eggs her fans to behave horribly and also not be able to let anything go, ever. Not everything is worth a response.

    • Nic919 says:

      Listening to the clip it’s obvious he’s being self deprecating. Swifties really are cult like in their devotion, not much different than MAGA.

      • Lisa says:

        Just stop with this, Taylor hasn’t talked about it at all and all swifties are talking about is Travis on stage.

      • mblates says:

        @Lisa-yeah, no. swifties on social media are calling grohl’s daughter the c-word and are attacking both of them. just like @Becks1 says: saying it’s old men tearing down women. so maybe you can get on your socials and tell other swifties to ‘stop with this’? cause you don’t really get to call out someone for misogyny while using the c-word.

      • Grey says:

        @Lisa the Swifties are definitely talking about him. Going right for his looks (making comments about a turkey neck) and other colourful comments, the posts are there if you look for them for a few minutes on the Foo Fighters Instagram, his book Instagram, Reddit, etc. If the tables were turned and people were commenting about Taylor that way, they might burst a blood vessel.

        At this point I think one of the main issues most people have with Taylor is the Swifties. My god, Taylor is a literal billionaire who is more on top than I can imagine anyone being in my lifetime. Maybe they can f*cking cool it with the inability to handle the fact that not everyone listens to Taylor Swift 24/7, not everyone loves pop music, and sometimes, criticism of their fave is legitimate and not misogynistic.

        In this case, with listening to Dave make this comment, it seemed like more of a tongue in cheek, self deprecating moment. He seems like the kind of person that everyone likes and has written music with TWO bands that have shaped and influenced the music industry forever.

      • Nic919 says:

        I will never stop comparing to swifties to MAGA cultists because they have both been acting insane for years now. Threatening sexual assault of Grohl’s daughter is psychotic. And that is just one example.

        There is a straight line from crazy fan worship to Trump being elected president. Deal with that truth.

    • HeatherC says:

      That’s hilarious to me as well, the three hour thing. The Foo Fighters concert in London was 3 hours without costume changes, so about the same length.

  5. EasternViolet says:

    Here is my theory. This is a weird underhanded compliment. Dave Grohl never punches down. This is a weird way that he is “punching up” and therefore acknowledging that she is the bigger player here. She took it in stride, which makes me think that its an inside joke.

  6. Nerd says:

    It was probably a little jab but I wouldn’t expect someone who is basically standing still and playing a guitar while singing to be moving freely on a stage to the point that a backup track would be needed throughout a concert that would last for hours. As someone appreciates music and the performance aspect you get at a concert, I can appreciate both styles of concerts.

  7. sevenblue says:

    I love reading articles from music critics not involved in her cult or not scared of her cult. They are saying the same thing most of the time. He might be trolling a little bit since he also mentioned about getting her wrath. But, I think it started to piss off people especially in the industry that she doesn’t even try to rein in her fans who spew death, r*pe threats to anyone saying anything critical about her. They came for his child and she didn’t say anything even though they know each other, but hopped on Lady Gaga’s post because fans were speculating about her getting pregnant. You should be blind not to see how she is creating this hateful environment.

  8. Em says:

    What do Kate Middleton/ Taylor swift / Caitlin Clark have in common? Why do they seem so inspire the most rabid followers?

    • Quinn says:

      Easy. Their fan bases are comprised mostly of white women.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      What Quinn said, though I’d argue that Khate doesn’t really have rabid fans compared to the other two women you mentioned. Her fans hate Meghan a billion times more than they lie Khate much less love her. The sole reason they’re fans of Khate is because they hate Meghan.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    If it’s true she uses backing tracks then he’s just stating facts.

  10. OriginalMich says:

    Why set yourself up for a Swifty attack? Sure, what he said was true, but was it worth saying it?

    • HeatherC says:

      Rock concerts differ from pop concerts that way. Rock concerts tend not to be as “packaged” (except Rammstein who is choreographed down to the minute because of their incredible pyro I think!). The banter can change and is a bit more spontaneous. There’s less backing tracks/prerecorded bits (Unless you’re Motley Crue and occasionally Axl Rose). A rock concert is about the music experience. A pop concert is about the music performance, if that makes sense (only on my 2nd cup of tea)

    • MrsBanjo says:

      Or Taylor should rein in her fans who have a habit of sending rape and death threats to people (including Grohl’s daughter).

    • Nic919 says:

      Refraining from saying anything somewhat negative about Taylor Swift because of how her fan base might respond is what is called the chilling effect. That isn’t acceptable in a democracy. Besides it was clear he made a dumb dad joke about Eras v Errors. The response from swifties is just irrational and cultish.

  11. DaniLou32 says:

    I don’t know, it feels a bit disrespectful to me for him to do this to another artist. It also shows a bit of insecurity that she was playing a bigger venue and that London was making a bigger deal out of her. It’s fine for him to have those opinions, it’s kinda mild, but talk about it in an interview when you can be a bit more nuanced. Don’t try to hype up a crowd who I’m guessing aren’t fans of Taylor to begin with. The crowd in front of them had already chosen to go see them, so what was the point in trying to position themselves as Foo Fighters concert experience versus Taylor?

    • flower says:

      I agree, it wasn’t necessary to shade another artist. Just play your music for your fans. If Taylor said something like that at her concert about another artist you’d never hear the end if it. T the industry is big enough for everyone to exist and enjoy what they like, it doesn’t need to be a competition. You can love all music

    • Lisa says:

      It seems sort of sad on his part, sort of like no one cared about him and his show so he’ll make a dig at Taylor for doing what all pop shows do, and she does sing live, so not even getting his point. To get some attention. But Taylor didn’t care and swifties only care that Travis was on stage so he got media attention so good for him.

      • Becks1 says:

        yeah dave grohl really needs media attention.

      • Lisa says:

        Well no one was talking about him until this so seems like he did. I like him and I am sure it was a joke but the way it’s being reported that’s how it comes across.

      • Becks1 says:

        Just because we weren’t talking about him on here doesn’t mean he made the comment to try to get media attention. He’s famous on his own with a significant musical legacy. He doesn’t need to clout chase Taylor Swift.

      • Get Real says:

        Yeah no one cares about Dave Grohl
        A literal rock icon

      • Nic919 says:

        Yes let’s pretend Nirvana wasn’t a ground breaking band that changed the path of rock music in the 90s.

      • Lisa says:

        No one said he wasn’t an icon, they said how the quote and reporting came across. Relax. Stop being reactive and read what is written.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Lisa that’s good advice for the Swifties as well.

      • Nic919 says:

        Yes it is totally non reactive to claim the Sussex squad claimed Taylor is a klan member because she took a picture with the wales kids. That’s what a serious person totally not obsessed with defending the honour of a rich billionaire who doesn’t even know she exists would do.

    • BlueRnnr says:

      I doubt Dave is all that concerned with the size venue Foos were in for London. They’ve played Wembly more than once. Plus, before this tour they had just done a HUGE festival crowds dates. I’ve seen them three times. Twice at the local full sized arena and once at the one of slighty smaller outdoor amphitheaters in the area. He was amped to be there and play. All three shows were just as hight energy and he was just as amped to play.

  12. Glitter Baby says:

    I got the impression that Dave was being self deprecating and pointing out that they put on a very different type of show than Taylor Swift. I don’t think he was trying to be mean.

    • Nic919 says:

      In watching the video it’s pretty obvious that he was making a joke about eras tour vs errors tour.

      But swifties have been overreacting for years over anything remotely close to a perceived slight. As we have seen in the comments today.

  13. Nanea says:

    It’s just a fact that Taylor neither has a strong voice, nor range. And she’s limited as an instrumentalist.

    So stating she has help isn’t wrong, especially when production puts layers above layers to make her sound OK.

    That she has found her niche and is more successful than she should be, see all those Grammies that could have gone to other people — good for her.

    I guess the Swifties come for the glitter.

    • Scotchy says:

      It isn’t that she is necessarily singing to backing tracks but like most big pop acts there is an engineer on the side tuning her as she sings live. They almost all utilize this tech. I mean we can all admit she isn’t the strongest vocalist out there.

  14. atlantababe says:

    his poor daughter is being harassed by swifties and had to deactivate her social media after they told her to d*e and told her that she would get r*ped within a week.all she said was that taylor should stop using her private jets so much.

    • equality says:

      Seriously? Didn’t know all that. The big concerts also are bad for the environment with all the power usage. I’m sure it’s not all solar energy being used for all the special effects.

  15. bitsycs says:

    Ironically the only concerts I’ve been to in the past 10y are foo fighters and Taylor Swift. Dave is like the main musician my husband and I agreed on for years (our daughter loves Taylor so he likes Taylor too because her music is always on at home).

    I think it’s shady and kind of disappointing- it’s also kind of stupid because Taylor’s live shows have errors all the time. She restarted her surprise songs the night we went like 3x because of messing up words.

    I don’t really know what the deal is with his daughter but I’ve also seen screenshots of her comments about the ai porn/rape stuff that happened to Taylor and I suspect that is probably the more egregious sin that activated the swiftie ire. Not that they wouldn’t defend her private jet usage but the screenshots I have seen since all this happened made me raise my eyebrows – and that’s allegedly what led to her deactivating Twitter.

    • Get Real says:

      Nothing, repeat NOTHING justifies death and rape threats. Period.

    • waitwhat says:

      If you saw the screenshots of Violet’s posts, she was essentially saying that it was BS that people only paid attention to sexual violence AI when it happened to TS. She also said there’s a difference between live SA and AI SA, which there inarguably is. She said nothing to garner the level of vitriol and shameful behavior from the TS lunatics. What really gets me is how many of these trolls are grown-ass women. It’s mind-boggling to me.

  16. Alice B. Tokeless says:

    Rebecca Schaeffer, John Lennon, Christina Grimmie, Gianni Versace, Dimebag Darrell. All killed by “fans.” Her letting this go unchallenged, by her fans in HER name, will end tragically. Not all keyboard warriors are mentally sound, and it takes but one lost soul to believe TS is signaling for it to be done, to physically go after one of her critics. And when that happens, 100% of the blame will fall at her feet. Many insist TS isn’t responsible for what her fans say or do, but she is absolutely responsible for not calling it out.

    If people were spreading hate/violence in defense of me, they would receive a VERY public dressing down for that. Don’t EVER spread hate in my name! Yet, she remains silent; and that silence has long informed me as to who she really is. A very nasty mean girl.

    • Lisa says:

      Ok so if Taylor gets hurt it’s Dave’s fault? Because so far she is the only one that needs 24 security and armored cars.

      People are responsible for their choices, if some crazy foo fighter fan goes after Taylor that won’t be on Dave. And truly swifties only care that Travis was on stage they’ve moved on.

      • mblates says:

        people are responsible for their own choices, yes. the same way that taylor is responsible for never calling out her fans for issuing death and r–e threats. she’s never issued a statement telling them to back off. instead she weaponizes her fans to go after specific people she dislikes or she feels has done her wrong. i do think she has some responsibility for calling them out or telling them to back off or stand down. but her silence is read as encouragement and approval.

      • Alice B. Tokeless says:

        @Lisa: If FF fans were online calling for TS to be hurt and Dave remained silent, and then something did happen, then yes, that would absolutely fall on Dave’s head. You’re making my point for me.

        Also, she’s far from the first mega star to require 24 hour security/armored cars, and will be far from the last.

        @Mblates: yes, her silence is absolutely encouragement! She lets her fans do her dirty work, and then sheds her white tears and cries “misogyny” anytime she’s called out on anything. At some point, she needs to face the fact she’s fast approaching 40, and this kind of adolescent behavior is embarrassing for no one but her.

      • IFoxi says:

        Dave Grohl has called out fans when things get weird. It just doesn’t happen that often. Many celebrities have had to do it. That’s what bothers people (me incl) about TS never putting out any statements to her fans when things get weird, and it happens… all the time. Maybe if she said she didn’t love it when fans act crazy, some of them would dial it back… don’t want to make their hero mad! It’s something she could easily do, it’s interesting that she hasn’t yet.

  17. Bad Janet says:

    I dunno, I think it’s kinda unfair. Taylor gives a great concert, apparently. She runs on a treadmill and goes through her entire set list to make sure she had endurance for it.

    Anybody who doesn’t appreciate Grohl doesn’t get music, period, but there is a big difference between going to a rock concert and going to a pop music concert and what you get. Backing vocals are there in case things go out to keep the vibe going because the spectacle is part of why people go, like they’re seeing a play and not just live music. It’s a totally different kind of concert.

  18. amy says:

    I don’t think he was trying to shade her. Honestly, Taylor doesn’t need to use backing tracks like some artists. Her voice is strong enough to carry a show.

    That said, Eras is 3 hours long and includes intricate choreography the whole time. Of course the whole thing is scripted and there’s a lot of backing tracks. That’s just the kind of show it is. Foos don’t do that kind of show cause they don’t dance or have dancers.

    Doesn’t bother me at all when an artist like Taylor uses backing tracks and such because it’s that kind of show. It’s not a rock concert. What really chapped my a** a few years ago was when I saw U2 and they did the same thing. They had a bunch of backing tracks and the whole thing was totally scripted. Four guys with instruments should not need that. That was a disappointment because I was expecting a more Foos-like rock concert.

  19. Fancyhat says:

    He’s being shady and it is unsurprising.

    No one else remembers this but when Rick Rubin produced a Foo Fighters album at the same time as Shakira’s dual Oral Fixation albums, he made some really sexist and demeaning comments about her and how Rubin obviously had to help her much more than the FF. Rick came out and said it was the exact opposite. Shakira needed hardly any help from him.

    So he has a history of demeaning women and their talent IMO

    • Minnow says:

      Rick Rubin never produced a foo fighters record.

    • HeatherC says:

      Oral Fixation came out in 2005. So did the double Foos album In Your Honor.

      Rick Rubin was not a producer on In Your Honor.

      However, even though it was a double album, it was priced just 1 dollar above an average single CD because Grohl said the albums complemented each other in one package, “and I don’t need any more money”

      In this era of reissuing the same album in different colors, or putting one new track on the album and releasing it again within weeks of the original, that was refreshing.

      • HeatherC says:

        In 2005 besides Shakira, Rick Rubin produced for Weezer, System of a Down, Audioslave, Limp Bizkit, Neil Diamond and a retrospective for Johnny Cash (died 2003).

    • IFoxi says:

      You must be thinking of a different person. Dave Grohl has always been a huge supporter of women in music, well before he had 3 daughters that he encourages to do…. what they want, not what he thinks they should do.

    • Flamingo says:

      Fancyhat are you Courtney Love lol

    • waitwhat says:

      oh honey, stop embarrassing yourself. you know nothing about that guy.

  20. lucy2 says:

    Her concerts are choreographed productions, vs a band jamming. They’re totally different things, for different audiences, and that’s ok. If he intended to shade her, that wasn’t necessary or kind, and if not, it came off poorly.
    Personally I’d chose seeing the Foo Fighters any day of the week over Taylor Swift, but to each their own.

  21. LK says:

    I really don’t think it was malicious. Taylor Swift is the biggest thing in London atm so of course he’s going to mention it. People are reaching. She’s a grown woman and those fans attacking her daughter are scum.

  22. Proud Mary says:

    Well, she can’t sing. So, she has to compensate with all the razzle-dazzle.

    • Joanne says:

      She makes a lot more money singing than you do. She has millions of fans that think she sings just fine. You don’t have to like her but there’s no reason to disparage a successful woman.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Well, I’m not a singer or an entertainer, so, if that’s the standard, then it’s a pretty low bar for her, isn’t it? I actually do admire that she writes most, if not, all her own music; but I’m not sure that merely stating a fact that her vocal range is fairly limited, constitutes a disparagement. I mean, Bob Dillon can’t sing either, but he’s an amazing writer and story teller. No one is going to clutch pearls on his behalf the way you’re doing here.

  23. Rebecca says:

    I agree with what some are saying, they are completely different concerts. I’m not sure a human can sing all of that without some backing vocals. I went to the Eras Tour here in the US and was blown away by how much she sang and for how long. It’s also clear she’s singing live from concert videos when she stops singing in the middle of songs to ask for help for fans or security. But while I am a Swiftie, too many in the fanbase are rabid and will attack people online who say stuff like this that is shady. I don’t claim those folks, but they’re out there, so people have to be careful!

  24. J.Mo says:

    I understand that Dave’s daughter made some general comments and got threatened by Taylor’s rabid fans. I wish Taylor would read The Four Agreements and stop taking everything personally and control her fans. I also hope Dave never plays into drama. He’s the performer, despite Violet’s presence on his stage. He hypes her up and says look you’re on stage in front of a sold out stadium every show, but I hope she can turn out as humble as he usually seems.

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