Hugh Grant thanked Taylor Swift for her ‘incredible show’ & ‘gigantic boyfriend’

Hugh Grant is a surly curmudgeon about most things, but every now and then, he really surprises me by being a full-throated fan of something or someone. Like, he’s a huge women’s tennis fan, did you know that? He’s not just stopping by Wimbledon or the French Open to watch the men play. He turns up at some great women’s tennis matches and he really follows both the men’s and women’s tours. As it turns out, he’s also a Taylor Swift fan. Hugh turned up at one of Taylor’s weekend concerts at Wembley. He brought his wife and one of his many children. They were seated in the VIP area, where he apparently did tequila shots with Travis Kelce, lmao.

“…From one ageing London boy…” Oh, Hugh. Some of you have theorized that Taylor seemed be doing the most at her London shows because Joe Alwyn and Matt Healy live there, etc. I mean, she’s dated a lot of British guys, and I’m sure she really wanted to show out in a major way given everything that’s gone down in the past eighteen months. That being said, her London shows were always going to be huge and full of celebrities. That’s what happens whenever she’s in a major city where celebrities live. Now, do I think that she asked Travis Kelce to be in London specifically because she wanted to send the “I’m in a relationship now, look at me” vibe to her exes? For sure. I even wonder if that’s more about Healy than Alwyn, especially since Healy just got engaged.

Also: Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Andrew Scott went to an Eras concert, as did Tom Cruise. Tom seemed especially taken with Travis Kelce too. Travis has been glad-handing VIPs this entire tour! Oh, and Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis were there too, hoping no one would bring up the fact that they support CONVICTED RAPIST DANNY MASTERSON.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Backgrid.

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43 Responses to “Hugh Grant thanked Taylor Swift for her ‘incredible show’ & ‘gigantic boyfriend’”

  1. Ariel says:

    The thing about Mr Kielce that is part of why the relationship works thus far – he has his own busy schedule. He is at charity events, hosting tv shows, his own music fest in KC. I think he shows up for her when he can – as she does for him.
    Soon he’ll be in nfl camp, then preseason, then actual nfl season.

    It was sweet his brother and sister and law got to join him, they were all in France together first before coming to the London shows.

    But – holy crap- the London shows seemed amazing.
    Something about reclaiming joy in a space where you experienced pain and heartbreak …. good for Taylor, and the lucky 80k fans 3 nights in a row

    • Lisa says:

      Exactly! Plus he is completely fine with dating Taylor and TAYLOR SWIFT!!

    • bananapanda says:

      The VIP tent during Shake it Off is delightful! Travis, Jason and some other NFL guys are clearly making Tom Cruise laugh. Greta Gerwig, Mila and Ashton, etc. are spotted too.

      Paul McCartney has made friends with TS as a songwriter – they’ve been known to sing at (SNL?) after parties together.

      • Melly says:

        Someone on twitter was saying that Paul got to experience Beatle mania from the fans perspective 😂

  2. Wagiman says:

    And Paul McCartney and Jon bon Jovi and Peter Gabriel. Macca even gave out friendship bracelets (that someone conveniently gave him).

    BTW I realise now after reading the comments from yesterday when not half asleep, that TS posting the willy pic was a big deal. I assumed she did that all the time (as I don’t have social media any more and have never followed her). It was obviously a choice. I don’t know enough about what she does other than what I read here.

    • Barrett says:

      Tom Cruise looks like so short! We need a pic of him next to Swift and Kelce. They try to make him appear taller in his action movies.

      • Lulu says:

        Who did Tom Cruise go to see TS with? Not his 18yo daughter whom he hasn’t seen since she was 5.

      • ariel says:

        There’s video of Cruise- where he clearly thinks the fans are fawning over him- but over his head- in full view behind him is Travis, dancing and grinning and waving- probably who the fans actually had their phones locked on. He ends up just looking short and socially awkward.

      • Truthiness says:

        @Lulu, Tom Cruise attended with Chris Mcquarrie, the Oscar winning writer of the Usual Suspects. Look for the guy wearing a blue suit w gray hair who is the only one not dancing.

    • VilleRose says:

      Taylor used to post way more personal pics of her and her friends back in the day on Instagram. She definitely posted pics of Calvin and Tom Hiddleston that I remember when they were dating. But due to Kim Kardashian leaking the Snapchat video of the phone call with Kanye asking Taylor’s permission to include a now infamous lyrics in the song Famous and everyone calling her a snake, she scrubbed her Instagram and uses it mostly for professional/promotional purposes now. This is the first time she’s posted a picture of a significant other in a very long time. She never posted pictures of Joe Alwyn in the entire 6 year relationship they were together that I remember.

  3. Laalaa says:

    Are we not talking about Travis being on stage yesterday?! They are end game, and we love to see it.

    • Ariel says:

      Kind of hoping that London might 3 gets its own post b/c I was watching a grainy livestream and omg it was something to see!!!!
      My threads timeline was like 98% Taylor/travis love all night.

      The concert goers who do live streams are fabulous people!! So grateful.

      It does seem to be consensus that attendees – celeb or not, going b/c their daughter wants to or just going – everyone seems to be having a good time and enjoying the show.
      Including Sir Paul.

      • Lisa says:

        Me too! That was crazy and so fun!! I mean Travis was so adorable and looked like he was having the best time, the crowd was shocked. Plus Gracie came out to promote her new album. But we can’t make Taylor look bad so probably won’t get a post. But I died when I saw that notification on Twitter and all the photos.

        I’m glad she found someone who will have fun with her.

      • Christine says:

        I wonder how many, if any, fans thought he was about to propose. I am not familiar enough with her show to know if there is always a man in a tux carrying her around the stage.

        That #halfgirlhalfbracelet is ADORABLE.

    • Abby says:

      I keep refreshing, hoping for a post about him coming out on stage so we can talk about it. I missed getting to comment on the Prince William one before it closed!

  4. Pinkosaurus says:

    Travis Kelce gets some love in this post but a lot of the comments I saw were appreciative of Jason Kelce just being his goofy big self (“a legend”, I believe LOL). Glad everyone had a great time, and I’m still laughing about the Fail trying to embiggen William’s embarrassing Dad dancing as better/cooler than Harry.

    • Ariel says:

      Love Jason kelce! Hope he and Kylie had a wonderful time. In France and London and at the eras shows.

      And re William- eye roll- I saw a deranger type talking about how Taylor was proclaiming she hates the Sussex’s with that photo – sigh. To borrow a living color phrase (since I just read the Marlon wayans post) – homey don’t play that.

      Though loved how happy charlotte looked in the pic. Celeb after celeb have talked about their esteem for ms swift after she met and was attentive, complimentary and generally lovely to their daughters.
      I love that.

      • Lisa says:

        Yeah Jason seems like a good dude. I thought it was cute Paul McCartney was excited to trade too. I saw a video of him truly shocked and excited people wanted to and I was like sir you’re Paul McCartney and I found that sweet. I know people love to bash Taylor for stories they create but I think it’s great to see people having fun and interacting at these shows still, just like at Barbie kart summer. I had the best time at her concert.

        And the fact Jason and Travis are so sweet when they get so much extra attention when it has to be exhausting says a lot about them.

    • Truthiness says:

      Seeing Jason seriously trading bracelets to little girls, wearing them all up his arm and on his ears was pretty damn cute.

      About that royal selfie: on last week’s pod Jason said F*** kings, he doesn’t think they should exist. Travis made the slash throat gesture to Jason and he said “not F* kings, I’m just not into it.” It is clear Travis knew Will requested a meetup.

      • ariel says:

        Jason Kelce seems like a fabulous girl dad. Interacting with the young swifties. I also recall at one of the KC playoff games (after Jason’s eagles had been eliminated from the tournament) he as out of the box (i believe it was the shirtless occasion) and a little girl came over with a sign for taylor- who as in the suite- and he held up the little girl so she could show her sign to taylor.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        I loved that Travis wore a Team USA hat in the photo with Willy. He was subtly making his allegiance clear.

  5. Lolo86lf says:

    I too would be impressed if Travis Kelce was standing next to me. He is a handsome 6’5″ NFL star. Tom Cruise looks absolutely dwarfed next to Kelce. I wonder how many straight men out there are questioning their sexual orientation when they look at big sexy Travis? Taylor better keep a close eye on her man.

  6. Kimmy says:

    This made me chuckle when I saw it online! 😂😂

    Why are we not talking about Will bringing the kids??! And Taylor posting the picture?! And Will dancing to Shake it Off?!?!! Which will live forever in my mind along with Leo D dancing at Coachella!!!

    • Kimmy says:

      Oopsies, I see now that there was a Prince William post, I just hadn’t got there on my morning scroll!!! I sure wish the comments weren’t closed though!

  7. Nanea says:

    “Joe Alwyn and Matt Healy live there, etc.”

    Never imagined I’d see the biggest star of them all relegated to being “etc”.

    He’s busy filming anyway.

  8. Mil says:

    Dear Taylor,

    Please support President Biden openly, the way The Boss did Obama. Thank you.

  9. Becks1 says:

    I’m not surprised so many celebs are turning up. When its a show like Taylor in a city like london and she’s there for as many nights as she is – the celebs are going to be there whether or not they’re actually fans. I mean I’m sure Hugh Grant likes her especially if he has younger children, but in general I’m not surprised that so many are there. I’m also not surprised that Travis is there, he has some time now before training camp starts and if she’s in one place for a week, that makes things easier.

  10. Digital Unicorn says:

    I like some of Taylor’s music but from what I’ve been told by family members who’ve been to the tour – the girl knows how to put on a show. AND she turns up on time.

    • GoodWitchGlenda says:

      I’ve heard the same from dads who were just there to chaperone daughters and come out thinking she was incredible.

      I know there’s a lot of hate for her here, but she’s not selling out stadiums all over the world at ridiculously high prices for no reason.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      She not only turns up on time, but she gives each show her all. Her work ethic is impressive.

      As I noted under another post, I took my daughters to the Eras tour last year, and it was incredible. I’m a Springsteen fan, who’s been to a dozen Springsteen concerts over the years (as well as countless other concerts). Taylor’s concerts have far more spectacle than Springsteen’s, but they’re about the same in length. So people get their money’s worth. And she clearly appreciates her fans. (Unlike Van Morrison who once played a concert with his back to the audience — I was there. As did Miles Davis, whom I saw perform in London, but I was so awed to be there that I couldn’t even be mad.)

      Taylor has her flaws, and yes, she’s benefited from her whiteness, for sure, but I get tired of the Swift-bashing here.

    • Nibbi says:

      Best live show I’ve ever seen.

      And she absolutely did start on time – I was shocked. Seems almost the habit now for stars to start an hour or more late and it’s such a bloody drag. The precision of the timing added to the high of the thing – we didn’t have a chance to get grumpy/bored/tired waiting for an overdue start.

      All professional, all the way.

    • Abigail says:

      I don’t get the fawning though, this is literally her job. Like her only job, the one thing she has to do. Sing and perform. This is literally why she makes BILLIONs.
      And you’re praising her for what exactly? Showing up on time? Doing a 3-4 hour shift?
      My god the bar is in hell when it comes to overprivileged celebs.
      Meanwhile the rest of us have to do 8-10 hour shifts every day, work effin hard as that’s what’s expected of us, and we’re lucky we get enough to pay rent and bills.
      I’m so sick of this repulsive fawning over people like Swift because they what? Entertained you for a few hours and made more money during that time than you’ll make in a year or two? And you’re impressed?? We should all be crying not giving her more money that we don’t have

  11. Lau says:

    Maybe Tom Cruise was recruiting, he was very busy ignoring his youngest child that’s for sure.

  12. Lisa says:

    I really need people to listen to what Taylor said about Healy! He was a jump off that love bombed her after a relationship she thought was the one slowly died. This was clear in the album and she freaking broke it down in the poem. She isn’t going extra because of them.

    Travis and his entire family was there probably because one London is the easiest to get too, they wanted to see it, and soon Travis will have to go back to work! The man actually and a job, new for Taylor’s guys I know.

  13. Lindsay says:

    Aside from all of the controversy, Taylor and Trav really seem to work for each other.
    They sure appear to fit hand and glove.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Can we talk about Jason walking around with friendship bracelets on his ears? That man is a treasure! 😂

    • Christine says:

      I have so much respect for Jason Kelce. He’s a really big dude, and he is able to not intimidate really little kids with his ability to get on their level. He’s Girl Dad elite level.

  15. Rebecca says:

    Do we think older celebrities are bringing up Taylor Swift like this so they can be popular with her huge fanbase? That’s my theory, although he may have just had a nice time.

    • Lisa says:

      No, why? I mean he has a kid that is 8 and probably a Swifty. Travis was clearly very nice to him and as someone who has personally been to the Eras tour it is an amazing show, no one leaves not impressed and a fan of hers even if you went just to chaperone your kid. My guess is he got free VIP tickets, got to be a hero to his kid, and had great time and wanted to publicly thank her.

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