While we barely discussed her, Princess Anne has been especially active in recent weeks. She was on horseback and on the balcony for Trooping the Colour, she attended Royal Ascot on multiple days and she also attended the Order of the Garter service. She was supposed to visit Canada at the end of this week too. But now it looks like Anne is going to need some rest and some time off her feet. She was riding one of her horses on her estate, Gatcombe Park, and there was an incident. She’s being hospitalized.
The Princess Royal has been admitted to hospital after she was injured on her estate in Gloucestershire, says Buckingham Palace. Princess Anne, 73, “sustained minor injuries and concussion following an incident” at her Gatcombe Park estate.
“She remains in Southmead Hospital, Bristol, as a precautionary measure for observation,” says a palace statement. She is expected to make a full and swift recovery, says the palace.
The cause of the injury is unconfirmed, but it’s understood to be consistent with a potential impact from a horse’s head or legs.
The Princess Royal had been expected to begin a visit to Canada at the end of this week.
Anne, like her late mother, is an experienced horsewoman who can handle all kinds of incidents with horses and come out unscathed. That being said, one-off incidents do happen. A horse will get spooked and buck their rider or there’s some kind of third-party involvement. That’s what this sounds like – there was some kind of fall or maybe she got thrown off the horse. Much like QEII, Anne probably wanted to ride until she’s in her 90s. I wonder if this will change that.
Statement from Buckingham Palace about an incident involving Princess Anne yesterday. She remains in hospital in Bristol.
It seems that her injuries were caused by a horse or horse. She has head injuries.
Her brother, the King, has been kept informed. pic.twitter.com/4jIQAGDBx4— Chris Ship (@chrisshipitv) June 24, 2024
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Princess Anne Princess Royal during Trooping the Colour 2024 ceremony, marking the monarch’s official birthday Featuring: Princess Anne Where: London, United Kingdom When: 15 Jun 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Princess Anne Princess Royal during Trooping the Colour 2024 ceremony, marking the monarch’s official birthday Featuring: Princess Anne Where: London, United Kingdom When: 15 Jun 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Trooping the Colour 2024 ceremony, marking the monarch’s official birthday in London. Featuring: Princess Anne Princess Royal Where: London, United Kingdom When: 15 Jun 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- The Prince of Wales leaves after attending the annual Order of the Garter Service at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle. Featuring: Princess Anne, Timothy Laurence Where: Windsor, United Kingdom When: 17 Jun 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Day one of Royal Ascot, Ascot Racecourse. Featuring: Princess Anne and Lady Gabriella Kingston Where: Ascot, United Kingdom When: 18 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
The bad luck with this family and all their health problems and now Anne takes an injury.
Agreed. They’re dropping like flies. Perhaps a good ‘Smudging of all Royal Households” is in order.
Nah, the ultimate inheritors of colonial privilege don’t get to appropriate Indigenous ceremony when it suits them.
Sometimes “bad luck” is really FAFO.
Yes, it’s getting more creepy to watch by the minute with each of TRF members stricken. A sign, perhaps? Who’s next? And the pictures lately of William and the kids are glaringly missing Kate, I know she’ll make a full recovery but that one of them with Taylor Swift seemed weird too.
I hope they all recover quickly and fully but it does seem the time has come for each of them to permanently step down, just as Harry and Meghan wisely did. What clearer signs are they waiting for? It’s begun. We all know what happens next when people ignore major signs.
Falls and/or head injuries are serious at Anne’s (and mine) age. Wishing her well.
They never wear helmets when they ride and that is actually incredibly dangerous not to do.
QEII never wore one. To his very faint credit the pictures of Andrew usually show him wearing one. Not sure about Anne.
They can make a big difference, and I’ve had friends get pretty serious concussions from what seemed to be minor falls.
Yeah, the one bad fall I had, the horse spooked while circling in an inside ring, and when I was thrown off I hit the wall.
My helmet cracked. If I wasn’t wearing one, that would have been my head.
You’re right. Looked up pictures and found plenty of Anne and QE riding with only a scarf on her head. And Charles riding with some kind of hat, but not a helmet. Only Andrew seems to consistently wear a helmet when out riding in the countryside. The others must feel they have to wear something more stylish looking. Maybe they think royal heads are too special for injuries or for a horse to toss them.
Andrew’s head is already so soft, he’d just bounce like a rubber ball.
Horse riding can be very dangerous. My high school choir teacher died in a horse riding accident. A helmet may have saved her. My sister was an avid horsewoman as well, and a horse she was riding threw her. She shattered her leg and spent over a year having multiple surgeries to repair and replace the bones.
When I was in high school, a girl in my year died from being thrown and stepped on by her horse. The firemen came around the corner, and only blared their sirens when they almost reached the horse and her. The horse spooked. Sometimes even a helmet isn’t enough, which is one good reason to always wear one.
Wishing Anne a speedy recovery!
I hope she recovers quickly, head injuries are nothing to sneeze at.
The way this is worded – that its said to be consistent with the horse’s head or hooves – leaves a lot of room for speculation. Did the horse essentially head-butt her? Did she fall and then get kicked in the head? etc. Does she usually wear riding helmets?
“Did the horse head-butt her?”
I have decided this is the story: Anne was being her usual work horse self, and the horse was not having it. They went face to face, and the horse won.
Anne needs to be more careful when trying to handle Camilla who is known to bite, stomp and swat.
Hilarious! This comment made my day.
Oh wow, an incident is dangerous for anyone above 60’s, let alone an incident involving a HORSE. I hope she is gonna be ok, not trusting the palace talking points or statement. If she takes a break to rest, I don’t see who is gonna do any royal work. She is only one left with some kind of work ethic (for a royal).
Princess Anne, huh. This reminds me of an overheard conversation between 2 women in the change room at the local gym:
The one with an English accent is telling her friend about an encounter with Princess Anne at an event in England. She was a volunteer and had been drafted to be part of the background crowd, an extra, as it were, for the royal photo op. The extras were told to arrive early, where to stand, what to do, etc. English accent was not impressed. She spent several hours at the event just waiting around. Anne was there for less than half an hour. As the two were leaving the change room, they left me with this little nugget.
“So, Princess Anne, what was she like?”
“Terribly vulgar.”
Ha! I’m glad you got to hear the end of the conversation!
Horseback riding is dangerous for even the most skilled riders. Assuming she has a complete recovery, she’ll get back on the horse again. She is her father’s daughter.
One of the rota just said she wasn’t out riding the horse but was just out for a walk.
i am confused how you get kicked in the head by a horse while walking around. Any ideas?
I’m as confused as you waterdragon!
Sounds like she was head butted
Huh. That’s an NHS hospital – I’d be intrigued to know how they accomodate her, is she gonna be in a regular ward just like a normal person?!
It is but it’s close by for her and absolutely massive, they have a ton of different specialisms and research centres based there. I imagine the care she’s getting is top notch and she’ll be tucked away somewhere.
It’s just up the road from me, I’ll swing by and see how she’s doing!
NHS hospitals have private rooms and regularly treat private patients. It won’t be a problem to accommodate her.
What in The Fall of the House of Usher is happening to this family?!?!
It’s almost like QE2 had a pact with someone and now they are all falling like dominos – with Henry and his family spared. The Spare was spared. Sorry, I know that was corny.
@Megu I was coming to say the same thing. Things haven’t been right with them since Harry and Meghan left and it’s accelerated since QE2 died.
They are definitely in their FO era…
“Until you do right by me, everything you think about is gonna crumble. Until you do right by me, everything you even think about gonna fail.”
Hell to the yeah.
The Celie curse! And it’s never been more apt.
Coming to think of it was Anne at Ascot at all? I don’t remember seeing her there? Other reports sound like she was kicked by a horse.
She was there at least two days that I saw.
She looks utterly ridiculous and grotesque all dressed up in stolen valor. And taking it all so seriously, as if she earned any part of the uniform or medals she’s wearing. This family of Leftovers is so gross.
I hope she is ok, stinker that she is. I will give her this, at one function Harry was at, she seemed to be quite cordial with him, so I give her points. But I just can’t help but say, even though @ SussexWatcher, you said it better, why the bloody hell is she wearing these uniforms? She looks ridiculous.
Yeah, hope she’s okay. I’m not an Anne stan by any means. But I do appreciate her having been cordial to Harry in public. The bar is clearly in hell.
By the headline I assumed she got into an altercation with her sister in law. Just me?
Ah ha ha. Just got it.
😅honest assumption..
I keep coming back to that old saying how that “whatever hate or bad wishes you put out in the world or curse someone with will return to you three times worse”. It sure looks the universe has had enough. (My lack of empathy and sympathy is showing I know, not really proud of that but I can live with it 🤷🏻♀️)
”Be done by as you did”
She’s an Olympian. She’ll be back in saddle if she heals up. This family’s luck is so wild right now.
She’s an Olympian. She’ll be back in the saddle if she heals up. This family’s luck is absolutely wild right now.
Would you look at that a straightforward communication about the health and hospitalization of a BRF member
They know how to communicate clearly. They were very professional addressing Charles’s diagnosis. the way they played around kat diagnosis announcement shows that there is something to hide there
The ancestors have been busy!
hee hee!!!
So Camilla head butted her? Did I read that right
I want to know how the horse is doing.
LOL, ditto!
Saw the headline and fist thought?
Did Camilla head butt her?
I’m afraid she may be very seriously hurt. They don’t say anything chipper about her expected recovery. Could Camilla have voodoo dolls of the rest of the family??
Kate appeared back fine & dandy. I wouldn’t worry about Anne. And with this lot can we believe a word they say now 🤔
She is in her 70’s. Any incident is dangerous for her. Also, it says in the article: “She is expected to make a full and swift recovery, says the palace.”
They’re saying she’ll be fine but concussions can affect older people long-term. The older you are, the more your brain volume could be decreased so head injuries can be more devastating.
Y’all think taking the keys from an elderly relative is tough — try taking the horse out from under them? My godmother was schooling 6 horses a day, well into her late 80s, when she’d gone mostly blind. “I’m fine!” she said. “As long as no one else is in the ring.” (She was also still teaching kids’ classes, by ear … and was stunningly accurate).
Rich person injured doing rich person things.
When one of the royals gets hurt doing actual hard work, let me know.
Anne is known in the family to be the hardest working so I don’t get your comment . She’s also tough as nails .
You’ve been fed a lie and believe showing up is work
It’s giving The Fall of the House of Usher.
For real. Theyre definitely in the FO section of FAFO.
@ Ben – it kinda is!
Look I’m getting there in years and my body confirms this. But you know what, many of us as we age continues to do outdoorsy stuff we love. We might modify it somewhat to mitigate the risks ‘cause injuries take ages to heal. (And when you are older, you don’t have the luxury of time.)
So Anne took a fall. As a royal, she gets the best treatment in the UK with lots of sympathetic press coverage like the public should be in mourning and impressed by her daring dos. Hope she gets better and learn to do better and be better and kinder to people (wishful thinking on my part).
But whatever. I personally cheer on those who are trying to stay healthy and active and to continue to contribute in real ways (not performative like these lazy royals) to society. Here’s to aging well and trying to live with little regrets. 😀
“caused by a horse or horse”
What does it mean? Was is caused by a horse or… What?
Just a mistake, perhaps. Yes?
“… caused by a horse, or a Horse.”
The first refers to a horse.
The second refers to the Queen Sidepiece.
These royals just can’t catch a break regarding their health!
It’s just terrible.
This one is really going to hurt the BRF. For all her stolen valor and bitchiness, Princess Anne really does keep the royal machine running. I wish Anne healing and an early retirement from royal duties. I wish Charles months of stress, worry and misery over his threadbare monarchy. And I wish the horse (not Camilla, the real horse), peace and freedom.
This is a big deal. Concussion means brain injury means brain damage, for anyone— but is especially concerning for a geriatric patient.
Bisynaptic I totally agree. Concussion over 70 no good
I send her all best wishes for a speedy and problem free recovery. Apart from Charles himself, Anne is the only other serious worker in the RF. Boy, do they need her.
Isnt it interesting that my first response to everything coming out that vipers’ nest full of squirming lying creatures is to disbelieve them…………to wonder whats the real story theyre HIDING, while using the story theyre telling as cover for something more sinister/serious/pernicious……..to believe that if theyre giving so much or so little details, whats the real, consequential details?
And also, to not care one fvck about whoever is the subject of the story theyre telling.
Because all I care about is seeing the unravelling in their inevitable and sustained FAFO.
Bravo 👏 👏
Karma is coming bigtime for this family .
Now the hardest worker been cut down .
My father’s comment to Anne being injured: I think this family is officially cursed.
That sucks. Hope it’s not too serious but getting kicked by a horse sounds really bad, especially at her age. If she comes out looking 10years younger … just kidding. Although she may have told Charles to evict Harry from Frogmore, getting injured by a horse is no joke. These slimmed down royals are really going through it with the health issues and accidents. Anyway she should just rest and be monitored.