“So many celebrities came out for the Vogue World event in Paris” links

The Vogue World Paris 2024 event was held on Sunday and… I kind of think last year’s London event was more A-list. Also: Jared Leto is a try-hard. [Just Jared]
I wonder what Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker 2 promo tour will look like. [LaineyGossip]
Jennifer Lawrence’s new movie sounds great, honestly. [Hollywood Life]
Here’s more about Tom Cruise going to Taylor Swift’s concert. [Socialite Life]
Review of Thelma (which CB is raving about). [Pajiba]
Naeem Khan’s Resort collection is very cocktail-party intensive. [Go Fug Yourself]
Brandy made another horror film! [OMG Blog]
Details on Fan Bingbing’s Vogue World look. [RCFA]
Jerry O’Connell comes across like such a normal dude. [Seriously OMG]
Ree Drummond is going to be a grandmother. [Starcasm]
Democrats talk about what it’s like living in red states. [Buzzfeed]

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23 Responses to ““So many celebrities came out for the Vogue World event in Paris” links”

  1. Cheshire Sass says:

    Oh Jared – the look at me/pick me style should have ended by now. Aren’t you a grown man in your 50s?

    • Mil says:

      He’s a creep.

      The fashion is so bad. Dunno what’s happening but it is just weird, not inspirational. Diane looks cute as usual. Lopez at Dior looks good. But most outfits are boring.

    • Chaine says:

      This is going to sound weird but to me it looks like he is morphing into Will Ferrell.

      • Tara says:

        He’s so tiresome. What are his redeeming qualities? I need to be reminded…

      • Justjj says:

        No, I totally see it! This is giving ‘the edgy one’ in Blades of Glory for sure.

        On a side note, I haaaate the long, pointy, diaboobical (?) gowns… why are we doing the horn boobs??? I saw this look at the Met gala too, maybe on Kylie Jenner? I just can’t with it. It’s so ugly and campy in a completely uncool way. I love some camp but there are some Francis Bacon levels of misanthropy in these boobs, it’s just not even cute. It’s sad someone thinks it’s art. Sad clown noise.

    • Gabby says:

      Let’s just give him the benefit of the doubt and say he’s on acid.

  2. JanetDR says:

    We just saw Thema this weekend and It was great! I loved it so much 💗 Sometimes I saw my mother in Thelma and sometimes I saw myself. Sweet.

  3. Chanteloup says:

    i love the women standing behind Jared laughing at him

    • mim says:

      Todays younger generation doesn’t now how to dress elloquent but looks like a costume party or who can show more body parts, Have no respect when I see a star I like doing this

      • North of Boston says:

        Younger generation?

        Leto is in his 50’s isn’t he?

        He’s just desperate for attention at any cost, no matter what. He has no point, there is no there, there.

        Plus it sounds like he’s a performative glassbowl to co-workers. He can take several seats already.

  4. Justjj says:

    Cara looks next level ridiculous. I just had to come back here and look again because I needed the belly laugh today. My eyeballs. Wtf. All the looks I’ve seen from this so far are pretty bad…

  5. sevenblue says:

    I am not very good at understanding high fashion. Is Jared Leto trying to look like a serial killer, bloody hands and all? He reminds me of Patrick Bateman.

  6. TN Democrat says:

    Being a Democrat in a red state means being in a state of shock at the abject stupidity of the Q loving quacks every single day. Watching the legislative sessions is horrifying. The nutters hold such a super majority they not only ignore other points of view but are openly sexist, racist and homophobic. Google Tennessee legislature, then key words two Justins, abortion, lettuce, and conspiracy theories (chem trails). My state legislature is the disgrace of the nation.

    • LBB says:

      My state of TX just said, “Hold My Beer.”

    • Juls says:

      TN here too. It’s really disheartening. I started to have some hope when everyone from CA, NY, IL, etcetera started moving here in droves. I thought they would bring some blue to purple our state. But nope. It’s all retirement age conservatives moving here because of the cost of living. The whole state used to be like a small town. Now, it’s crowded EVERYWHERE here and more red than ever. They are coming here because Florida is too expensive. Now, it’s suddenly too expensive to live here for everyone that has always lived here. Tennessee is becoming the new Florida. I hate it.

  7. Lucille says:

    Nice to see Jared Leto turned up in serial killer cosplay 🙄

  8. Kirsten says:

    So many people treated this like a costume party? There’s a lot going on.

    Olivia Munn looked lovely and her dress was really pretty (and not a costume).

  9. Meredith says:

    I thought Jared was Jonathan from Queer Eye. Jonathan could pull this off, because he has a sense of irony about clothing. Jared, not so much.

  10. Josephine says:

    Fan Bingbing always, always delivers. She looks fabulous.

  11. martha says:

    The dirtbag look is never gonna go away, is it?

  12. JFerber says:

    It looks to me like Norman Reedus had a facelift. He’s in his fifties. Am I wrong? He looks great!

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