Prince William ‘tried to keep a low profile’ at Taylor Swift’s Eras concert

Hello Magazine has an interesting exclusive about what went down behind-the-scenes last Friday night, as Prince William took two of his children to Taylor Swift’s Eras concert. Not only that, but the international statesman wannabe got a meet-and-greet with Taylor backstage. According to Hello, the meet-and-greet and selfies happened before Taylor’s concert, and there was a time crunch because William and the kids were so late. William also made the kids leave early!

A meet-and-greet with Taylor: An insider told HELLO! that the Wales’ arrival didn’t quite go to plan as they ended up running a little behind schedule. “They had a nightmare getting in, they were running really late but they had planned to get there earlier so they could have the meet and greet with Taylor beforehand because they knew they wanted to leave early. They only had 25 minutes to spare so had a quick meet and greet and then went up to their box before the show, and there was a bit of stress and panic about that because it was taking too long.”

William was trying not to be photographed with his kids: Despite it being William’s, the evening truly was all about his children. Our insider explained that throughout the evening, the dad-of-three tried to keep a low profile to allow his children to enjoy the show. They added: “Most of the time he and the kids were further back so they didn’t draw too much attention, but there were moments where they were at the front so a lot of swapping was happening.”

Charlotte & William’s special bond: Our insider shared details of one particular moment that saw the duo indulging in a heartfelt singalong together. “There was one sweet moment where William and Charlotte were sat next to each other at the front and you could tell they were having a little sing-song together which was cute.”

Mike & Zara Tinall brought their daughters too: Alongside the Wales clan were William’s cousins, the Tindalls, with whom William has an exceptionally close bond. Mike and Zara were at the gig with their two gorgeous daughters Mia, ten, and Lena, five in tow. The Tindall crew were accompanied by their friend Natalie Pinkham and didn’t disappoint with their Taylor-inspired outfits.

Leaving early: As the concert drew to a close, the royals had to make an early exit, leaving ten minutes before the end of the show to avoid the rush of eager Swifties. “They left around ten minutes before the end to miss the crowds. It was buzzing in their box, everyone was having such a brilliant time for Prince William’s birthday!”

[From Hello Magazine]

I wondered why there weren’t more photos and videos of William and the kids at the concert, so maybe this is the answer – they were purposefully standing further back in the box to avoid being seen? I also think that the British press is so wary of publishing any photos of the kids doing anything “private,” even if they’re out in public and even if there were photos of the kids posted on Kensington Palace’s social media. But it’s definitely weird that the only evidence that they attended the actual concert is William’s “electrocution” dad-dancing. Now, that being said, given the royal rota hype-men’s eagerness to compare this outing to the Sussexes’ trip to see Beyonce last year, I suspect that every single piece of this was coordinated by the palace, down to the bot-farmy commentary online.

Photos courtesy of KP & Taylor Swift’s Instagram.

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63 Responses to “Prince William ‘tried to keep a low profile’ at Taylor Swift’s Eras concert”

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  1. TN Democrat says:

    I call bull@#$%. He wanted to be seen with a bigly celebrity and have his picture taken. He also wanted material to leak to the rota for months on end centered around this event.

    • Tessa says:

      Those children were in 2 pictures. William was all over the place grinning and singing and dancing

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        Exactly, William took his kids so he could demand a photo op with Taylor, stayed for more “candid” photo ops and then immediately left just like all of his “work” events. It’s all about the photo and not about the work or making connections.

        This is exactly like his “statesman” photo with Biden in the sidewalk. Demand the photo op and have absolutely no deliverables beyond the image and bragging rights.

    • ML says:

      From a W perspective: yes, parts of this needed to leak. He was seen having a great time with his kids in public with a popular singer on purpose. Notice how someone over there has recognized that George tends to be favored over Charlotte so this article answers back with him especially having a great time singing with his daughter? June has been the make W/ KP great again onslaught.

    • Nic919 says:

      They had a photographer there to take a. Picture of the selfie. And it was posted on the official account. When they want stuff with the kids private they do the opposite of what happened here. And Taylor would have posted the selfie had they said she couldn’t.
      Pretending this was a private moment with the kids is false

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I agree, this man started screaming for tickets to any concert after the Sussex’s went to Beyonce. I’m sure they are thrilled he got a photo with an NFL player also so he can check that off from his “Harold stalking list”. Even with his kids there is no star power or charisma.

  2. Dee(2) says:

    The BM doesn’t care if those kids had a good time doing something fun because they’ve had a rough few months, it’s always about Harry. Richard Eden could have easily used the photo of Harry and Meghan kissing with Doria dancing in the foreground, because that’s the picture I always think of when I remember them going to the concert but they’re obsessed with Harry being unhappy like a bitter ex. I can’t imagine something like you going to a concert being something done with precision for pic’s just to ” get over” on someone else. Hope those kids at least had a good time and were unaware of the background motivation.

    • JanetDR says:

      I guess the important thing is that he managed to bring Harry into it?! So ridiculous!

    • Lau says:

      They’re just trying to convince themselves that not everybody was making fun of William for his dad-dancing.

  3. Tessa says:

    Harry looks a whole darn sight better at the Beyonce concert than William does at swift concert. They are playing up the close bond of William and Charlotte to counter his previously leaving her home and taking George. William likes the attention and grinning insanely. And playing up how huevo is close to the tindalls

  4. WaterDragon says:

    Sure he did. LOL. He is SUCH a low profile kind of guy.

  5. equality says:

    So he was keeping a low profile but someone just managed to get a very blurred, very short clip of him dancing? And he posted pictures to SM? And were Z&M there “alongside” PW or just happened to be at the same concert?

  6. Wagiman says:

    Apart from his team taking pics and vids and his team (weeks ago) organising the meet and greet. That doesn’t happen with a mega star like Swift on the day. F liars. Im 72 and I can’t believe I loathe these people more. Every single day. More.

    • sevenblue says:

      I saw a short video from Travis’s podcast recorded before meeting I assume. His brother says “f* the kings, we don’t do that here in USA” and Travis gets nervous, tries to make the convo more pleasant. It was obvious he knew they were gonna meet and greet with Will before going to London shows. Both PR teams worked hard that day.

      • wolfmamma says:

        Haha – Jason Kelce is just who he is. A bit much sometimes but real. I like him.
        And Travis wore that USA hat at the meet and greet so maybe he was being “subtly” in alignment with Jason ☺️

      • sevenblue says:

        @wolfmamma, yeah I didn’t put much thought on his hat before seeing that video. After the video, it is clear Travis was still representing (or trying not to piss off) his family.

      • Truthiness says:

        💯 Sevenblue. Travis replied “not f* kings, I’m just not into it.” It was last week’s pod. He made the slash throat gesture to give Jason a clue something’s up. Saying “I’m not into kings” should’ve disqualified him from the meet & greet imo, makes me wonder if Will wanted the 3x Super Bowl winning baller with rizz there, like how he loves to pal around with Beckham etc.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Truthiness, The royal account didn’t post Travis, right? Taylor posted the pic with him included. I saw one pic where Travis isn’t present posted on official royal account.

      • Truthiness says:

        Sevenblue, I just looked and you’re right, no Travis. It looks weirdly cropped, unbalanced with the Windsors squeezed into 33% of the rightmost space but okay whatevs. Wonder if KP had second thoughts about the athlete who just last week said “not into kings” –which was long after the meet & greet was scheduled. The USA olympics cap was a choice too.

      • Jais says:

        I’ve wondered if TS posted her picture bc she was annoyed that Travis was not included in the one KP posted. Like she knows they met her bf too so why not include him? He really wanted his team USA hat to be seen next to the future king.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Jais, the royal PR team probably didn’t approve of Travis in the pic, just Taylor. Taylor has a good team too, so I assume two teams negotiated which pics are ok to post. Both of them got the pic they wanted in the end, so everyone is happy.

      • Jais says:

        That make sense. Although I’m gonna argue that Taylor’s team is likely more professional than the royal one😂

      • Truthiness says:

        Wait a sec. Will lied about Taylor at the KP concert a decade ago, Will said something like ‘when Taylor Swift commands you to sing onstage, you have to.’ Like she was into him or obsessed. But the concert video shows Jon Bonjovi getting ready for Living on a Prayer and he asks Karaoke Kid onstage since he knows that it’s his favorite, then says it’s Will. Then Will froze and asked Taylor for help. (she said on Graham Norton).

        I think Taylor was preventing liar Will from hijacking the narrative a 2nd time into a Taylor Is Into Will thing. So Taylor’s version has her guy in it.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Truthiness, oh wow, I didn’t know Taylor told a different version of what happened. I only heard Will’s version that Taylor offered a helping hand after seeing him not sure going to the stage. No wonder she wanted her boyfriend in the pic. lol.

  7. Becks1 says:

    He tried to keep a low profile so he posted a picture of meeting Taylor on his official social media account?

    and for some reason I feel like William and the kids getting there late was less about how hard it was to get into the stadium and more just about them running late.

    • equality says:

      They do seem to have form for running late.

    • SAS says:

      Just single dad visitation pick up stuff ya know? lol.

      “Traffic issues” when we know their protection convoys will literally mow people down. Come tf on.

    • Laura D says:

      Totally agree @Becks1 – I was about to post something similar about the “low key” prince’s tardiness. I wonder who will eventually get the blame for the lateness. When they were late for the conanation the kids got the blame.

    • Anonymous says:

      Plus it’s clear that KP told the Royal rota that he was going to the concert.

      • Becks1 says:

        RIGHT?? It was definitely put out there before he arrived that he and the kids were going.

    • Nanea says:

      The Waleses’ constant lateness (conanation!!!) is extremely rude and inconsiderate.

      Especially when we all factor in their getting the roads cleared so they can speed through the whole town.

      No matter what they were to come up with for an excuse, it proves that Bill Middleclass’ center of the universe is only Bulliam the Incandescent and no one else.

      Very unbecoming of a great statesman.

      • Jais says:

        Hard agree. The Wales are habitually late and it’s rude as hell. Taylor’s team seems to run a timely ship for her concerts and I’d imagine her team was like wtf seriously. Especially considering the future king has roads cleared for him. But that’s what happens when you agree to a photo-op with the patriarchy. You sit around waiting for his royal rudeness and lateness. Fuck the patriarchy does not include sitting around and waiting for a selfie with the ultimate symbol of the patriarchy.

    • North of Boston says:

      And running late when he *knew* they had a scheduled meet and greet / photo op pre-SHOW (because Wills couldn’t be bothered to stay till the end) with the star of the show is SUCH an “I’m the center of the universe” move

      Like, don’t worry about throwing off HER pre-show schedule, prep, possibly delaying things for the thousands of other people there, dude. No problem!

      She’s a professional, she and her team are used to dealing with VIP meet and greets, so they dealt with it. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t a jerk move.

      Then again, Wills was late for Chuck’s coronation, so he obviously doesn’t care.

      • Becks1 says:

        agreed, it was definitely a jerk move. We’ve heard how Taylor starts exactly on time. I am sure that is a point of pride with her as a professional and she and her team were probably starting to get a little nervous in a “should we keep waiting or should we go on” kind of way. But if William will keep his dad waiting at the freaking coronation, why would it occur to him that he shouldn’t keep Taylor waiting?

  8. Miranda says:

    I took my stepdaughter and her friend to see Taylor last year. No big deal, I thought, just what a cool stepmom does. I got a big hug and a “#1 Stepmom” mug out of it. Now I see that I should have informed the f–king Nobel committee, apparently.

    I’m glad George and Charlotte got to have fun and act and dress like normal kids for once. The past 6 months must have been very hard on them (even if their mother never actually had cancer, the secrecy and lies are way, WAY too much for a child), and they more than deserved a respite from all that. But COME ON. To paraphrase Taylor herself, th rota needs to calm the f–k down. Especially with the efforts to shoehorn in their beloved “Sad Harry” narrative.

  9. SAS says:

    So the cousins all went together but only George and Char got the meet and greet? Yet it *wasn’t* PR? God this family sucks so much.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    What I want to know is who is the KP aide that provided Hello with this exclusive?

  11. wolfmamma says:

    So very tired of Willie and his sad needs and games. He is pathologically pathetic. And so is his wife. Whatever is really going on is not pretty. The handling of it out of some kind of gothic history book.
    So glad the kids got out of whatever palace they live in and got to hang with their cousins at.a TS concert. Probably the most fun they’ve had in ages and the last we’ll see of them for awhile.

    • kelleybelle says:

      And sadly he becomes more unattractive by the day. Gawd, the lies these people tell. The lies, the lies, the lies. It was planned and trumpeted days beforehand.

  12. Steph says:

    I know all kids are different but doesn’t it seem like Louis is intentionally left out of things that appropriate for him? 5yo Lena could go but not 6yo Louis? Maybe Louis doesn’t like this kind of thing but the way he was dancing on the balcony (sooo cute) at TTC, it seems he would. Maybe he requires a lot of attention but that’s not a reason to leave him out. Maybe I’m being sensitive bc I’m a bit partial to Louis. His antics always make me laugh. Titi energy vs Parent energy, I guess.

    • L says:

      I think it all comes down to the kid’s personality, in addition to age? Perhaps the Tindall girl is more manageable. Not Mia: She was always trouble and loved to pick on George.
      I love Louis’ mischievous dancing and mimicking too; but he’s shown that these large public events don’t always draw the best behaviour from him. Taylor’s gig is almost four hours long, plus the meet-and-greet. Maybe too much for restless little Louis!
      It would have been nicer from William to parlay the Tindall girls into getting to meet Taylor. But there’s no bigger fear for kids than loosing a mother. Watching George & Charlotte grin like never before, after what should have been months of uncertainty and worry, forces me to still give him this one.

      • PrincessK says:

        The one that used to pick on George was Peter Philips girl which was verging on bullying and one of the security officers had to intervene. Kate saw it all happen.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Ah, the age-old Windsor tradition of using your kids to fix your PR/reputation and make yourself look like a great dad. Starting right on time…

    • Tessa says:

      Charles played great dad after Diana died and took harry to a spice girls concert for the cameras . Harry told the real story on spare where he was often left to his own devices. William now is trying to play great dad

      • SURE says:

        Don’t forget the unprecedented “we love you, Papa” message for father’s day and his birthday. It must mean he’s a great dad, husband and all round great guy.

  14. Mina_Esq says:

    I read the whole “running late” part as William’s people being so disorganized that they didn’t factor the massive crowds and the traffic that would cause into the equation. I love that the kids got to attend though. Charlotte in her little Fearless era outfit and sincere smile reminded me that there are innocent kids involved in this whole mess.

  15. Proud Mary says:

    We Bit-ches have been saying for a long time that William can’t stop competing with his little brother; but perhaps we need to recalibrate? I now believe it’s Meghan that William is jealous of, and with whom he can’t resist competing. I harken back to the royal foundation panel, where Meghan made them all look like children when she spoke. William really got his draws in a bunch over that; he was clearly competing with Meghan for cheers. It seems the insecurity started even before the wedding, because only William and Kate were allowed to make speeches. But the funny thing is, the only applause line from Williams speech, was when he mentioned Meghan. All this is to say that, his attendance at the concert was all about Meghan at Renaissance. So no dude, you wanted the world to know, that just like Meg, “me too” dancing at the famous American female entertainer’s concert. You made sure to have your toadies like Maureen take a dig at the Sussexes, because that’s the only way you can get the attention you feel you so richly deserve.

  16. Lady Digby says:

    Fail online made a desperate plea for anybody who’d also attended the concert to send them any footage they’d taken of Mr Mom and the kids before KP and TS released their pictures.

  17. aquarius64 says:

    If William didn’t want to be photographed he and the kids wouldn’t have a selfie with Swift splashed on their social media page. More confirmation that this is a PR stunt for William and not a moment of respite for Charlotte and George. Louis should have been able to go as well. The Tindal’s should be miffed that William didn’t make arrangements for them, especially their daughter, to meet Swift and get a selfie with her. Why weren’t they in the same seats? Zara got a reminder she’s 21st in line to the throne and her family are not that important.

  18. Nerd says:

    How much more of an insider can you be than the other couple that arrived late with you to the concert, were seated with you and left early with you? There was something uncomfortable with them describing the Tindall’s daughters as gorgeous at just ten and five years old. It seems like there would be a better description than to only describe two little girl’s physical appearance. This family and their media friends with the company they keep and the things they themselves are accused and known for makes me uneasy regarding them describing little girls as gorgeous.

    The band at BP playing TS prior to them going to the concert, the unusual posted photo by KP, the approved posting of a photo by TS, Travis trying to cleanup Jason’s remarks about royalty and kings a week prior, his wearing of the USA hat in the photo and the electrocution dance photos of William standing up in the very front and in view of the people below them are all proof that he had no intentions of this being low key and him not wanting to be seen with the kids. The “insider” even mentioned that the daddy daughter duo were seated in the very front instead of the back where they also had access to. This is all about PR by using their kids. That’s why Kate came out with a photo to announce she would be out the next day with her kids and why they put out even more Frankenphotos with William and the kids for Father’s Day and his birthday. We never get this much access to photos of the kids as we have in a two week span.

    • Jais says:

      Okay, yeah, I’ve been fr wondering if Kate was forced to go to Trooping bc William wanted to score points at the TS concert. They’d clearly been planning this concert pr. Getting in touch with TS’ team and alerting the Tabloid rota. Technically though I feel like he still could’ve gone and just spun it as taking them out to cheer them up while their mom is sick. But there’s a chance William didn’t want the Kate mystery hanging over him while he scored concert points. He saw how people reacted to Harry and Meghan at Beyoncé and he was inspired to get the same at TS.

  19. Agnes says:

    It’s hard to keep a low profile when your giant insectoid head is a shining beacon of baldness.

  20. Tessa says:

    Now if only taylor could say she has a crush on huevo. The media would be all over that

  21. HeatherC says:

    When Kiddo was younger, about 11 or so, I brought him to a music festival. He got to meet several of the bands, and picked Lzzy Hale out from the crowd and fan rushed her (cute at that age, and she was his first crush). Where’s my front page and medal?

  22. martha says:

    Man, I never would’ve guessed these pix were taken in a rush BEFORE the show. Look at how relaxed TS appears to be. What a pro!

  23. yellowy says:

    Nice to see Charlotte looking so blissed out about meeting her favourite pop star.

    So used to think she looked like Carole Middleton and The Queen but she looks so much like William as she grows up.

  24. Julianna says:

    William was not trying to keep a low profile. He leaked that they would be going to the concert days prior and his BOT accounts were already spreading his single dad PR. And no I’m not impressed in the slightest by him taking the kids to this because I honestly feel like his motives actually had nothing to do with the children. William literally did it for PR. Especially after what happened the last 6 months and how many suspect him as a domestic abuser. He also did it to compete with Harry and Meghan. And of course he did it to stick to his wife.

  25. AC says:

    I thought it was interesting that the official royal accts cropped Travis out of the photo but Taylor’s official picture made sure he’s in there 😀.
    W needed better PR and posting a selfie with Taylor and his kids did prove to be a win situation. As it definitely made headlines around the world in a very positive perception. Had to be an American that helped them with it 😀.