Republican rep from Vermont caught pouring water in colleague’s bag – for months

Democrat Jim Carroll is currently serving his second term in the Vermont House of Representatives for District Bennington-5. He’s known Republican Rep Mary Morrissey, who serves the same district, since childhood (they’re now in their sixties), and they go to the same church. Since January, Carroll has noticed that the canvas tote bag he hangs on a hook outside his committee room was damp when he’d go to retrieve it after a long day of committeeing. This was equal parts perplexing and vexing. So several weeks ago he set up a hidden camera. I think you know where this is going. Yes folks, Morrissey, his lifetime acquaintance and current representative-in-arms, was caught wet handed on tape. Morrissey has since apologized to Carroll while speaking from the Vermont house floor, and, presumably, has quit hydrating his carryall. While she claimed to be “truly ashamed,” her explanation was a little wishy-washy:

Carroll says he first suspected Morrissey as she had been “nasty” to him for several months despite the two knowing each other since childhood and even attending the same church.

“[She] would say demeaning things in front of other legislators,” Carroll said.

But Carroll had no evidence, so he decided to launch his own investigation.

For weeks, Carroll secretly recorded footage of his backpack to catch the person in the act.

In two videos Carroll captured, Morrissey is seen dumping a cup of liquid into Carroll’s green tote bag. Morrissey’s face was not captured in the video, but fellow lawmakers were able to identify her by her gray hair.

Seven Days later used a public records request to obtain footage of Morrissey dumping water into Carroll’s bag. That was after the outlet initially reported on Morrissey’s behavior and an ethics investigation into her.

Carroll initially refused to release the videos to Seven Days but ultimately changed his mind.

“I have been very reluctant to disclose the video because I believe it will deeply embarrass Representative Morrissey,” Carroll wrote in a statement to the outlet. “However, it has become clear to me that the media are aware of the details of Representative Morrissey’s behavior and likely will continue to report on that behavior in the near future.”

Carroll said when he first saw the video of Morrissey, he felt “sad”. “There was no good that was going to come out of this,” he said.

Morrissey later apologized to Carroll during a subsequent meeting and claimed that she didn’t know the bag belonged to him.

According to Carroll, Morrissey initially said that she “flicked” water on the bag because she saw a bug on it. But she later added that she didn’t know why she decided to dump water on Carroll’s bag for months on end.

“At the end of the meeting, I looked at her and said, ‘You know, this has really f–ked me up.’ There were weeks when I didn’t know who was doing this or why,” Carroll said.

“I walked around this place, paranoid of my fellow legislators, racking my brain trying to think, ‘What could I have possibly said or done?’”

Carroll said that he was still weighing whether he should pursue charges against Morrissey for the harassment.

As for whether he forgives Morrissey, Carroll said: “I guess I would have to say yes in the spirit of forgiveness, reluctantly. But if I had to be a smartass, I’d say her apology holds about as much water as my canvas bag.”

[From The Guardian]

“Morrissey’s face was not captured in the video, but fellow lawmakers were able to identify her by her gray hair.” Yeesh! Not that I’m defending Morrissey or any acts of liquid harassment, but are they saying she’s the only representative in Vermont with gray hair?!? Not being on the ground in the Green Mountain State myself, I only have the reps’ website headshots to go off of, and, well… Rep Morrissey’s may be out of date.

But what I really want to dig into is Morrissey’s no-explanation explanation, at least as reported by Carroll. First up: “According to Carroll, Morrissey initially said that she ‘flicked’ water on the bag because she saw a bug on it.” Sure, Jan. And part two: “But she later added that she didn’t know why she decided to dump water on Carroll’s bag for months on end.” Ah, the old “I don’t know why I did it,” defense. What do we think, folks? Do we buy that she genuinely didn’t know how this water prank kept flowing for 121 days, give or take? Or does she absolutely know why she did it, and is just too lazy to offer up a better excuse? Hey, The Guardian didn’t say what denomination Church they both attend — maybe she thought she was baptizing the bag? Whichever reasoning strikes your fancy, they all speak to a certain level of incompetence, so my question to the fine voting citizens of District Bennington-5 is: do you still want her representing you?

Finally, to Rep Carroll: well played with the smartass reply to her apology. No notes.

Photos of Jim Carroll and Mary Morrissey viaFacebook

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26 Responses to “Republican rep from Vermont caught pouring water in colleague’s bag – for months”

  1. Andy Dufresne says:

    This looks like petty Karen behaviour to me.

  2. PJ says:

    What is wrong with her? Why would she do that over and over again?

  3. Arizona says:

    she has a pretty distinctive haircut and color, I’m assuming that’s more what they meant.

    imagine being this old and this childish.

  4. Kitten says:

    Republicans are such f*cking children smdh. Without even looking I can guess that their district is in the center of VT. Not a ton of Republicans in the Burlington area or elsewhere in VT.

  5. Steph says:

    I can’t get over how ridiculous this is. Like, at your big age?

  6. Lizzie Bathory says:

    This is such a small, mean, personal violation to commit over & over for months. She’s a nasty piece of work who clearly isn’t sorry for anything but getting caught.

  7. Miranda says:

    As revenge, does he get to stick gum in her hair? Dip her pigtails in ink? God, what a f–king child. She should be embarrassed, but Republicans have no shame.

  8. Trillion says:

    Wonder if she is a Trump disciple. I’m pretty sure old people acting like brats has always been a thing, but Trump really leads the charge on this level of discourse and behavior.

  9. Josephine says:

    I would say that she’s a petty jerk for what she did, but her inability to make an apology or take responsibility goes beyond petty jerk to garbage territory. Time for her to retire and figure out why she’s so bitter and ugly.

  10. lucy2 says:

    That is truly unhinged behavior from a grown adult, who is meant to be professionally representing the people of her district. And she has no other explanation other than “a bug” and “I don’t know.”

    • BeanieBean says:

      And puh-leeze, nobody throws water on a bug to get rid of it! If she spotted a bug & wanted to be a good friend, she’d flick the damn bug off the bag. Except, of course, it was just a bag–it’s not like it was on his suit jacket or something.

    • Debbie says:

      Ah, but you forget the other doozy of an explanation: She didn’t know it was HIS bag. What!? So, it’s okay if it’s someone else’s bag? As someone up-thread said, “At her age she’s doing this?”

  11. Jais says:

    She doesn’t know why she put water in his bag for months? Bullsh*t. She’s either a horrible person or senile. If she’s senile, as she’s implying that she is, then she should be voted out. But considering magas, if she owned up to this, they’d celebrate her more. She should say I did it bc he pro-choice or something rather than this lame I don’t know. Own it. I have no idea if her district is maga. But what a psycho.

  12. HuffnPuff says:

    This is what happens when you trade Jesus for Trump. Appalling behavior from a Christian but totally expected from a Trump worshipper.

  13. TN Democrat says:

    tRump empowers weak racist, misogynistic, homophonic bullies to target anyone who thinks differently. The Republicans are nutters and none of them have to justify their behavior because their 🍊 🤡 doesn’t. Maga is a mental illness.

  14. Alex says:

    Also, risking a scandal (as ridiculous as this) for what? The deep satisfaction of a wet tote bag?

  15. tealily says:

    Why are they like this?

  16. Nikki says:

    Hate truly ages a person. She looks at least a decade older. She looks like she could be his mother rather than his peer.

  17. Isabella says:

    I bet her family members aren’t that surprised

  18. schmootc says:

    This poor guy, he must have been so bewildered and then pissed. I’d totally press charges.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’d’ve hit the pissed off phase a lot earlier than him. 121 days? This went on for that long until he decided to look into it?

  19. manda says:

    I know what she did it: she’s a mean girl, and also a republican, who all seem to revel in being nasty to liberals in general. And she thought she would get away with it. I don’t understand why so so many republicans are just vindictive and vengeful people, they care more about being terrible to people than helping constituents. I’ll tell you who would likely never do anything like that: Jesus! I remember when the uber christians would wear those stupid WWJD bracelets and I wish they would start again, or at least actually think about it. But you don’t need to go to church to know that was a crappy thing to do to someone

    • Doppelgangers R'Us says:

      The problem is now the question isn’t what would Jesus do, but do you know what Jesus would do?
      When Dolly quoted words attributed to Jesus they started hating on her!
      WTF? Hating on Dolly for saying things about love. @_@

  20. Jewbitch says:

    I see that the article fails to mention the fact that Jim was caught around 8 AM driving around the state Capitol building drunk. He got popped for a DWI. They are both a disgrace.

  21. martha says:

    And we’re left with the evergreen question: “Is this person mentally ill or just an asshole?” – This seems almost like a psychological compulsion. Plus, she’s an asshole.

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