Justin Timberlake’s team claims he wasn’t ‘under the influence’ in that viral video

Over the weekend, Justin Timberlake’s tour (what tour? The world tour) was in Chicago. This was just days after his DWI arrest in Sag Harbor, and apparently days after he hired a hilariously bad crisis management team. As his crisis managers were doxxing Justin’s arresting officer, Justin said some sh-t on stage about his gratitude for his fans:

Justin Timberlake thanked his fans for making his life “so special” at a concert days after his DWI arrest in the Hamptons. During his latest Forget Tomorrow World Tour show on Saturday, June 22 at Chicago’s United Center, the Grammy winner took a moment between songs to recognize his supporters — both new and longtime fans — and the “fellowship and the love of what is almost three decades together.”

“This [tour] is just something that keeps watching over me, more so on this tour than any other,” the 43-year-old “Selfish” singer said of his 22 shows so far. “And that’s that mostly all of us here in this room tonight, in this arena tonight, have grown up together. So many of you come up to me and say, ‘I grew up with you, man.’ .. I want each and every one of you to know I’ve grown up with you. You have been such a big and beautiful part of my life and sometimes I can’t find the words to show my gratitude that you guys just keep riding with me and riding with me.”

The musician went on to mention that regardless of when fans started tuning into his music — whether it was during the *NSYNC days or sometime after during his solo career — they were “here right now and I just wanna say you guys keep loving me and coming back and spending and sharing this experience with me.”

“And from the bottom of my heart, I want you to know that until I’m somewhere off this earth, I will never forget each and every one of you,” Timberlake said. “You made my life so special. And tonight in Chicago, you have made us feel loved.”

[From People]

I’m sure he is grateful for his fans, and he definitely seems hellbent on going through with this tour (world tour!). He won’t even let his DWI arrest “ruin the tour.” As for the tour, I posted this video over the weekend – this is from one of Justin’s shows in May, where he looks… um, under the influence of something.

I know what it looks like, and it’s not alcohol. Some of you have even said that in the comments too. Many of you think he has a drug problem and not necessarily an alcohol problem. There’s a good chance it could be both, you know? In any case, Justin’s crisis management team ran to TMZ to furiously claim that Justin was not “under the influence” of anything in this video. They must have demanded that TMZ devote an entire article to it too.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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43 Responses to “Justin Timberlake’s team claims he wasn’t ‘under the influence’ in that viral video”

  1. ELX says:

    He has the crisis management team he wants. A client who won’t apologize, go to rehab, take the L, in short who won’t help himself, gets into a situation like this, which ultimately will not go well for him.

    • Indica says:

      And now they’re going after the cop too. How dare the cop have fun on a boat after he arrested the poor child?! Doesn’t he know that…
      I can’t finish typing that logic, my brain hurts. Time to find the chocolate.

      • Nic says:

        None of this is surprising. He revealed his character a long time ago with his despicable treatment of Brittany Spears and Janet Jackson. Literally blaming and shaming two women for his behaviour towards them. The incredibly stupid thing about doxxing a cop though is that I’m pretty sure police protect their own, so there will be zero tolerance for any future violations of the law, I suspect.

  2. Flamingo says:

    I have never seen a cop doxed so hard for a celebrity DUI arrest. It’s really gross and he is a young man that was just doing his job. The blame lies with Justin and Justin only.

    I hope the cop has a good support system around him to deal with this nonsense. Justin will have his day in court. Her crisis team trying to poison the (jury pool) water before a trial. Also, gross.

    Shame on you Justin… SHAME!!

    • HeatherC says:

      It’s just so wrong. Here we have a young cop, doing his job. No brutality. No special favors for the special white man. This is the kind of cop we want. I hope he continues to do his job well, within the rules and regulations of his department and doesn’t let this experience change him too much, and especially doesn’t change him and how he does his job for the worse.

      • Annalise says:

        Actually there WAS some special treatment for a rich, white guy. The cop pulled Justin over and first told him that he shouldn’t be driving. No ticket. No field sobriety. No request to take a breathalyzer. Just told Justin he shouldn’t be driving.

        Only after Justin then drove off(!!!) did the cop pull him over. I really have to wonder how Justin would have been treated if he was a black man.

        NOT at ALL saying that the cop should be dragged the way he is. That is absolutely foul. But I cant help the nagging feeling that a black man, drunk and swerving all over the place, wouldn’t have just been lightly chided the first time.

    • sevenblue says:

      I am surprised the police union didn’t step up to protect the guy. They do all the PR when one of them shoots an innocent person. This guy actually did his job and is getting mocked on tabloids because of it. You think they would use that for good PR for the force.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Couldn’t agree more. There are bad cops out there but this guy was doing his job, protecting the public from a drunk driver.

    • Kate says:

      They are saying the cop first pulled him over and warned him NOT TO DRIVE then he got in and drove anyway- like in front of the cops????????


    • lucy2 says:

      It’s making it so much worse for Justin too. Just accept responsibility, pay the fine, suspend the license, whatever the punishment is. Acting like the wronged party is only drawing more attention and ridicule to this.

  3. Nicole says:

    Hasn’t it been an open secret that he’s a coke head? I seem to recall gossip in the aughts about him liking the nose candy. The problem with addiction period is that it is progressive. I wish him well and a nasty bottom. Get well Justin. I know many sober folks. The water is fine.

    • molly says:

      Listen, as a fellow elder millennial, 40s are no joke! (I need to properly pace my week ahead of a Friday night wine date with my girlfriends.)

      I’m just saying, “substance assistance allegations” don’t surprise me. Energy doesn’t just appear like it used to in our 20s! Well, that and Crazy Eyes.

  4. K8 says:

    Justin-“oh no, I got bad press again. Maybe I should change my ways.”

    Also Justin- “nah. Alexa, call NSYNC”

    He always pulls the NSYNC card when he acts a fool. I guess we’ll finally get that reunion tour.

  5. frankly says:

    Not sure I want to be “riding with” you, sir.

  6. KBeth says:

    World tour? Who is going to see him?

  7. Kitten says:

    I mean, the cop went to Southampton High School–he likely grew up as rich as the “elites” he pulled over and ticketed. ACAB always but I’m happy if the guy prevented a tragedy because Justin had no business being behind the wheel.

    • Louisa says:

      Not true. The locals who live out their all year are mostly blue collar workers. The wealthy elite just “summer” there.

      • Kitten says:

        Oh please the dude played Lacrosse in high school. The median household income in Southampton is 200K FFS. The guy did a decent thing but let’s not pretend that he’s some working class hero trying to punish the rich.

    • Creek says:

      An average is just that: an average. Not everyone is earning that. Someone still has to make the coffee, work in the grocery store, drive the ubers etc, and their kids also have to go to school. Lacrosse or no.

      • Louisa says:

        Kitten…. What does lacrosse have to do with anything?? Jeez. My son played lacrosse in high school and we are certainly not wealthy. I honestly don’t care what this cops background is but just making a point that most of the locals who live in the hamptons year round are not the elite. And while 200K is a lot of money to most of us, it certainly isn’t out there.

    • Bumblebee says:

      Kitten, you are making a lot of assumptions. LaCrosse was very popular in the 2 public high schools I went to in Massachusetts, both boys and girls. Definitely not only elite. Also, 200k a year is about lower middle class, especially in an expensive area. It is possible to live in a high income area and not be rich.

      • BQM says:

        Yeah lacrosse isn’t proof of anything. We also had tennis in our local schools. Now maybe if it was polo or something I’d bet he was wealthy.

  8. Joanne says:

    I’m not surprised at all that Justin is going after the police officer. He showed us who he was when he accused Britney of cheating and then told us again when he threw Janet under the bus. He blamed his coworker when he was caught cheating and drunk in New Orleans. He’s still the same sad asshole he’s always been.

  9. Holz says:

    I didn’t see him blink the entire video!

  10. LadyUltimate says:

    Snow must go on, I guess

  11. Steph says:

    There’s too much white above his irises. His eyes are bugged out and red.

  12. Tursitops says:

    I’m embittered that I don’t get to be that bad at my job yet keep working.


  13. Mel says:

    This is his MO though, it’s always someone else’s fault/ misunderstanding. Never his. Whatever, he looks like hammered sh**, whatever he’s doing, it’s on his face.

  14. ML says:

    Interesting that TMZ doesn’t include the author of that article. I have very rarely read anything from TMZ, so I’m curious if that’s normal.

    At this point, it’s very clear to most people that this doofus is lying. It’s also obvious that his way of taking responsibility is to deny everything, blame others, and whine about it. Which is having a -snow- ball effect.
    I hope the police there wipe the floor with him and he actually gets forced to take responsibility for his actions instead of having a bunch of entitled blowhards, lawyers and publicists get him off.

  15. Colleen says:

    OH MY GOD – stfu. Apologize, say you need help, go to rehab. Anything else is going to blow up in his face. What a douche.

  16. girl_ninja says:

    Is it possible that he had an eye lift surgery? He looks so wide eyed and alarmed. It may not have settled yet?

    • tealily says:

      Since the mugshot you mean?

      • girl_ninja says:

        Even in the mugshot his eyes don’t have the crows feet he’s had for a couple of years now.

      • girl_ninja says:

        Even in his mugshot the crows feet that he’s had for a couple of years now. There are also non-surgical eye lift procedures. Just a thought.

  17. Nikki says:

    TMZ is now JT’s PI, they’re following the cop around and doxxing his every movement and location. I’m an ACAB but in this case I’d be fine with that blue line rallying behind this young officer and making sure that these paps doing JT’s dirty work won’t have a moments rest.

  18. TN Democrat says:

    JT has always been allowed to toss people under the bus to avoid owning his mistakes. The fall from grace he has experienced since BS’s book and JJ’s documentary has been fast and hard. Bet he hasn’t enjoyed getting looks and boos when he walks into rooms. Not disclosing a serious substance abuse issue could cause the insurance companies backing the tour to cancel coverage and make covering future tours costly. His actions are causing this to get more attention than it would have otherwise.

  19. katy says:

    not saying he’s not on “something,” but worth remember that stars at his level (MJ, Robbie Williams) are routinely dosed up with injections backstage before being pushed out to perform. especially if they’re feeling lacklustre for whatever reason. this may be more than just a Justin sobriety issue.

  20. meredith says:

    It’s very possible he *only* had one martini but was also pumped with other substances….

    • meredith says:

      however If he’d only had one martini then there would have been no reason to refuse a breathalyzer, I suppose.

  21. samipup says:

    “…just wanna says you guys keep coming back and SPENDING..), need to pay that crisis team and that lawyer, lol.

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