ET: Princess Charlotte ‘is the huge Taylor Swift fan in the family’

Prince William and Kate have been slow to bring their two youngest children to public events in recent years. I think they got stung by what happened during the Jubbly in 2022, where the kids were front and center for days, and Prince Louis went viral for his tantrums at the Jubbly parade. After that, Will and Kate really limited Louis’s public appearances. But Charlotte can behave in public and she always seemed well-prepared for events. Which is why I find it weird that William and Kate are so reluctant to let her enjoy sporting events and “fun” stuff, activities where George is often the only Wales kid there. They did change that at Wimbledon last year, when Charlotte got to attend the men’s singles final, and it turned out she was a huge Carlos Alcaraz fan. Well, it also looks like Charlotte is the family Swiftie. Sources told Entertainment Tonight that Charlotte had apparently been begging her parents to attend a Taylor Swift concert for months.

While Prince William enjoys a good dance session at a Taylor Swift concert, it’s his daughter, Princess Charlotte, who’s the real Swiftie in the family. The Prince of Wales, 42, accompanied his two older children — Prince George, 10, and Charlotte, 9 — to Swift’s Eras Tour show in London on Friday, which happened to be his 42nd birthday.

A source tells ET, “Princess Charlotte is the huge Taylor Swift fan in the family. She has wanted to go to the concert for months, but with her mum being treated for cancer, this was a really special day to be able to celebrate her Papa’s birthday like this.”

Kate Middleton did not join William and their two kids for the night out. Instead, she stayed home with their youngest child, Prince Louis, 6, ET has learned. As the Princess of Wales, 42, recently confirmed on social media, she is currently going through chemotherapy for an undisclosed form of cancer and will be undergoing treatment “for a few more months.”

“Charlotte absolutely loved [the concert],” the source adds. “They are really wonderful children. William and Kate have done a fantastic job raising all three of them. They understand and appreciate how lucky they are meeting someone like Taylor Swift.”

During the concert, William was spotted inside Wembley Stadium as he grooved to her signature hit, “Shake It Off.” Footage of the future king dancing to the beloved track quickly went viral on social media with fans pleasantly surprised by William’s enthusiasm.

A source who knows William tells ET that he wouldn’t care that his “dad dancing” went viral. Williams “is focused on his wife and children right now. He really just wanted it to be a special night for Prince George and Princess Charlotte,” the source says.

[From ET]

Re: William not caring about his electrocution-dancing going viral is funny, because that quote indicates to me that he cares a lot and he hates that his deeply uncool dancing keeps getting mocked online. As for Charlotte being a Swiftie… that’s cute and I’m sure she loved every second of the concert. In all of the post-concert royal propaganda, I’ve noticed something interesting though – an over-emphasis on the fact that William did this on HIS birthday. It’s like William wants bonus points for actually spending time with his children on HIS birthday, rather than tending to rosebushes, I guess.

Photos courtesy of Kensington Palace’s IG, Backgrid, Avalon Red, Cover Images, and Taylor Swift’s IG.

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30 Responses to “ET: Princess Charlotte ‘is the huge Taylor Swift fan in the family’”

  1. sparrow1 says:

    I’m the Swiftiest in our family. By which I mean I really like some of her songs. None of the sparrow chicks can stand her. I’m alone in the sparrow nest!

  2. Eleonor says:

    Of course she is.
    She was ecstatic!

    • Lisa says:

      She looked so cute in her sparkle top! All ready to go. I know there are security concerns but I felt I felt bad for her that she couldn’t be part of the crowd and trade bracelets. When I went that was so fun.

  3. How nice for Charlotte to get to see someone she is really into. As for Peg doing this on his birthday I say big deal. You do lots of stuff when you have children on your birthday so no cookie for you for doing it then.

  4. Andrea says:

    Charlotte looks happy and like any girl her age and that makes me smile

  5. Cara says:

    I don’t think Taylor Swift’s management scheduled the concerts to coincide with any royal birthday anymore than Meghan ever schedules anything to coincide with any royal bullshit occasions. Taylor and Meghan are Americans and go about their daily lives free of British tyranny as do all Americans. We have our own tyrants (Trump). Charlotte loves Taylor Swift just like most little girls.

  6. Hypocrisy says:

    So the Wales have given the rota free rein to push articles about a child that has not even reached an age of “double digits”. In a few years she will be the scapegoat for George, you can tell it’s coming.

    • equality says:

      Nope, Louis the left-behind will be the scapegoat. Charlotte will be the next Princess Royal.

      • Flower says:

        I agree Charlotte is already been billed as the sensible one keeping Louis in line.

        We effectively have a new pecking order:

        George = Charles (heir)
        Charlotte = Anne (sensible workhorse spare)
        Louis = Andrew (hapless spare)

        Which tells us that they already believe that George will need A LOT of propping up….

      • Nic919 says:

        This is the British media we are talking about. They will bring in the misogyny on Charlotte once she gets a bit older. No one is ever truly safe from them.

    • blueberry says:

      I feel for Charlotte because of how much pressure she must have to be ‘perfect’ like her mother. As she grows up that’s only going to increase.

      Louis is going to be painted as the ‘court jester’

      And I worry for whoever the married-in wives will be

    • PrincessK says:

      Charlotte is being groomed by the media to be Princess Anne. George is going to be weak Charles and Louis is going to be naughty Prince Harry.
      The media are awful.

  7. Brassy Rebel says:

    Of course she is. So happy that she got to go and meet TS. You can tell how much joy this gave her by the look on her face.

  8. Jais says:

    Iirc, William went to a football game on charlotte’s actual birthday so really it was the least he could do. But it’s cute charlotte got to go to something she was so excited about.

    • Nanea says:

      Yes, he did.

      And it’s not like it was an evening game either. It was an away game in Manchester in the afternoon. So he didn’t really get to see her all that much, as the kids were in school.

      If the stories of him living elsewhere are true though, Best Dad of all time™️ didn’t see her at all, other than maybe via phone chat.

      So this was the least he could do.

      (Still wondering who Charlotte was leaning onto in that official birthday portrait who was edited out)

  9. Flower says:

    Glad Charlotte enjoyed it and had fun – it’s always nice to see children’s personalities and interests developing.

    That said I feel that KP are now using this to craft her image at such a tender age as a means of connecting with the wholesome suburban yummy mum crowd.

    There is always an angle with KP.

  10. ariel says:

    I despise the racist windsors- but even i can say- celebrities have told stories about their young daughters meeting Taylor Swift and how lovely TS was to each child. Complimentary, attentive, sweet. Parents really appreciate when someone is good to their kid.
    So i would assume she was lovely to Charlotte and George and i’m glad the kids got to go to the concert and meet her.

    William is- William.
    I am sad i am over 50 and probably won’t be alive to read books or in depth interviews of William’s kids about what a sh*tshow their parents were.
    Though almost by default william and kate must be better parents than Elizabeth and Phillip or Charles.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    I suspect William is biggest Swiftie in that household not Charlotte.

  12. OriginalMich says:

    I feel bad for little Louis. Six is old enough to feel really left out. Which he is, constantly.

  13. Miranda says:

    Charlotte looked happier than I’ve ever seen her! She seems like a sweet kid, despite her awful parents, so I’m glad she got to go to the concert and meet Taylor (perhaps as payback for her dad missing her own birthday to go to a football match?). It looked like George had a good time as well. But I hope they have a good excuse for excluding poor Louis! I know some kids his age don’t deal with noise levels very well and get anxious in those situations. I hope it’s something like that and not just pure neglect, but we know these people…

  14. Mslove says:

    I bet Charlotte is a better dancer than Peg. His dancing was so cringe.

  15. Lisa says:

    I could care less about the parents of these children who it already seems have the deck stacked against them! I am glad they are ok and get to enjoy a little bit of normal! Charlotte is my favorite! Such a beautiful girl who seems to care for her brothers!

  16. Blubb says:

    Well the queen (not the horse, the real one) called Charlotte the general. The press might try to press in Anne’s direction, I hope she turns after her grannie and great grannie… Then she will be a tough nut for the firm.

  17. Lisa says:

    Well Charlotte must have been excited because Travis and Jason raved about her and how much she was talking and asking questions and trying to get to know Taylor. It sounds like she was pretty amazing.

  18. Kelly says:

    Charlotte looks like she’s going to the Anne of this generation. She comes across much cooler and unflappable than poor George, and is the one to wrangle Louis. George always looks so sad and overwhelmed. If nothing else, I hope the monarchy dies out so these kids can have a slim chance of their own life.

  19. sparrow1 says:

    Someone on another post re this issue put together a great comment about how odd this picture is. Why did someone take a photo of Taylor Swift taking a photo, rather than just posting the resulting photo, with them all as a group selfie. It was a great comment about how weird it is.

  20. Kat says:

    As I previously commented it is so good to see this little girl so happy.Whenever she is with her mother she looks so scared.

  21. JFerber says:

    So I guess William got a clue that Charlotte loved Taylor and relented and took her as well as the rightful, most important heir George to the concert too. Charlotte should leave a list for Dad with all of her other interests and things she loves and loves to do on his pillow (if he ever sleeps in the same house). Or maybe she needs to text him that list. Crap father, like his daddy. Hope we see Charlotte (and Louis) again within the next year getting out of the mansion and doing daddy stuff. They so deserve it. ALL of his children are special and important.

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