The Supreme Court rejected Josh Duggar’s appeal of his 2021 conviction

In December 2021, Josh Duggar was finally convicted of possessing child pornography. It took forever for Duggar to even be charged with the crimes, and obviously, the charges did not cover Josh Duggar’s past as a serial child-predator. In May 2022, Josh was sentenced to 12 years and 7 months. As I said at the time, Josh is exactly the kind of predator who should be locked away for good, but twelve years is better than nothing. Well, I didn’t realize that Josh’s lawyers have been trying to appeal the conviction and the case has been slowly winding its way through the court system. They actually sent the case to the Supreme Court… and SCOTUS just rejected it, meaning the court will not even hear Josh’s appeal.

The Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal from Josh Duggar, a former reality television star convicted of downloading child sexual abuse images. Duggar was on the TLC show “19 Kids and Counting” with his large family before his 2021 conviction. The court did not elaborate on the denial, as is typical.

Federal authorities investigated after police in Little Rock, Arkansas, found child sexual abuse material was being shared by a computer traced to him. Investigators testified that images depicting the sexual abuse of children, including toddlers, were downloaded in 2019 onto a computer at a car dealership Duggar owned. He was sentenced to 12 and one-half years in prison.

Lower courts have upheld his conviction, rejecting Duggar’s argument that his attorneys should have been able to ask about the prior sex-offense conviction of a former employee of the dealership who had used the same computer. Duggar’s attorneys did not ask the former employee to testify after the judge ruled they could not mention the prior conviction.

TLC canceled “19 Kids and Counting” in 2015 following allegations that Duggar had molested four of his sisters and a babysitter years earlier. Authorities began investigating after receiving a tip from a family friend but concluded that the statute of limitations on any possible charges had expired.

Duggar’s parents said after the allegations resurfaced in 2015 that he had confessed to the fondling and apologized privately. Duggar then apologized publicly for unspecified behavior and resigned as a lobbyist for the Family Research Council, a conservative Christian group.

[From The Associated Press]

The thing about another car dealership employee using the same computer is interesting because… it was Josh Duggar’s car dealership. He co-owned it. And it was his computer. Which is probably why the lower courts rejected the appeal and why it wasn’t introduced in the original trial. Before I came into this story, I did wonder what argument Josh could possibly make on appeal, and I’m not surprised that this was all he really had. I will give the authorities their props – they waited until they had a solid case against him and the conviction is really holding up.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Instagram.

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17 Responses to “The Supreme Court rejected Josh Duggar’s appeal of his 2021 conviction”

  1. Enis says:

    I am glad his appeals are exhausted so hopefully his victims, both inside and outside his family, can have some peace and closure

  2. girl_ninja says:

    Good. May he rot in prison.

  3. lucy2 says:

    I shudder at the thought of him ever being released.

  4. Lizzie Bathory says:

    They had a strong case & he deserves every minute of that sentence. I hope the Duggars wasted a lot of money on their failed bid to get him out.

  5. booboocita says:

    His kids are pretty young in that photo. With any luck, Josh will be denied parole a few times and they’ll have the chance to grow up without having to worry about their disgusting pig of a father.

    • Shai says:

      They won’t have their dad, but they’re still around their grandparents who have been covering for his crimes for years. Anna has 7 kids with Josh, even though half of her siblings left that cult, she’s still living with his family.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Or for Anna to have more kids with the vile bastard. Who I think is the biggest fool on the planet.

      • Lucky Charm says:

        If he serves his full sentence, Anna will be 46 and his youngest will be 13 when he’s released. Hopefully no more kids for them!

    • Cat Attack says:

      Am I the only one who gets really, really concerned whenever i see that photo with his kids? I always go to the older two kids strained smiles.

  6. Tursitops says:

    We need to stop using words such as fondling that are effectively euphemisms. I can deal with molested, but sexually abused is closer to the reality.

    A note to our American friends: we have one federal Criminal Code in Canada, which doesn’t carve out time restrictions for the laying of these types of charges. Food for thought.

    • JJ says:

      Yes, I was also bothered by the use of “fondling”. It diminishes the nature of the crimes he committed against the victims, who were children.

      Words have meaning and their meanings matter. Sexual assault should not be downplayed.

  7. Digital Unicorn says:

    Of course they were going to go with the ‘blame someone else who is also a peado’ excuse – pretty lame and makes you wonder what kind of people Josh and his family employ/friends with.

    • Rnot says:

      Just like the British Royal Family, there’s a statistically unlikely number of pedos in their social circle.

  8. Bumblebee says:

    The fact that his wife had some kind of nanny software on his work computer to check on him AND he obviously knew and split the server to hide what he was doing. So, it was her responsibility to stop his ‘wrong thoughts’? And likely also her fault that he still had them? This cult is just sick.

  9. JFerber says:

    He should be placed “under” the jail. Now I finally fully understand the meaning of this phrase. It was meant for sick bastard predators like him. And of course he’s standing next to Ted Cruz. The second possibility would have been the Orange One himself.

  10. kill all pedos says:

    12 years is a nothing sentence for pedos tho. They’re not going to get better in jail. If anything, they’ll get worse. According to studies, sex criminals like rapists and pedophiles never get better. You simply cannot rehabilitate them like you could a murderer.

    I don’t care how callous it makes me sound, but I want those people out of civilized society for good. I don’t care where you put them. Life sentences for all of them (I don’t support the death penalty).

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