“Lindsay Lohan & Jamie Lee Curtis are working on ‘Freaky Friday 2′” links

Lindsay Lohan & Jamie Lee Curtis are working on Freaky Friday 2. [Socialite Life]
Reminiscing about “Swoki,” which we called Tiddles. Eight years ago, Tom Hiddleston & Taylor Swift were setting off for their Tiddlebanging summer. [LaineyGossip]
Two years since Roe v. Wade was overturned. [Jezebel]
Review of The Bikeriders. [Pajiba]
Great, now I have an NKOTB song stuck in my head! [Seriously OMG]
Joey King wore Oscar de la Renta. [RCFA]
What modern wedding trends will look stupid a decade from now? [Buzzfeed]
Michael Fassbender got a job! [JustJared]
Taylor Swift struggles with a fire extinguisher. [Hollywood Life]
A retro ‘70s commercial with Larry Csonka. [OMG Blog]

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21 Responses to ““Lindsay Lohan & Jamie Lee Curtis are working on ‘Freaky Friday 2′” links”

  1. Justpassingby says:

    I’m kinda loving the Lindsay Lohan comeback. She’s looking amazing, low-key and healthy, and her Netflix pop corn movies were fun!

    • Barbara says:

      Me too, Justpassingby. Her Netflix movies weren’t my thing but it’s nice that she finally seems happy and settled. It was rough going for a long time for her.

    • Josephine says:

      I agree – would love to see her continue to thrive. I love the pic of Lindsay and Jamie Lee. I feel like Jamie Lee has been there, done that and could be a great mentor.

    • GrnieWnie says:

      She looks sober! Amazing what sobriety can do. I think she doesn’t have lip fillers anymore either or at least stopped going OTT with them…she looks great.

  2. Flamingo says:

    I love Lindsay was able to turn things around. Hollywood gives men a million plus one chances. RDJ was 10x the drug addict and did real time in prison for his issues. And he just won an Oscar. How many awful things has Mel Gibson done and he still gets cast/directs. Josh Brolin, wife beater, nobody talks about it. Makes millions today.

    Even with RDJ he had heavy hitter directors vouching for him. He only got Iron Man due to Jon Favreau basically begging Marvel and I think was going to or did put up his own money for insurance he wanted him that badly.

    She’s doing it the right way. Start small, prove your trust and bigger roles will follow.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Do you love her even though you probably heard she stole someone’s fur coat, a family heirloom, and when found out she pissed in it before she returned it? True story apparently.

      • Lady D says:

        Remember her stealing a necklace and then trying to get the place and owner’s reputations destroyed in the press? Good times. Or her stalker skills when she moved in across the hall from her ex who was trying to get away from her? Her probation violations were always good for a laugh, right? Almost running down a woman with a baby buggy in a crosswalk and then kept right on going? Or the oldie but goodie, “the cocaine belonged to the black kid”

      • lisa says:

        or when she tried to steal the Syrian baby

      • Flamingo says:

        Do you remember the abuse she suffered at the hands of her family. Being a child actor and responsible for the financial wellbeing of them. Don’t even get me started on that Dad. Not traumatic at all!

        But yeah, she was drunk and high and did some things. She did not steal a baby omfg that’s reaching.

        No one died (Alec Baldwin) no one was beaten up (Jonathan Majors, Josh Brolin)

        Yeah, but she didn’t return a necklace and jacket. but paid her dues to the court. Burn her at the stake!

      • kelleybelle says:

        Yes, Flamingo, the baby story was real apparently. Very sketchy. Yes, her parents are horrid, but she was old enough to know right from wrong. Nothing will ever convince me to like this thing. Same with Tom Cruise. Horrible people.

  3. Lucía says:

    I’m surprised at how much I am looking forward to this movie. I still love the first one so much.

  4. Old and Tired says:

    Thanks for posting the Jezebel link re Dobbs. I set up a monthly donation to the Brigid Alliance because of it. We live in Texas and the situation is truly dire. Honestly, waiting on the November election results to plan our next steps. If Trump is re-elected, we will all be in the same boat regardless of where we are in the US, so I’m saving our resources in case we have to leave the country completely. If Biden wins, we can flee to a blue state. If Trump wins, there won’t really be any blue states any more. Vote this fall, don’t let all of the US become the smoking hellscape that is Texas!

    • Kitten says:

      Start saving now because blue states are expensive AF. Great quality of life (I mean, compared to red states, not compared to any EU country or Canada) but we have a whole other host of frustrating issues.

      Really hoping for all our sake that Biden wins because the alternative is just too terrifying. Hang in there.

  5. Anonymous says:

    She’s got that plastic surgery face.

    • kelleybelle says:

      She is very pulled tight, yes. Big-time.

    • SarahCS says:

      If you told me she was a much older lady who’d been pulled tight I’d believe you. She gives me retired socialite vibes in her pictures these days.

      • Scorpio says:

        Yes, Kyle Khardashian is an example of the fact that early plastic surgery and fillers actually make you look old. I think it’s the case here as well, although not as extreme as Kylie.

  6. JFerber says:

    Well, she looks happy. I bet Curtis is a ton of fun and great to be around. So glad Lindsay is finally okay. She deserves to be.

  7. Maplesyruplover says:

    I’m willing to give the woman a chance. She screwed up big time and seems to have matured, and she actually sounds like a functioning healthy adult.

    The fact that Jamie Lee Curtis, whom I admire greatly, is casting her and sticking by her, says a lot. Give her a break. She’s very talented and a lot of the problems of her difficult youth could be placed at the feet of her horrible parents.

  8. tiki says:

    I hope this isn’t too controversial a question (it sure is a dumb one maybe, but I never claimed to be smart I’m just genuinely confused) but when I see the US going to hell in a hand basket, I wonder why so many people want to immigrate there? I see all the migrant caravans that go through so much sh!t just to become second class citizens in a country that already treats its born and raised citizens like crap.

    US citizens claiming they’re saving money to leave while people from other countries are saving money to get in.

    • martha says:

      There’s a tradition of hope that we’re the better place and, truly, as awful as shit can be here, we’re still a refuge from other places that are worse.

      I appreciate that any child born here is automatically a citizen whether their parents are or not. That’s something special to the America.

      We’re a pretty divided country and there are some good people here doing good things. I hope!

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