Jennifer Lopez glowed at the PFW Dior show while Ben yelled at paps back in LA

You guys sort of convinced me that Jennifer Lopez’s trip to Europe is the precursor to a divorce announcement. I hate that I believe it. Last week, Jennifer was on vacation in Italy without her husband Ben Affleck. This week, she’s attending shows at Paris Fashion Week. Yesterday, she attended the Dior show and then she was seen later on Monday, leaving her hotel and (according to Backgrid) heading for the airport. I love her travel outfit – wide-leg grey-silver trousers and an oversized white button-down? I would look horrible in it but she looks so chic and cool. I like her Dior outfit too.

Jennifer’s Italian vacation photos were very exclusive, meaning only the biggest sites and publications could afford to buy them. But these Paris pics? They’ll run everywhere. Jennifer looking happy and glowing, wearing cute outfits and perhaps slowly introducing a new single era? Is that the purpose of the Paris trip? Perhaps.

Meanwhile, Ben was back at home in LA and he got into it with some paparazzi outside of Jennifer’s house on Sunday night. This is the home they are currently selling, and clearly, J.Lo wasn’t home. The paps were using their flashes and they temporarily blinded him as he was behind the wheel. That’s when Ben got out of his car and bitched out one of the paps. This feels so vintage, so “original Bennifer.”

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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67 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez glowed at the PFW Dior show while Ben yelled at paps back in LA”

  1. LisaDawn says:

    Why is there a big dumpster/storage container just outside their front gate? Weird!

    • CL says:

      Most likely storage of some sort.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      It’s to contain the huge JLo cardboard cutout once they divorce.

      • Carolnr says:

        There are ” sources” saying that Ben & JL disagreed on parenting & finances in their marriage. I think anything that affected his children negatively in any way is the ultimate deal- breaker for Ben!!!

  2. Mil says:

    The comments attacking JLo are insane. It is Jolie-Markle level of hate. We live in Handmaid’s tale.

    • Justpassingby says:

      She’s acted so superior, self-entitled and tone deaf over the past year, it’s really rubbed people the wrong way…

    • SarahLee says:

      Really? Because JLo seems to have brought much of this on herself unlike the other two. I had to laugh though at @Kaiser referencing a “single era.” When has JLo ever had a single era? She’ll have a new boyfriend (or a new old one) within weeks of any divorce announcement.

      • February pisces says:

        Taylor has been 1000X more OTT than Jlo this year, and gets nothing but praise.

    • C says:

      The comments about her relationship and career are incredibly misogynistic. If people want to talk about the actual ways she is problematic then fine, but the way people attack her is always the same.
      Co-signing that Taylor Swift has had a similar level of exposure and also has a similar relationship track record and yet always gets defended (and I also don’t recall JLo releasing any songs mentioning death wishes to people she didn’t like this year).

      • blueberrydot says:

        Similar level of exposure maybe but TS has FAR from a similar track record to J.Lo when it comes to relationships. By the time J.Lo was Taylor’s age, she had been engaged 5 times and was on her third marriage. I think it’s safe to say that Taylor is NOT on that trajectory….

      • Caraaponti says:

        C Says. I agree with your comments 100%. Also add the usual racism rampant on line. Wish Jennifer the best!

      • Dalat says:

        Can you give an example of how comments about her are misogynistic? Most of what I read is in the vein of her desire for the perfect romance blindsided her from the reality of simply being married. JLo is ambitious and hardworking, facts which most people acknowledge. I’m always on the lookout for ways in which prejudice is covertly expressed.

      • C says:

        “Full of herself” “doesn’t care about her kids’ privacy” “invaded her partner’s space” “is exhausting”
        The list goes on. Nobody was repeating this stuff during her Super Bowl show or rekindling with Affleck (we don’t know anything about how she views romance or marriage in private and the fact that she markets her relationships doesn’t disprove that, people can talk about things like his letters etc but he had an equal role in this publicity and I imagine for a reason).
        It’s not like she has never done anything wrong but none of this negative commentary addresses the real problems.

    • LBB says:

      Taylor hardly gets “nothing but praise” just go read any of the comment sections on the site to see that truth. Mixed bag just like Jlo.

      • February pisces says:

        One journalist had to write a review for her album anonymously because they feared they would get death threats from her fans. No one says anything even slightly critical about her because they are afraid of being attacked by her obsessive fans. Just look at the comments on this website on the article about Travis, nothing but gushing over them and how amazing they are as a couple.

      • BQM says:

        I’d also add going to the taylorandtravis subreddit. The vitriol there is crazy.

  3. Lenn says:

    I did find it intriguing that she flew economy between Naples and Paris.

    • Ali says:

      She also bought the seat beside her and that is a really short flight, like 2hrs.

    • Dalat says:

      KLM short flights don’t have 1st class. The middle seats aren’t booked to accommodate those accustomed to upper levels of service. The guy on the other side of the middle seat was her bodyguard. JLo is not hurting for money.

    • tealily says:

      She’s still Jenny from the Block?

  4. Kitten says:

    Yeah I think it’s over too, Kaiser. Sigh. It was fun while it lasted…

    I’m really loving J Lo’s pre-divorce style. That flying outfit looks gorgeous on her…I’d look like a damn clown.

    • kelleybelle says:

      I have to say good for her for being able to wear heels like that in her 50s! I couldn’t do it and I used to live in them.

      • Kitten says:

        Same. It’s so weird to think I used to wear heels all the time because now I wear them maybe 4 times a year lol.

    • Snoozer says:

      I love her outfits. She looks GORGEOUS. I especially love that she is smiling in the Dior pic and not doing her normal open-mouth sexy look. She did it too; but the smile is the shot everyone picked up, and with good reason!

      However… black leather gloves in the middle of summer?? I cannot imagine how sweaty that must have been!

      As for Ben, he was pretty composed, all things considered. Those idiots could absolutely cause death or injury with that behaviour. It’s unacceptable and the police should crack down on it. Legislators too. They shouldn’t be able to sell photos taken in a way that endangers the public. If they can’t sell, it stops the behaviour.

      I hope they work it out; but I doubt they will.

  5. Sasha says:

    I think Ben handled himself very well! The paparazzi were posing a legitimate threat.

    • Flamingo says:

      I agree, there was a time unscrupulous Paps were setting up situations for the celeb to freak out to get better pictures.

      This feels like that is happening again. And instead of Ben calling the police and wasting emergency services taxpayers’ money. To have a cop shoo them away. He handled it and gave them a lecture. He could have hurt himself or someone else blinded driving. That’s madness. He had every right to be mad when they cross the line for a dumb photo.

    • Barbara says:

      I think it was Page Six that said when he got out to yell at the paparazzi, he was extra mad because Violet was coming down the driveway after him and he was worried they’d blind her too.

  6. Arizona says:

    I think he is absolutely in the right for getting after them, and honestly he was pretty polite about it, all things considered.

    why are we calling it Jennifer’s house? I know he’s renting elsewhere but isn’t it the house they bought together?

  7. Lauren says:

    JLo has looked the relaxed and genuinely happy on this vacation with friends then she has in a long time.

  8. Flamingo says:

    I don’t know who is styling Jennifer lately. But every lewk is a knockout!

    I feel like we are getting the post Ben glow up. I am still on the fence if they will end up divorcing. But she has never looked better lately.

  9. Kateee says:

    They both look a little worse for it. I hope they can still find a compromise and stay together, but two Leos? I doubt it. It reads as if Ben still didn’t learn he had to marry JLo the Brand in addition to Jennifer, the woman. And that is 100% no shade to Jennifer, she built herself an extremely successful empire and deserves to be with someone who understands how important the hustle is to her. Just like Ben deserves to be with someone who will make time to just sit on the couch looking grumpy. (I assume that’s what he does with his spare time)

    • Flamingo says:

      Right, maybe Ben and Travis Kelce need to hang out. So Travis can teach him to live and love a woman that is icon level famous. And has a tendency to blur the lines with art and real life.

      You can’t fight it (unless the Paps are being dangerous) you learn to roll with it.

      • KASalvy says:

        Except you can tell that Travis doesn’t mind the spotlight. He seems to embrace it, albeit quietly. Ben handled it the way many of us would. Those pap camera flashes are no joke when you’re trying to drive and they’re blinding you.

      • Kitten says:

        Yeah Ben definitely doesn’t need to tolerate paps putting himself and others in danger. He didn’t sign up for that shit–no one does. And I get that everyone thinks Kelce is The Most Amazing Man Alive but really guys, he’s just a regular dude who would have absolutely lost his shit if he was in Ben’s situation. Hell, Ben’s reaction was far calmer than mine would have been.

      • Midnightsun says:

        The comparison between Ben and Travis don’t even make sense,Travis is grateful Taylor propulsed him into another stratosphere of stardom and is loving every minutes of that new spotlight, Ben has been a A list celebrity for 30+ years now.

  10. Aurora says:

    I don’t think he ‘bitched out’. What’s even the value of those pictures? Everybody knows Jennifer is in Europe. I don’t think “more” pics of Ben sulking at the wheel are particularly coveted. Yet, there they are, just pointing their cameras aimlessly at whoever comes down the road.
    He just articulated very clear for them that the flashes blinded him and represented a danger for her daughter, whom apparently would drive herself out later on. He was entitled to be upset and he handled himself very well, all.things considered.
    I absolutely adore Jennifer’s flying outfit. As per ‘glowing’… I saw a video of her being helped exiting the Dior show (pic 2) and her face looked absolutely strained. (Yes she was in towering heels as well)… She’s also lost a lot of weight, and it’s starting to look unflattering.
    It’s reasonable to think tour cancellation and her stranging with Ben are hitting her hard. I wish for her the clarity of mind she needs to navigate this period of her life with grace and betterment towards herself.

  11. prissaO says:

    She looks so much better with a natural smile instead of the open mouth, sultry Blue Steele gaze she normally goes for.

  12. Jayna says:

    Watching J-Lo on this trip I realize how wrong they always were for each other. It isn’t even really a vacation. She has her employees, who are the friends with her on this trip, to style her and get her ready. The small boat trip? She was in the highest heels and they had to really help her on and off the rocky boat. She sat in her bathing suit. She looked amazing in it, I might add. Then she proceeded to take selfies, posing, even one of her bum, and had someone else take photos of her, and then the boat came on back. It hardly looked like fun.

    Then they go to dinner another time. It looked boring. Jen was on her phone looking at selfies and photos of herself taken from the boat, etc. WTF?

    Jennifer is a brand at all times, even on this so-called vacation in Italy. It’s how she got to where she is, but A-Rod was way more compatible with her.

    • Kitten says:

      I think her and A Rod were a little too similar actually. Honestly, I don’t know who would be right for her at this stage in her life. Everything she’s doing right now feels very mid life crisis to me. Like, her kids are mostly grown now so that phase of her life is over and she doesn’t seem to have a ton of projects lined up after she cancelled her tour which is hard for a workhorse like her. She just seems very un-moored to me.

      But I will never get the entourage stuff…and maybe Ben doesn’t either. I very much value my time with friends and family but my husband is My Person. I spend most of my free time with him. To me, that’s how you build a lasting relationship. You share experiences and hobbies together and you continue to build that closeness and trust. J Lo seems like she needs the distraction and maybe the attention from her entourage and that would be difficult for most guys her age to put up with I think.

      The photos on the boat were freaking hilarious lol…taking a pic of her own butt and then the heels. Like, DANG that’s a lot of effort she put into a little boat ride LOL.
      She does look absolutely FABULOUS in all the photos and vids though. Maybe that’s the point of this whole thing IDK…

      • Jayna says:

        @Kitten, spot on. That trip looks depressing to me, not even like a group of friends enjoying each other. It’s Jennifer doing a new look and obsessed with photos and selfies in her outfits, not looking out at nature and enjoying this time. It is as performative as most of her outings and trips.

        Ben has major issues, but J-Lo’s way isn’t my idea of living my best life either. Her best life, yes, I guess. It’s nothing I envy with her paid entourage/friends and did not seem joyful or connecting to where she was at. Shopping, selfies, and on to the next outfit. And, yes, Jennifer looks amazing in her outfits. I love her style. But I think you hit the nail on the head regarding that ridiculous boat ride.

        She does have a movie she is going to be in shooting in the fall. I agree with you that she is a workhorse and doesn’t like any downtime. Her kids are teens. I think this summer will be a real struggle for her from the looks of this trip. I think working on her business endeavors won’t be enough to fulfill her.

  13. lucy2 says:

    I can’t watch the video at the moment but I don’t blame anyone for bitching out paparazzi blinding them when they’re trying to drive. That’s just dangerous and stupid.

    • Jayna says:

      He had every right to handle it the way he did and held his composure well. He also told them his daughter would be driving down from the house and that they could cause her to have an accident if they did this, and to stop.

  14. Somebody Nobody says:

    Anyone else think JLo’s nose looks very different?

    • Barbara says:

      I think she just looks very thin and a bit stressed. She’s beautiful but whatever’s going on is taking a toll on her weight and face.

    • bitchy architect says:

      I was also wondering. But maybe just how the glasses sit on her bridge.

  15. Chantale says:

    I am hoping they are having a break from the marriage and she is sending the private selfies she seemed she was taking and sending them to him to relive the romance. I thought she was shooting a video at first.

    • Lauren says:

      They been on “break” from each other Ben moved out in March/April she been in NY up until the end of May beginning of June where she was living at the house alone with her kids.

  16. Colette says:

    she is living her best life and I am here for it
    Affleck has always been problematic.

  17. tealily says:

    I kind of hate those shoes in the top pic, but deeply respect her ability to wear them. She looks amazing!! I would have liked a simpler stiletto though.

    • LBB says:

      I agree with the shoe comment, I watched a video of her walking in them and it was rough going. The dress is fabulous, but no to shoes from me.

  18. Chaine says:

    So who do we think JLo’s next man will be? Pedro Pascal? Harry Styles? Al Pacino?

    • Jayna says:

      A much younger dancer to put on her payroll again and have as a constant companion, like Chris and Casper.

    • JanetDR says:

      @Chaine, She can’t have Pedro!

      • Ladiabla says:

        No, she cannot have Pedro. He seems way too cool of a guy. I do think she was better matched with Arod than she is with Ben. Arod didn’t seem to mind her living her life on social media, he even participated sometimes. Ben admires the fact that he married what he considers to be a powerful woman, until he tires of it. He just can’t sustain anything with her long term.

    • Patty says:

      So who do we thing is Taylor’s next victim, the footballer won’t last long ! Serial dater as well .
      Only she’s smart enough not to marry her toys .

  19. JFerber says:

    I think JLo has washed that man right out of her hair and good for her. She looked so damned tense in many pictures with him. I can easily imagine him, passive-aggressive guy he is, making her utterly miserable with his misery, just waiting for her to cut the cord. Well, I think she did. He is just too f-cking tiresome and repetitive in his crappy behaviors.

    • ElleE says:

      I got the same vibe! Pepperidge Farm remembers her “white bikini frolicking in the waves” a few days after her first engagement to Ben was called off.

      The white one piece looks like an homage to the famous white bikini without the imagery of literally rinsing Ben out of her life.

  20. therese says:

    How does she get away with this outfit she wore to the airport? If I wore that, I would look like a slob. Either that and/or loose my pants. It just flashed through my head that she needs to turn around and go to England. I wish I could send her to talk to Camilla and Sophie, and all the royals there. And tell them to get their fashion together, and how. Everything she wears is so flattering and so modern. I picture a reality show where JLo shows up at wherever Cam lives, with a dumpster and starts going through her closet, while her “dresser” wrings her hands and both the dresser and Cam grab the clothes and pull on them to keep them from going into the dumpster. I don’t blame Ben for chewing out the paparazzi for something they should already know, but then, they aren’t regulated are they? I found it very sweet that he said they were blinding him, but he was concerned about Jennifer if they did that to her. Awww.

  21. Carolnr says:

    I am probably in the minority but I thought the color of JL’s dress washed her out! I thought she has lost a lot of weight in her face & in her selfie pics of her in her swimsuit, (at the top of her chest )looked very bony. I think this significant weight loss is stress caused professionally & personally. I also think she looks incredibly sad but is trying to work through it.
    Good for Ben telling off those paps. That is extremely dangerous to have flashing lights in your eyes in the dark! He even told them that his daughter ( assuming it ‘s Violet?- I don’t think Finn drives yet) would be driving down momentarily & they could cause an accident! I thought Ben maintained his composure but got his point made.
    Strange that a dumpster is down there & there are no lights to light up the drive to the house. ( maybe to keep paps out?) It is a mess leading down that driveway! The realtor needs to get that dumpster out if they want to sell this house!

  22. ElleE says:

    This is what I want to see!

    JLo is a diva in every sense of the word and she is finally acting like it. International glam travel, putting herself out there on her own terms – sadsack lingering near schoolyards was so hard for me to watch, but she pulled herself up.

    I’m sorry that her marriage is on the rocks. As someone who’s been there, done the car-crying and sticking around to fix things, I finally had the strength to disengage and it took about 6 m after that to feel like my pre-bad-marriage self. She looks like she is getting there. Sending positive vibes.

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