Here are some photos of Justin Timberlake performing on stage at Madison Square Garden last night. He was apparently appreciative of fans turning out, and there are several (sus) stories about how fans were shouting sh-t like “we forgive you.” Who is “WE”? Timberlake’s driving-while-intoxicated arrest last week was just another in a long line of terrible, sketchy and/or sleazy moments for Justin. His post-arrest comeuppance has been fun to watch and sure, there’s a fair amount of schadenfreude happening right now, made funnier because Justin refuses to acknowledge that he screwed up and that people are laughing at him. Also adding to hilarity is Justin’s crisis-management team pushing these absurd stories about how “rich Hamptonites hate Justin’s arresting officer” and “Justin only had one drink!” The latest is that Justin probably thinks his arrest was one big conspiracy:
Someone at the swanky Hamptons hotel where Justin Timberlake was downing cocktails before his DWI arrest called cops because they were concerned he would get behind the wheel, a local eatery owner says.
“[They] said Justin was having a lot of drinks, and they told the cop to watch him if he is going to drive,” said the well-connected Southampton restaurateur, who did not want to be identified, to The Post on Sunday.
The local businessman did not specify whether the caller was an employee or patron of Sag Harbor’s American Hotel, including whether they were from Timberlake’s own party, in order to shield their anonymity. The 43-year-old superstar singer ended up hopping in his gray 2025 BMW after the partying at Sag Harbor’s American Hotel — and was promptly stopped by a young cop who gave him a warning, thinking that would be enough to keep him off the road, a local law enforcement source previously told The Post.
But a few minutes later, the same cop spotted Timberlake still in the BMW’s driver’s seat, only this time the singer had allegedly blown through a stop sign and was weaving out of his lane. He reeked of alcohol and had bloodshot eyes, miserably failed several roadside sobriety tests and was busted, cops said.
Do you know how sloppy-drunk you have to be for random people to call the cops and say “please keep this man off the road?” Maybe it’s different in the Hamptons, but from where I’m from, that would only happen in the worst case scenario. If this is even true, it makes Justin look even worse.
Meanwhile, Jessica Biel has been photographed this week on the New York set of her limited series. In some photos, she’s wearing her wedding ring and in other photos, she’s ringless. I would suspect that the ring situation is less about her marriage and more about Jessica being at work and being in costume.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
- New York, NY – Singer and actor Justin Timberlake delivered an electrifying performance for fans who came to see him live at New York’s Madison Square Garden. Pictured: Justin Timberlake BACKGRID USA 25 JUNE 2024 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Singer and actor Justin Timberlake delivered an electrifying performance for fans who came to see him live at New York’s Madison Square Garden. Pictured: Justin Timberlake BACKGRID USA 25 JUNE 2024 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Singer and actor Justin Timberlake delivered an electrifying performance for fans who came to see him live at New York’s Madison Square Garden. Pictured: Justin Timberlake BACKGRID USA 25 JUNE 2024 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Singer and actor Justin Timberlake delivered an electrifying performance for fans who came to see him live at New York’s Madison Square Garden. Pictured: Justin Timberlake BACKGRID USA 25 JUNE 2024 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Singer and actor Justin Timberlake delivered an electrifying performance for fans who came to see him live at New York’s Madison Square Garden. Pictured: Justin Timberlake BACKGRID USA 25 JUNE 2024 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
Could have been someone he works with who is tired of his attitude. It is interesting that none of them are friends enough to have wrestled his keys away. The person doesn’t need to be revealed considering how JT is attacking the cop.
I’ve been seeing the conspiracy theory that this is going to be a fallback excuse for cancelling shows that aren’t selling tickets. Idk if I would give him that much business savvy / credit.
I knew as soon as JT came out with “I only had ONE drink” that he probably only purchased a single martini and was otherwise guzzling other drinks purchased for him or swiped randomly off tables.
Dude got a warning BEFORE his arrest and still decided to launch a PR campaign against the arresting officer?
How much of an unsympathetic drunken lout do you have to be to terrorize other drunks in a ritzy bar and blame your poor choices on a tolerant police officer who already gave you an opportunity to GTFO the road?
Like people care enough about him to conspire against him. Whatever, dude.
Could be someone who cared about the potential innocent victims.
I meant that, in Justin’s mind, it’s all “ThEy’Re All OuT tO GeT mE!!!” and not, “Ah man, I could have hurt someone. Maybe I need some help. Or, maybe I should hire a driver.”
I personally wouldn’t call trying to get a drunk driver off the road a “conspiracy.” I would consider that a good deed or maybe even a civic duty. Good on whomever raised that alert.
@box lady TRUE! Also, this good citizen most likely didn’t know the sloppy drunk at the bar was JT.
Hot take: he’s so insistent that he only had one drink, and that’s such a specific fact, that maybe it’s true. Maybe he did only have one drink. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t in recreational drugs that were impairing him. It’s also possible that there was an interaction between recreational drugs and that one drink.
Listen, I am never inclined to give a police officer the benefit of the doubt, but it’s just not consistent with reality that a police officer in an area full of wealthy, connected people, is going to pull over a 2025 BMW for no reason. Which means that Justin was doing something to get that cop’s attention. The consequences of Justin’s own actions are not a conspiracy against him..
Maybe he needs a conservatorship.
I think he only purchased a single drink. It sounded like witnesses saw him drinking unattended drinks, which I fully believe.
Presumably his legal team is already trying to shift blame, so in the event camera phootage shows JT consuming multiple drinks they’ll try to prevent the release by saying the establishment had an onus to prevent him from doing so.
Whoa ! for a moment I thought he was sporting some serious MC Hammer pants there. Not entirely out of the question given some of Justin’s other questionable fashion choices.
Don’t care who did it, I’m just glad they DID. He could’ve caused so much harm, the jacka$$.
If he had any sense at all, he would be grateful for whoever tipped off the cops. Left to drive and intoxicated, he could’ve hurt or killed himself or others. That would be far, far worse than getting arrested and dealing with the consequences.
My guess is that he’s done this many times before, which explains his outrage about the whole thing.
Hats off to the good Samaritan who called in. I’ve had to do it and have zero regrets.
Hat’s off to you, @lucille. Doing the right thing is admirable.
Ben Affleck always looks upset/over it and Justin just looks plain mean. He’s just got an evil look to him in most pictures. It’s not as much his features as his sardonic smile and mean eyes. I winder if he’s as evil as he looks…
Justin has RBF – resting bastard face.
RBF – resting bastard face! I love it! Thanks for the good laugh!
We call that “punchable face” in my neck of the woods.
The German word ‘Backpfeifengesicht’ (a face in need of a fist) describes him perfectly.
@Jaded, I’ve long loved schadenfreude (thank you, Avenue Q), but backpfeifengesicht is a new one for me and I love it! Just watched a YouTube video on how to properly pronounce it so that it can be added to my everyday lexicon. Thanks!
I get that JT isn’t liked much around here but getting a DUI isn’t comeuppance for any past behavior. IMO I don’t think he warrants this much attention. This will all be forgotten by the end of summer and nothing about him will have changed.
I’d argue that justin and his crisis team are making it worse. Doxxing the cop that arrested him has made it worse and the story will linger. It’s the way he refuses to just admit and apologize that makes the story go on. Having sources claim he just had one drink. He’s the one making it worse and keeping it in the conversation.
I agree, that’s what I’ve been saying as well. Admit the poor decision, apologize for doing something dangerous, take whatever legal punishment is handed out, and be done with it. No one would pay attention beyond that. He’s making it SO much worse.
It is if his past behavior has included driving drunk. Betting that this isn’t the first time.
I’ll be honest, I’m surprised this story has legs. We were fully into our “nobody gives af about Justin Timberlake in 2024” era—his album flopped, no one cared about the tour (what tour?). Now he’s back to being relevant, even just as tabloid fodder.
We went right along with all the BS “downfall” talk, which is just setting the stage for a comeback. 🤦🏾♀️
Tuesday, this is exactly how I feel. Whatever spin his team is putting on the story is for public consumption and won’t impact the charge against him. Celebrities rarely, if ever, admit guilt to a DUI and I’m surprised people expect him to do so given his reputation.
Counterpoint: karma gonna karma.
I think we’d all feel differently about it if there was any mea culpa at all.
I’m trying to follow the chain of events.
1) So Justin drinks something (1 >>> many)
2) Justin gets in his BMW and drives off
3) Someone maybe tips off the cops
4) Cop sees something, pulls him over, gives him a warning (because somehow Justin doesn’t seem impaired enough to prevent him from driving)
5) Justin thinks oh wow, cop’s right and calls his entourage to have someone come get him … oh wait, nope, that didn’t happen
– Justin thinks oh wow, I’m sure I’m fine, but better clear my head and be super cautious driving home because I don’t want to get hassled again … cuz let’s face it “don’t want to hurt other people” wouldn’t cross his mind. No, nope, that did happen either
– Justin, immediately after being given a warning about driving safely, barrels off and proceeds to blow through a stop sign and weave out of his lane, driving on the wrong side of the road. < this one, this is what Justin did
What was Justin on, how does his brain work that his next move after being cautioned about driving safely was to commit multiple moving violations that endangered others? And then feel persecuted about it?
He is such an entitled jackass
Who cares who called whom he was driving drunk and deserves anything that comes from this. I have no sympathy for drunk drivers (google the Neville-Lake children).
A friend’s husband was killed by a drunk driver middle of the afternoon, while on his way to meetup someplace with his wife and kids. He was stopped at a red
light. A drunk driver barreled up behind him, speeding, and didn’t stop, hit with such force it pushed the first car into cross traffic. (So the drunk was blowing through a red light AND didn’t notice a stopped car in front of him)
Justin could have hurt or killed someone. I’m glad if someone dropped a dime.
You drink, you drive, you lose.
I want full credit for this one. If you check my comment as soon as the arrest was announced, I predicted that he had acted the fool at the bar, prompting staff to alert the police.
You get the credit! Bar staff are given training on diplomatically preventing someone who’s over the limit from driving because the bar/restaurant can be held liable if someone gets injured or killed by said drunk driver. However knowing what a self-centered, arrogant twat he is, I can easily see him being an ass to bar staff and handlers and insisting he was OK to drive.
Thank you! It was only a matter of time before this details was made public.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I get to do my told-you-so dance, and offer praise for the staff did the right thing.
A restaurant in my town limits the amount of alcoholic drinks a customer buys. They do this because of the liability issue. I found out because I witnessed a belligerent customer angrily yelling at the bartender and owner about their policy. They were boomers.
I’m glad they have that policy because it makes me feel slightly safer on the road.
As a person who lost my Sister & Grandmother to a drunk driver I am great full to who whoever made the call. JT and his “team” are trying to spin this incident on to what? Can someone explain the end game?
There are no words to take away your pain. It’s the simplest of lessons, yet some still won’t learn it.
@OldOregonLady, I’m sorry to hear about your sister and grandmother.
And yes, I am also grateful to whichever decent human being(s) ensured a drunk intent on driving was stopped!
I don’t know what his end game is, because “everyone takes the side of the drunk driver” is never going to happen, no matter how many different pathetic excuses JT’s team tries to make stick. JT needs to call off his crisis management team, because they’re making it worse: they’ve kept the story in the news and people get angrier and angrier at JT’s entitlement with each new spin they try.
How heart-breaking OldOregonLady. What sickens me is that he doesn’t seem to have any qualms about drunk driving, or that the officer who pulled him over after giving him a warning is being made out to be the bad guy. He’s a selfish, arrogant brat and he should thank his lucky stars he was arrested before he could have caused a terrible accident.
I suspect it might have been a member of the bar or hotel staff that tipped the police off – by the sounds of it he was being very sneaky about his drinking i.e. drinking drinks for others. He must have been bad if someone felt the need to tip the police off about him getting behind the wheel or maybe he was just rude to someone and it was done to fk with him.
I’m gonna say it again cause it bears repeating, Timberlake is a major douchbag.
I’ve been out in the Hamptons in the summer before, though not where Justin was staying. We have rented places in a little bay community that is more low key (and cheaper).
It would not surprise me if a patron warned the cops about him, though it was more likely a staff member. People do often drink a lot at bars and restaurants there. It’s summer and a lot are on vacation, so it’s part of the culture. But drinking and driving is a different matter. The police in the area really do watch out for traffic violations, especially that one. There have been a few tragic accidents in the past, which I think is why some of the towns decided to allow Uber after being against it at first. They are very aware of drunk driving.
No excuse for getting behind the wheel. There are ways to get around without driving your own car. I’m glad he was arrested. It makes me angry just thinking about it.
If Jessica Biel hasn’t left him yet, I don’t know what it would take to actually get her to leave
Just saw Lainley wrote that Travis Kelce commented with support on one of JT posts after his arrest.
Not cool.
So yeah, rich white dude with history of zero accountability is going to be fine.
Good on them for calling. He could have hurt someone.
Now from the fun gossipy perspective, I wish some reporter would ask the arresting officer if he has ever heard of Britney. When he inevitably says that he has (because: icon), I would enjoy some headlines about that before this whole thing quiets down.