“Jennifer Lopez flew economy-class from Paris” links

Lainey correctly breaks down the gossip about Jennifer Lopez flying economy-class out of Paris this week. She didn’t even fly business class! [LaineyGossip]
Multiple people could be charged in Matthew Perry’s death. [Socialite Life]
Congrats to the Florida Panthers, they won the Stanley Cup! [Go Fug Yourself]
The Nosferatu trailer is very good. [OMG Blog]
Are you guys watching House of the Dragon Season 2? I’m not. [Pajiba]
The teaser for Joan – this is what Sophie Turner was working on when Joe Jonas filed for divorce. Like, he was mad that she was working. [Just Jared]
Emma Stone wore The Row (normcore). [RCFA]
A very strange Taylor Swift lookalike situation. [Seriously OMG]
Did Amber Portwood dump a guy after he went missing? [Starcasm]
Paris Hilton gushes over her daughter. [Hollywood Life]
Project 2025 is no joke and everyone needs to get out the vote. [Buzzfeed]

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34 Responses to ““Jennifer Lopez flew economy-class from Paris” links”

  1. Mel says:

    Well, she spent 20million on her fiasco love project, if she’s trying to save some money okay. Those tickets, especially if you’re flying on short notice are EXPENSIVE. One of my people was looking for flights to Europe and the cost was 30k. If you’re a person who grew up middle class and with parents who made you mindful of money, I can see clutching your pearls a bit, even if you are rich.

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      I like to think she just couldn’t get any other tickets, or find an available private jet, on short notice. Because she planned this trip last minute. Because she finally decided it was better to just get away from Ben for the summer.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      She just wanted to sit with her friends and didnt care, or she couldnt have a better seat and didnt have a choice. 100000% she has some change for at least a business class ticket 😂

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        That was Jlo thinking that the room would read her economy class move as her still being jenny for the block, a normie girl, but fail. People are wondering if she’s broke, which was absolutely not the objective.

  2. SarahCS says:

    I agree with Lainey that this is a timing issue not a cost issue but I’m confused about the flight itself. The header here says Paris to US (going home) but Lainey says Naples to Paris, not only a shorter flight but a trip to a fashion show. Was she rushing to get back to the US or to put on some Dior and have her picture taken after a short-notice trip to Naples?

    • Eleonor says:

      She was wearing Dior, and I doubt she staied at some cheap airbnb LOL

    • Josephine says:

      Many of those short-haul flights don’t have business or first class. It looks like she bought several seats and she looked perfectly comfortable. I really cannot believe that this is a story, but of course I am guilty of commenting as well. But ffs, this woman is absolutely loaded.

  3. Angelica Schuyler says:

    I was just laughing about the JLo flight with my husband. I saw a headline that eluded to her having financial woes because of her economy flight….puh-lease. This had to be a scheduling issue and nothing more. She’s worth $400 million dollars. She can well afford to fly private or first class but if there are no seats available, and no jets available for charter and she needs to be somewhere in a certain timing then economy class is it.

    If she grew up riding the number Six train from the Bronx, she can survive two hours in coach with the hoi polloi.

    She’ll be fine, and we can all rest assured that she’s nowhere near broke.

  4. UpIn Toronto says:

    So Jenny from the Block

  5. AM says:

    I am watchinf HOtD. And in my opinion it’s the only decent show airing right now. The writing and performances are excellent. Emma D’Arcy is something really special. And with Matt Smith, they are electric.

    • ... says:

      You misspelled AMC’s Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire soon to be available on Netflix.

      Just joking, but do check it out. If you like HOTD I think you’ll like the toxic gothic romance of iwtv.

  6. Eviesmom says:

    Project 2025 is horrific – John Oliver covered it on his show last week. Absolute Handmaid tale foreshadowing. VOTE!

    • Tate says:

      It’s absolutely terrifying where the republicans want to take this country. We all have to get out there and vote.

    • Mil says:

      It needs to be investigated. It involves shady people, and it will be a constant threat to democracy, regardless of the orange assaulter.

  7. Libra says:

    I was so hoping that Edmonton could pull off a game 7 win, especially after the game 6 excitement. So no Stanley Cup for Canada this time . The golden Gretzky days were fantastic, though. Great memories.

  8. Lady Esther says:

    Speaking from experience, if as reported she was flying within the EU, then it makes sense to fly economy. So-called “business” or “first” class even on a non-budget airline is little more than a sign on the top of the front row of seats. It’s a short flight, for only a couple of hours it’s not worth it to pay for more for that leg….it’s not like you need to lay down and sleep for hours or want a meal service with champagne etc….

    I imagine she did the short hop from Naples to Paris and then went first class on the long leg back to the US

  9. Barbara says:

    I saw yesterday that Charlie Sheen’s ex-wife Brooke Mueller has been questioned multiple times now about Matthew Perry’s death. They supposedly met in rehab and stayed friends (she’s currently in some sort of inpatient clinic). It’s all just sad. I don’t have any experience with addiction and it’s difficult for me to understand how he ended up where he was.

    • Murphy says:

      Imagine you have two brains, one that wants to live a normal, healthy life and another that is obsessed with something (in this case something poisonous). Then that second brain gets stronger and stronger and overpowers the first brain more and more often and makes horrible decisions while the first brain looks on in horror and powerless.

    • sevenblue says:

      From what I read, Matthew had a lot of childhood issues. So, probably the addiction helped him numb the pain, trauma. Many people have a hard time to quit smoking. Drugs are more addictive than that. It changes even your brain functions.

    • Bumblebee says:

      I have a hard time just changing bad habits. Can’t even imagine trying to stop an addiction.

  10. Murphy says:

    There’s no timing issues when you fly private so…what’s up

    • Aurora says:

      If this trip was impromptu; most likely any talks of reconciliation didn’t work out. Phlebs Netflix and icecream themselves to oblivion; JLo goes to Naples and Paris. I’m afraid this is ending in divorce.

    • Mil says:

      There are at the moment. Football, upcoming OG and PFW. Europe is in chaos. I don’t see the big deal. It is a short flight. And there is some Netflix deal, sth new, so who knows. But Europeans, and I am one of them, are not that crazy about celebs. We go nuts in Cali, cos it is all so massive and we are tourists, so we act like idiots.
      I miss USA, which is off topic, but Europe’s no longer interesting.

  11. L4Frimaire says:

    Well she’s not flying private, which celebs are excoriated for all the time so whats the problem? Also if she’s flying from a city like Naples to Paris , those flights generally use smaller planes that don’t have a separate business class. Flew Air France business class from US to Athens. First leg was typical business class with the usual perks. Changed planes in Paris. Business class to Athens was regular seat with the middle seat empty. That was it. The way something like this is manipulated. It’s not that big a deal and must have been a treat to see such a huge star on a regular commercial flight.

  12. Krista says:

    Those small jets have no first class.
    The end.

  13. JFerber says:

    Notice how easily Jennifer smiles without Ben by her side. She looks ecstatic to be without him, which I’m sure was his plan when he inflicted all his doom and misery on her to get her to break up. Just wow. Good on her. I’m not a fan, but Affleck is like a giant spider that just hopped off her back. And the relief for JLo is palpable.

  14. Miss Melissa says:

    Business class on european carriers between european cities is a three seat row with the middle seat empty. There is a bag seated in the middle seat. Most likely hers.

    Also, some routes in Europe are only served by single class airlines, like Veuling (Santorini to Rome, for example). They sell everything a la cart, including offer the option of buying the middle seat in the front few rows for a “business class like experience.”


  15. sevenblue says:

    That is just stupid. Do we want famous people to fly commercial or not? If we are gonna make fun of them when they do, that gives another reason to them to get private jet.

  16. Bumblebee says:

    Amber’s guy likely didn’t go missing. They had a fight, so probably she got abusive (like always), he left and now won’t answer her calls. I hope he doesn’t go back to her. She’s an awful person.

  17. vamps saved my life says:

    AMC’s Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire has been RENEWED FOR SEASON 3 TODAY 😭 I am so happy best show on TV/streaming!!!

    AMC has done a terrible job promoting the show. And they’ve done an equally terrible job at making it available for international fans. So, be sure to check out where you can watch it legally and support the show. It’s available on Amazon Prime for Latin America and Australia (in Australia thru the AMC+ channel). BBC iplayer in the UK. And will soon be available on Netflix for the US but is currently available on AMC+.

    I can’t even begin to describe how good this show is. Jacob Anderson and Sam Reid deserve to become A list after this show.

  18. Freddy says:

    Considering that Dior most likely covered J-Lo’s flights and hotels, and flights in and out of Paris during Mens Shows, couture, and Vogue World would have been sold-out, most likely, economy from Naples to Paris was the only flight available—end of story.

  19. TN Democrat says:

    1. People cannot scream about “climate criminals” taking private airplanes, then attack someone for flying comercial. Jennifer is in a no win space with the media right now. 2. Matthew Perry’s passing is just so heartbreaking. His addictions cost him so much. He could have been GenX’s version of Tom Hanks without the substance abuse problems. That he continued using drugs after nearly dying from a perforated bowel and writing a bio claiming to be sober speaks to the power of his addiction.

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