Royal expert: ‘The reality is nobody really knows how Princess Kate is’

I’m still thinking about and absorbing Vanity Fair’s new cover story about the “fragile” British monarchy. While I think some of the larger talking points are accurate, there was a huge emphasis on how the Princess of Wales’s six-month absence showed her value, and that if she was gone, the monarchy would be “reduced to a shadow of itself.” Accurate or not? Not to be morbid, but it would depend on the explanation for Kate’s disappearance or absence. I don’t want to go on and on about it, but I’ve never believed that Kate wants a divorce or that she would ever willingly “leave” the monarchy in any way. She has always been in it for the grand prize: being queen. While Kensington Palace plays fast and loose – even throwing Kate under the bus during her absence – it’s also clear that King Charles sees Kate’s usefulness and that much is being done behind the scenes to “manage” what is happening with Kate and the conversations around her health and missing months. Speaking of:

Many royal watchers are hoping for a new update on Kate Middleton’s cancer treatment – but one royal expert says the royal family is determined to keep “tight-lipped,” avoiding any harmful leaks.

“The reality is nobody really knows how Kate is,” royal expert Ian Pelham Turner claimed to Fox News Digital. “There are many whispers by those who wish to further their careers. But in reality, when the royal family wishes to close the doors on the world, they have had centuries of practice in the art. In the past few days, Kate has been stated by the global press as the royal family’s jewel in the crown,” he shared. “She [is seen as] the number one royal… stabilizing the monarchy’s future.”

Still, some palace insiders have been sharing tidbits about what Kate’s recovery looks like to royal experts following her appearance at this year’s Trooping the Colour.

“These days, Kate is playing a waiting game – following doctor’s orders religiously and praying that future tests will show the chemo has done its job,” Christopher Andersen, author of “The King,” told Fox News Digital.

“It’s a stressful, debilitating time for Kate, magnified that much more by the fact that the world is holding its breath along with her,” Andersen added.

[From Fox News]

This is something you guys brought up in previous posts, especially the recent one where we discussed the weirdness around Kate releasing a photo and statement before Trooping: why hasn’t Kate ever thanked her doctors and medical staff? Why was there a refusal to provide proof-of-life for months and beside that, a refusal to provide timely health updates? I mean, I have my theories, but the whole thing is still so ridiculously weird. It also feels like the “Kate’s back, she appeared at Trooping” story had such a short halflife – the world isn’t waiting with bated breath anymore. We saw her, we got proof of life.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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86 Responses to “Royal expert: ‘The reality is nobody really knows how Princess Kate is’”

  1. I will say this again. She was gone for six months and the only thing people wanted to know was is she alive. Other than that nobody cared that she was gone because she wasn’t really missed. Of course nobody knows how she is doing because they lie and hide things.

    • The Robinson Group says:

      Kate is not physically ill. She did not leave the marriage, Wills has left her. Now, we have to wait for them to officially spill the beans. Kate never said she had cancer. It never came from her official mouth. The video, bench tape was never authenticated not to be AI generated. Gettys has disclaimers still on it. The Royal rota has been writing stories saying Kate said this or did that… with the BRF blessing no doubt. But, when we find out they lied about cancer diagnosis, she will be just as guilty for not finding a way to speak out against the lies. Hence the more than likely back door money deals between her and Willie. But, all will come to light, in the near.

      • The Robinson Group says:

        Had it been Princess Diana she would’ve found a way to get the truth out… she would not have allowed them to saddle her with blatant lies. But, Katie is a weak and needy follower who does not think for herself. Kate only has the Princess of Wales title, but she ain’t, the Woman.

      • sevenblue says:

        @The Robinson Group, and what happened to Diana? Then, Harry & Meghan? I can’t blame Kate for not going against royal family. Diana was from an important family, still that didn’t give any protection to her. They can ruin Kate if they want. All they need to do is to send her into the real world without any royal protection. She has children in that family, she can’t leave and be free.

      • gtwiecz says:

        I’m totally with you. He wants a divorce. She doesn’t. Her revenge was to refuse to do engagements. Maybe negotiations started. I say this as an observer of body language. He doesn’t like her anymore. He’s happiest when he’s without her. Angela Levin tried to show him looking sad at the reception for the Japanese emperor, saying he misses Kate. Sure Angie…

      • ales says:

        Too many people assume K is just an average person with feelings just like most of us. Her behavior says the complete opposite, no empathy and get rid of all competition no matter what the costs. Do not forget that she is and was a very determined predatory stalker. Nothing vulnerable or weak about her. The majority of photos of her are massively photoshopped, now they are going backwards to make over older photos to look like how she does now. She barely resembles early photos of herself, the changes have been dramatic, all from NOT having plastic surgery, new nose, cheek and chin implants, new face shape, new teeth, new hair, etc. There is no natural aging, a skeleton who decided to shed her natural size long before the cancer excuse. The only comparison between her and Diana is how incredibly lazy she has always been. She blatantly scans for camera lens to have her photo taken and dominate every event. She is either below average intelligence or believes that having a title means you are automatically perfect and everyone must adore and admire you for doing absolutely nothing other than spending a fortune on yourself and posing for cameras. She appears to have learned none of the skills needed to do her job. The European “commoner” Royals have all been very successful unlike mumbles with the fake accent who can barely string a sentence together.

      • Polly says:

        We don’t need conspiracy theories, the truth is always weird enough with these people.

    • Jane says:

      I’m more concerned on how the ordinary hardworking Brits are coping with the high COLA, Brexit effects and the Tories management of your economy. These Royals should make themselves scarce because ppl are struggling financially. These pomp and ceremonies should be toned down to the minimum.

    • ales says:

      Revenge would be rampant if there is a suggestion of divorce. They would be in overdrive, they would not tolerate the ultimate goal of her being queen taken away from them. Even though William married his stalker and there is no love story. It seems that the BM have been fed a lot stories that William is an abuser. Can never control his temper. Is this really true ? There are no previous stories of him assaulting women., no previous stories of him beating anyone up. Entitled and self centered, yes. Poor determined, predatory, stalking, mean girl Kate is a victim. No one has suggested that the recent photos of Williams bruised neck and face could have been done by Kate. I have seen bad bruises done on male friends by vindictive women who claimed it was “just” self defence. Women who physically abuse others, usually claim self defence and get away with it.. People including police always ask the man “what did you do to her, you must have deserved it.”. These aggressively violent narcissistic women laugh ,because they rarely get exposed for what they are.

      • Liz says:

        Very valid points Ales. Though I think Harry specifically alluded to William assaulting him in Spare for a reason.

        To show he’s an aggressor. That, combined with many others referencing his temper makes me inclined to believe he’s the instigator.

        Maybe as one article said Kate does fight back. Which is a ghastly way to live.

    • Christine says:


      They want to desperately proclaim that Meghan’s fans were on Kate’s throat. I just needed proof of life, after 6 months. Take another six, I don’t care.

      It’s not like The Wails have ever done a fcuking thing, summer through fall, kids excuses abound.

  2. Flower says:

    I think Chuckles and the firm have painted themselves into a corner because on the one hand William and Kate are clearly separated so she now is the only one who can speak to her health issues.

    BUT by the same token she is still a senior Royal and mother of a future King and two spares.

    This is why we have been getting weird Rota briefings about her ‘new role’. They’re effectively writing the playbook as they go along on how two separated spouses will co-parent and work together as Royals.

    They made zero effort with Diana and it backfired spectacularly then refused the half in with H&M and again that has backfired spectacularly.

    They are basically trying to keep Kate under their watchful eye so that they can control her.

    EDIT: Kate’s most recent portrait by the tree says it all. K&W are no longer together, she always stands or sits alone and he is always alone with his kids – see latest birthday portrait.

    The way they are hoodwinking the public by omission is astounding and it WILL backfire spectacularly.

  3. ElleE says:

    They are just trying to keep this story going.

    She wasn’t seen for 6m. She attended a family event. She may be separated but there will be no announcement, no matter how many recycled storylines they throw at us to see how we react.

  4. Hypocrisy says:

    “The world holding their breath” is a big stretch, the world barely hits the brakes to watch this Royal wreck in progress. They had the sparsest crowds I’ve ever seen for trooping and the coverage made the entire event seem utterly dismal and boring. Kate has no star power she is just the only female royal not considered geriatric..

    • A says:

      I kinda think that’s why she came out of hiding in the first place. Tickets for this thing are given out months in advance and there’s no doubt in my mind they were probably looking at some historically low numbers. Chuck and the gang most likely cut a deal with ma Middleton and presto Kate has arisen to be the main story as opposed to the not my King protesters and small crowds.

      • EasternViolet says:

        I also think there was added pressure to trot her out, to overshadow the fact that KC3 looked vey pale and unwell. No one talked about that really.

      • Christine says:

        He looked like he had more than one foot in the grave, BUT KATE WAS THERE!!

        All of them look like idiots.

  5. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    I believe that people are confused because she looked no different at Trooping than she did 6 months ago. If she was as sick as KP was letting on, then people expected to see her looking more frail and pale instead of relaxed and tanned. People don’t want to be played for fools and that how they’re feeling now.

    • Danbury says:

      Please stop saying things like this. Like her or not, everyone deals with cancer differently. Some people look great but feel completely destroyed. Others feel fine. It’s a very individual thing and while we can speculate about a lot of things, I would never presume to judge how someone is dealing with chemo.

      • Kingston says:

        @Danbury says

        “…..I would never presume to judge how someone is dealing with chemo.”
        LOL Then dont.

        Er……you do know youre free to believe that kitty “is dealing with cancer,” right? Just as how others are free to believe she is NOT dealing with cancer.

      • Aurora says:

        As it happens, ‘believing’ and ‘judging’ are not synonyms. Yes anyone is free to believe she never had cancer. The problem comes when you take a step beyond ‘believing’ to ‘judge’ her by publicly calling her a liar with no other evidence than your ‘belief’.
        She deserves critique for many errors; the last being not even trying to take this opportunity to raise awareness on cancer fight, praise medical staff etc. However, we might agree that by the look of things, if not cancer something terrible happened to her that she can’t disclose and that left her with a face scar, frail, emaciated, and unable to show herself in six months. Her children’s faces at the Jubilee were a poem on whatever that family went through. Her current status, whatever it might be, doesn’t exactly call for gratuitous acusations.

      • Kingston says:

        With all due respect, Aurora, I care about kitty as much as I care about the fly I just swatted a moment ago.

      • sparrow1 says:

        Danbury, I agree. I don’t think you can tell how an individual will appear when he or she is ill. It’s surely a personal thing; everybody’s body being different etc. We don’t even know her stage of treatment, or even exactly what she’s being treated for. Someone on here put together a plausible timeline of chemo and then next surgery, which was very informative. This was weeks ago now. On a side note, I thought she looked exhausted in the unedited photos. But then again she always looks knackered, imo, in unedited photos.

      • Mil says:

        I think she has cancer. It is not a stretch, considering the statistics. As for her marriage, who knows? It is not like she can just say anything.

        I thought she had chemo a few years ago based on her hair (wig). This is such a mess, but she is still a mom of young kids.

    • lamejudi says:

      I think this is it. We’re seeing Charles out and about, and seeing times when he looks unwell, and thinner (suits fitting more loosely) than before. So for Buttons to show up looking pretty much the same is jarring.

      I don’t think Kate is dealing with a serious cancer diagnosis, but she’s playing into that perception, and it’s a dangerous game. She’s already offended lesser mortal cancer patients who keep calm, get treatment, and carry on. And not thanking her medical team is a bad look.

      You’d think she’d seize the opportunity to champion cancer care/ patient caregivers, or look to support cancer hospice organizations. But Buttons hasn’t learned anything from her dealings with the Sussexes. Except maybe how to effectively implement DARVO and to be a professional victim/sympathy seeker.

      • gtwiecz says:

        In case she doesn’t have cancer, how can she thank a medical team if there was none? She would have to name them. Are all doctors ok in being part of a farce?

    • Justme says:

      Harla, you are right, people don’t want to be played for a fool. Already there is backlash about Kate and speculation if she really has cancer online. Even comments appeared on the Daily Fail questioning her so called preventative cancer treatment. The palace and the Windsors have only themselves to blame if people don’t believe them. By the way, Kate and Charles were booed when their respective carriages rode by. Personally, I believe that Kate and company would use cancer scare as a means to assure that she becomes queen. Ma Middleton has studied Camilla’s long term game.

    • CatMum says:

      sure, she looks the same. except for the huge facial scar she has now.

      • PinkOrchid says:

        I want to comment on this “huge scar” which is barely visible in exactly one photograph from Trooping. It was not noticeable during the live event, and could simply be a shadow. It doesn’t show up in any other photo. People are acting like this scar is a legit, authentically verified fact, and are building theories around it… I think it’s a reach.

      • Mayp says:

        The scar was clearly visible in an un-retouched photograph. Most of the photos released on the day were retouched.

        What tells me she really does have a large scar that she wants to hide is the fact that, in the one published photo close enough to otherwise see the scar, that entire part of her face was photoshopped, badly, to delete the scar. If she didn’t have a scar why would they have photoshopped that part of her head?

      • Becks1 says:

        @PinkOrchid I agree. I think the scar is something that reminds me of those magic pictures from the 90s. In one picture I can see it, in others I can’t, and it could be the light or something, I don’t know. She also wasn’t wearing heavy bandages or anything in the February car pic that would indicate
        Major reconstruction surgery like some have speculated.

      • Harper says:

        @PinkOrchid in addition to the Trooping photo, Kate’s scars are clearly visible in the car photo of her and CarolE that was released a few months ago. A little internet deep dive will lead you to photos where the graininess is removed. There you can see the stitch marks on her forehead which align with the gash/white scar tissue on the side of her eye going up into her forehead in the Trooping photo. In the car photo, the scar marks can be confused with errant strands of hair.

        No one in the royal family is going to come out and announce that Kate was scarred because of (fill in the blank). You have to use your own eyes and logic. Also remember that KP banned the car photo from being published in the UK despite the social media uproar wondering where Kate was, then proceeded to issue fake photos the next few weeks. If there was nothing telling in the car photo, why the fakery, why the banning?

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        The scar was visible in more than one pic. I’m not a ‘facial reconstruction’ theorist but I do see that scar.

        The pic in the car with CarolE was taken in early March. Given the timeline, if she was injured around the area of her eye around or before the surgery announcement, she would not have been wearing heavy bandages at that point. Again, I’m don’t think she had major reconstruction surgery, but I would not be surprised if she did sustain an injury that left that scar on her eye/brow.

  6. Nan says:

    There is no such thing as preventative chemotherapy. As a cancer survivor I can tell you she is having chemo to rid the cancer, not prevent it.

    I truly believe Kate’s diagnosis was more nefarious than we were told.

    I had chemo for a year, then a bone marrow transplant. During the time of chemo I was stressed AF, yet was able to attend 2 weddings, dressed to the nines. I was also able to “enjoy” summer when I could. The stress was always there, but I did my best to LIVE.

    Kate is absolutely stressed. I believe her prognosis is uncertain. ATM.

    I also believe she’s very important to the monarchy. Like it or not, people DO want to see her.

    She is, as stated, not out of the woods.

    • equality says:

      There is such a thing as having a surgery and thinking that all of the cancer was removed but doing a follow-up chemo or radiation to be certain.

      • Mayp says:

        I mentioned in an earlier post that I had preventative radiation treatment. I had thyroid cancer, the entire gland was removed (with clean margins) and no cancerous cells were found in nearby lymph nodes but I still received radiation treatment to ensure that any possible remaining cells were destroyed. Officially, I no longer had cancer. So, it does happen.

    • ravensdaughter says:

      Yay Nan. Not a royals fan but absolutely no one should pile on Kate. She is literally fighting for her life, and she needs compassion, not criticism.
      Her health is really no one’s business because she is not going to ever govern (if that’s what you call what Charles is doing). The sad news is that she might eventually leave the Royal Family, but not by choice-I don’t think I need to spell that out.

      So really, the only people she owes any explanation to are 1a) her children, to the extent that they can understand, and 1b) William, so he can help with the children, and 2) her close family and friends, and then only to the extent she feels comfortable sharing information.

      I wish everyone-including whichever royal handlers keep insisting that she show up for stuff-would just leave her alone.

      • Kingston says:

        @ravensdaughter says:

        “……absolutely no one should pile on Kate……..she needs compassion, not criticism.”

        Oh dear oh dear. How shall I put this…………?
        Um……first of all, cant oblige. Sowwy-not-sowwy. That pathetic excuse for a decent woman will get as much grace as she gave to M.

      • Jaded says:

        Sure…she really looks like she’s fighting for her life. She’s fighting to hold her position as FQ despite her marriage being in shambles.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        Per her own words “cancer HAD been present.” If we are to believe her, she is not thus “fighting for her life.” If she is, the public has been lied to. And while she indeed won’t ever be head of state, she is a publicly funded figure who could wield enormous influence over how the future monarch(s) govern (see the Queen Mum and Camilla as examples). KP absolutely owes the public who pays for her upkeep transparency as to why she is not doing the job she signed on for when she became a Windsor.

      • Tiny says:


        I will ABSOLUTELY pile on the racist.

        NEVER FORGET her problem with a baby’s color.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        ravensdaughter, you can blame KP and BP for all of the lies in the first 3-4 months of the year for people’s skepticism. It’s possible she has a condition that may be terminal. Nothing that has been reported to the public from the royals would indicate that. They haven’t said anything like that about King Snubby, either, but he continues to look worse and worse. He’s the one who I wonder how long he will be around.

        I have a great deal of compassion for the kids. I honestly can’t figure out how anyone at this point can believe that WanK have a happy marriage. I hope that whatever is decided in future, that the kids are okay.

  7. ElleE says:

    No one is talking about the timing of the beach dune Hot Dad Summer™️ pic and Charlotte’s attending a concert with her dad.

    I think those two things may be intended to distract (the pic) and hide that the youngest 2 have not been “with” William since Dec. 2023.

    1. The beach pic was a troll to manipulate the squad into talking about Photoshop without Kate’s involvement. It was supposed to be a win-win to photograph him without his wife and to make his brother’s supporters look stupid.

    2. Charlotte attending the concert with something no one could say “no” to so he got the photo op he needed. And maybe Charlotte has more agency and is refusing to go to events she doesn’t want to go to?

    This looks like a couple whose marriage is on the rocks. Which is ok, it happens all over the world, they might pull out of the death spiral.

  8. LadyE says:

    I was really happy to see Kate at Trooping and I thought it would be a publicity coup (I guessed she would appear for this reason), but…it wasn’t? I am still kind of mulling over the whole thing. I really did think it would break through mainstream and cause much more of a positive buzz than it did. I think, for once, the RF generally played it correctly for it to come off big. Except that they didn’t get the necessary emotional moments that would have made for front page/entertainment news coverage. Beforehand, I had suggested that Charles escort her onto the balcony or acknowledge her in some way- perfect photo op. That didn’t happen. They chatted nicely, but no moment that was easily frozen of affection between the two. The same with William and Kate. That’s what I think was missing and why it went flat. She was “proper”, she was “standing straight”, her profile in the carriage- but these are all solo images. The RF’s inability to project striking FAMILY images is so interesting to me. If they can’t do it at Trooping, can’t do it on the famed “balcony”, they’ll never be able to…oh well for them!

  9. QuiteContrary says:

    I think the reality is that nobody really, truly cares how Kate is.

    She’s a paper doll. Put her in a Jenny Packham dress and prop her on the balcony and that’s the extent of her usefulness.

    None of her patronages or causes have been affected by her absence. No one is leaving piles of flowers outside KP to signal how much they miss her. The media talks about her because she’s ostensibly the glamorous one, but her fans mostly care about bashing Meghan.

    • Flower says:

      Interesting I wonder if that is part of BP & KP’s strategy to quietly phase her out sp that she never attains Diana like relevance, making it easier to make the final chop for divorce.

    • Tina says:

      This exactly. I was honestly surprised how little she was missed outside of the bad PR nonsense. The only people talking about her online were Sussex squad accounts pointing out the double standards as well as the sketchiness of the situation. The world kept turning. She could be phased out if that is what they want (personally I don’t think they will ever divorce). But I don’t think it showed her with any power at all. They also have the new generation coming up who I do think will get tonnes of attention (poor kids).

    • Nic919 says:

      They moved on without Diana. No one is irreplaceable in that family. Even the monarch eventually gets replaced. It’s how their system survives.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      One of the biggest PR mistakes KP/rota sycophants ever made was assuming that Meghan’s racist anti-fans were also avid Kate fans.

      One of these things is not like the other. If it weren’t for bot farms hired by the palaces to pad the social media numbers and assist in manipulating public opinion, not many people would even think of Kate from one month to another.

      They keep trying to promote Kate as the 2nd Coming of Princess Diana.
      Real talk to the rota and courtiers: Stop trying to make Fetch happen. This whole asinine pony show is as transparent as it is ridiculous. Kate is no Diana. Diana shone like the sun. Kate has the personality of a wet sock left in the bottom of a gym bag. The things she did to Meghan, Diana would *never*.

      Camilla likewise is absolutely no Diana. (more like the antithesis as well as nemesis). The only reason anyone still gives this conniving, Disney villain bitca the time of day is because of who she latched on to, in tooth and claw.

  10. sevenblue says:

    The guy just said “no one knows anything and commentators are bullsh*tting for money”, then he went and talked about what Kate is doing. 😂😂

  11. aquarius64 says:

    No thank you to her doctors? Kate is still under the Firm’s control. The Middletons’ Ascot rollout was handled by the Firm too IMO. The BRF has readjusted post Diana and Meghan in managing a royal wife.

    • Moondust says:

      Kate and the Middletons have a reputation of lacking manners. Charles has thanked the doctors. Princess Anne ‘s husband has thanked the doctors.

  12. Carol Mengel says:

    Kate, pull on your big girl panties and do the job you waited 10 years for. This is all getting so ridiculous how everyone is kissing her ass.

  13. Amy Bee says:

    The expert is stating obvious.

  14. LookieLou says:

    How long are people going to keep beating the dead horse? Her family knows where she is and that is the only thing that matters. Even glorified civil servants are allowed medical leave and in Europe it is a lot longer can be up to a year. Yeah I know tax dollars, Frankenphoto lying blah blah blah. You guys act like you’ve never seen someone take medical leave before.

    • Melissa says:

      The problem is everyone I’ve seen take medical leave actually worked to start with. Real jobs, 40-60 hour weeks, not Zoom calls or waving on balconies or showing up at the horse races.

    • Darkwing Duck says:

      Its a fact that after 5 months any other UK civil servant would be on half pay and after 10 months they’d be on zero. As a UK taxpayer I’d tolerate this arrangement for Kate but suspect she wants to stay on full renumeration. But I’m sure she hasn’t even made a request for formal medical leave because they don’t have a proper HR dept as we know – their choice.

      I didn’t care if she was dead, I wasn’t demanding proof of life, I don’t even care what actually happened to her anymore and I’ve come round to accepting that there is no point for me in distinguishing between treatment for actual cancer and her adjuvant treatment. And the moral of the ‘lesser mortals’ blowback is that there is no wrong way for a person to have cancer.

      Accepting this, accepting that she can do as she likes and also may be seriously ill and deserving of our sympathy on that basis of course the lying is still an issue – why wouldnt it be?!? As a small-r republican this just makes my point about the stupidity of this system. She could just relinquish her claims on the public purse go ahead and take the rest of her life off?? So why doesn’t she? Why doesn’t her husband? He’s got 20 million from his mum, 1 million from News International and whatever he’s managed to skim off his Duchy income in the proud tradition of his forebears.

      I think its fine for people to point out the reality of her relationship with the public and the odd expectations which come with their roles as national mascots which they’d been happy to reinforce up until now. The boy who cried wolf was also allowed to say whatever he wanted but there were real consequences to him having zero credibility.

      If Kate ever comes back dont you think every single person she meets, especially if she goes to a hospital, isn’t going to ask her about this? Do you think her kids and husband aren’t going to be getting asked for the rest of their lives? Well, I guess she could just throw back her head and laugh “Arent I entitled to indefinite medical leave, you silly billies?!? Now, as I was saying, it’s very brave of you to have launched this initiative about how people should speak more openly about [health issue x]” good luck to her, really….

    • Jaded says:

      I think you must mean “You guys act like you’ve never seen someone *FAKE* medical leave before. The coverup is astonishing. Whatever medical reasons Kate has to require taking 6 months off with the vaguest of explanations while the British taxpayers foot the bill, they deserve a measure of honesty and transparency, not some wishy-washy excuses, faked-up photos and AI videos. Charles has cancer and yet he’s still making public appearances, traveling and hosting foreign dignitaries. Kate? *Crickets*. For one reason or another, and I think that reason is her erstwhile husband, she’s been put on a short leash.

      • Unblinkered says:

        She ‘allowed’ herself to take said time off ‘to heal’. People have taken offence – the press just aren’t reporting it.

        No med note for her, full pay no question. It was a self-indulgent statement and showed no respect for other cancer sufferers having to work, physically work, through their treatment and its aftermath.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      Oh please. It’s not that she’s taking medical leave, it’s the weird way in which it was handled…and no, not many of us have seen someone bungle their medical leave this badly.

      Wait, I did once have a coworker who acted like this. They’d announce some vague illness or something totally crazy (seriously, one time time it was “my cat has worms”) and be gone with no real explanation or timeline for return. Their explanations didn’t make sense or contracted themselves, their friends had different versions of what was going on, and they did stupid things (similar to the Frankenphoto) to try to convince people what they’d said happened was true. Guess what? They were lying, got caught, and were out of a job.

      So yes, I’ve seen this behavior before. Which is why I’m wondering WTF is going on, because it’s not just simple medical leave.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      LookieLou, I’m in the US, so I may not understand how things are done in the UK. I am quite confident if someone lied about their medical leave to their employer it would be quite a big deal. There would undoubtedly be employment consequences. Evidently, that’s not the case in the UK.

      As far as a member of the royal family? If they don’t want to be in the public, then they know how to stay home. It’s really that simple. They can tell the public anything they want them to believe.

  15. Jais says:

    It has been stated by the global press that Kate is the royal family’s jewel in the crown. No, I’m sorry but the global press has not stated this. The BM has been repeating this line for years. From Camilla Tominey to Becky English. It’s as if they’re afraid if they don’t repeat it often enough then it won’t be true. So that’s a British press thing. Not the global press😂

  16. Eurydice says:

    The question I have from this article is, “Why would a leak be harmful?”

  17. Nano says:

    She looks really good for someone undergoing cancer treatments. She looks better than before the cancer. What if it’s something else that ailed her and it was labeled as cancer with the blessing of charles?

    • sparrow1 says:

      I don’t see this, personally. Side on, in natural light, she looked knackered and sagged. Painfully thin. Look at the ones of her down from the carriage about to enter the building. The others are photoshopped to hell and back, as per usual. In the carriage therefore she looked fine because those photos of her were heavily edited.

    • Sunny says:

      I don’t know how you can tell . Most of the photos of her have had the heck photoshopped out of them and the makeup looks like a mortician applied it . I think she looks haggard .

  18. Dalat says:

    The radio silence that followed Kate’s initial surgery is what led to online speculation regarding her health and later, whereabouts. It was not the other way around. Kate’s video briefing on her illness raised more questions than it answered and her return to the balcony received a lukewarm reception. Be it for medical reasons or something else, what her six month absence showed is that Kate is not as vital to the monarchy as royal watchers would like to believe. Her Gone Girl storyline was a distraction that millions took notice of but only a few pockets became fully invested in. William has essentially stricken the topic from his ‘work’ appearances and the Middletons, Charles, and most notably Camilla have carried on. And seemingly so has much of the public.

  19. MaisieMom says:

    I don’t know if she had/has cancer or not. And the reason I don’t know this is because they obfuscated and misled and even lied for months. How can I trust what they say when they have proven so slippery?

    If she does, I hope she recovers. I also wish she would have been more open about it. She is a public figure living on public money. She could draw a lot of attention to an important cause by being open. I am not saying she has to publicize her treatment or go into detail or anything, but couldn’t she at least make a statement saying what kind of cancer it is, how important it is to get checkups etc.?! People would be supportive, not judgmental. It’s a no brainer.

    I also am sure they are living separately and that is why we didn’t see Louis or Charlotte for months. It is possible that they have been with her, maybe even overseas with her if she sought treatment out of the country? Or William just didn’t think it was important to be seen out with them, but now he sees it gets him brownie points? The timing is interesting.

    So I have no clue what happened or is really happening and honestly I don’t care except for the sake of the children. I want her to be safe and be there for them, but other than that her fate doesn’t interest me at all.

    At any rate, the whole thing has been mishandled. And no, people didn’t miss her that much. I do think she is an asset to the family in some ways, but she is not a shimmering jewel in the crown.

    • Nic919 says:

      It didn’t become a real story until the Franken photo showed up. And that was William throwing her under the bus.

      Prior to that most people were like “she’s recovering from surgery”. Once the kill order was issued in the fake photo that is when mainstream media took notice and people asked questions.

      • Meredith says:

        That’s not true. The frankenphoto was released because of on-line rumblings about her being dead or in a coma.

  20. Reign says:

    It doesn’t feel like a physical illness.

  21. JFerber says:

    The fact that Celebitches and other people in the world are sparring over whether she does/did have cancer or not is squarely the fault of the RF itself. They are lying liars who lie. Of course no one knows what’s going on with Kate! KP has given contradicting narratives, radio silence, fake pictures and were told by a highly respectable news source that they are as reliable as North Korean public relations/disclosure. THAT is the true problem. And I don’t think it will be solved, ever. We will never get the whole (or even half) the truth from them so we are all playing detective and looking for clues. Ridiculous. But then there’s the drumpf saga, so we’re not immune from criticism, for sure.

  22. bisynaptic says:

    I don’t know whether Kate has cancer or even whether she is really ill. I don’t know whether Charles has cancer, either, for that matter. We know the palaces lie as a regular part of their PR function. In a way, it’s irrelevant to the larger picture.

    Having said that, I do wonder what Kate is telling herself about what being queen will be like for her. It’s a very childish ambition to have as one’s primary or ultimate goal in life. Elizabeth got a lot of reverence, but, we’ve seen enough to be able to deduce that, as much as Camilla might have wanted to be queen, there’s a lot about it that is she is not really enjoying. Surely, Kate must see that, too? Surely she knows by now that it won’t solve her marital problems or her medical problems (should she actually have any). So, what does she think it will do for her? Or is it just that, having come this far, she can’t get off the train, because extracting herself would be too painful and difficult (like what happened to Diana)? In this case, becoming an absent queen might be her best option. Which seems to be where she’s headed.

    • Tessa says:

      Camilla wanted to be queen . Charles wanted her to be queen. William settled for Kate and does not seem at all pleased with her

    • Unblinkered says:

      @Bisynaptic KM wants it purely for the social status, status is everything to her and her mother.
      Personally, I can’t see it happening now. The marriage is clearly long over and I can’t see a QEII and Philip style arrangement working either. These two (W&K) lack the maturity, the gravitas or, I’m sorry to say, the breeding to carry it off.
      Most likely outcome is an official separation with KM doing far fewer engagements, but leaving W free to be seen with a new partner while co-parenting. I believe he’s been sole parenting since Christmas, possibly before then.

      • Unblinkered says:

        KM’s vengefulness also features, I’d say a vengeful determination to thwart any plans W has.
        Nothing can happen til the UK General Election is over, mid July, so things may roll on into the autumn.

  23. Anna says:

    You wrote: “why hasn’t Kate ever thanked her doctors and medical staff?”

    In the video on the bench, she says “I’ve had a fantastic medical team who has taken great care of me for which I am so grateful.”

  24. Well-Wisher says:

    Kate will be seen when William is ready to be seen…….

  25. Gisby says:

    Man, those are three ill-tempered looking children.

    Four if you count William.

    • Unblinkered says:

      I’ve long thought their faces reflect a difficult and tumultous home life with a lot of uncertainty. Happy they aren’t.
      William and Harry all those years ago clearly had fun and warmth in their lives, their early public appearances showed confidence, curiosity and, most of the time, smiles.
      Wonder what the schools and nannies have to say, and the police who see it all.

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