Bill Belichick, 72, has been living with his 24-year-old girlfriend for months

I’ve been avoiding this story for weeks, but here we go. Bill Belichick is the famous/infamous former coach of the New England Patriots. He’s 72 years old and last year, he got out of a 16-year relationship with Lindsay Holliday. It’s looking more and more like Belichick had a jumpoff waiting in the wings, because he’s apparently been dating a 24-year-old woman for the past year. The 24-year-old is Jordon Hudson. They first met in 2021, when she asked him to sign her homework (I wish I was joking). They stayed “friends” for a few years, then began dating last year as soon as he ended things with Linda Holliday. He’s almost 50 years older than this young woman. The stories have been completely wild – booty calls to her parents’ home, friends saying that he’s “infatuated” with Jordon and even an interview with Jordon’s previous boyfriend, a 64-year-old. Well, now TMZ reports that Belichick is so infatuated, he and Jordon are already living together. No more booty calls to her parents’ house, I guess.

Things between Bill Belichick and his 23-year-old girlfriend definitely appear to be serious … as TMZ Sports has learned the couple has been living together for months. Sources close to the duo tell us … Jordon Hudson moved in with 72-year-old Belichick at the ex-New England head coach’s home in Hingham, Mass. right around the start of the new year — and since then, where one goes, the other isn’t far behind.

We’re told the duo has hardly spent any time apart since the move-in — even when they’re away from their now-shared residence.

The two were spotted in Croatia earlier this month, and, recently, all over Nantucket. The couple also made an appearance together at Tom Brady’s Patriots Hall of Fame induction ceremony in Foxborough … where Jordon was actually seen rubbin’ elbows throughout the night with Belichick’s daughter.

Our sources say things have progressed so well, Hudson, an entrepreneur, has glowed about their bond to people close to her.

As you know by now, the duo first met while on a plane ride in 2021 … and after keeping things platonic in the months after the flight — they turned romantic following Bill’s split with Linda Holliday in 2023. We’re told the couple has been open about their relationship with those in their inner circles — although they’ve kept things under wraps when it comes to outsiders.

[From TMZ]

The fact that she’s already dated a much older man before Belichick reminds me of the young woman who had Al Pacino’s baby last year – remember how people said “she just loves old people!” Some women are like that, I swear. I’m not defending either of them and I absolutely think this is gross, but I also feel like… yeah, just let this young woman hustle. I might even respect her game if this goes down the way I think it will.

Photos courtesy of Instagram, Cover Images, Avalon Red.

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27 Responses to “Bill Belichick, 72, has been living with his 24-year-old girlfriend for months”

  1. Sounds like another old man chaser and to that I say 🤮🤮🤮.

  2. SarahCS says:

    If that’s the job she wants and she gets what she wants out of it (and is treated decently by him) then fair enough.

  3. Kitten says:

    Old news here in New England. I cannot imagine waking up to this man if I was still my hot ass 24 year old self. He looks absolutely ridiculous of course but again, men like this do not care what women think of him as long as he gets fist bumps and high fives from all the other rich old men in his orbit. Gross.

  4. Mel says:

    An old fool and his money will be parted. Of course she loves you for who you are Bill, of course she does……

  5. Flamingo says:

    At a certain age men want a nurse or a purse. Looks like he got his live in nurse.

    Hunny, get that ring now and get in the will. What’s the point of all that shriveled pee pee if you are not in the will.

  6. lamejude says:

    Adam Sandler said it best in Big Daddy”

    “Saggy old man balls.”

    I wouldn’t care if they come wrapped up in a multimillionaire package-it’s a no.

  7. DaveW says:

    I live in New England and, for the most part, comments are along the lines of “there’s no fool like an old fool.” And supposedly his breakup with the ex GF was prolonged and messy. I don’t get it. I mean, he’s not a 72 year old that comes across as younger, more like the grumpy old man down the street. But I guess if they’re happy?

  8. Carol Mengel says:

    She’s an entrepreneur. I know what the word means, but in her case, what does it mean lol? Seriously.

  9. Mireille says:

    He signed her homework. Booty calls at her parents house. He’s 72 and she’s 24.
    OK, I’m out. Enough Celebitchy and Internet for me today.

  10. ElleE says:

    I’m actually glad.

    A woman I know socialized with him and his wife Lynda (?) and Bob K. It was refreshing to hear this woman say how terrible she thought this was, “what do they even talk about??”. She also said since Brady left and Giselle isn’t with him, “everything is so boring” and she doesn’t even care about football anymore.

    The Patriots got so much support from WOMEN that Bob K.’s use of human traffic victims that had to live at the spa where they serviced him for $75 cash was just brushed over.

    The local press didn’t understand how many local women really liked and admired Gisele and what she brought to that team. She was a low-key Taylor Swift, like figure for 15 years, bringing her kids and attention and support to the team from women fans that they otherwise wouldn’t have had.

    Bill and Bob aren’t gods. They’re actually, kind of like pigs.

  11. Chaine says:

    I know she’s an adult, but this is so revolting and creepy.

  12. Miranda says:

    My husband and I started dating when I was 24 and he was 37 (we’d been friends since I was 21, when I went after him embarrassingly hard, but he wisely and considerately insisted on holding out until I finished grad school). At the time, my dad was a bit wary, and some of my friends were like, “girl, he’s OLD, what do you even talk about?”. It didn’t help that he went grey at 35. 🤣 Admittedly, he does make occasional pop culture references that I don’t get, and I’ve been forced to watch movies I had no real interest in, but it’s never been a big deal. But 72?! How do you resign yourself, at 24, to a life of old man rants and Matlock reruns? I can’t imagine any amount of money would compensate for the misery, but I guess get that ring, girl. *shudder*

    • MaisiesMom says:

      That’s a 15 year age difference and you were an adult. That is similar to my brother and his wife, and their relationship isn’t at all weird to me. She is more mature than he is, lol.

      The man is over 70 and she’s 24! He is old enough to be her grandfather, not just, say, her father if her father got someone pregnant at 14. Totally different.

    • AngryJayne says:

      Wow- same.
      He was born in 70 and I was in 85- when we met I 26 and he was 41.
      Except he’s the same age as my siblings so we get all the same references and jokes and flicks (although I’m way more mature than him) lol.
      12 years later and we’re still going strong, though.
      Forgot 24! If I were single and a 72 year old asked me out today I’d be like, “No thank you sweetie,” before handing them a cough drop.

  13. Kittenmom says:

    Gross. But as long as she isn’t being trafficked, not for me to judge.

    • FancyPants says:

      Right. I was gonna say “whatever keeps him away from taking advantage of trafficked ‘massage’ workers”…

    • Kitten says:

      You guys are confusing BB and Kraft. BB is former Pats coach and Kraft is the owner. They’re both gross but AFAIK, BB has never been accused of messing around with human trafficking victims.

  14. BeanieBean says:

    There’s no fool like an old fool.

  15. MaisiesMom says:

    I agree with those who think even if she is technically an adult, this is still gross. I am not saying she is gross, but he is and him choosing to be with her his, so the whole thing is.

    I have a daughter around that age. I cannot imagine her being with someone who is old enough to be her grandfather.

    • Celeste says:

      Exactly! I would be devastated if my 24-year old adult daughter was in a relationship with a 70-something man. VOMIT.

  16. BQM says:

    She’s either a gold digger or has daddy issues. He, and especially her last boyfriend who dated her when she was even younger, are creepy pervs. 🤮

  17. uhhhhh says:

    I mean, she’s a grown woman, but it does make me sad that this is seen as a semi-legitimate career choice for young people (mainly women, of course, but also boys and young men in gay circles and in cougar circles). Don’t you want to be a doctor? Or a software engineer? Or just something that doesn’t have you fondling soggy, wrinkly old man balls?

    I can’t imagine the level of desperation and/or lack of self-esteem that has someone end in this kind of arrangement. In cases like this I always I wonder where are their parents?

  18. bisynaptic says:

    So is she 23 or 24? That one year makes a lot of difference, at that age. 🙂

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