Duchess Meghan ‘desperate to come across as the bigger person’ & end royal feuds

Royal gossip’s summer silly season is upon us. The only thing that can save us is the Princess of Wales turning up at Wimbledon, which starts next week. Last year, during the summer silly season, the British media worked itself into a lather about “the Sussex marriage is in trouble.” It was all a lie. But for months now, they’ve been trying and failing to bring the Sussexes into the story of Princess Kate’s disappearance/illness. When Harry confirmed his visit to the UK in May, Wales-sources were eager to brief about their plans to “snub” Harry, even though he never said anything about visiting them. Then Christopher Andersen, that “royal expert,” claimed that Prince William was literally gatekeeping who sees Kate and that he would never “allow” Harry to visit her (once again, Harry showed zero interest). It’s all part of the years-long fanfic series of “the Sussexes are desperate to see Will & Kate!” Well, here’s the latest:

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are trying to reconnect with Kate Middleton in hopes of burying the hatchet once and for all, according to a report. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex haven’t met up with the Princess of Wales in years — with Harry only briefly seeing her last at King Charles’ coronation in May 2023. However, after Middleton, 42, revealed her cancer diagnosis to the world in March, the Sussexes have reportedly been itching to get in touch.

“Meghan’s desperate to come across as the bigger person and end this feud between them — appearing like some sort of royal savior could only do her image good,” a source told OK! Magazine. “When Kate gets back into action, their hope is that it might take some of the heat off them and possibly trigger a truce with her and William, and with the king, too.”

While the father of two, 39, has been on home soil twice this year, he has not met up with his estranged brother, Prince William, and his wife. Instead, Harry only saw his father, King Charles, in February. He did not meet with any family members during his three-day trip to London in May. The “Suits” alum, for her part, did not accompany her husband for either of the trips. Instead, Markle flew to London to meet her husband at Heathrow Airport before the pair immediately jetted off to Nigeria together.

[From The NY Post]

“Meghan’s desperate to come across as the bigger person.” Nah. Meghan already is the bigger person. Meghan sat there and lied to Oprah and said Kate is a “good person.” Meghan has defended Kate, even though Kate was part of the racist abuse Meghan suffered. Meghan tried to show everyone how Kate’s whiteness was being weaponized against the Black duchess. The problem has always been that Kate has always gleefully weaponized her white-woman Karen act against Meghan. Anyway, the Sussexes are not desperate for anything and the Waleses and their supporters need to stop dragging Harry and Meghan into Kensington Palace’s catastrophe. Y’all broke it, and now you bought it.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar, Cover Images, Backgrid.

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69 Responses to “Duchess Meghan ‘desperate to come across as the bigger person’ & end royal feuds”

  1. equality says:

    If Meghan were so eager to see Kate wouldn’t she have actually come into the country where Kate is? Do people really fall for this nonsense? And PH did meet with family members in May. Spencer family members. Funny how the BM and the BRF want to act like the royals are his only family.

    • kirk says:

      “Do people really fall for this nonsense?” Apparently, Nika Shakhnazarova, “a London-based UK editor/reporter at the New York Post and Page Six” who graduated from Towson University with a degree in journalism is willing to set aside any journalism ethics she learned in the U.S. This story is a “report” she read in OK magazine that came from an anonymous source.

      I hate Faux News, including the Post. Because they occasionally hire good journalists to mix in with their usual crap reporters. Safe to say Nika Shakhnazarova’s fake “report” falls in the crap category.

    • Jane says:

      Duchess Meghan is a sensible , clever lady. She’s not desperate to do anything concerning these pathetic dysfunctional members of the RF. She has so many wonderful charities to attend to. These gutter media ppl and their co conspirators from RF are running out of propaganda to boost the ever sagging hohum antics of the “so-called working Royals”.

  2. Meg has and will always will be the bigger person. She isn’t desperate to do anything. She has a loving husband and children and she does the work that she wants to do to help others. There is no need to fix Harry’s family because they have moved on and you can’t fix what doesn’t want fixing.

  3. sparrow1 says:

    My view is and will remain: Kate would never have had a good relationship with any sister in law. I can’t imagine anyone Harry picked, particularly someone beautiful and accomplished, would’ve been welcomed in. Kate does not work well with other women; she’s insecure about being overshadowed. Meghan’s employment history, her philanthropic work, her beauty were never going to be anything but fodder for Kate’s jealousy. It really is sad: now, more than ever, Kate could benefit from a competent sister in law. It worked in Kate’s favour that the UK public could be whipped into hating an American biracial woman so easily. Some of Harry’s previous girlfriends, English rose types, would’ve been harder for her to dislodge in the public’s mind.

    • Tessa says:

      Chelsy was given a bad time in the tabs and on social media. She was put down to try to elevate Kate Middleton. She would have been subject to the Kate is perfect spin. Chelsy did get a law degree

    • s808 says:

      I’ve gone back and looked at a lot of old CB stories and so many commentators made this same assessment, Even when M first showed up on the scene as a gf and everyone predicted that K would not take it well. How right you all were.

      • sparrow1 says:

        Hi s808. I think I had a hunch Kate would react like this because she is of a type; in fact, she’s so of a type that she reminds me of a once friend who hounded out certain women from her wider family, through jealousy. I’ve also heard from people around Kate, in her 20s in particular, who saw her cling to William and his group like a limpet, ditto her sister. They weren’t known as the wisteria sisters for nothing. Continual jostling to keep other girls/women out of the way. A sister in law to Kate, within the BRF, was destined to be met with hostility. My hunch was definitely on the rise when Kate had a pointless, published, photo taken of her on a train platform the same day as Meghan’s first big appearance in the UK. Literally on her own, standing on a train station platform/steps! Anything to pull focus.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      Spot on, Sparrow1. I find it funny when sources quote “Kate’s friends”. She doesn’t have any. Women are not welcome in her life. They are unwanted competition. She doesn’t need to worry though. No one wants her life. No one! Huevo is no prize.

      • Unblinkered says:

        Would be very interested to hear what Chelsy and Cressida thought of KM, both at the time and now.
        Re the – bizarre – appearance of KM on the train station platform as H&M set off on their first public engagement, I always assumed she was there incognito desperate to see how Meghan fared in public how the crowds reacted to her. I still do think that.

    • Nic919 says:

      Harry dated Chelsy for a long time and well before William was public about Kate but we never saw Chelsy and Kate do girl things together. That was sign number one that Kate was that bitch and then when Meghan shows up, being way more accomplished and just way hotter than Kate, there was no way Kate was going to be fine with her.

      And she has proven to be awful.

    • Ellie says:

      You summed this up perfectly. Kate would be jealous of any sister in law. Harry and Megan are happy as larks. He wanted out years ago. Petty Betty wouldn’t let them be half in half out which would have be a big benefit for them now. Suck it up K and W. 😂😂

  4. Hypocrisy says:

    They obviously do not understand that for the Sussex’s, Meghan especially, they have “ended the feud” already when they said they have moved on. They don’t just want to appear to be the bigger person, they are the bigger people. The public sees it too, it’s why the BRF has no crowds whatsoever behind those barriers anymore.

  5. Brassy Rebel says:

    Meghan is so desperate to end the estrangement that when she comes to GB she doesn’t even leave the airport.

    • sparrow1 says:

      I don’t believe M’s doing any of this at all. As you say, she’s not interested in the UK. Wasn’t there a recent report saying she’s done with Britain and the BRF. Kate, more than William, will never want a sister in law back. I don’t think she ever did want a sister in law, any sister in law – see my above comment. Her childish behaviour at H&M’s wedding was, I believe, driven by a sense of insecurity. The reality of Meghan as part of the BRF really hit her that day.

      • Wagiman says:

        Sparrow of course it’s a fiction. No one actually believes it except the people that read it who don’t know otherwise.. Sadly that’s a lot. Like Kate’s ‘cancer’. A lot believe it, i just don’t. The timing was frankly absurd. Plus all the RF lie daily. I feel sorry for the believers.

      • Doll says:

        No more than anything she, Kate, was/is jealous of the love and support H has for his wife. Poor Kate miserable in the gilded cage with a mentally and emotionally unstable man child.

  6. Diana says:

    Please. I think she wants nothing to do with that family. And that probably goes double for their children..

    • Jais says:

      Yeah. I think Meghan has drawn serious boundaries. She doesn’t want to be around toxic people and their toxic behaviors. Let alone her kids. She already is the bigger person. I’m sure she wishes them peace and healing but she doesn’t need or want to do the heavy lifting of ending a one-sided feud. Those people need to work on themselves. It’s not Megan’s job. She’s been the bigger person for a very long while and that’s pretty clear to see.

      • Christine says:

        Especially with people who will just repeat the same abusive cycle the next time they get bad press. There is no making up with William and Kate. They don’t know how to royal without lying and tearing down other family members. They are both perpetually lazy, so they are never going to show up and do the good that will positively impact the people they want us to believe they “serve”, which would get them the good press they desperately want.

  7. YeahRight says:

    This is why my sympathy for that lady has been at zero. Meghan has done nothing to warrant all this racism and hate but yet still getting it. This lady just came back and yet Meghan still is the topic of discussion. Meghan doesn’t want anything to do with Harry’s family on his daddy’s side that includes the people who married into that side.

  8. Nerd says:

    Meghan entered that family as the bigger person. Kate is in the group of women, like Camilla, who wear white to another woman’s wedding in a church. She is in the same category as women like Camilla and Sophie who purposely try and ostracize a woman during church events, including a family funeral. Meghan’s refusal to allow herself and her children from being othered will forever make her the bigger person. A person speaking out about racism will always be bigger than racists, and cancer or any other ailment won’t change that.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, it’s the way Meghan said nope and got Archie out of there. Technically, they tried for half-in, but someone was looking out for them from up high when that was refused.

  9. ShazBot says:

    This is obviously just all the hopes and dreams of the royal rota and other associated sycophants. I would hope that people could see through this now, but I realize the majority probably don’t have that particular skill set.

    • Kingston says:


      No……not the majority, never the majority. The decent majority often fall into the trap of allowing ourselves to be distracted by the loud voices coming from small places, echoing thru the empty barrels they occupy.

      This is true at both the micro and macro levels for people all over the world. In the case of the UK, that society has allowed its media to accrue to itself and an evil bunch of oligarchs a level of power and control thru fear that seems like its never-ending. But everything ends, eventually. The hope is that we get to see it end in our lifetime.

  10. AMB says:

    I am still laughing at this headline. Thanks, Kaiser!

  11. Jan says:

    Just ask Toxic Tom, if Meghan really want to be friends with KKKate.

    • Christine says:

      Right? If Meghan was going to put forth an effort with any of her abusers that were masquerading as “family”, she would certainly start with her own father first.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    I agree with Kaiser, Meghan is already the bigger person because she hasn’t said anything about the things that William, Kate and their staff did to her except clear up a story that was already put out there by KP. If Meghan’s not interested in reconciling with her father why would she desperate to reconcile with Kate who is basically a stranger to her?

  13. Blackapinay says:

    They always expect Meghan to fix what she didn’t break.

    • ML says:

      Obviously, PageSix is not going to speak for Meghan, so I was going to avoid saying anything about it. Then I read your comment, Blackapinay, and I just was to let you know that what you wrote is brilliantly stated. They do was her to fix things she hasn’t broken all the time.

    • BadassBCBA says:

      @ Blackapinay -Or care more than she should!

    • Christine says:

      “You should’ve known better, you should’ve known better than to break what you couldn’t fix, oh what a shame, what you gonna miss? Why you gotta do what you can’t take back, oh, you should’ve known better, you should’ve known better than that…..”

      I’ve had Chrissy Metz’s version of the song above in my head all day, It’s an excellent song, and SO appropriate for Meghan. Thanks for reminding me of it, I’ve been cleaning my house and wailing at the top of my lungs.

  14. PC says:

    The reason they continually drag Harry and Meghan into the left behinds landscape is because the left behinds are so dull and boring. Even with big events like Trooping, Ascot, and a state dinner they are not interesting. A jar of jam and some dog biscuits was more entertaining. Harry and Meghan have been relatively quiet of late and they are still more interesting. I bet the BM kick themselves in the a$$ daily for their part in chasing away the best thing that has come out of that family in over 25 years. They bite off their noses to spite their faces.

  15. Sue says:

    The attitude has always been that Meghan is a gold digger (and that’s one of the nicer terms they use) who married into the BRF for all the perks. That theory went to hell in a handcart when she and Harry took the first train for the coast but they still won’t let it go. If Meghan really was just in it for the money and the bling she’d have put up with a crap ton more than she did in order to have access to castles and jewels etc. She wasn’t, she didn’t and they just can’t believe it so they keep spinning these fairy tales about how Meghan is desperate to make peace and move back to the palace. Not in a million years.

  16. MSS says:

    I’m confused, did Meghan ever say that Kate was a good person, I remember her saying Kate “was not a bad person”, which to me isn’t the same.

    • Jais says:

      No I think she specifically said Kate is a good person in the Oprah interview. Meghan went on to say that Kate apologized for making her cry before the wedding and even gave her an apology note.

    • Jazz Hands says:

      I just watched that part of the interview. She had just clarified to Oprah what had really happened (re who made whom cry) and that everyone in the institution knew the headlines weren’t true. Oprah asked why somebody didn’t just say that then. Meghan said: “That’s a good question. I’m not sharing that piece about Kate in any way to be disparaging to her. I think it’s really important for people to understand the truth. But also I think a lot of it that was fed into by the media — and look, I would hope that she would have wanted that corrected. And maybe in the same way that the Palace wouldn’t let anybody else negate it, they wouldn’t let her, because she’s a good person. And I think so much of what I have seen play out is this idea of polarity where if you love me, you don’t have to hate her, and if you love her, you don’t need to hate me.”

      • Jais says:

        The fact the meghan says I would hope she would have wanted that corrected. She even suggested that the palace wouldn’t let her correct it. I don’t really believe that Kate wanted it corrected. But the fact is that Meghan was giving her grace. Meghan has already been the bigger person.

    • sparrow1 says:

      I recall she said “Kate is a good person” or possibly woman. But definitely good human! I’ve thought, Meghan’s being nice, and since then I’ve thought, maybe she knew Kate had a difficult marriage and was being kind.

  17. Anna says:

    Oh my God. Meg just no longer cares. At the begining it seemed she tried, maybe because of Betty, maybe H asked for support. Since some time it is clear as a day she wants nothing to do with UK and royals. And they cannot deal with this. In 10-20 years we will be reading the same stupidity. Probably involving little Sussexes, who will have no idea what those strangers are talking about.

    • Christine says:

      Yeah, there came a point where Meghan would have been abusing Harry to try and get him to always be the bigger person with that family. The writing was on the wall, and she’s just entirely done. She’s not going to talk him out of trying to reach out to Chuck, but that’s as far as it goes.

  18. Chantal1 says:

    The “royal feud” ended when the Sussexes moved to the US. What rational person would keep fighting with someone who voluntarily left their country and moved far away? Both of the Sussexes are being the bigger person by not putting that entire family on blast and telling everything! Despite the constant smears, M&H remain quietly dignified and determined to live their lives as THEY choose to. But the royals and RRs still refuse to read the room, thus continuing a one sided feud and looking increasingly evil for doing so. The BM, with their unhinged gossiping, I mean, unhinged “reporting” are in a race to the bottom to see who can destroy the monarchy faster – them or the Rotten Family. I think they’re tied for now. And what’s great to see but is also more troubling for RF is that ever since their credibility was severely damaged by KP’s antics (Frankenphoto etc), they are being scrutinized by more people.

  19. Tessa says:

    Kate lunged at Meghan on a walkabout. Why would Meghan go near her

    • HuffnPuff says:

      Yes, I really want to know what happened that day. So many lies were told about how the Wails’ had to wait on the Sussexes and it was done at Charles’s request but then it was Huevo’s idea and blah blah blah. One thing is for certain. Kate was pissed that day. Meghan looked rattled and the princes seemed to want to keep the women apart. Kate was practically running ahead of everyone she was so furious. I think she wanted the spotlight on them as the new Wails’. and instead all eyes were on the Sussexes. She also hates competition from other women. That was something though. That lunge was too much.

      • Jais says:

        I’d imagine Kate was furious that she even had to be in the Sussex’s presence. She made that clear when she bolted out of the car. It was trashy behavior. Where’s the decorum and diplomacy? Jeez.

      • Kat says:

        Kathy’s ( or Catherine as she prefers to be known as) behaviour at Bessie’s funeral summed it all up to me what kind of person she is. An extremely cruel and very jealous woman who would destroy any competition she sees.
        The way she lunged out at Meghan was to me insane.
        I have no sympathy at all for her, wether she has cancer or not.

  20. kelleybelle says:

    “Still writing bullshit for a living?” — Prince Harry

  21. Eurydice says:

    At this point, I can’t imagine anyone thinks this is true.

  22. Lulu says:

    What feud? Do they mean when the palaces release information, almost daily, about how much the king and heir hate Harry and won’t even mention his wife? That’s not a feud, it’s bullying.

  23. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    While I’m sure that Meghan would have loved to have a big family, lots of cousins for her kids to grow up around and close relationships with her in-laws, she recognizes that the ship has sailed. Meghan and Harry are now building their own family of people who love them, who share their values and their desire to be of service, and really isn’t that the best kind of family?

    • Sunny says:

      She is the bigger person, she doesn’t *think she is. At every turn, she has taken the high road after everything they put her though.

      This whole thing is one-sided. It never has been anything else.

  24. Teddy says:

    So glad Meghan escaped that creepy clan.

  25. Glo says:

    If you haven’t experienced loss, you don’t realize everyone is going to pass away at some point. You need to be careful with your words, because this isn’t a dress rehearsal or a game.

  26. maisie says:

    we already know Meghan is the better person. I’m quite certain she wrote Kate some sort of king sympathy/get well type of card when she found out about Kate’s illness. That should be enough.

  27. Rnot says:

    This is just optimistically laying runway. If the Sussexes ever do come back then it MUST look like they capitulated and bent the knee. The BRF hold no power over the Sussexes and that reality is breaking their mental systems. A real king would be willing to humble himself. Charles is a weak man.

  28. Where'sMyTiara says:

    “The Sussexes are desperate to be seen with Will and Kate!” Is what they say,

    but what they mean is, “Will and Kate are desperate to be seen as popular and not on the back foot all the time when interacting with the public – they envy tf out of the Sussexes, their charisma, their crowds, their fashion.”

    If only the Waleses envied the Sussexes’ work ethic enough to copy THAT.
    Only the “working royals” living in on stolen wealth can afford to be this shiftless, unmotivated, and yet endlessly arrogant at the same time.

    The BRF’s wealth belongs to the people of the UK and Commonwealth. They made that money, not the Windsors.

    • GTWiecz says:

      Somehow the majority of British people have no idea how the notion of royalty came about. I think they don’t teach that part of history in UK schools.

  29. Mel says:

    Sure Jan, sure. Meghan wants to make up sooooo badly that she doesn’t even bother to leave the airport when she passes through on her way to somewhere else. So much projection, they want her to beg to see them and they know she does not care.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      They’re still raging about how she wouldn’t leave the VIP lounge. LMAO.

      It’s everything the Left Behinds deserve.

  30. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Huh? Are they talking about the same person who stayed at the airport in London to wait for Harry? That’s who’s desperate to whatever?

  31. Well-Wisher says:

    Since the Duchess of Sussex is now free to speak, and have chosen to stay silent in rectitude chose silence in the face of the latest sledgehammer journalism: speaks volumes…….
    Maybe she simply does not want to deal with the dysfunction and circus accorded to the idea of “Look at Me!!”

  32. QuiteContrary says:

    LOL, Meghan is so desperate to reconnect that she refers to the left-behind royals as “my husband’s family.” She couldn’t make it any clearer that she’s finished with those vipers. And no wonder. They never deserved her good self.

  33. bisynaptic says:

    A “report” and a “source”. Hmmm…. 🙄

    • Iolanthe says:

      Are they channeling what they imagine Meghan is thinking now . Jeez she can’t live her life in peace ..leave that lovely girl alone

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