Wild Thang, an eight-year-old Pekingese, is the World’s Ugliest Dog

This is a tail about dogged spirit, perseverance, and challenging the conventional ideas of beauty. Pekingese pup Wild Thang had a ruff start in life, contracting distemper which left him toothless and with a right front leg that paddles all the time. But where others might see tragedy, Wild Thang found opportunity. He took his signature side tongue (a result of being toothless) and marched himself to the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest… where he lost. But life is about how you get back up on all four feet! So Wild Thang returned the next year and placed second! Still, Wild Thang had the itch (no, it wasn’t fleas) to nab the big prize. After placing second for three years in a row, last week Wild Thang, now eight, was finally, rightfully crowned World’s Ugliest Dog with lucky try #5. It couldn’t have happened to a better fellow.

A dog with a bone: The 8-year-old Pekingese didn’t place in his first go-round in the contest, and then followed it up with a trio of second-place finishes, before claiming this year’s title on June 21 in Petaluma, California. “He got second three years in a row, first year nothing. So then three years in a row, he got second and we were like, ‘Let’s just go again because it’s so much fun. And if not, we’ll go back the next year,’” his owner, Ann Lewis told TODAY on June 24. “Even ugly is beautiful,” she added.

Star status: Lewis also said Wild Thang, who loves ice cream, ice and people, is enjoying his newfound fame, enduring a ton of attention during his trip to New York City — including at the airport. “We got bombarded. He was just loving it,” she said. “He was wagging his tail. He was happy. He was getting head shots with people.”

A ‘glugly’ guy: The dog was born and raised in Los Angeles and recently retired to North Bend, Oregon, according to his bio on Sonoma-Marin Fair’s website. Wild Thang contracted distemper as a puppy from a rescue foster. “He survived, but not without permanent damage,” his bio says. “His teeth did not grow in, causing his tongue to stay out and his right front leg paddles 24/7.” Apart from the physical issues, Wild Thang is “a healthy, happy Glugly (glamorous/ugly) guy,” his bio reads.

Ugly is beautiful! The contest has been going on for nearly 50 years, according to the website of Sonoma-Marin Fair, where the event takes place. The annual competition focuses on celebrating the uniqueness of all dogs and the benefits of adopting. “The annual World’s Ugliest Dog Contest is not about making fun of ‘ugly’ dogs,” the website reads. “But having fun with some wonderful characters and showing the world that these dogs are really beautiful!”

[From TODAY]

Once again, congratulations to Mr. Thang. Nowhere in his bio is there an explanation for how/why his hair can’t be brushed, but after perusing his Instagram (yes of course he has one), honestly it would be a lost cause anyway. The kid loves to frolic and gambol in the wind! A perfectly coiffed mane is not in the cards for Wild Thang; it’s all part of his miniature Wookiee charm. And not only is Wild Thang a looker, he’s also a very good boy. He’s set up a GoFundMe account that has so far helped seven fellow Pekingese relocate from war zones in Ukraine to safe homes in North America. If, like me, you’ve immediately become a Wild Thang Fanatic and want a commemorative piece to mark this special moment in time, MUG Root Beer is here to help. MUG was a sponsor of the contest and will be making 1,000 limited edition root beer cans emblazoned with Wild Thang’s award-winning face. And yes, that includes the signature side tongue. May the world keep getting gluglier.

Photos are screenshots from YouTube/Today Show and via Instagram

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10 Responses to “Wild Thang, an eight-year-old Pekingese, is the World’s Ugliest Dog”

  1. FancyPants says:

    Awww he looks like he could be one of the goblin Muppets in the movie Labyrinth!

  2. sevenblue says:

    Maybe I watched too many dog grooming videos, but isn’t that much hair bad for a dog? Wouldn’t hair not brushed pull the skin and lead to all kinds of problems?

    • sparrow1 says:

      Agree. I think a good, gentle groom could perhaps help. He looks incredibly matted. It must be painful. Perhaps he’s like one of my kids used to be – it actually hurt to get a brush through any of her hair; it was a mass, absolute mass, of curls. I loved it and miss it – it’s fallen straight now she’s hit puberty.

      • sevenblue says:

        Ah, I hope the dog gets a nice haircut soon. Humans at least can tell when something hurts.

  3. Mil says:

    Oh sweetest baby♥️ no such thing as an ugly dog.

  4. Eden75 says:

    L’Oreal, because he’s worth it……

    He’s cute in a funky way.

  5. EllenOlenska says:

    He has “ good dog” written all over his face! What a sweetie.

  6. JFerber says:

    Aw, hell, he’s CUTE!!!

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