Is Vanna White having a tough time working with Ryan Seacrest on Wheel of Fortune?

We’re at the one-year anniversary of the twin announcements that A) Ryan Seacrest would take over hosting Wheel of Fortune once Pat Sajak retired after Season 41, and B) National Treasure Vanna White hadn’t had a raise in 18 years. They were not news items we wanted to hear together, the fear being that Wheel bosses would want to debut a new co-host alongside Seacrest. Luckily, Vanna hired a ballbuster lawyer who negotiated a two-year contract with a raise. So the only question that remained was: what on earth would the chemistry be like between Vanna and Ryan? I’m expecting stilted and awkward. It’ll be a while before we know, as the next season doesn’t have a premiere date yet. But the season has already begun filming, and someone has put the word out that Vanna is having a hard time with Ryan:

With Ryan Seacrest set to replace Pat Sajak in the new season of Wheel of Fortune, some sources say there may be even more changes coming to the long-running game show than initially expected.

A recent report from The Daily Mail alleges that Vanna White may be looking to leave the show even sooner than expected, despite spending months fighting for a much deserved raise and contract extension.

A source told The Daily Mail that White is reportedly finding it “difficult” to continue without Sajak.

“There is a part of her that wants to walk away sooner. It is just so difficult to do this without Pat,” the source said. “Vanna feels that she has put her time in. She devoted her entire life to this show and she had an incredible run while making a fortune.”

And now that the show is heading in a new direction with Seacrest, white is allegedly having second thoughts about staying on with the new host.

“She knows that the show needs to go in a different direction and appeal to a younger demographic. She wants the show to continue. This will require a younger female host, someone who can be to Ryan what she was to Pat,” the source said.

Another source also claimed that she’s having trouble working with Seacrest.

“She just doesn’t jibe with Ryan like she did with Pat, and no one really ever expected her to. There is just no way that she possibly could,” the source said.

Previous reports claim that Sony execs are hoping to make White’s current contract her last after the model and longtime Wheel co-host recently negotiated her first raise in almost 18 years. Negotiations reportedly became tense after White lawyered up and demanded “the same pay — if not more” than what Sajak was making on the show.

In September, it was announced that White officially extended her contract for two more years, which means she will certainly be at Seacrest’s side when he takes over in Season 42. Deadline confirmed White received a “believed” raise for both Celebrity Wheel of Fortune and Wheel of Fortune.

[From Decider]

I don’t know about you, but I find “It is just so difficult to do this without Pat,” to be demeaning to Vanna. Yes, they worked together for 40 years and that means something, and Vanna was definitely emotional in her goodbye to Pat. But she’s also a professional! It’s not like she was only able to reveal letters because Pat was in the room! After all the steps Vanna took last year to secure a better contract — where she was only asking for half of Sajak’s salary, not the same or more like they said above — I find it hard to believe that the same woman would wither so quickly in the presence of a new colleague. What, is she getting weepy when a ‘P’ pops up? Come on. And as for those “younger direction” comments, let’s be honest about the math: Seacrest is closer in age to Vanna than he is to his most recent, now ex-girlfriend. Remember Aubrey Paige, the 26-year-old he made pay her own way when they went on vacations together? Yeah, so if Vanna is having a hard time with Seacrest over anything, I’d sooner believe it’s over him demanding she make her own arrangements for walking out on stage, instead of extending an arm the way Sajak did.

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42 Responses to “Is Vanna White having a tough time working with Ryan Seacrest on Wheel of Fortune?”

  1. JanetDR says:

    It reads more like they are declaring that she is too old. 😡

    • equality says:

      You could be right. Ryan may have a younger woman he wants for the gig.

      • heather p says:

        I’ve been getting the vibe that they’re queueing up Maggie Sajak for that. It’s kinda obvious thats what they’ve been trying to do- to me but maybe I’m reading too much into her omnipresent pieces every show.

      • Meg says:

        Ryan had a co-host for American idol but he kept mocking him interrupting him during rehearsals so they fired him and just kept Ryan so he has a history of this

  2. PunkyMomma says:

    Anyone who suffered through the cringe fest that was Live! With Kelly and Ryan knows that Seacrest has zippo chemistry with most humanoids (Simon Cowell being an exception).

    My sympathies to Vanna.

    • DARK says:

      I wouldn’t class simon cowell as a humanoid so there is no need for an exception.

    • Cara Egan says:


    • agirlandherdogs says:

      He is just SO smarmy. Zero charm or charisma. He wants people to think he’s charming, but it’s just fake try-harding. I would question how he keeps getting these jobs, but he seems like the kind of person who will f***ing badger you until he gets what he wants, so it’s just easier to give in.

      And he has PRIMA DONNA written all over him. In bold neon. Pat and Vanna had probably developed a great deal of mutual affection, admiration, and respect. Seacrest seems like the kind of person who sees himself as the star and has no respect for anyone.

  3. Dalat says:

    After 40 years I would expect her to want to move on. She’ll never find the rhythm she had with Pat again.

  4. Pinkosaurus says:

    I call BS, this sounds like the studio laying the groundwork to push Vanna annd her expensive contract out. Vanna should have gotten the hosting gig when Sajak retired, and they could have hired Seacrest to turn the letters if that’s what they want to do, although I personally enjoy the male presenters and soap opera guest stars in the Price is Right.

  5. Amy Bee says:

    Maybe she should have left with Pat.

  6. Elle says:

    The producers are in between a rock and a hard place. I believe I’ve commented on this before but I will restate in case I haven’t. I don’t think anyone in the viewing audience wants Ryan Seacrest for this role other than Ryan Seacrest. That isn’t mean to be shade to him. He has big shoes to fill and I imagine he was the best choice of who was available. I am kind of surprised they didn’t follow the same strategy as Jeopardy with guest hosts. Ryan Seacrest for two weeks, someone else for two weeks, someone else for two weeks etc. Maybe they considered it and Wheel doesnt have quite the same prestige to get high caliber hosts. I have adapted to Ken Jennings (love him) on Jeopardy but I think this will be a really tough sell.

  7. jo73c says:

    I’d start floating the rumour that I could be bought out of the contract & go whenever. Get the payrise and not have to deal with Seacrest nonsense. Two birds one stone.

  8. Jazz Hands says:

    I think this is the producers doing preemptive damage control for when they inevitably announce Pat’s daughter as Vanna’s replacement. Even in Pat’s farewell show, he was really selling his daughter as a huge part of the show when in reality, she’s superfluous.

    • heather p says:

      Ope I posted this as a response above. TOTALLY agree. It seems so obvious with the hair, the dresses, etc etc etc.

  9. Chaine says:

    Goodness I looked up their ages and am shocked she is only 67. She looks very fragile and elderly. I assumed she was in her mid 70s. That being said, Ryan is just shy of 50 so I’m not sure how he is supposed to bring in a younger audience. He’s just such a smarmy fake person regardless… don’t understand how he keeps getting hosting gigs as he is so inauthentic, unfunny, etc.

    • Anonymous says:

      Vanna is and always has been very slender. That makes you look older when you start aging if you don’t have a little cushion. She’s also a North Carolina girl, so she’s been in the sun a lot. I’m 62 and I had a lot of sun when I was younger – that’s what we did back then. We didn’t know what we know about sun exposure like we do now. Never wore sunscreen. In fact doused myself with baby oil!

    • Christy says:

      Jeez – I hope I look that “elderly” when I am 67.

  10. MsIam says:

    I’ve had my fill of Seacrest. First Kelly and Ryan, Dick Clark NYE, Idol and now Wheel of Fortune. Time for new blood. He’s like the all purpose cleaner of show hosts.

  11. Tursitops says:

    It *is* weird that he made Paige pay her own way; most employers pay when they insist that staff accompany them while on holiday. She works for him as surely as the sun rises.

    Clearly, Seacrest causes adjustment problems wherever he parks his charging station and human voice simulator.

    Give Vanna all the money and leave her in peace. They did dirty by her for far too long, so they owe her much more than two years of a commensurate salary.

  12. Mireille says:

    Vanna should leave the show on her own terms, not be forced out. She’s popular with the audience, viewers, and contestants. RYAN SEACREST on the other hand. UGH!!!!! Please stop foisting him on us. Enough already!!!! Give these type of opportunities to other people.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes! Seacrest has been shoved in our faces enough! Vanna is popular with the long time viewers. I think then Seacrest comes aboard they are going to lose so many of those viewers. They loved Pat.

      Vanna has her own fan base.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Vanna is a class act and Seacrest is a douche.

  14. tealily says:

    I have two thoughts reading this. 1) They should have picked a host who had a good chemistry with Vanna, not shoehorn someone in and expect her to figure it out. 2) I went through a work transition recently where we lost a significant number of staff and all of our senior management for various reasons over the course of a few months. It’s reeeeeally hard to get back in the groove with a whole new group of people, even if you’ve been doing the job for a long time and are good at it. I feel for her. At least she’s wealthy enough, I’m sure she can walk away whenever she wants.

  15. Jazz Hands says:

    Years ago I attended a taping of WoF when I was in LA. Before the taping started, when they were just doing set up, Pat & Vanna came out on stage. Pat seemed arrogant – he didn’t have any interest in interacting with the audience and mostly kept his back to us. But Vanna stood there patiently answering questions and being totally charming and sweet. I learned that Vanna’s dresses are loaned and she doesn’t get to keep them but most of the shoes she wears are her own. And also that she was baptized (LOL – this was in response to a question from a woman with a thick Southern accent who asked, twice, “Do you love Jesus?”).

  16. Catherinski says:

    Nothing against her (my parents were fans of the show), but as I have said since the show’s inception: She flips (now touches) letters. As her actual, full time job. I don’t get it. She’s completely unnecessary.

    • tealily says:

      Her job is to make the show palatable. Can’t count on Sajak or Seacrest for that.

      • Chanteloup says:

        yesss Vanna is the only thing human about this show!
        yeah, i’m sure they could make the letters light up by themselves – but they could also have the questions pop up by themselves on a screen or whatever, too —
        Vanna has a warmth and graciousness the show desperately needs

  17. Flamingo says:

    Ryan is almost 50 years old, and he is ridiculous if he thinks a younger woman will make him look younger. Which is what I assume this is all about. Since Vanna is 67.

    It’s an easy gig to touch letters and wear fabulous dresses. Stick with it Vanna don’t let Ryan get another co-host booted over his fragile male ego. Keep getting that coin!

  18. JFerber says:

    I don’t and will NEVER understand Ryan Seacrest getting practically every job under the sun. Come the November elections, I would not be surprised to find out that our new leader is, in fact, President Seacrest.

    • J.Mo says:

      I came to the comments to say the same thing. How does he inherit everything? I’ve never heard anyone say “I love Ryan Seacrest.”

  19. Jay says:

    They should have let Vanna take over for Pat! I’m sure she is more than capable. I like Ryan but he is overexposed. I honestly don’t know how he maintains his schedule. I used to like Sajak until he supported Trump. Glad he’s leaving. Still looks like a used car salesman to me.

  20. supposedbrown says:


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