Eden: ‘Taylor Swift was keen to meet the Prince of Wales while she was in London’

We’re still talking about Prince William’s selfie with Taylor Swift, Prince George and Princess Charlotte. Travis Kelce was there too – although he was mysteriously absent from the photo Kensington Palace posted on their social media – and we know that Jason Kelce also got to meet the Wales family. As I said when the photos came out, it was absolutely a “win” for William. KP also pushed an agenda with the photos and with William taking two of his kids to see Swift’s concert. The agenda was “William is an amazing (single) father who dad-dances.” It was a special bonus for KP’s public relations that Travis Kelce was so enthusiastic in his praise of “cool motherf–ker” Huevo. Well, it’s now been one week and the Mail’s Richard Eden is mad. Mad that people are comparing this concert outing to the Sussexes going to Beyonce’s LA concerts last year, a comparison Eden himself made immediately last weekend. Eden is also salty that anyone would suggest that the backstage visit was anything other than Taylor Swift’s idea.

Taylor Swift’s meeting with Prince William, Prince George and Princess Charlotte last weekend certainly impressed the pop superstar’s boyfriend, Travis Kelce. The American football player pithily described our future king as ‘the coolest motherf*****’, adding that George, ten, and Charlotte, nine, were ‘an absolute delight’.

But Harry and Meghan might be less impressed by the encounter, which took place at Wembley Stadium during the singer’s hugely popular Eras Tour. Cheerleaders for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have since claimed that, in attending such a high-profile concert, William was merely copying the California-based couple, who have themselves become friendly with another US pop singer, Beyonce.

Branding the meeting with Swift a ‘carefully orchestrated PR move’, one prominent American commentator with 1.3 million followers on TikTok declared: ‘I just want everyone to say, “Thank you, Meghan” for being the first member of the British Royal Family to really break out of their historic formula when it comes to being photographed with celebrities and, of course, getting dragged over the coals for it.’

However, royal insiders tell me that the truth could not be more different.

‘Taylor Swift was keen to meet the Prince of Wales while she was in London,’ a source tells me. ‘They already know each other, so the meeting made sense.’

Swift sang at Kensington Palace, London home of William and Catherine, in 2013. During that performance – part of a fundraising concert for the homelessness charity Centrepoint – William memorably joined Swift and rock star Jon Bon Jovi on stage.

There is something else worth remembering, too: the royal source is too diplomatic to point it out but, at Wembley, Taylor Swift was paying court to the Royal Family. In Harry and Meghan’s case, they are the ones paying court to showbusiness royalty.

[From The Daily Mail]

Eden then goes on to claim that show business people don’t f–k with the Sussexes, which is such a gigantic lie, I’m not even excerpting that part. Beyonce did not “cringe” when she met Meghan whatsoever. Beyonce adores Meghan – Bey created a Queen Meg portrait for an awards show, Bey sent her a supportive text after the Oprah interview, and Meghan sat with Beyonce’s inner circle at Beyonce’s LA concerts. Beyond the Beyonce stuff, the Sussexes spend plenty of time with celebrities because they ARE celebrities. No one is “paying court” in the Sussexes’ situation.

It’s also gross for Eden to say that Taylor was “paying court to the Royal Family,” or making it sound like Taylor was begging for a selfie with William. There was clearly a lot of coordination between the two teams and I absolutely believe that Taylor is a pro-egg royalist, but there’s also an uncomfortable royalist desperation to portray celebrities as bowing and scraping for the attention of the Windsors. Taylor is a billionaire and one of the most famous women in the world. She’s more powerful, more successful, more hard-working, more famous and more interesting than all of the left-behind Windsors combined.

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70 Responses to “Eden: ‘Taylor Swift was keen to meet the Prince of Wales while she was in London’”

  1. Proud Mary says:

    For 25 million pounds per year that he gets from the British public, this is it? Milking his meeting with an American celebrity? How much longer will the plebs be okay with seeing Harry awarded for his works, while the future king pretty much does nothing?

    • equality says:

      Of course, that’s not all. They also get him hanging out with Tom Cruise at awards and going to sports events.

    • Mil says:

      But he met her and Jon Bon Jovi. So it is not even something new. She took a selfie, he might be a future King, she could show it to her kids. End of. The desperation to be approved by an American singer is astonishing. And BTW, will Swift help Biden or what?

    • Jais says:

      That 25 mill is just from the duchy of Cornwall right? . Doesn’t he get money from the sovereign grant too?

      • Julianna says:

        Yes, he does get money from the soveirgn grant. Also, security is not included in the soveirgn grant but paid seperately.

      • Wagiman says:

        I thought it’s not what they GET as much as they don’t give. They get tax funding which doesn’t look massive when they break it down to 2 pounds or whatever. But the billions stolen, money offshore, lack of true tax paid. This is what every UK tax payer signed up for.. And there are also things that go beyond the sovereign grant that they never see. It’s such a gift

      • Julianna says:

        I think the 2 pound per person is all lies and propaganda. They don’t add in security to that factor or all the funerals and parades for sure. None of their funding and spending is transparent. But yes. Everything you said is so true. It’s absolutely ridiculous. And why should William recieve Sovereign grant money when he gets over 25 million for the Duchy of Cornwall and doesn’t even pay taxes on it.

      • Christine says:

        Security, weddings, funerals, parades, and coronations are all paid by the British taxpayers, right? They don’t talk about the actual cost of the royal family to taxpayers, they barely acknowledge the sovereign grant exists. They love to pretend like the monarch and heir support themselves entirely from their duchy incomes.

    • The Robinson Group says:

      Eden, is unfortunately full of it.

  2. K says:

    This is ridiculous. Again.

  3. Tarte au Citron says:

    It would be hilarious if she ever became Princess Taylor 😄. Billy Idle is such a starbanger.

  4. Dee(2) says:

    I don’t understand why she would be clamoring for a meeting? People are looking for her endorsement, not the other way around. She already has an incredibly devoted fan base tons of fame and success, what PR bump and benefit did she get out of appearing with William? And Eden is just salty because people are rightfully pointing out that things like this are the most horrendous thing ever when Harry and Meghan do it, and when the Windsors inevitably copy it a year later it’s the smartest, savviest most forward thinking and modern decision ever whether it’s social media, clothing, policy, charitable endeavors.

    • Cass says:

      Who would you believe the propaganda from the palace?

      • Dee(2) says:

        I don’t believe it that’s my point. The articles framing doesn’t make sense. This meeting and the photo posting was at best an 80/20 benefit for William over Taylor.

      • Jais says:

        The tabloids were always going to turn this into propaganda for the palace. That’s why William wanted to meet and posted the picture of his kids with Taylor. Bc these types of images are used as propaganda by both the tabloids and the royals. They’re thirsty for celeb-endorsements while simultaneously denigrating the Sussexes as mere celebrities. It doesn’t have to make sense for them to do it anyways.

    • Bean says:

      Eden making stuff up again.

  5. equality says:

    So TS embiggens PW by putting him on her SM and in return she gets put down as a commoner anxious for his attention. Be careful who you give a shout out on SM. If she had just let him post the pix and Travis hadn’t been so eager to praise the RF, it would be easier to just pass PW off as another fan she took a selfie with.

    • sunny says:

      Wow, ok. I don’t think Taylor and her team are watching The Royals socials to know what an absolute tool TOB is so didn’t probably know this approach is typical of Pathetic Willy. As a Millennial, Taylor probably had a crush on him when he was hot, is into the princess idea and imagery, and loves princess Diana.

      As to Travis, he spoke about the royals very, very briefly on his show. And to someone who doesn’t follow this drama at all, when you meet someone royal for a few minutes and they are kind to you(no matter how self-interested), they probably do seem cool.

      What is actually crazy about all this is palace PR’s ridiculous attempts to make TOB look good by making other people look bad. They can never manage to do anything in a positive, mutually beneficial way.

      • equality says:

        TS and TK are not youngsters so should be a little more aware of the world and who represents the “patriarchy” that she is supposedly anti. If you are setting yourself up as an influencer as TK seems to be you have a responsibility to know something about anything you are pumping up. No excuse for not doing the homework. They also both should have PR people to advise about this sort of thing.

      • Jais says:

        Taylor’s team is smart and savvy. I’d think they are aware of TOB in all his good and bad. I’m struggling to think of the good though😂. He has cute kids who can hopefully be protected from the tabloid press for as long as possible. However, they’re part of the monarchy so one day it’ll be inescapable. Hope Harry’s court cases continue to take the tabs down.

      • Lisa says:

        Why should Taylor or any American care @equality what the Royal family is doing? That is like saying all celebrities should be up on what the Kardashians are doing.

        Because seriously if you are team Sussex it is like being team Khloe and if you are team Wales you are team Kim. (I know nothing about either family so I am assuming this works).

        But this idea that everyone is as tapped in or cares as much and has a stance on what the British people should do with their government structure is bizarre. I truly doubt Taylor cares so to call her a royalist is bonkers.

      • equality says:

        Why should they know or care when it factors into their own PR? Because of the influence of whomever they hang with on their own brand which, in Taylor’s case, is a global brand.

      • yellowy says:

        Taylors Team follows absolutely everything. She didn’t get to be who she is without being super careful with her PR.

    • PC says:

      I said earlier on another CB post on this subject that William finally got his ‘Prince Freakin Harry’ moment. Well now I’m starting to wonder if Travis wanted that moment as well. ???

      • Christine says:

        I’m wondering if Taylor posted her pic because she was pissed they cropped Travis out of theirs.

    • bisynaptic says:

      No good deed goes unpunished! 🙂

    • sunnyside up says:

      The late Queen wouldn’t allow any members of the RF to get involved in selfies, now not only is the heir allowing selfies of himself but he is putting his children in them as well.
      “When asked by a well-wisher if she would pose for a selfie, Meghan had to decline, and was quoted saying, “we’re not allowed to do selfies”.

  6. Abby says:

    Omg this PR from the palace is exhausting. If Taylor hadn’t let the meet and greet happen the British media would be screaming and throwing her under the bus. She doesn’t need clout from the royals. It’s the other way around.

    I’m ready for the media to move on from this story.

  7. Mil says:

    Nah, she wasn’t…

  8. Julia says:

    It was Taylor’s concert and William took his kids backstage to meet her. He was absolutely courting her not the other way round. Of course she wasn’t going to say no to a request from the future king when she is in the UK. However, it was William that looked like the groupie wanting a picture with a celebrity not the other way round. The desperation of the British royals to appear popular with celebrities is pathetic.

    • Jais says:

      Well, and that’s what royals bank on. Of course someone’s not going to say no to a royal asking for a picture. That would be rude right? And how rude would it have been for Taylor not to post the royals on her SM right? And then predictably the palace and tabloids turn it into their own story. Rinse and repeat.

  9. Sydneygirl says:

    They just cannot stop coming for H & M.

    H & M to Salty Island: ” We are never, ever, ever…getting back together.”

    • MY3CENTS says:

      And I’ll add-
      Cause karma is the thunder
      Rattling your ground
      Karma’s on your scent like a bounty hunter
      Karma’s gonna track you down
      Step by step from town to town

  10. Tessa says:

    He wants the hot single dad image so desperately

  11. Amy Bee says:

    Eden also said on his show that Harry and Meghan thought that they were going to be centre of attention in California but that hasn’t happened and all the seem to do is suck up to celebrities like Beyonce. He has this weird notion that celebrities meeting William is somehow better than Harry and Meghan meeting celebrities. The whole paying court thing is just icky to me. But I seem to remember the Royal press looking down on Meghan (and Harry) for being friends with celebrities. What’s changed?

    • Julia says:

      If they wanted to be centre of attention they wouldn’t have moved to quiet Montecito where they can go for long periods of time without being seen by the media. If they wanted to be part of the celebrity scene we would see them frequently at clubs, bars and restaurants in LA. It’s pretty obvious they have chosen to live a quiet family life and only court the press when they want to promote charities and projects.

      • Christine says:

        This is such an excellent point. I live in LA, and everyone who lives here knows all of the places the celebs go to get “accidentally” photographed. Meghan would already know, and she and Harry avoid those places like the plague.

    • Nerd says:

      Yes, Amy Bee the insanity of what Eden says is that they moved back to where Meghan is from during a pandemic when they couldn’t remain in Canada and couldn’t return to where he was from due to safety concerns. It’s not as if they moved to “Hollywood” to become celebrities. They were there for six weeks without the world even knowing they were there. They moved there to protect their family from people in the UK who choose to keep following them. Taylor didn’t go to the UK to see William. Tom Cruise didn’t go to the UK to see William. The guy from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia didn’t go to the UK to meet William. In all of those instances William went to where they were to improve his PR. Meghan didn’t reach out to Beyoncé. Beyoncé first reached out to her because she is a great person and wanted to remind Meghan of who she is after Meghan finally revealed all that she had endured for several years. Meghan went to a concert, as she’d done before, because she loves and admires the artist. She didn’t post it because it wasn’t about PR but about appreciating and enjoying someone’s music. Just like she didn’t post when she went to Katy Perry’s concert.

  12. Hypocrisy says:

    Oh Maureen.. can’t wait for karma to come.

  13. tuberose says:

    Lol why anyone is surprised by this. taylor swift is racist (no telling fans to vote for dems doesn’t count). Also she only does that when she was getting heat from all sides . She never said anything about gaza . She dated matty racist and for long time she never shy away from nazi princess title and in her latest album how she wished to be born in 1800 and being friends with racist blake lively and the list goes on. Thank God joe didn’t marry and she is insufferable. Swifties are racist too , constantly harrasing travis ex girlfriend.

    • Lisa says:

      None of this is true

      • Tuberose says:

        Lol please explain what is not true?? Even in CB archive you see how Taylor refuse to distance herself from nazi crowd until she called out by the journalist. Where is her support for Gaza?? Are you denying she never dated that racist matty or plantation wedding Blake wrote about how she like 1800 or taylor sings in her own words playing and favouring 1800. You must delulu swifities then.

  14. Miranda says:

    There may have been coordination, but it was 1000% William’s side that initiated it, and Taylor, from a business perspective (which is how she sees most things, a viewpoint that has served her well, to the tune of a billion-ish dollars), simply saw that going along with it would be best for her brand. Particularly since George and Charlotte were involved, the backlash had she refused would have been enormous: “Taylor Swift refuses to meet the children of cancer-stricken mum!” If she’s pro-monarchy, it’s likely in the same passive way that many Americans are. We royal watchers see them for what they really are, but the vast majority see them as little more than mascots.

  15. Mslove says:

    Oh please. If TS was paying court to Huevo, then I suppose Tom Cruise was too! And the Macrons! Good lord, I think Richard Eden was feverish when he wrote this crap.

    • Jais says:

      Well, technically, I do think Eden would say Tom cruise and the macrons and any other celebrities are in fact paying court to the royals when they meet them. Except maybe Michael Sheen. That’s a man who is polite to royals but does not pay them any court.

    • Christine says:

      Tom Cruise does appear to be courting the royals. He wants one of those honors, or his Scientology overlords want him to have one of those honors.

  16. LBB says:

    Eden better trad lightly when it comes to Taylor, those Swifties don’t play.

  17. Eurydice says:

    Lol, not only do H&M live rent-free in Eden’s head, so do all of H&M’s supporters. Lucky there’s plenty of room in there.

  18. aquarius64 says:

    Maureen just made Swift look thirsty for a royal audience with William. And I for about the other messiness attached to Swift.

  19. Jais says:

    So Taylor and Travis were playing court to William. Taylor is being labeled as keen to play court to the royals. I mean that’s gonna be the royalist interpretation and how it’s spun by the tabloid rota. That’s pretty much what they do. Obviously the truth is that William’s people were likely the ones who initiated the meeting. Eden carefully doesn’t touch that. But either way, yeah, the royalists will spin it as Travis and Taylor were sucking up to the royals and playing court to kings. That’s what happens when you put a picture of them on your SM feed. The truth is William wanted that picture and was actually worried about being late and missing the meet and greet before the show. Bc let’s be real, when is William ever really bothered by being late?

  20. Wagiman says:

    Maureen is a disgusting, lying pos troll. I can’t even read his crap.. He’s a toadying ugly liar. He’s one person karma hasn’t hit yet.. I hope it will.

    • kelleybelle says:

      I second that. A shameless, lying hack. This “story” is total BS. I’m sure meeting Peg was the last bloody thing on her list. BM is just trying to turn William into Harry, whom everyone wants to meet, and I think they know that.

  21. Oh come on. says:

    I mean, if I got a selfie and a 10-minute meeting with a global superstar, for sure I’d post about it on social media, but if William is such a bfd, why is he briefing about it all week?

    I get that she’s more famous than he is, but the Sussexes keep their sh*t together about meeting celebrities more famous than themselves.

    It isn’t making William look as cool as he thinks.

  22. VilleRose says:

    Taylor is probably richer than the entire BRF combined and has way more global power than they do. I think she mostly did it because George and Charlotte were there. Had it been William by himself, I don’t know if she would have tried to make it work as much. William on his own isn’t appealing. But when KP reached out they definitely mentioned George and Charlotte would be attending and probably excited at the prospect of meeting her. We know Taylor loves to go out of her way to support her fans, especially the young ones so that’s my two cents. Another thing to take into consideration is Kate has cancer/receiving chemo treatments right now and we know Taylor’s mom has battled cancer too so Taylor probably relates to them on that level.

    • sevenblue says:

      omg, she made a personal message wishing Will happy birthday, calling him “mate”. Why are swifties so blind?? Believe the blondie when she shows who she is. For whom did she ever do that??

  23. February pisces says:

    Taylor knew what she was doing when she posted this pic with him and she made that choice, with it all that it represents and the commentary that comes with it. Im not surprised she’s a fan of them, I always see similarities between her and Kate.

    The patriarchy always elevates it’s pick me girls, who represent white fragile wholesomeness. She gets almost the same amount infantilising sugary press that Kate Middleton gets. As soon as anyone says anything even slightly critical of her, T weaponises her tears, just like Kate.

    They both have history in trying to destroy anyone who is a threat whilst pretending to be so ‘nice’, which is such a passive aggressive Karen move. Taylor doesn’t really hate the patriarchy, because it’s the patriarchy that has elevated her about all other female artists, especially those of colour. Winning record of the year 4 times when Beyoncé, whose career is nearly twice as long as Taylor’s, not once, is just one example.

  24. Jilliebean says:

    Regardless…. The look on the kids’ faces is just so sweet.

    Just a thought… Could TS be pro-BRF in response to the Kardashian-Jenners being somewhat MM adjacent?

    • sevenblue says:

      Hmm, are you a saying a rich white woman, who had multiple racial controversies in the past, is supporting the BRF, the symbol of white supremacy, because of Meghan? Are you really saying that? If this is really a serious question, Taylor has had a lot of common friends with Kardashians: for example Lana Del Rey, Gigi Hadid. So, I don’t think, she considers anyone Kardashians like an adversary. She is pro-BRF because she wants to.

  25. bisynaptic says:

    “There is something else worth remembering, too: the royal source is too diplomatic to point it out but, at Wembley, Taylor Swift was paying court to the Royal Family. In Harry and Meghan’s case, they are the ones paying court to showbusiness [sic] royalty.”
    — LOLOL Maureen says what, now?

    • Nic919 says:

      Harry and Meghan don’t post pics with other celebrities on social media. It is in fact the celebrities who post about Harry and Meghan. William posting the selfie of what is normally a private moment with the kids on their official social media accounts shows he’s looking for attention from the Taylor fans and not vice versa. Eden knows this but has to lie as say the opposite.

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