Prince William was out and about on Thursday, but not with the Emperor of Japan. No, William had enough of being a big-boy international statesman – he did the greeting at a hotel and then gave off Lurch energy at the parade and he was done. Over. He took a break on Wednesday and then reappeared in London on Thursday for the Breakthrough Energy Summit, also known as more Keenshot embiggening. He made Michael Bloomberg and Bill Gates fly in for photo-ops and then he did a panel discussion. One big headline is that he wore a tie from the Italian brand Wilmok, which is made from recycled plastic. That’s cool and all but the tie is actually ugly. There was a photo of Huevo picking up his tie and telling people about it, much like the time he kept pointing to his plane slippers at the Top Gun Maverick premiere.
Prince William is taking the stage at London Climate Action Week. On June 27, the Prince of Wales spoke at the Breakthrough Energy Summit, an event that brought together leaders in technology, policy, science, academia and business to collaborate on innovative climate solutions.
Prince William, 42, has highlighted environmental innovations through his Earthshot Prize. Inspired by President John F. Kennedy’s Moonshot mission to land a man on the moon, the royal launched the Earthshot Prize in October 2020 to incentivize environmental change and help repair the planet over the next decade. Each year until 2030, winners across the five categories receive $1.2 million each to help scale their innovations, in addition to opportunities to network within the Earthshot community.
The heir to the British throne also met with former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates to tour the Innovation Showcase displaying some of the leading climate solutions in development around the world. Earthshot Prize finalist Circ, a U.S.-based company that’s created a groundbreaking solution to enable the recycling of polycotton fabrics, was part of the showcase.
Gates, 68, previously attended the Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit in September 2023 and also saw Prince William speak at the 2021 climate summit in Glasgow.
Remember how Melinda Gates basically indicated that Bill Gates is extremely gullible when it comes to con artists, frauds and nonces like Jeffrey Epstein? I think about that a lot. Anyway, it was just a coincidence that William had this “summit” organized on the same day that ESPN announced that Harry will receive the Pat Tillman Award for Service at the ESPYs. William had no idea, and the British media still don’t really understand that it’s a big f–king deal. I imagine William will try to book some events all around July 11th in an attempt to upstage Harry.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Avalon Red.
- Prince William, Prince of Wales wearing a recycled tie and Bill Gates, founder of Breakthrough Energy attend the Breakthrough Energy Summit on June 27, 2024 in London, England. The Breakthrough Energy Summit brings together leaders in technology, policy, science, academia, and business to collaborate on innovative climate solutions. Over 1,200 participants are expected to attend the 2024 Summit. NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS,Image: 885257661, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS- Fee Payable Upon reproduction – For queries contact Avalon London +44 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles +1 310 822 0419 Berlin +49 30 76 212 251 Madrid +34 91 533 42 89, *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Avalon
- Bill Gates, founder of Breakthrough Energy and Prince William, Prince of Wales wearing a recycled tie take a tour of the Innovation Showcase at the Breakthrough Energy Summit on June 27, 2024 in London, England. The Breakthrough Energy Summit brings together leaders in technology, policy, science, academia, and business to collaborate on innovative climate solutions. Over 1,200 participants are expected to attend the 2024 Summit. NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS,Image: 885257679, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS- Fee Payable Upon reproduction – For queries contact Avalon London +44 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles +1 310 822 0419 Berlin +49 30 76 212 251 Madrid +34 91 533 42 89, *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Avalon
- Prince William, Prince of Wales wearing a recycled tie makes a speech at the Breakthrough Energy Summit on June 27, 2024 in London, England. The Breakthrough Energy Summit brings together leaders in technology, policy, science, academia, and business to collaborate on innovative climate solutions. Over 1,200 participants are expected to attend the 2024 Summit. NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS,Image: 885271076, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS- Fee Payable Upon reproduction – For queries contact Avalon London +44 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles +1 310 822 0419 Berlin +49 30 76 212 251 Madrid +34 91 533 42 89, *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Avalon
- Prince William, Prince of Wales wearing a recycled tie makes a speech at the Breakthrough Energy Summit on June 27, 2024 in London, England. The Breakthrough Energy Summit brings together leaders in technology, policy, science, academia, and business to collaborate on innovative climate solutions. Over 1,200 participants are expected to attend the 2024 Summit. NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS,Image: 885271106, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS- Fee Payable Upon reproduction – For queries contact Avalon London +44 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles +1 310 822 0419 Berlin +49 30 76 212 251 Madrid +34 91 533 42 89, *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Avalon
- Prince William, Prince of Wales wearing a recycled tie makes a speech at the Breakthrough Energy Summit on June 27, 2024 in London, England. The Breakthrough Energy Summit brings together leaders in technology, policy, science, academia, and business to collaborate on innovative climate solutions. Over 1,200 participants are expected to attend the 2024 Summit. NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS,Image: 885271257, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS- Fee Payable Upon reproduction – For queries contact Avalon London +44 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles +1 310 822 0419 Berlin +49 30 76 212 251 Madrid +34 91 533 42 89, *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Avalon
- The Prince of Wales (left) and US Philanthropist Michael Bloomberg attending a ‘Stories of Impact’ event hosted by the Earthshot Prize and Bloomberg Philantropies, in central London, at the inaugural Earthshot Prize Innovation Camp to celebrate the impact of Earthshot Prize Finalists and global climate innovators during London Climate Action Week. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales with Michael Bloomberg Where: London, United Kingdom When: 27 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales speaks during a ‘Stories of Impact’ event hosted by the Earthshot Prize and Bloomberg Philantropies, in central London, at the inaugural Earthshot Prize Innovation Camp to celebrate the impact of Earthshot Prize Finalists and global climate innovators during London Climate Action Week. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 27 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
What an egghead!
The tie made me laugh, I bought Nike yoga pants 20+ years ago and they were a recycled plastic so it isn’t new or ground breaking. So all that came out of this was a photo op, typical.
On top of that, you know Huevo wore it for the summit/photo op only. He’s not going to start filling his wardrobe with sustainable clothing or wearing such things on a regular basis.
It’s like when he takes the train to one Earthshot related event and brags and brags about it, but then uses the private heli to faff all over the UK for the rest of the year. It’s all just for show to give that deeply, DEEPLY unserious man-child something shiny to cling to in the face of his brother’s accomplishments. It’s insulting, frankly, and if Huevo had any self-awareness at all he’d be embarrassed.
The thing is that Meghan’s love of sustainable apparel is well-documented. She has brought exposure to many sustainable clothing and shoe businesses because of it. Where is William’s influence there, if this is not just a gimmick?
This, all day long!
He brings in people to talk about his tie at an energy summit? He truly is not a global statesman. He is truly an idiot with a title and some fake medals.
I didn’t even know this summit was happening. I heard all about Harry’s award though.
Same here.
I saw Earthshop was trending on my twitter but didn’t even see that Will was there. No one was posting pictures of him.
It’s this same desperation to be seen as important that lead Andrew to consort with Epstein and Charles to meet so many shady people. That’s why when people wonder why the Sussexes are not in so called circles it doesn’t bother me, William is gonna be conned into investing the entire duchy money or get blackmailed by Scientology of something at this rate. I wonder what his fan base of conspiracy nutters will make of his appearance with bill gates
The Sussexes seem to be in circles with many quietly wealthy people rather than celebrities. The tech guys Harry meets through his work with BetterUp, wealthy couples like the head of Paramount and his wife, the wealthy polo elites. Often these people have more wealth and power than the celebrities we see every day on social media.
Excellent point.
I have always thought Scientology was the real reason Tom Cruise was so interested in Will and Kate and the Royals.
Lol, you don’t even have to create a head line – it’s “Prince William bumbled around___insert event here___”
If he wants this to be his brand he should be wearing sustainable clothing pieces all the time and not just at one event. It’s like KC and his collaboration to make sustainable clothing from nettles. You never see him or Cam wearing the pieces.
@equality – That’s why I can’t take his “commitment” to climate change and the environment seriously. It would be fantastic if when he’s attending his informal events he made a point of wearing sustainable clothing. We know he only goes to the majority of these events for the photo-ops but, if he could be seen championing clothes which have less impact on the environment it would give him far more credibility than he has now. Also, given how his wife wears a new outfit every time she steps out of the house, it would also go a little way in off setting the damage she’s creating.
Someone should remind our erstwhile future king of Zoom that sometimes the little things have far more of an impact than the empty grand gestures.
His fans actually seemed really annoyed he was with Bill Gates. You’ve gotta be careful which fans you court!
The problem with Earthshot is that it’s always going to be small solutions and ignore the larger issues of corporations and government policy. You cannot succeed by having biodegradable takeaway food containers alone. It’s nice and it’s helpful, but it’s small potatoes and you would think such a big and important global statesman would use his position to affect change where it matters since he actually CAN sit at those tables.
That is what I was gonna say. He is courting two men who are not liked by anyone: Michael Bloomberg and Bill Gates. He is probably courting their money, but still it was a stupid decision if he wants to be popular.
Bloomberg has an enormous foundation dedicated to the environment. Bloomberg and Gates have a much greater network than William could ever put together. They also have the money to fund whatever viable work comes out of Earthshot. William’s fans are believing the hype that he’s globally important, but he’s still trying to fight his way out of the paper bag.
@Eurydice, if I remember correctly, Bloombers’s daughter talked about how much her mother hates Meghan and a supporter of BRF. My guess is, that is why Bloomberg gives Will money and spotlight. He doesn’t need him for anything necessarily. He can fund all these projects alone and wouldn’t even miss the money. Earthshot is just a project to embiggen Will.
@sevenblue – maybe. I met and worked with Bloomberg many times when I was in investment banking. I won’t say he’s the finest human being, but he’s not the worst, either – he’s a businessman, has certain causes and is not sentimental. I don’t believe he would give money to William just because his wife hates Meghan, but I can believe he was encouraged to be involved with Earthshot because she liked William and it fit into his interests in the environment. I also believe that he’s the one who pulled Earthshot away from William to make it a separate charity because William was such a screw-up.
This Breakthrough Energy Summit was one of 300 events held during London Climate Action Week. Bloomberg was one of the speakers at the Sustainable Finance Summit, so it’s not like he came over especially to hear William make a speech. I’m not trying say Bloomberg and William don’t have some kind of relationship, but I don’t think it’s as big a deal as William and the BM make it out to be.
@Eurydice, I respectfully disagree. We saw what kind of man Bloomberg is during the last election cycle. Things revealed about him clearly showed he wasn’t a good or ethical man. His daughter interview clearly showed they are supporting BRF, otherwise why even give those statements. Why else would anyone take Will seriously as a leader and give him bunch of money? He spent a lot of it on celebrities already. Anyway, he may be a businessman, but a lot of white people throw all the reason and logic when it comes to white supremacy.
I am not going to defend Bill Gates’ honor, but let’s not pretend a lot of negativity spewed at him overlaps with antisemitic/QAnon conspiracy theories (even if he isn’t Jewish). So William and Kate attracting these types into their fandom really says more about them than it does Gates.
@Kora, Bill Gates met with Epstein multiple times and once emailed this to his colleagues: “His lifestyle is very different and kind of intriguing although it would not work for me”. He was never popular with people because of Microsoft’s “predatory business practices” in his leadership. In recent times, his connection with Epstein worsened his reputation, but it was never good to begin with. I don’t think anyone hanging out with Epstein multiple times wouldn’t know what he was doing to young women, teenagers.
This. Because he can’t (or won’t) be “political” he can’t address the fact that there are 20 companies creating the vast majority of the emissions. Plant-based burgers can’t fix that.
William looks angry. I Guess about harry and that announcement.
William is a joke. That’s all I have to say.
Taylor Swift has been donating to UK food banks on the Eras Tour. If Billy wanted to make an impact, he could match her donation of a year’s worth of meals. He could keep using her shine and actually help some people. But I hear he doesn’t bring his wallet to shelters and food banks. They get a pathetic wave and smile instead.
This EarthShot farce is all about him. Did the people who won the prizes ever get their checks?
Laughing at the fact that this is the first time I’m hearing about this. Aren’t they supposed to be oh so popular🤣
Working royals can only get attention these days if they take a
Photo with a megastar, bring out their kids or have an illness or accident. No one is interested otherwise.
Look who stood in for Prince William at an earlier Earthshot event when he was with Emperor Naruhito on Tuesday!
The ratio of ties that already exist to people who wear suits is probably 100:1. Nobody needs a new tie.
Wait a sec, Earthsh*t is only supposed to last until 2030? That’s it? Billy Boy will have saved the planet by then?
William will try to upstage Harry but he won’t. I’m predicting he will have engagements on 10 and 11 July. His charity polo event is usually in and around the second week of Wimbledon.
The entire BRF will be out and about doing something during IG 2025. It won’t upstage IG, and the BRF will look like fools — remember the family sitting together doing a podcast during the opening ceremonies in Dusseldorf? — but they’ll hopefully feel a bit better about their own irrelevance.
William will always be a walking bald joke.
Well, he did another event this week. So he put in his 2 days of work this week. Cool. How much money does he earn again?
And with the private schools breaking for the summer holidays in three weeks he’ll soon be working no days per week.
Someone on William’s team was alert enough to get EarthShot included in an international climate week-long event. Nobody was there specifically to support Eartshot.
Says it all really
The all important date about changing the ways homo sapiens caused global warming has been missed in 2023.
What now??
“Statesman” for whom??
All questions are rhetorical, do not require an answer.
Bill G is so short.
I’d lol but he might get mad and collapse the beef market again.