Several days ago, the Mirror exclusively reported that King Charles’s trip to the South Pacific this fall was being changed. Originally, Charles and Camilla were planning to attend the Commonwealth meeting in Samoa, and then they would tack on trips to Australia and New Zealand, because C&C still haven’t visited any/all of their “realm” since becoming king and queen. Then Charles was diagnosed with cancer and he’s apparently still being treated. The planning for the trip was put on pause but not canceled, and now there’s saying that the trip will be shortened and they’re skipping New Zealand. Interestingly, very few outlets have picked up that news. But the Daily Beast has picked it up and they’re basically saying that Charles is going to try very hard to go to Samoa and Australia and nothing else.
Clive Alderton, King Charles’s private secretary who was memorably nicknamed “the wasp” in Prince Harry’s memoir, has been in Australia in recent days, preparing the ground for his master’s forthcoming visit to that country, expected to take place in mid-October this year. The absence of an Alderton sighting in New Zealand, however, has served as yet more evidence that Charles has now all but cancelled his tour of that country, which was to be bolted on to the Australia trip. A proposed trip to Fiji has also, reportedly, been shelved.
The Palace’s unwillingness to rush out an announcement is entirely understandable, given that they still hope Charles will be able to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOGM) conference in Samoa despite his ongoing cancer fight. Courtiers will want to have a definitive schedule approved and signed off by the king and his doctors before they start rocking the boat.
As to why his office has appeared so intent on maintaining what many now believe is the fiction that he is still going to New Zealand and Fiji, another royal source told The Daily Beast: “They are in denial by continuing to say that planning for the overseas trip is full steam ahead, but the orders come from the top. Charles is optimistic and desperately wants to keep going with everything. Missing New Zealand is a great loss, and it will be a source of great regret for him, because to be honest he probably won’t be doing it again. But it’s frankly incredible that he is still doing Australia and that should be celebrated.”
“Australia is such an important part of the Commonwealth that Charles feels it is absolutely non-negotiable. There is considerable popular antipathy to the entire concept of the British monarch being head of state there, and of course he doesn’t want to go down as the man who lost Australia. To go there when he is being treated for cancer wasn’t what he planned—but you could hardly think of a better way of letting Australians know how important they are to the crown.”
The Mirror also reported that the Australian tour is being reduced to six days—including a two-day break. But Charles’ entirely unsurprising decision to cancel the New Zealand leg of the tour has raised questions about running a packed schedule while being treated for cancer. A friend of the king told The Daily Beast: “Charles is keenly aware of the importance of a visit by the monarch, not just to a foreign country but to domestic charities and organizations. That is why he has been determined to do as much as he can, meet as many people as he can and support as many causes as he can. Sitting in splendid isolation in Balmoral with his feet up would not be good for his morale. But at the same time, if the doctors—and his wife—say no to something, he has to listen to them. I think that is what we are seeing now.”
“There is considerable popular antipathy to the entire concept of the British monarch being head of state there, and of course he doesn’t want to go down as the man who lost Australia.” LOL. I mean, I’m actually surprised that Australia hasn’t made more significant moves to free themselves from the British crown, but it’s a long process and maybe they’ll get there eventually. What’s the over/under on Charles actually making this trip? I’d say it’s pretty good – I think he’ll absolutely go to Samoa and he’ll probably spend some time in Australia, although his public schedule will probably be pretty curtailed for both. If you notice, there’s been a shift in how almost everyone talks about Charles’s “plans” across the board. Source after source, insider after insider, unnamed friend after unnamed friend, they’re all basically telling us that Charles is not doing well. Not only that, there’s no talk of handing off anything to Charles’s worthless heir.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- King Charles III during Trooping the Colour 2024 ceremony, marking the monarch’s official birthday Featuring: King Charles III Where: London, United Kingdom When: 15 Jun 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Day one of Royal Ascot, Ascot Racecourse. Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Ascot, United Kingdom When: 18 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Day one of Royal Ascot, Ascot Racecourse. Featuring: King Charles III Where: Ascot, United Kingdom When: 18 Jun 2024 Credit: John Rainford/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE UK**
- Arrivals at day three of Royal Ascot races Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Ascot, United Kingdom When: 20 Jun 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Arrivals at day three of Royal Ascot races. Featuring: King Charles and Queen Camilla Where: Ascot, United Kingdom When: 20 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Arrivals at day three of Royal Ascot races. Featuring: King Charles and Queen Camilla Where: Ascot, United Kingdom When: 20 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- King Charles III smiles whilst travelling in a carriage procession along The Mall to Buckingham Palace after the ceremonial welcome, for the Japanese state visit to the UK Featuring: King Charles III Where: London, United Kingdom When: 25 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- King Charles III (left) and Emperor Naruhito of Japan leave Horse Guards Parade, London, in a carriage procession to Buckingham Palace, during their state visit to the UK Featuring: King Charles III, Emperor Naruhito of Japan Where: London, United Kingdom When: 25 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
Well, the man -looks- seriously unwell, so if anyone says that he’ll be shortening or even canceling this trip, everyone will understand that. He’s old and is visibly fighting cancer (and presumably other health issues).
Considering that Anne (concussion after effects), Kate (unclear, but serious), Camzilla (travel aversion), William (work shy), Andrew (paedophilia), etc, can’t fill in, it will be interesting to see what happens.
The Gloucester’s, Kent’s and Edinburgh’s can fill in – LOL
Royal Brand Britannia is taking such a bash right now – eek
The Gloucesters might not be a bad pick. OTOH, if, as a family, they’re deliberately keeping their daughter and their grandchildren out of the spotlight, that’s definitely healthier for the kids.
The whatever-sters are like, a thousand years old. And who cares what the Sophyesters do? I really love this for him. This is what all that jealousy of your own family members’ popularity got you Chuckles — the slim down monarchy of your dreams.
So this trip is 6 days, with 2 days off, leaving 4 days of actual “work”, and those won’t be full days.
“Working Royals”, my arse.
If he’s that poorly and unable to keep up, then the Commonwealth should remove a burden from him and cut ties with the Crown, and replace him as Head of State in their respective countries.
Don’t wait for Huevos Rageros to take the throne…
Samoa would welcome Harry but Australia wouldn’t, pity they didn’t look after him and his wife better when they were still working royals.
So the Wasp is preparing for “his master’s forthcoming visit”? What an awful way to word this. And he doesn’t go if Cam says ‘no’? Thought it was terrible to listen to your wife.
I know! I laughed so hard at that line. It’s definitely giving off Dracula and Renfield vibes.
I know, those words stood out to me right away. And they have to bring up Harry’s name right in the first sentence, like they’re “reminding” people that it’s somehow Harry’s fault that Charles has to make this trip. Of course, no mention of William.
Those words practically jumped off the page and slapped me! How can anyone say that with a straight face? It’s hilariously out of touch.
I would have thought he was Alderton’s boss. But maybe the UK is bringing back slavery. His master? Indeed.
The heir wont go because then his and Kate’s visit would be compared endlessly and unfavorably to Harry and Meghan’s glorious Australia tour and the heir is unable to stomach such comparisons
*smirks gleefully* at your comment.
“Missing New Zealand is a great loss, and it will be a source of great regret for him, because to be honest he probably won’t be doing it again”
So this seems to be a pretty honest admission that this trip is his last hurrah in terms of long haul Commonwealth visits. Not looking very promising on the health front.
I think even if Charles didn’t have cancer, this trip would still be his last visit. He’s approaching 80 and even without chemo, he never really looked like the picture of good health. If I’m not mistaken QEII stopped doing those long haul visits around the same age and just sent Charles. Too bad his heir is useless.
This. It’s a death notice, he’s not getting better and never will. He still can’t stop the endless moaning about Harry, his one successful son.
So stupid. Why doesn’t he just send a representative? He has cancer and he is an old man. Everyone can understand that. QE2 stopped personal overseas visits at some point too, nobody said if she can’t do it, she can’t be the monarch. I hope, his doctors stop him. Also, Charles was POW for a long time, he did a lot of diplomatic visits for his mother. He needs to hold Will’s feet to the fire and make him do the work that he did before.
Good question. He does not have to go. I thinks it’s a pride thing. He wants to do all the kingly things he imagined himself doing as king. Going on tours as not the POW but as the king. And clearly he thinks traveling while having cancer will ingratiate himself to Australians. It’s kind of crass actually.
He has to go. It is a power thing. If he is seen as giving up on the colonies (*cough *cough Commonwealth) independence will come faster. It’s a bit like a dog marking it’s tree. And you don’t send your son or anybody else to do the marking.
Fair enough. Just had a vision of the British empire essentially peeing all over a map of the world. Mine mine mine.
Who is he going to send? S&E? So they can hand out pix of themselves and look embarrassing like their last tour? W&K, who were fired on camera and photographed in colonial cosplay on their last tour? Anne who will get no attention and may have her own medical excuse now?
@equality, since Kate isn’t around, currently his only option is S&E. I am sure, he wouldn’t mind them not being very good as long as they don’t cause a diplomatic crisis.
I’m surprised he’s going at all, since the inevitable comparisons to Harry and Meghan’s tour will be made.
Especially because when they’re out here arguing “he’ll probably skip New Zealand and Fiji, but Australia is too important to lose…”
I hope NZ and F are listening! Get yourselves out of a Commonwealth relationship that definitely does not see you as important. (Same goes for all the rest of the CW countries!)
This is not good PR for maintaining a CW at all, if the monarch can’t be bothered and the rest of the monarchy…is too slimmed down to care as well.
Everyone I’ve ever known with a cancer diagnosis tried to work or do what they felt was important to the very end. Faced with one’s mortality motivates some people in an urgent way. I’ve seen people show up to work and die a month later after everyone encourage them to take it easy.
Charles doesn’t find comfort in his children or grandchildren. Power is his drug, so that is where he will put his last worldly effort.
“The Mirror also reported that the Australian tour is being reduced to six days—including a two-day break.”
Ugh, this makes me sad for Charles. C’mon, if you have to schedule a two-day break after two days of work/tour, this trip obviously should not be happening. Just that alone should signal that he is quite unwell and that there’s serious concerns of how this trip will affect him. I really wish they would cancel this or make Will go with him. Why can’t Will go do two days of activities while his father rests?
I’m no fan of the monarchy, but on a personal, human level I find this quite upsetting. He’s an old man undergoing cancer treatment and air travel to Australia is exhausting no matter what kind of comfort you have on the flight. My parents are Charles’ age and we’ve stopped going to the neighboring state to see relatives and they come to us because it is just too hard on my parents now.
@Layde, you sound kind, but save your pity for other people who need and deserve it. This is what Charles lives for. He is driving this. He has lived his whole life for this, and cancer has created an urgency for him to do what makes him happy. Doing powerful “king” things is what makes him truly happy. It ain’t family, that’s for sure! And he has plenty of money to make traveling comfortable and safe. He’d rather do that than sit in a salon in a mansion.
Tour or no tour really doesn’t matter except if he stays home the host country can save some money. I firmly believe this man was given a time frame and his prognosis isnt good at all.
As an Aussie, he can do us a favour by staying home.
Also as an Aussie, cosigned.
Also as an Aussie, agree with above two.
@ Lady E: re on a personal human level. It is true what you say, but on that same note this man gave his son a 30 minute audience the first time and nil the second time. He hasn’t bothered about his bi-racial grandchildren. He might be very poorly and time may be running out for him, but he appears to still have all the time in the world to be petty and vindictive.
As a Canadian (and American), I only wish we could muster the kind of small-r republican sentiment you all can muster.
So, as Head of the Commonwealth has he sorted out which country will be hosting the Commonwealth Games? Just askin’ for a friend. 😉
Harry can come do the NZ leg, we don’t mind. 😉
Australian here, and I want to congratulate the Kiwis for ‘missing out ‘ on having to fund a tour for these dipsticks to grace their shores.
Thanks for chiming in. I always wonder why you all are still okay with your head of state being on a completely different continent.
It mostly relates to our treaty with the Māori, without a Crown as signatory it opens up a whole can of worms about sovereignty. It gets put in the ‘too hard’ basket. But it’ll happen one day.
Well somebody is panicking because they’ve realized their heir is crap.
Sounds like KC3 might have a shorter reign than he envisioned. Must be a difficult realization after waiting so long.
Seems like this man isn’t doing to well. Oh well he got the slimmed down monarchy he wanted. Not an ounce of sympathy for him. He is going down in history as being an awful dad to his youngest son and terrible granddad to the mixed race grandkids.. Better to make amends now while you can but since he doesn’t like to admit mistakes oh well. The fallout from all of this will be blamed on him and his legacy will be tarnished. We all know that will happen because the heir will let everyone know it wasn’t him but his dad that caused everything to go wrong in the monarchy. The heirs minions (Rota) will gladly do it for him.
On a different but somewhat related tangent, KCIII might be even less popular in Australia after awarding Ben Roberts Smith a special honor. Last year, a respected Australian federal court judge ruled to the civil standard that Roberts-Smith had kicked an Afghan prisoner off a cliff in September 2012, ordered the execution of the wounded man and was implicated in three other executions of unarmed prisoners. Roberts-Smith is, apparently, still being investigated for war crimes. And yet… KCIII is honoring him… Not a good look.
Whaaaaat? How did Charles miss that?! Is he insane?!
The irony of all this slimmed down, losing popularity, lies and controversy monarchy is…if they would have just been nice to Harry and Meghan..none of this would be happening. As eager to serve and as gracious and well received they have been at every single destination they have visited, it could have all turned up roses for the firm. They fired the wrong royals…
“Australia is such an important part of the Commonwealth that Charles feels it is absolutely non-negotiable. There is considerable popular antipathy to the entire concept of the British monarch being head of state there, and of course he doesn’t want to go down as the man who lost Australia. To go there when he is being treated for cancer wasn’t what he planned—but you could hardly think of a better way of letting Australians know how important they are to the crown.”
I’m happy for William to be the man who lost Australia.