“Martin Short brought back Jiminy Glick to interview Bill Hader” links

Martin Short dusted off his Jiminy Glick character to interview Bill Hader this week. This clip is amazing. Hader can’t stop cracking up. [LaineyGossip]
Is Austin Butler ready for the A-list? [Pajiba]
Gucci hosted an A-list dinner for their global ambassador, tennis superstar Jannik Sinner (he’s the first Italian man to get to #1 in the world). [RCFA]
Meet the queens of Drag Race Canada. [Socialite Life]
Megan Fox & Machine Gun Kelly: still together. [Hollywood Life]
Sarah Jessica Parker’s fake shoe collection? [Go Fug Yourself]
M.I.A. debuted her fashion line on InfoWars?? [OMG Blog]
Americans are slowly getting into Formula 1 (and F1 gossip). [Just Jared]
Sabrina Carpenter got her own Van Leeuwen ice cream flavor. [Seriously OMG]
I don’t understand how these kinds of women even have friends. [Starcasm]
What is Gen Z’s most popular tattoo? [Buzzfeed]

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39 Responses to ““Martin Short brought back Jiminy Glick to interview Bill Hader” links”

  1. Chaine says:

    When will we stop with the demeaning “fat suits”? Can this comedian not rely on his own talent to be “humorous”—why does he have to degrade others in this fatphobic manner with the constant supposed gag of being obese when it’s completely unnecessary?

    • Helen says:

      It’s beyond anachronistic
      He should shelve this & be ashamed

      • Annalise says:

        Chaine & Helen,

        I TOTALLY agree. This was beyond cringe. And it would have been funny if Short being obese and shoving donuts in his mouth wasn’t part of what was supposed to make this “funny”.

    • Michael says:

      I never thought about it but I agree. Still he is hilarious and I am happy to see him and Steve Martin in the sun again

    • Dalat says:

      I don’t think his character makes fun of obese people and certainly none of the guests he interviews ever mention his size. If anything, Jiminy Glick shows the personality behind the suit and asking for him to put it away is asking that obese people not be seen at all.

      • Anners says:

        Respectfully, no. In the short clip above he asks why so many fat kids play the tuba. And asking a thin actor to not wear a fat suit does not equal asking fat people to not be seen at all. Rather, what many of us would like to see are actual fat people in prominent places where their weight is not their defining characteristic, or part of the plot at all.

      • Polly says:

        Dalat, I completely disagree. The fat suit is what makes the character “funny.” If it wasn’t, he wouldn’t wear it.

      • Dalat says:

        Anners. Wishful thinking at best. At a time which has now lasted decades, weight loss approval and celebration is more damaging to overweight people than a guy in a suit making others laugh. Every time a celebrity shares their incredible weight loss ‘journey’ and receives accolades upon accolades, that sends a message to those who don’t or can’t lose weight that they just aren’t trying hard enough. If Kelly Clarkson can make her weight loss a topic for open discussion where the focus is on her appearance, I don’t have a problem with someone pretending to be fat where their size is not the focus or a punchline.

      • Annalise says:

        Dalat, you don’t think Short makes fun of overweight people as he shoves entire donuts in his mouth while playing this character?? You can’t be serious.

  2. K says:

    This was hilarious.

    • Jean says:


      I adore Martin Short:) I imagine it could be hard to be 24/7 w him but…. I would for the laughs! And he’s cute! My fave bit is Royal Gynecologist w Bill Hader on SNL, SO funny!!!

    • Court says:

      I know, it’s almost like we almost laughed at comedy.

  3. JC says:

    I like Austin. I dig his vibe.

  4. DeluxeDuckling says:

    Love drag race Canada but PLEASE don’t sleep on Drag Race Mexico. DR Mexico S1 was amazing, s2 just premiered

  5. Truthiness says:

    A little bit off topic but Scotus just over ruled the Chevron doctrine. It’s a very sad day, I know it sounds pretty far out in the weeds but it will eventually affect everyone. Easy explanation:
    Another huge reason to ignore debates (see Kaiser’s article) and vote.

  6. Oswin says:

    Ever since seeing Martin Short as a psychotic murderer on SVU, I can’t help but feel like he’s hiding something in his depths 😳

    • Jaded says:

      He’s actually a super nice guy. My ex knew both Martin and his late wife Nancy who was equally lovely.

      • Oswin says:

        I really meant my comment tongue-in-cheek, but it’s so awesome to hear he’s really nice!

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      My takeaway from his role in SVU, d*mn, Martin Short is not only a comedienne, he’s an excellent dramatic actor.

  7. Mina_Esq says:

    My gosh, I just read the bridezilla linked article. I think this is the worst one I’ve ever seen – suggesting friend take out a loan in order to accommodate her desired aesthetic! Crazy! With the divorce rate at 50%, I wish people would also cool it with the whole “once in a lifetime”. Realistically, there will be other times 🙂

    • Jaded says:

      I know, sickening isn’t it. I’m getting married on July 10 and we spent $200 — $100 for the marriage license and $100 for the Commissioner. She’s coming to our house, we have our two best friends as witnesses, and a “best cat”. We already had the rings, I just needed to resize Mr. Jaded’s ring from a pinky to a wedding finger. I didn’t even buy a dress, I’ll just use a dressy business outfit that’s been in the back of my closet since I retired in 2014. Then we’re going to dinner at a nice bistro down the street. I’ve never been married so you’d think I’d want to go all out but the very thought of it is intolerable.

      • therese says:

        Very best wishes.

      • Anners says:

        Congratulations! Also never been married and this seems like a dream wedding to me. Wishing you both all the best.

      • Libra says:

        Jaded, best wishes on your upcoming wedding.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Aww, congratulations @Jaded. Simple is best and beautiful. Our wedding was in the Keys. We basically said, we’re getting married in Key West. If you want to go on vacation and want to attend our wedding, we’ll make things happen. If not, it’s all good. It turned out better than good. 28 years later. Still good.

        My daughter was best man. LOVE ‘best cat’! See, these are things I want pics of.

        Did the best cat have a special outfit? Details. lol, not really. Love cats.

        In my nightmares, I would be that person who would ask a friend to take out a 20k dollar loan for a wedding that wasn’t theirs. WTF Is this stuff real?

      • antipodean says:

        @Jaded, many congratulations on your wedding. I hope it is a very happy day for you and your partner, and the continuation of your caring relationship. I always enjoy your comments, and you deserve to have a joyous day where you celebrate your happiness together.
        I do think that these bridezillas have the completely wrong perspective on their weddings. If they are really committed to their partners, it is always the marriage that is the priority, not the once only wedding!

    • lucy2 says:

      And demanding they all wear (buy) a Tiffany necklace, and the MOH’s was even more. Hell no! Unless the bride is loaded and willing to buy all that stuff for her bridal party, absolutely not. Even if I could afford it, I wouldn’t spend that on anyone’s wedding (not even my own!).

  8. Whatnow says:

    People magazine reporting that a source close to the couple AKA Ben and JLo is saying that Ben moved all of his belongings out of the mansion while she was in Europe

  9. Yup, Me says:

    That bridesmaid article is so irksome with the Maid of Honor being all meek and pitiful and only “considering” ending the friendship.

    I wish there were more stories where people reply to entitled brides’ nonsense with a matter of fact “I’m not doing that.” And then when the bride kicks them out of the wedding party for being disobedient/ noncompliant, they reply “Cool ✌🏽” and then they make sure to have alternate plans (pictures optional) doing something awesome at the same day and time as the wedding.

  10. Paddingtonjr says:

    Re: bridezilla story: over the years, I have been a bridesmaid for sorority sisters, cousins, friends, etc. Yes, I had to buy dresses/shoes I would never wear again, but it was maybe a few hundred dollars (usually less). There was maybe one big bachelorette party (a few hours one day/night) and, if the bride wanted us to wear a particular accessory, it was given to us as a bridesmaid gift. There are maybe 1 or 2 people in my life I would be willing to go into debt for and certainly never to participate in a wedding. My first wedding was 10 minutes in registrar’s office, 2nd was at a relative’s home wearing a dress from Target’s clearance rack. Didn’t go into debt, didn’t stress myself or anyone else out. It’s a day, maybe a few hours. The problem is many women have been raised with idea of “the perfect wedding” and this idea is reinforced by the wedding industry, reality shows and social media. Unless more people say no to their “friends” outrageous demands, “bridezillas” will continue to push them.

    • Anna says:

      Well, my ex-best friend demanded a foreign country weekend trip as her bachelorette party. We are From Eastern Europe so travelling to western one costs significantly. I had a 6mo at the time, not ready to leave her get but willing to do it. But the problem was it just cost too much and including costs of the wedding itself (clothes, gift etc) I wanted to opt out. But I was a maid of honor, as she was also at mine wedding. For my bachelorette I only said: I would love to spend a nice time with my closest girlfriends and have fun. Was actually shocked at the demand. Also my friend was not very supportive after I had a baby, couldn’t understand nights out we’re no longer an option and basically bullied me among our friends for not living my life the same way as before because “you can simply take the baby with you”. In all this context I should have said “no, thanks” and ask to reconsider having me as a maid of honor. We lost contact shortly after the wedding.

  11. H says:

    I hope Megan Fox is happy, but she rarely really looks like she is in her element with MGK.

    Also, her clothes always look uncomfortable and although she looks pretty it all just looks very much like a costume rather than seeing someone as they are.

  12. Danbury says:

    F1 and it’s gossip is fantastic! I hope more people get into it. Yes, it’s cars driving around in circles remarkably quickly, but these rich boys take themselves so seriously it’s fun. The JJ article about Max’s girlfriends doesn’t go into the drama around his current relationship with Kelly Piquet, which is glorious. Taking her ex-bf’s RedBull seat, his GF and now step dad to his daughter? It’s really good gossip


  13. martha says:

    I was surprised at two things in the Cybersigilism article – that I enjoyed reading it since I have no interest in tattoos (altho cybersigilism is pretty cool) PLUS how terrible those snobs are as ambassadors for Sydney, Australia! Yeesh. What snobs!

    That bride! Get out now, Mookie! Just imagine what your ‘friend’ will demand for a home-purchase, baby shower, or kids’ gifts!

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