Queen Camilla, not King Charles, released a video for Britain’s Armed Forces Day

Buckingham Palace released a new-to-us portrait/photo of King Charles. This was taken last November, before his cancer diagnosis. He wore his Field Marshal No.1 ceremonial dress uniform, complete with a chest full of medals. The photo was released for Britain’s Armed Services Day, which was Saturday, June 29. Now that he’s king, he’s the head of Britain’s Armed Forces and he was a naval officer back in the day. But he never saw combat, unlike his son Prince Harry.

While I get the idea behind “releasing a new photo of the king in his dress uniform for Armed Services Day,” I kind of wonder if the courtiers ever considered releasing a different kind of photo for the day. Instead of centering Charles with his chest full of medals – many of which are for things like ‘attending a Jubbly’ – they could have released a new, more personal photo of Charles with young soldiers on a military base. Something which would have actually centered the men and women who serve? Not to give the palace free ideas, but gosh.

Meanwhile, the king did not actually issue any statements to honor servicemen and servicewomen on Saturday. Instead, he let Camilla issue a statement on video. As I watched this, I realized it was the first time I’ve heard her speak for any length of time in many years. She’s not shy about public speaking, I just haven’t sought out videos of her speeches and I’m just realizing that now. She has a minor issue with sibilants, right? Anyway, it’s weird that Charles is like “here’s an old photo where I look like a generalissimo of a banana republic for Armed Forces Day, but you’re only going to hear from Camilla today!”

Meanwhile, at Glastonbury…

Portrait courtesy of Hugo Burnand/Royal Household. Additional photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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89 Responses to “Queen Camilla, not King Charles, released a video for Britain’s Armed Forces Day”

  1. Tessa says:

    Camilla and Charles both look ridiculous. He with his many medals and Camilla and her robin hood hat with feathers. How come huevo did not participate

    • Lolo86lf says:

      lol. I agree about Charles and Camilla’s outfits. Please bring me up to speed, who is huevo and why is he/she called that? I know Huevo is egg in Spanish, so it must be William because his head is egg shaped?

      • SarahCS says:

        I remember it starting but now I can’t remember why! Wasn’t it something to do with him being huevo rageros? But again, not sure why he’s an angry spanish egg.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yes, it’s William who’s Huevo (his head) & Kate who’s Huesa (bone, no explanation needed).

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Huevos Rageros = Will. Constantly enraged egg. Charles is the Cluck to Will’s Huevo. And Kate was called Huesa (bone/grave) on Twitter b/c she was missing so long people thought Will was hiding another body on the Sandringham estate.

        Cloppy=Camilla. It’s pretty self explanatory.

      • kirk says:

        Not sure when ‘Huevo’ started replacing ‘Egg’ for Willy, but think it was the time we were all paying attention to Spanish journalist Concha telling us Kitty was in a coma, because nobody could figure out K’s disappearance.

        Huevos Rageros – hilarious.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Also quietly noting the skull and crossbones badge on her cap and “military grade housedress”. Talk about saying the quiet part out loud, jeez, Camilla.

      Also – Kaiser, I love how you give them the benefit of the doubt by suggesting that it was a little mistake that they didn’t take photos with serving military to put the focus on the Armed Forces, versus Cluck sitting there in his Little Dictator pants, cosplaying someone who holds power.

      But … this is who Cluck is. He WANTS to be the center of attention, the only focus. He’s the hero of his own story, in his own mind. He’s an irredeemable narcissist. He thinks he “won” because he lived long enough to be made King.

      The fact that he’s irrelevant to pretty much every one around him, and everyone on the planet apart from the scheming shrew who rode into Queen Mary’s vault on his Ascot coattails, doesn’t even sink in with him.

  2. Was Chuckles too sick to not do this duty? Or does Camzilla really rule? Interesting.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Probably just had another dose of chemo.

      • The Hench says:

        But but it was a recorded message. Even if he had just had chemo, he could’ve recorded it a week or so ago. I actually think this is a really big deal. As far as I’m aware, Prince Philip never once did a speech for the armed forces in the place of the Queen and he actually served extensively in the Navy and during a war too so would’ve been more qualified to do so than Camilla.

        That’s not to say that Philip didn’t give speeches, he did but never instead of his wife.

    • BeanieBean says:

      It’s odd. It also echos Edith Wilson’s role expansion when they kept Pres. Wilson’s condition (stroke & post-stroke recovery) a secret.

  3. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    The US President is the commander in chief of the armed forces, but they don’t wear phony medals and dress up in halloween costumes. This royal penchant for wearing costumes is just so stupid. It reminds me of Scientology’s Sea-Org phony military style uniforms and the “freedom medal of valor” award. So disgusting.

    • Josephine says:

      It’s really vile. Everything is so fake and phony and too many people are so in love with that cosplay bs. I am very worried that he is not long for this world.

      • Tiny says:

        I’m not worried in the least.

      • therese says:

        @Josephine, yes it is vile, and more so when I am reminded that a real soldier was humiliated by being stripped of his uniform (Harry), while Anne and Charles and now this old who–e wear military garb. I find her very offensive. When she was shoved in the background, it was easier to try to forget, but I am wondering if this is not a move to make her sovereign after Charles. And to other people’s comments, yes, Charles could have taped a speech. He was able to sit for the portrait.

    • StellainNH says:

      I agree that most of those medals are completely ridiculous. I see the “coronation medal” as nothing but a party favor. The silliness of it all is embarassing.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      MrsKrabapple, I agree 100%. My first thought upon seeing the new portrait was: it is so, so gross. I’m not a soldier or veteran but I find it not only absurd and comical (and tinpot dictatorish) but also offensive. I wonder how actual soldiers and veterans feel?

      99.9% of the medals are attendance participation medals and the remaining ones he likely shouldn’t even have. I just read an excerpt from one of his commanding Navy officers talking about how Chuckles was unable to learn to navigate (in the Navy!) and had to have a 1:1 tutor hold his hand, even after all of this training.

      Other than Harry, these are people who either did fail out of basic training (Edward) or would have failed out, had they not been royals (Chuckles and his liege man for life, Huevo, who barely kept up the hours needed to maintain his flying license). It’s mindblowing to me that no one stops to think, hey, boss, maybe you shouldn’t show up wearing all of these chocolate medals! (Although I guess it’s my fault for assuming they had any common sense or decency or humility *shrug*)

  4. Tessa says:

    That get up on Camilla is unflattering and does not fit right and Charles picture looks heavily photoshopped.

  5. Seraphina says:

    I think she quite enjoys the limelight. As for my opinion, I get he is ill and battling cancer, but he should have done a little more and not let Cams over shadow him. What a clownshow it has become.
    As for that chest full of metal for doing nothing as far as active combat – what a joke. Further drives home the idea that they do nothing and try to make it look like they do a great deal.

  6. equality says:

    She called Charles “my husband”. Thought that was a big no-no. Is she trying to cosplay QE by sitting at the desk in front of photos and speaking in a monotone?

    • Tessa says:

      She is not queen and is not monarch or anything like queen Elizabeth no matter how she tries. That’s the same deep voice on those tapes where she had that conversation with charles.

      • Laura D says:

        @Tessa – totally agree. When I saw this on Twitter I said something along the lines that the Queen Consort didn’t send a message to the injured veterans participating in the IGs. I had her “supporters” telling me she wasn’t a QC but an actual Queen. I muted and blocked but, it’s not the first time someone’s tried pointing this out. “They’re” really really really sensitive about anyone calling her QC! 😆 😆 😆

    • Amy Bee says:

      @equality: Where’s the outrage? Where’s Megyn Kelly?

      • Caribbean says:

        I thought I was the only one that was outraged about M. Kelly getting engagement for saying that Meghan called her Husband ‘her husband. I find M Kelly so ridiculous and overrated

    • Christine says:

      Does she always sound like she needs to blow her nose?

  7. Pinniped and Poodle says:

    Please let no one stand between KFC and his complete inability to read the room

  8. LolaB says:

    I really want to get her a better bra…

  9. PunkyMomma says:

    I assume the skull and crossbones brooch Camilla is wearing has serious significance, but between her gristly smile and her get up, she looks like the hostess at Long John Silvers.

    (I mean no disrespect to those who have served in uniform. I honor their service and sacrifice.)

  10. Amy Bee says:

    A picture of younger Charles when he was in the Navy would have been better too. Camilla is patron of organisation that runs Forces TV so I get why she made the video but Charles could have sent out a statement for Armed Forces day.

  11. Libra says:

    Her speaking voice is understandable, unlike the faux posh accent of one princess of wails.

    • Mightymolly says:

      It still sounds very forced to me. Even though she is posh, she isn’t accustomed to being a public figure. She’s spent a lifetime as a boozy horse girl who works blue. Not a refined public speaker.

    • Jais says:

      It was understandable. It just wasn’t very inspiring. It was kind of low energy and flat.

  12. aquarius64 says:

    Put the message out there you’re the power behind the throne Camilla. Willie better keep one eye open.

  13. sevenblue says:

    We have come very fast from the long live queen to f*ck the king. The stupid pics like that increase the sentiment of change. UK looks like a banana republic with an old man full of medals he didn’t really earn representing them.

  14. Lady Digby says:

    But where is Willy? Why is he letting himself be upstaged by stepmother when he goes ballistic over his brother? His kids don’t break up for their 2 month Summer holidays until 6 July so where is he now?

    • Nic919 says:

      He focuses more on Taylor Swift and fighting with his brother than the people who serve and risk their lives.

  15. Brassy Rebel says:

    This is all very strange. For Armed Forces day we get a heavily photoshopped portrait of the King looking like Idi Amin. Meanwhile, the consort delivers the video message. I’m assuming that Charles was not well enough to do so. But still, mighty strange…

    Clearly, they need all the free ideas they can get.

  16. Kingston says:

    Throughout betty’s reign, had there been times when phillip stepped in on her behalf to do her job, such as address the nation on a national issue like cowmilla has done for chucky?

    Since the start of chucky’s reign there hv been so many instances where one gets the impression tht they are co-monarchs. He has her image on his coronation medal ( it’s been said that’s why Prince Harry has never been seen wth it altho he wears betty’s coronation medal.

    Also if u compare betty’s coronation to chucky’s and the role played by their respective spouses, u see that phillip was virtually humiliated as a spouse and relegated to liege man status……he had to bow and scrape to betty on a publuc stage while with cowmilla, it was a double-crowning at chucky’s coronation.

    But these clowns always adjust themselves for their own convenience anyway. U will hv noticed that all the “protocols” tht M was lambasted for “breaking” hv all been thrown by the wayside. Now theyre all:
    -hugging the hoi polloi
    -holding their spouses hands in public ( even sofiesta & eddy😬)
    -taking selfies with randoms
    -and gyrating at concerts

    • Proud Mary says:

      But they are co-monarchs! Wasn’t that the point of dropping the the word “consort,” of allowing her family on the balcony for the coronation? of having her sisters walk behind her at the coronation? Of having her and Charles crowned together? Releasing an invitation that had their names side-by-side? It seems like too many have been asleep while Cowmilla is taking over. I’m no fan of William’s, but it seems to me that he has not been asked by Charles to do these things because Camzilla believes that she is co-monarch, and Charles agrees.

      • Tessa says:

        Camilla is not in line of succession
        She would have to give up title and be d o w a g e r queen. When William takes over though he does not seem to want to step up on Charles behalf for events like these.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Oh, Tessa, stop being so naïve. Nothing is written in stone with these people. They just make it up as they go. For example, wasn’t parliament supposed to have been notified by the Queen before she allegedly issued that written notice that Camzilla was being named consort? Likewise, wasn’t parliament supposed to have been notified about the dropping of consort?

        It seems, whatever Camzilla wants, Camzilla gets. Charles has ordained it.

      • Tessa says:

        Proud mary if they want to overhaul the royal system of line of succession it would take years. It would be doubtful if it happens at all but certainly not in c an c lifetimes. The line of succession after so many generations has been a given. Usurping has happened like Henry 4 taking over from richard 2. But they have not been spouse’s or widows of kings. Exception was William and Mary of orange first cousins who married both in line of succession. And Camilla could try to strong arm her way to playing a major role if she outlives charles. But william imo wont tolerate it even if he does not like working

  17. OriginalMich says:

    Since the ridiculousness of everyone except Harry in military garb at the late Queen’s funeral, Charles, Camilla, and William have broadcast l’etat c’est moi loud and clear in various ways. They live in an absurd bubble and are VERY out of step with the country they lord over.

  18. Soapbopxudding says:

    Bless IDLES. They have such good values and are openly against the far-right. Thank you for linking that.

  19. Jais says:

    Releasing a picture of himself in his medals rather than one of him with people actually serving just makes it clear that Charles see his image as a gift to his people. It’s kind of like when they give framed pictures of themselves when they travel.

    • Kathryn K. says:

      Bingo! That’s the first thing that came to mind when I saw this, too. Chuck, a picture of you isn’t something anyone was waiting or hoping for.

      • Christine says:

        I totally agree. There can’t be a single person on Earth that thinks what we need is another pic of Chuck. His life has been painstakingly “documented” (i.e. the British media lies), I don’t need any further information.

  20. Agnes says:

    Chainmail epaulets with a skull and crossbones brooch is a lewk I am highly envious of.

  21. Dora says:

    I hope I’m wrong. But I think Charles is much worse off than they’re letting on

  22. Tessa says:

    Will keen be able to get his stepmother to retire she loves being called queen and attention as well.

  23. Berkeleyfarm says:

    that is so bizarre. I have to wonder how sick he really is.

    • Liz says:

      Bizarre is the right word for them. At Glastonbury the UK’s biggest music festival one of the bands did a number ‘’F….the king’ and suggested it as the new national anthem.

      • Berlin says:

        Yes! The band was IDLES, my current and now forever favorite. They know of what they speak. F*^k the King Indeed!

  24. AlexS says:

    That comment about Harry the only one seeing actual combat made me think. Maybe thats why Harry changed from being an party boy to an more mature person. Seeing death and destruction woke him up to the real world. It made him realize that the rest of the world doesnt care about the Royals and even England. Meanwhile, his father and William just cosplayed as Soliders and never were in actual danger and are content to let things run while the ship sinks.

    • Julaine says:

      Then that trip to Las Vegas where the video of Harry playing Strip Billards with women he just met while he was between deployments must have slipped your mind. Along with the racist slurs he made about a fellow officer around the same time. The climbing into public fountains while on holiday sure didn’t seem to indicate a more mature Harry either. Harry has matured but so do most people as they age and their mistakes pile up. Since then Harry has left the military, gotten married & become a father. All of these things probably added up as well.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Julaine, he didn’t see war and its casualties yet in those incidents you mentioned if I remember correctly from Spare. @AlexS was pointing out that changed him. Harry also talked about how seeing all dead and injured soldiers made him depressed and angry after returning home and started to pull back from social life. So, yes, being in the military changed his life and his priorities.

      • Tessa says:

        Harry apologized. Some forget the so called gaffes of philip where he said offensive things about people from other cultures. He never apologized. William was no saint. As I recall he was the one who jumped into a fountain during his out of Africa party
        William deployed a military copter to a stag party and got away with it. And so on.

    • Julaine says:

      Yes, Harry apologized and so did Phillip over the years and other members of the royal family. So why are their incidents unpardonable offenses and not Harry’s?

      There were a lot of things that changed my opinion of Harry after I read Spare. He seemed to collect slights and offenses and no matter how petty he hung onto his grudges. IMO that is not what a mature adult does. But what really made me rethink my mostly positive opinion of Harry was when he decided to put in a detailed description of his first sexual encounter. Without any heads up to the poor woman involved. The press hounded her for weeks and there was no reason why that antedote was included. Talk about violating someone’s privacy.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “The press hounded her for weeks”

        “Talk about violating someone’s privacy.”

        But isn’t that the point? Spare didn’t name the woman the British Media said was “the woman”, that was entirely due to the BM amplifying her on their front pages in an interview, not Harry or his publisher.

        “He seemed to collect slights and offenses and no matter how petty he hung onto his grudges.”

        Prince Harry had a front row seat witnessing how the press treated his late mother, paps being involved with the event that killed her, the media running off his girlfriends and making him distrust some of his friendships because they were illegally accessing his private information and the papers using and maligning him as fodder to shield other royal family members as well as commit character assassination of his wife and disrespecting his son.

        Harry has every right to explain his own life, having had his public reputation shaped by a cabal rapacious national media with bad intentions and dirty deals with members of his own family. That woman who came forward to the press had the right to decline that Harry was never allowed. Prince Harry was BORN into the Royal ‘invisible contract’ and a level of press intrusion that was unreasonable and damaging.

      • bisynaptic says:

        LOL William/Kate/Carole/Camilla, dis you?
        Harry didn’t reveal the identity of his “first time”. She could have been anyone. She outed herself, by going to the tabloids and crying exposure.

      • Tessa says:

        Philip never apologized. Harry s mistakes are not unpardonable.The main thing is how unpleasant Meghan was treated by charles Camilla William and kate. They never apologized

  25. matthew says:

    Why is everything so confusing ?? Nothing is making sense with them.

  26. tamsin says:

    I think this is a step too far. Charles should have released a statement. It is insulting to let Camilla speak to the armed forces and pretend she is the sovereign. Has he just lost all his marbles? Appalling.

    I also find Camilla’s military “costumes” insulting. I believe she is honorary colonel in chief of some regiment. Either wear the uniform like Charles and Anne, or wear civilian clothes. The Queen Mother never paraded in actual uniform or fake ones. I see the monarch wearing uniforms because in the old days they were expected to lead their men into battle. In the US, the idea is that an elected civilian is CIC, and does not wear any uniform.

  27. Flower says:

    The UK is officially a laughing stock and Chuckles has lost his mind.

    This was a job for William – lol

  28. JudyB says:

    Well, she can’t be the queen mother, so she will have to be the queen (ugly) stepmother. Wonder how long it will take W to banish her to some small castle somewhere?

  29. Aries48 says:

    I don’t know what’s worse, the dead-eyed stare, the figetting hands, the wobbly head, or the evil smirk at the end.

    Anyway, I will never again look at one of her videos without protection–Cross, garlic, pin hole box, and ear plugs.

  30. Renae says:

    In the movie JAWS, the line was “we’re gonna need a bigger boat”. Charles gives himself one more *honor* and he’s gonna need a bigger Chest! .

  31. Hell Nah! says:

    I am so sorry to say this but…she sounds like a boozehound.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I don’t like it when folks apologize for telling the truth.

    • Jais says:

      I hear cigarettes more than booze. But I have no idea how she sounded when she was younger to know if that’s close to her natural voice. But I wouldn’t be surprised if ciggy breaks over the years have changed her voice. I rarely talk about appearances but as a former smoker myself I feel qualified to say she has deep smokers’ lines. I’m not even trying to say it as a diss by it’s just a factual observation.

  32. JFerber says:

    Not quite as shameful as former prez Lieutenant Heel Spurs and all his anti-soldier antics (and there are many that are vile and unspeakable), but yeah, these two are wretched and pay no homage to the men and women who defend their country (only so leeches like C and C can get millions of pounds for nothing). They don’t honor their soldiers. They are pathetic. I so hope they don’t get Invictus. They do not deserve it.

  33. JFerber says:

    Hell Na, “sounds like”? Hell she is the “definition of.”

  34. Juanita says:

    Question, how are William and Kate going to manage being King and Queen? They can not public speak and I don’t think William is trusted with foreign presidents. Kate is going to have to do more than pose for pictures when she is queen, are they going just not do their jobs? Are they going to be able to follow government orders? They don’t even have anyone to help with their duties. Is England going to be ok with an inadequate introverted unregulated King and Queen?

  35. Kelly says:

    Camilla looks an extra from the Salvation Army section of Guys and Dolls.

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