Mail: Prince William is ‘winning the hearts of Americans, like Harry wishes he was’

Prince William’s selfie with Taylor Swift really broke a lot of brains. As I said at the time, it was a clear PR win for William and it’s okay to acknowledge that. It was also probably an unexpected PR win for William when Travis Kelce and Jason Kelce were falling all over themselves to call William “the coolest motherf–ker” and praise his parenting skills. This is probably the best thing to happen to Kensington Palace’s PR in years. Instead of just taking the dub and acting like these kinds of wins happen all the time for the heir to the throne, William and his sycophants proceeded to make asses out of themselves. They’ve been running around, screaming about how Taylor Swift wanted to “pay court” to big-boy William, and how now the Kelces are on Team Egg so it will be awkward for Prince Harry at the ESPYs. Insane. But not as bonkers as this Daily Mail headline: “Is it William winning the hearts of Americans, like Harry wishes he was? After Travis Kelce calls Prince ‘coolest’ royal, how future king has surged in popularity over the pond, while the Sussexes get a lukewarm response.”

When the Duke of Sussex put down roots in America, he no doubt wanted to capture the hearts of those in his new country. But it is his older brother, the Prince of Wales, 42, that appears to be better connected with those across the pond.

William’s popularity is so potent that he’s polled much higher among Americans than the country’s own heavyweight public figures, despite the country having their own British prince on home soil. Analytics firm Gallup asked US voters what they thought about 15 big names on the world stage in 2023, and the heir to the British throne came top, beating homegrown notables President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump.

It’s not just members of the public that have taken a liking to William, but also the pop sensation Taylor Swift, 34, and her American football tight end boyfriend, Travis Kelce, also 34.

That same year, a poll conducted by Newsweek found that almost half Americans believe the Duke and Duchess of Sussex should be stripped of their royal titles. The poll, conducted in January 2023, found that 45 per cent of Americans are in favour of Harry and Meghan losing their royal titles, while 26 per cent opposed to the idea, and 28 per cent said they are unsure.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are said to be putting off Americans with their ‘endless moans’ and ‘attacks’ on the Royal Family, a royal expert has claimed. In a bid to branch out to the celebrity world, the Sussexes are often seen making appearances at glitzy events, including the ‘Bob Marley: One Love’ premiere in Jamaica in January. But they were branded ‘insensitive’ for posing on the red carpet with Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness, who wants to ditch the monarchy.

Speaking about Harry and Meghan’s time since leaving Britain, royal author Angela Levin said even Americans are getting fed up with the couple’s ‘hypocrisy’ and whinging. She told The Sun: ‘I think endless moaning puts off Americans because they like people who are go-getters rather than those who blame everyone else. They also don’t like the attacks on the Royal Family especially as they so loved and admired the Queen.’

[From The Daily Mail]

That 2023 poll was clearly some kind of bizarre palace scheme, bought and paid for by William raiding one of the many piggy banks he has access to. I don’t even think I covered that Newsweek poll about the Sussexes and their titles? Let me tell the royalists something – the average American does not give a sh-t about the Sussexes’ titles. But we are paying attention: a hit Netflix series, a bestselling, record-breaking memoir, the “Meghan Effect” for everything Meghan wears, a ratings boost whenever Harry or Meghan are on screen. That’s the larger problem, isn’t it? This is the British press and KP trying to convince their domestic audience that “Americans hate the Sussexes” while simultaneously convincing the domestic audience that William is beloved by Americans. And beyond all of that… why does it matter? Is it because William only became obsessed with America once Harry and Meghan moved there?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Kensington Palace and Taylor Swift’s social media.

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124 Responses to “Mail: Prince William is ‘winning the hearts of Americans, like Harry wishes he was’”

  1. Peg wouldn’t know how to win a heart if came up and bit him. The lying continues with the ridiculous fool.

    • Ellie says:

      Shocking that Willy is popular. Not with me. I have no use for any of them .

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Sad Daily Fail fanfic is sad. womp womp

      All this article does is put William’s overweening jealousy on FULL display. This article makes William look like an absolute twat.
      A churlish, contemptuous, arse-brained, feeble, emotionally constipated man-child. Not a good look!
      It doesn’t make him likeable to Americans, it does the exact opposite.

      The public can smell fear. And this Fail article is absolutely channeling the stench of fear.
      Workshy Wanderdick’s afraid he’s not as well loved as Harry. He’s afraid he’s not top dog. He’s afraid he’ll never *be* top dog. He’s right to be afraid. The press has built him up so much to him, to the public, in a way he can never, ever live up to. All of them are courting disaster. And his momma BEEN KNEW. She predicted all of this.

      The only reason Americans are paying attention to the Left Behind Royals at this point, is because we’re seated comfortably, with popcorn, awaiting the whole monarchy and the tabloid press to hoist themselves by their own petard. Every time the Fail writes dreck like this, it’s like they’ve set a new charge & fuse under the palace. Who needs the likes of Guy Fawkes when the royalists are so much better at destroying the monarchy on their own? :popcorn:

  2. Hypocrisy says:

    Well this American 🇺🇸 truly despises Peggy.. and decades ago I didn’t 🤷🏻‍♀️. These types of articles are truly vulgar, just like Peg.

    • swaz says:

      Well this American really thought William was winning till they brought up Harry 🤣🤣🤣

    • Elizabeth says:

      Me too. I never liked William.

    • Aries48 says:

      Until H&M, I had zero interest in the Royals. I’ve always though Williams was deeply unattractive and shockingly boring. I even forgot that he was married.

      What they’re saying is deeply offensive to me because of the inclusion of Angela “The troll doll” Levin. What is wrong with the British people? Why have they allowed their media to become such an embarrassment?

      • kirk says:

        @Aries48 – likewise. I was a Meghan fan and only became interested in royals when she started dating one. Then I found out how creepy they are and how Harry has been ‘spared’ that effect because of they way they treat the ‘spare.’ No money of his own (did he have to turn over his military pay to pa), punching bag for the rest of the family, endless touring because big brother’s too lazy to go. DailyFail really irritates me though talking about Meghan, the American. Why would any American have more favorable views of a spoiled brat Brit than an American mom? 🤮

    • Mel says:

      Same here! In fact, theres not a single American I’ve talked to in person that likes him. I dont know where they’re getting this info from.

  3. equality says:

    Where did they find these people they polled? I don’t know people in the US who are that over-the-top about QE. And why would anyone from the US, who ditched the monarchy ages ago, find it ‘insensitive’ for PH to be around Jamaicans? Even Charles traveled to Barbados when they ditched the monarchy to take part in celebrations about becoming a republic.

    • seaflower says:

      They are either bots or people in their newsroom clicking multiple times.

    • Eurydice says:

      That’s where this article is sneaky. The only “American” thing they can point to is the poll from 18 months ago, which has to do with H&M’s titles. Everything else seems to be from Angela Levin, which we don’t catch until the final paragraph.

    • bisynaptic says:


    • CatMum says:

      I was invited to a party for the con-a-nation which was filled with royalists. 10 or 15 of them! it was ridiculous (fun, but ridiculous). I sipped fancy cocktails from a china teacup and hung out in the corner with the one other anti royalist there.

      there are not enough lol emoji in the world for this article. LOLOLOLOL!!!

      • Isabella says:

        Wait, cocktails in a tea cup? Why, dear God, why?

      • Jais says:

        Okay, I’m laughing. I’d be in the corner with you sipping my “tea”

      • CatMum says:

        @Isabella because teacups! and not even the royalists could get through the broadcast without cocktails!

        @Jais indeed! we sipped our cocktails and discussed Spare and why it was so great! she was lovely.

  4. Truthiness says:

    Like the time he was booed at a game in Boston? We can do more of that.

    • Lux says:

      Yes. And the many who declined to appear at Earthshot. HOWEVER…

      Many things have changed and I think because of what Kate is going through, people are going out of their way to be nice to them. It’s THEIR public perception that did a 180, which happened after Kate’s video.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Booed in Boston! LMAO That was the BEST. DAY. EVAR.

  5. Miranda says:

    “…they like people who are go-getters”

    Well, that’s William out then, isn’t it?

  6. Dee(2) says:

    I don’t really have anything to say about this nonsense, William and his sycophants are pathetic as usual. What I do wonder since as Kaiser mentioned these articles are clearly aimed at convincing a domestic audience, if Brits who travel to the US for holidays are shocked by how much Harry and Meghan aren’t covered in the news and morning talk shows here daily, especially in comparison to the UK? Do they think all of this is evidence that everyone hates them, or do they then realize how obsessed their media is in a way that others are not? When I went to the UK last year I had a few people ask myself and some other Americans in our tour group about the whole Harry deportation issue and really couldn’t believe that I was the only one that knew anything about it.

    • Aerie says:

      I was thinking about something similar. I can’t remember the last time a story about Harry or Meghan became a major news item in the US. Other than a few pics from public outings, H&M isn’t covered by the media. If Willy is enjoying a boost in popularity because Taylor Swift sprinkled pixie dust on him, goody goody.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      Maybe this is all about convincing William that he is popular in the US. There were tidbits in Spare that indicated that Charles and William sort of believe what is in the tabloids, even if it is their lackeys who plant these stories. The whole is sort of a self-reinforcing echo chamber aimed at entitled dimwits with too much money and influence who are also haunted by crippling insecurity.

      • Chrissy says:

        I think you’re on to something Art Historian. Wasn’t William’s former lacky, Jason Knauff just rehired to embiggen the lazy loser POW? And isn’t his specialty planting negative stories about H&M in order to make them look bad to the gullible incurious masses so as to make Huevo look good in comparison while he plans to attend his next football game or concert rather than do, you know, actual work?

      • Jais says:

        Idk think JK has been rehired but he does sit on the board for the earthshot prize, I believe?

  7. sevenblue says:

    lol. Just a few months ago, the Americans were sharing posts about how Will probably did something to his wife and his team + media were covering it up. All those white women obsessed with true crime were reading articles about his anger problems, his alleged affairs. So, I doubt he is gonna win them back any time soon.

  8. Proud Mary says:

    I’ve tried to ask before, and my comment was removed. I’ll try again: why is it such a big deal for William to have met Taylor Swift this time, but it wasn’t a big deal when they met the first time?

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      That’s a great question. And what is this assumption that snapping a photo with Taylor Swift is some sort of win or stab at Harry? I don’t get it. I think it’s kind of strange that the Prince of Wales needs a PR win at all. The same way I thought it was bizarre to see Charles and Camilla on American Idol on Coronation Day. Did Charles and Camilla’s appearance with Lionel Ritchie during prime time earn them anything? Why or why not? If William requested a meet-and-greet photo with TS, did they think it was realistic that she would decline the heir to the throne? Travis Kelce is sort of an all-around nice guy–did they really believe he would say anything but nice things about William/Charlotte/George?

      • Proud Mary says:

        ITA, SueBarbri33. Why the sudden obsession with being liked by Americans? Charles and Camzilla were being crowned the whole azz King and Queen, and yet, American Idol? Regarding the Taylor Swift meeting, it’s as if history is being re-written in real time. They’re all pretending as if this is the first time William’s met her, when in fact the two have a history. Taylor Swift met William at Buckingham Palace years ago when they both joined in and sang (if you can call it that) with, I think it was another American entertainer, name escapes me. Years later she was on the Grahame Norton show indicating that she had the hots for William (Yuk?); William years later was on a flopped Apple Podcast boasting about meeting Taylor. There’s a picture of him from that meeting, just really leering at her. So again, what is the big deal about this meeting? (BTW, does Travis know all this about those 2?)

      • sunnyside up says:

        The late Queen forbade selfies, and now she has gone William is doing selfies including his children. Could make a big difference.

    • Steph says:

      I’m not a TS fan so bear with me. Was the first time (2013) before or after Kanye? I don’t think she was considered a queen in her genre at that point.

      • Proud Mary says:

        But that’s besides the point isn’t it? Fact is, she was a big country music star at that time. Why else would she have been there? Nonetheless, not one tabloid outlet bleating about this has made mention of that fact. They’re not saying, William and Taylor met before she became this big star. It’s just oh, amazing, what a big win. Please.

      • zebz says:

        kanye was in 2009. it was waaaay afterwords.

    • Truthiness says:

      William was not openly warring with Harry in 2013. He also wasn’t a heartbeat away from being king.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Proud Mary – it’s because Harry now lives in America and Willy is in a one-sided competition with him.

      Harry wins an award? Willy has to finagle some sort of award for himself through Earthshit.

      Harry is seen with celebrities and athletes? Willy has to be photographed with TS and her football playing BF (and even better, they’re fawning and kissing up to him on social media and his podcast!).

      Harry meets politicians? Willy has to invite himself to the UN.

      Harry plays polo for charity? Willy organizes a polo match.

      Harry is close to Chuckles? Willy is even closer to their father!

      Harry has made a success of himself in America? Willy therefore must be an even bigger success in America. Huevo didn’t care about America before the Sussexes moved here, and in fact, insulted America and Americans in his bashing of Meghan’s workethic (among other things).

      As we’ve seen since they were children, Willy only wants what Harry has and this narrative is all a part of that: Willy is BFFs with TS and other American celebrities (who all hate Harry and Meghan!), and oh noes, what will happen when Harry meets Travis Kelce at the ESPYs?! Its all manufactured nonsense by the British media at the behest of Big Boy Statesman, Taking America by Storm, Dad-Dancing Willy.

  9. s808 says:

    Their PR team is always so heavy handed with this stuff and it is always framed at a way to one up Harry which kills so much of the shine that’s supposed to be there. They can never the moment just be what it is. I guess you have to overcompensate when the moment is so few and far in between but sheesh.

  10. HeatherC says:

    I hate Mondays, the whole “return to the grind” thing. So I needed this good, belly laugh this morning so thank you.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I echo your sentiment. I too burst out laughing when I saw the headline. This is his serious Global Stateman and stuff. I keep wondering if the Fail has any idea how big this country is. They need to stop projecting their small island mentality on to this country. If you were to super impose a map of Breat Gritain onto a map of the US, it will fit the map of Cali, with space left. It’s that small. There are over 360 million people in this country, compared to under 65 million in the UK. I have not seen one single news paper or TV network talking about William in the past month, not one. But my local news networks did cover Harry’s ESPY nom. So Eff way of Daily Fail.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I read somewhere (probably google) that somewhere in the vicinity of a dozen states–individually– are geographically larger than the entirety of the UK.

  11. Eurydice says:

    Lol, let’s see some polls in countries where the monarchy actually matters.

    • Proud Mary says:

      You want to know what American’s think of William: (1) remember his solo visit to NY last year? He showed up at a fire station, and the crowed was there only because they thought it was Harry; (2) no one in America cared that he and Kate were in Boston, the year before aside for the fact that they were booed at TD Garden.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        Boston sports fans. LOL

      • Eurydice says:

        NY was hilarious. Boston,too – with residents complaining because he blocked their way to Market Basket.

      • Gabby says:

        @Proud Mary, you may have unearthed a PR strategy for Peg’s future events. His minions could spread rumors and buzz that Harry might show up. Guaranteed crowds.

  12. Clove says:

    American here 🇺🇸. I have always like Harry and more when he married Meghan. Who did they poll, MAGA? Sounds like it….

    • Ginger says:

      Newsweek did a poll last year saying the Sussex’s weren’t popular and they polled…….1,000 Americans. Our country has a population of 333 Million. These polls mean absolutely nothing and are an embarrassment. William is such a small man. He really is pathetic. It’s not enough that he will be King one day, he has to have what his brother has. As an American, I don’t think people give two shits about William. I do remember on the Stephan Colbert show how the audience chanted Harry’s name when he came out and how well received he was when he appeared on the NFL awards.

      • Julia says:

        The thing with the Newsweek polls is the results vary wildly from poll to poll. Instead of thinking ‘maybe our methodology is not good’ they carry on printing them like a poll result important for anyone not seeking elected office.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Since when do we conduct polls of private citizens popularity in this country? The polls can barely get it right for politicians. Even in politics, national polls only matter for general elections. How many times have we seen national polling for Nancy Pelosi or AOC, claiming both are unpopular, yet they regularly win their local elections by over 50%. William is so silly. He needs to concentrate on cutting ribbons and stop trying to compete where he doesn’t compare.

      • HeatherC says:

        I live in a town. Not a city, a town. And I couldn’t say with confidence that 1000 people was representative of my TOWN.

      • Aerie says:

        Quick fact about polls. For research purposes it is estimated that one person represents the opinion of 150,000 others. The generally accepted number for a poll of any relevance is 1,500. Most medical studies cap their participants at 2,000. We like to think that the more people polled the more accurate the results but that isn’t the case. What matters is the demographics of those polled. I used to work for the Nielson TV ratings Corp and this was the metric they used.

      • sunnyside up says:

        I worked for IPOS and they used about 2,000 people as well.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      They polled the voices in his head and the staffers who crawled out of his ass. Most Americans couldn’t pick Huevo out of a lineup, as we’ve seen on Jeopardy and other shows, where no one even knows who William is.

      • Justjan says:

        Okay, let me try $500 for Famous Royalty, Alex.
        For $500 name this member of royalty….
        Who is King Tut!
        Bzzzz… no, sorry! This is Prince William of … yada yada
        (Every time I see that guy ‘smile’ it reminds me of the dried up drawn lips of mummies).

    • eos says:

      A poll by Newsweek? Is that magazine even still in business? Newsweek, a company owned by, per wiki, “David Jang, a Korean professor, Christian theologian, and pastor”. It’s a laugh!

  13. Indica says:

    To quote my sainted mother (who really hate it when I call her that and wants to know what mother I’m talking about): It’s good to want.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Goodness! I don’t know your relationship with your mother, but usually saints don’t become saints until after death, so…. 🤷‍♀️.

  14. YeahRight says:

    The fact that they are bringing up Harry lets me know he’s not winning.

  15. AMTC says:

    To misquote Margaret Thatcher (and no I wasn’t a fan but she did have a few good lines).

    “Who are they? (the Americans William has won over) Tell me their names”.

  16. Oh come on. says:

    William gets selfie with Taylor Swift, does a weeklong victory lap.

    Victory lap is interrupted by Harry’s nomination for an ESPY.

    Suddenly a right-leaning ESPN commentator gets mad at Harry for not deserving the award, criticizing the BRF, and “not really being a prince.”

    I smell KP PR.

    • Proud Mary says:

      You know it’s KP because of the desperate attempt to make fetch happen with that South Park episode, even though the one about William and Kate is much worse.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Is it, as a Brit I can honestly tell you that I didn’t read about that in the papers. Not even the fact that it had been made. But that doesn’t surprise me.

  17. Agnes says:

    All the King’s horses and all the King’s PR machines can’t put Humpty Dumpty Huevo together again. We see who he is.

  18. Jais says:

    Well, if Angela Levin says it’s true😂.

  19. SussexWatcher says:

    Constantly crowing about winning a one-sided competition – with someone who left your country and institution 5 years ago and doesn’t want to come back – really isn’t the own you think it is.

    Constantly having to include Harry and Meghan’s names in your articles because they otherwise get no attention really isn’t the win you think it is.

    Constantly talking about how much you DON’T miss someone while stalking and copying their every move isn’t the diss you think it is.

    TL;DR: Huevo and his rota rat minions are obsessed losers, wishing they had the success of the Sussexes. Move on with your lives!!!

    • Proud Mary says:

      It’s giving crazy ex-girl (or boy) friend behavior.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        So much! If it was an ex, you’d have a restraining order by now (that they would probably have violated numerous times).

  20. Libra says:

    Not since Spare and the interviews have there been any comments made by Harry about the royal family that could in any way be construed as whiny or complaining. Meghan is silent; no comments at all. The lies and misinformation continue.

  21. Sam says:

    Since when does William look like Gru from “Despicable me”?

  22. Ina says:

    Not only did these people drink the Kool-Aid but drowned in it too.

  23. Inge says:

    Yep still don’t like her and now even more.

  24. Lau says:

    I also think that Kate is somehow more popular with the american audience (some of it not all of it !) but William is too stupid to share the limelight so he tells his press contacts to just pretend that HE only is very popular.

    • Mimi says:

      Kate is not popular in the US. I would agree that she’s not hated or thought of negatively but she is not popular. No one talks about her and she has little to no impact on American culture.

      • Isabella says:

        This is true for all the royals. We are busy over here. We liked Diana and the Queen–and now Harry. That’s it.

      • Lau says:

        Yes and that’s why I tried to put a little bit of nuance in my words. I meant to say that out of the Wales couple, Kate might be slightly more popular than William and he hates that. That’s why he’s paying for a PR campaign when his wife is hidden away.

      • Tessa says:

        People magazine with her picture on the cover don’t fly off the shelves

    • BeanieBean says:

      Nah, these junior high popularity contests are just not a thing here. Not after junior high, that is. 🙄

  25. Paula Ziegler says:

    Wouldn’t it be nice if William donated a years worth of food to the homeless shelters of some random UK city just as Taylor Swift has done? The royal family is richer than Taylor Swift aren’t they?

  26. Grandma Susan says:

    Britain is doing a really stellar imitation of Fantasy Island.

  27. Lola09 says:

    Please know that just as the Mail talks nonsense about the supposed hearts and minds of Americans regarding WanK it’s the same story about how they (mis)represent Brits… nobody I know buys their brown nosing narrative! Especially with the horrendous state of public services and the cost of living crisis we have very little patience with these lazy entitled twerps living a life of obscene luxury off our hard earned tax £££.

    I’d love to see Celebrity boycotting the Mail tbh as it’s just pure poison. Unapologetically racist and prejudiced in every conceivable way.

  28. MsIam says:

    Weren’t they just complaining that all of the Kate conspiracies were coming from America, including the ones about William and DV and that he deleted Kate? But now we supposedly “love” him? How can that much insecurity rest on one man’s shoulders without crushing him to death?

  29. Lady Digby says:

    Willy just doesn’t have main character energy. He is awkward, lazy, racist, tantrum throwing, brother hating dullard.

  30. Jean says:

    I think if Diana were alive, her example would have impacted W to do more and try harder to be compassionate. With the example of his father….’nuf said.

    • Steph says:

      I disagree. He had Diana longer than Harry. Look how starkly different they turned out. He just doesn’t have compassion in him.

    • Steph says:

      I disagree. He had Diana for longer than Harry and look how starkly different they turned out. I just don’t think he has compassion in him. No amount of influence will change that.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Jean the Times did a throwback anecdote about Diana asking her then teenage son to visit a girl in hospital that she was visiting in a private capacity. Diana asked the girl if she could bring her anything next time to make her happy and she shyly replied that she’d like to meet Will. Will flat out refused and Diana added that his future would include hospital visits so how about starting now? Diana shared her disappointment with the consultant at his refusal to accompany her and he replied that Will was just being a boy.
      I agree Jean that Diana’s premature death robbed her sons of a loving mother and positive influence. However, this incident seems to indicate Will’s refusal to please his mum or heed her view that he should get used to helping others selflessly or was he just being a recalcitrant teen?

  31. Laura D says:

    Why the bliddy obession with “Overseas?” Surely, as future head of the Commonwealth William should be doing more to strengthen those ties rather than letting them drift? As far as I’m aware a country still hasn’t stepped in to take up hosting the Commonwealth Games. India is still hesitating to sign a much needed trade deal. If William is serious about being a global statesman then he should be using his influence to help in these matters. “Overseas” really isn’t as interested in the BRF as the RR would have us believe. At the time of writing Biden has yet to attend a state dinner and is highly unlikely to do so now. The President may have done a couple of photo-ops with the king and his heir but, that’s as far as the “special relationship” goes!

    • sunnyside up says:

      William has said that he isn’t interested in the Commonwealth.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      He’s only interested in America because he wants whatever his brother has and thinks it’s rightfully his. He only cares about beating Harry or taking what he thinks is important to Harry (“Africa is mine, Harold!”).

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      Because Harry is here. And apparently making a lot of friends.

  32. Steph says:

    Didn’t some band this weekend have an entire arena screaming f the king? The fawning in the mail really does seem to only represent a small number of you Brits. This was supposed to be a reply to @lola09

  33. Amy Bee says:

    But Harry and Meghan didn’t move to the US for popularity, it was to get away from the Royal Family and their press. Plus, Harry and Meghan haven’t talked about the Royal Family in over a year. It’s the British press and royalists who continues to talk about them to the detriment to William’s much needed popularity boost and polling.

    • Julia says:

      If William is so popular why is all of the polling from 2023? The Newsweek poll about titles was obviously a push poll. The whole article is nonsense.

      • sunnyside up says:

        I can’t imagine the Americans caring one way or another about the titles, a British obsession

      • kirk says:

        The only Americans who care about British titles are readers of Regency romances. They’re the only ones who might know differences in rank.

  34. Izzy says:

    Didn’t Newsweek used to be a somewhat respectable publication? Now it’s just barely good enough to line bird cages.

    • MsIam says:

      Unfortunately it was bought out by right-wingers and what you see is the usual result.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Way, long ago, yes, it was a good news magazine. I started subscribing to it in college (student discount!) in the mid70s. I read it cover to cover every week, often before any class readings. I watched it change over time & stopped reading it altogether oh, sometime in the 90s maybe.

  35. bisynaptic says:

    Why would Americans give a rat’s behind about attacks on the British royal family? They’ve only ever much cared about Diana—and she’s gone.

  36. Ameerah M says:

    This was written for an audience of ONE. And that’s Not-Willing himself

  37. TN Democrat says:

    Will-not lost his looks and has no work ethic, zero charisma, a bizarre obsession with his brother and anxiety so intense he cannot interact with actual statesmen without covering his penis . A huge segment of the population hasn’t really followed his failure to launch and remember him fondly as Diana’s handsome son. The people who slam Harry/Meghan are usually wingnuts who object to Harry marrying a person of color and standing up for himself/not allowing himself to be abused. He hasn’t accomplished anything other than an accident of being born first in a privileged family. Americans are fascinated by the dysfunction of the Windsors, but aren’t interested in workshy Will-not.

    • Tina E says:

      Ya the percentage who want them stripped of their titles seems to just reflect the Fox News audience. I know they love to re-purpose occasional hit pieces.

  38. Chantal1 says:

    Ok I’ll admit it – Willy Nilly really is the best – at self sabotage and looking like an idiot. Will, you won this skirmish so take the W and move on. Btw, what exactly did he win??

  39. Saucy&Sassy says:

    “I think endless moaning puts off Americans because they like people who are go-getters rather than those who blame everyone else.” Yes, Americans are really put off with the continuing moaning and whining of the royal family. They need to shut up.

    “They also don’t like the attacks on the Royal Family especially as they so loved and admired the Queen.” You think that over 340,000,000 people in the US loved and admired the Queen? Seriously? The VAST majority of Americans never think about the brf. At all. I didn’t love or admire QE2. She was just there. What I thought of her had to do with Princess Di and the fact that QE2 never helped her when her Son, King Snubby (and his Escort), treated her abominably. So, don’t tell me how I feel.

    • Liz says:

      Thanks for saying that S&S. I too have never forgotten how Diana was treated. She was let down by those in a position to help. How different things would be today if she was still around.

    • BeanieBean says:

      We also don’t see the RF getting ‘attacked’ by anyone. And if that were to happen, they’ve got centuries of tradition & power & the government to come to their aid. So boohoo William, cry me a river.

  40. MY3CENTS says:

    The smallest king who ever lived.
    That should have been the caption.

  41. Tina E says:

    I wonder if the story of Meghan attending Taylor Swift’s concert was planted by KP, because they knew they were already making arrangements for Will and the kids to go to her show in London and meet her. So now people can pretend the Sussex’s were snubbed by Will wasn’t.

    I still doubt she was there.

  42. Lindsay says:

    This egg head’s obvious inner misery is what keeps me engaged with whatever antics he’s up to at any given moment.

  43. kimberly says:

    As an American, I literally laughed out loud at this headline. No one cares or talks about Peg in the USA. His brother on the other hand, he is liked and admired. You have to hand it to the British press, they keep making up this total delusional BS.

  44. BeanieBean says:

    North Korean levels of propaganda, never forget.

  45. Berkeleyfarm says:

    William was born with a lot and given even more and all he seems to be able to do is be pissy about his younger brother. That’s … really pathetic.

    Not surprising this is the work of noted fabulist Angela Levin. Harry has been embraced by the US military community and looks well on his way to being a popular figure in “the wide world of sports” and on good terms with sports A-Listers.

  46. FRAN says:

    They always set him up. For people who claim to not like Americanism they sure desperate for American approval. Harry Meghan did an interview, Netflix, then Harry’s book and have not talk about these people since. But they keep inserting the Sussex’s moaning about the royals. Then what is it the BM is doing with the Sussex’s with the countless articles every day?

  47. Jferber says:

    What are they going on about? He’s a lazy, unattractive, lying, cheating loser. Do the Brits think we love that? Delusional af. Plus he’s a bully. Keep your trashy prince. We love the one we have in Montecito!

  48. Tessa says:

    Will is not popular in the USA. He does not won hearts

  49. QueenLeo says:

    Damn… he is ugly.

  50. sparrow1 says:

    Out of interest. Are people generally interested in the BRF over there? If so, is it media driven via the Daily Mail online? Has interest always been there or has it grown since Meghan? Thanks.

  51. therese says:

    I still remember photos of Will when he was in college where HE IS POSING!!! taking himself so seriously as though he thought he was a handsome prince and has a pen or pencil to his mouth as he is deep in thought and such a deep person. I thought, are you kidding? He was a strange looking individual then, and now is …….I think there was a deeper meaning behind Harry’s statement in an interview or in his book when he said that Will was losing his hair, and all of his similarity (in looks) to Diana were fading. I think it was an Anderson Cooper interview, and he said to Harry, that’s kind of harsh, don’t you think? And Harry said no, not really. Goodness only knows what Will has said over the years and behind closed doors to Harry. As far as winning me over as an American. No. And I can think for myself, and I don’t like other people trying to use me or tell me what I think and how I feel.

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