Jennifer Lopez stepped out in head-to-toe Dior, a Birkin bag & her wedding ring

Here are some photos of Jennifer Lopez out and about in LA on Saturday. She was with her kids, I can see Emme in the background of some of the photos. J.Lo’s ensemble here is sort of interesting – she’s wearing head-to-toe Dior, except for a rare Hermes Birkin bag. I love the crisp white cotton Dior shirt and I even like the Dior D-Joy ballet flats. The Dior trousers are kind of awful though, not that flattering on Jennifer. I don’t imagine that style would be flattering on any body type though. Her Birkin is crocodile skin, in black. Last week, Jennifer seemingly made a last-minute decision to attend the Dior show at Paris Fashion Week. I wonder if she returned home with a suitcase full of Dior for her trouble.

As we discussed on Sunday, when J.Lo was in Italy and France, Ben moved his sh-t out of their Beverly Hills home. This home seems to be one big contention in their marriage – they spent months and months looking at homes all over LA, and when they finally settled on this gigantic mansion, they also spent millions renovating it. Ben quietly moved out of the mansion two months ago and he’s now staying at a Brentwood rental. I think J.Lo is possibly still living in the Beverly Hills place, even though they’ve put it on the market already. If J.Lo is concerned about Ben moving his sh-t out while she was on vacation, she’s not letting it show. She wore her wedding ring for this Saturday outing.

All that being said, I really do wonder if we’re going to get a big announcement soon. The paparazzi are obviously trailing Ben and Jen a lot these days, and it’s become clear that they’ve probably only seen each other once in like three or four weeks? And that one meeting was literally at their office. I hate this! I’m still rooting for them, but damn, it really does not look good.

Photos courtesy of BauerGriffin/INSTARimages/Cover Images.

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58 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez stepped out in head-to-toe Dior, a Birkin bag & her wedding ring”

  1. KC says:

    I don’t typically love JLo’s clothes, they’re obviously lovely and well-made and she’s beautiful, but her style isn’t my thing. This though, I love every bit of this outfit. Definitely giving me a late 40’s/early 50’s bohemian/beatnik vibe and I’m so here for it.

  2. Elle says:

    Those pants should be burned immediately.

  3. PhD gossip says:

    Second day in a row in flats. Betcha her feet are killing her after wearing crazy heels in Paris all week.

    • Eurydice says:

      I don’t know how comfortable these are. They’re not the usual ballet flats, they look like pointe shoes with a stiff toe box and they’ve slapped a heel on them.

    • zinjazin says:

      I dont understand why it seems so unthinkable for these stars to wear a pair of sneakers with a cute casual outfit, now and then?
      Where I live women are always in sneakers when out and about errands etc.

  4. KeKe Swan says:

    If JLo’s body can’t sell your pants, it’s the pants that are the problem. MHO.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      So true! The pants even make her head look bigger somehow. Whoever made them should consider a career change.

  5. bisynaptic says:

    The pants… 😳

    • Clomo says:

      Is there a…fly on her shirt? I can’t see close enough.

      • KCBteach says:

        @CLOMO I wondered the same thing. I can only zoom so much but it appears to be some kind of symbol with thin letters underneath. I can’t be sure but it looks like the head of a bull or cow, maybe an insect (perhaps a swimsuit!) and the initials “C.D.” Not sure about the symbol but definitely not a fly!😆

  6. LadyE says:

    I feel the same about those pants as I do about Bennifer2.0 collapsing. Just so sad and shaking my head at the poor decisions that ended up in this mess

  7. Eva says:

    Poor jlo. He lives in denial, still wearing a wedding ring and crappy pants. It seems that her husband moved out is the least of her problems. It’s good that the poor crocodile from which her damn expensive handbag was made didn’t live to see it.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      She is wearing her wedding ring because she probably expects a miracle to save her marriage. Ben is being toxic to her life/career. After they divorce and maybe next summer Jen will launch her world tour as it was intended this year. Sidenote: How come hunters don’t go to the everglades and trap every single Burmese python and make shoes and handbags out of them?

      • blacktoypoodle says:

        I’ve been saying that for years! Make invasive species Burmese Python fashion trend and help get rid of the thing that is killing native Floridian animals. If it was a thing at NY Fashion week it would take off. I’d wear python knee high boots, bags, coat, you name it. Protect the little swamp deer! We also would need to go after the wild (not native!!) pigs that are tearing up and destroying parts of Hawaii (several islands) forests. “Free Range Organic Hawaiian Bacon”. Hawaiian ecosystem is fragile.

    • Blithe says:

      Or maybe she’s still wearing a wedding ring because strangers and the press are spending a lot of time staring at pictures of her fingers to see if she’s wearing her wedding ring — eager to draw and share their own conclusions. I hope that she and the kids enjoyed a good weekend.

  8. Kelsey says:

    This is going to sound weird as hell, but I don’t really like JLo and I don’t really like Ben Affleck…BUT I adore them together and have been a cheesy fan for their whole reunion tale, so I reallyyyyy hope they get it together 🙁

    • girl_ninja says:

      I felt this way too! All before seeing how raggedy Ben has been here. When he f!cked over Jen last time I was sad for her. Then he did it again to his former wife Jen G. and NOW. Get therapy Ben…I know Jen needs to as well, but He is a tornado ripping through all of these peoples lives.

      • Pajala says:

        Yeah, Ben ‘Not Going Anywhere’ Affleck is toxic in romance, and J Lo is no better.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge on says:

      Ben is no longer a hollywood hot boy, but jlo is still beautiful, rich and talented woman, but I feel the reason why she gets so much hate is because with that much power she still manages to take very very poor decisions about… men. Like how many times did we witness this? Remember Casper? Um, yah. That was something

      • Kitten says:

        He may no longer be a “Hollywood hot boy” but if you think that Affleck can’t pull twenty-something tail if he wanted to, then you really don’t know Hollywood.

        Hell, I’d rather wake up to him than Bellicheck.

      • Aurora says:

        He’s no longer a boy, but he can clean up nice and be a charmer when it’s becoming to him. I guess his wealth is much lesser than JLo’s, but he should be a millionaire. He’s not a C-lister either: While JLo’s regarded as mainstream pop culture, he’s definitely more linked to prestige projects.
        And yes, being male and white plays a large part, as well as Garner’s determination to force him to better himself for their children’s sake. But he also spent yrs being mocked out of his pretty looks and his pretense to become a ‘serious’ actor and producer. The fact he’s managed to produce and star on projects that found box office success, critics’ support, nominations and awards; amongst his own struggles with addiction and a messy personal life, it’s pretty impressive. Either he’s actually talented or has a great picker. So he’s rich, not ugly, not steupid, can talk, has the Hollywood aura… I doubt he has it difficult to get a gf if he and JLo

  9. Amy Bee says:

    I’ve accepted that they’re done. But JLo looks fabulous and her bag collection is even better.

    • Maggie says:

      Gross😒yeah I’m sure her handbags will confort her through yet another divorce. I wonder if she still has the gun she for Puff Daddy? I’m guessing it wasn’t a Birkin😁

      • Kokiri says:

        Maggie I don’t understand your post at all.
        Can you please explain what you are talking about?


      • Kitten says:

        Shyne is the current leader of the opposition party in Belize and he recently spoke out on the incident, claiming he was set up as the fall guy for the shooting. Not to say that I trust the guy knowing who his dad is (former PM of Belize) but it honestly wouldn’t surprise me either.

  10. Kaye says:

    If they’ve decided to sell the house, doesn’t it make sense that Ben would move his stuff out?

    • Carolnr says:

      @ Kaye
      Yes, but now there are reports that they have been selling off their artwork in their home. They are breaking up house. They can continue to wear their rings but if they are living separate lives, this is not a marriage.. (maybe in name only)

  11. UpIn Toronto says:

    That Violet Affleck said “JLo WAS my stepmom” ( from Ben’s interview w Kevin Hart) felt like a very obvious clue that it’s done

    The PR train around this has been careful and very orchestrated so that these two can break up with their heads up, after giving into the lunacy of their first days rekindling their relationship

    Jlo will phoenix the **** out of this, and this is what we expect from Ben… He always needs the comeback story for himself. I hope Violet writes that autobiography.

  12. Aurora says:

    It’s obvious that she’s contrite, but this breakup or raincheck or whatever has been for the best style-wise. Hello classic, adult fashion, good-bye IG trends.

  13. girl_ninja says:

    I’m not even a fan of Jen’s, but I definitely don’t hate her the way folks suddenly seem to. I love her outfit. From her button down to the black pleated ankle trousers to the ballet flats. She looks so GOOD. F!ck Flat Leaver Affleck.

  14. Jenn says:

    Wow, and the Bardot bangs?? France must’ve made a real impression on her. I even love her edgy stupid trousers, lol

  15. Katie Beanstalk says:

    JLo looks like she works at the airport.

  16. Eleonor says:

    I have a question.
    Probably they are done, but.
    Is it possible Ben had a relapse and he is doing some kind of therapy/rehab thing ?

    • TMH04 says:

      @Eleonor, I was thinking the same thing. He may be receiving treatment at his rental. I have speculated for a while, long before the rumors of a breakup, that he has had a relapse. Perhaps it has now dawned on her the depths of his challenges. I still think they may be breaking up, but (this may be my hopeful feminist delusion) maybe J Lo drew a line in the sand and asked Ben to move out and work on himself. I also think he does not like the idea of owning a huge monstrosity, and she has recognized that and taken a look at herself and understands that in life, bigger does not always mean better in more ways than one. Especially after watching the documentary, she struggles with self-worth and learned at a young age that if she is the ‘most & best’ of any talent, she is ‘worthy.’ Lol, this is my armchair psychology. I am a licensed mental health counselor -LMHC but I obviously know nothing about her real life.

  17. MsIam says:

    I don’t know why anyone would “root” for these two to stay together. Affleck is toxic in terms of relationships, he’s pretty much cheated his way through Hollywood. I’m rooting for JLo to get away from him with her emotions and sanity in check. I bet he’ll eventually be sitting on some talk show host’s sofa moaning about her too.

  18. Tila says:

    Forgive my naivety but I can’t think of an individual or couple in Hollywood that gets photographed as much as her and Ben. Are they really calling the paparazzi or are they genuinely being hounded? I just don’t think I know a person or couple that are as ubiquitous as the two of them. I mean, I even know what their kids names are and what they look like! Those details are never usually something I’d remember.

  19. Lindsay says:

    This entire debacle has been some of the best celebrity gossip in a while.
    I don’t envy their level of scrutiny, and I have empathy for all human beings.

    What I feel people miss, is that even though Ben is flawed, he possesses an intellectual vibe.
    He’s a deep, contemplative thinker.
    She is the opposite of this. She is superficial and really only opportunistic and self focused.
    As the lust cleared, he seemed to recognize that growing old with an opposite isn’t going to work.
    She became repellent to him.
    It’s why he’s stopped touching her.
    It’s so damn noticeable.

    And yes, he would love it if she would be the one to pull the plug.
    So the script will not read that Batman is the Badguy.
    It’s like they are locked in a toxic dance, both wishing for something very different from the other. He’s wishing she will flee, and she’s wishing he’ll love her, again.
    I suspect attrition will initiate his next move. And that he’ll see it as his punishment for re-inviting her into something he was never gonna be able to give her.
    Who knows and I’m no psychic.

    • Get Real says:

      All of this, as is evidenced by her wearing the ring. It’s kind of pathetic and sad at this point. Move on, girl. He has.

      • Lindsay says:

        You really affirm your moniker with your comment! Excellent!
        And I agree.
        She’s long past the point of looking desperate and weak.
        She is solidifying her legacy every passing day, at this point.
        Where is that street smart Bronx attitude?!
        I only see ham/extra cz on a roll 👀

    • Beech says:

      “intellectual vibe” “deep contemplative thinker”. What?!

  20. Flamingo says:

    she looks stressed but once again, my God that outfit is so cool. If I had her money, I would just walk into a Dior store and say make me like Jennifer!

  21. Lens says:

    for once i think her shoes are cute. her ankles must ache from all the ones she wore on “holiday” because she likes the stilts. Hearing that they are selling artwork made me think are they broke? i wouldn’t be surprised. They both spend an insane amount even in hollywood and music A lister terms. If so jlo should sell her alligator Birkin because it’s gross and I heard they increase in value.

    • Gennessee says:

      Maybe not “broke” just perhaps not as liquid? I mean, her movie and her concert tour died. That’s $$$ lost right there. She also won’t be recouping the losses. That may also be why they are selling the house. The upkeep must be astronomical. Not sure of any projects Ben has lost money on lately. He’s still filming, so no money is coming in from there as of yet.

  22. JFerber says:

    She looks stressed the hell out and it’s aging her. I place the blame squarely on Ben. Jlo has broken up with a lot of people and it’s this son of a bitch Affleck who is really dragging her spirit down. And I don’t even like her.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree, he seems like such a drag. She seems to have lost some of that spark she had. I bet she wishes she had hit the delete button on those emails from him trying to win her back.. and just stayed single for a bit after the Arod breakup.

    • Ben says:

      It reminded me when Erica Jayne was divorcing. She was showing her real age.

  23. Whatnow says:

    I don’t think they’re broke. Possibly cash poor but more likely selling off everything and then just splitting the money even Steven

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