Platell: Prince Harry doesn’t deserve the Pat Tillman Award, he ‘abandoned’ the UK!

The Daily Mail columnist Amanda Platell has written one of the most disgusting pieces I’ve ever read about Prince Harry. Usually, British commentators save this kind of contempt-riddled revisionist history for stories about Prince Harry’s wife. Platell has unsurprisingly latched on to her newspaper’s bizarre exclusive with Mary Tillman, the mother of the late Pat Tillman, following ESPN’s announcement that Prince Harry would receive the Pat Tillman Award for Service. Platell gives away the game – I wondered last week whether there would be an immediate and furious reaction from the British media and the Windsors to the award. There wasn’t really – that’s how upset they were. They’ve quietly stewed in their hatred for days and it’s spilling out now. Platell cites Mary Tillman’s words criticizing Harry and then Platell says outright that Harry deserves to be excoriated for the “treachery” of “abandoning” his family and country after serving in the British military.

…Pat’s mother Mary Tillman is unimpressed and asks why he has been chosen over more deserving candidates: ‘I am shocked as to why they would select such a controversial and divisive individual to receive the award when there are recipients far more fitting,’ she said. And she is not alone. Mary Tillman is speaking for countless others, since social media comments condemning the decision have flooded the internet not just from disgusted Americans and Britons, but from countries as far away as Australia, India and elsewhere in the world.

All are aghast not just that Harry is to receive such a distinguished honour, but also that he has the gall to accept it. One British veteran who served for 40 years posted on X that he was ‘incensed’.

To understand why there is such anger, it helps to compare Pat Tillman and Harry’s attitudes towards fame, fortune and duty. The star American football player, gave up a £3million NFL contract to fight for his country after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He joined the army and made the ultimate sacrifice, dying in Afghanistan in 2004, aged just 27.

Harry may also have fought for his country, but he then abandoned it, along with his duty as a member of the Royal family, for a life of money-grubbing opportunity in California off the back of his title. He then turned his guns on the monarchy – in that Oprah Winfrey interview, in the Netflix series about he and Meghan, and in his memoir Spare. All so he could cash in. It’s pure treachery!

As many have pointed out, including some of the 30,000 (and counting) Americans who have signed a petition in protest against Harry’s award, Pat Tillman walked away from money and fame for honour and duty, while Prince Harry walked away from honour and duty for money and fame.

[From The Daily Mail]

I guess it would surprise Amanda Platell to learn that Harry left the Army in 2015, a year before he even met Meghan. Reportedly, he was pressured to leave the Army because his lazy-ass brother needed someone to pick up his slack. Harry did not “abandon” the military at any point – he retired from active service after two tours and then his honorary military patronages were removed by QEII out of spite, because they were punishing him for the Oprah interview. Harry was neglected and abused, and watched as his family coordinated with the media to destroy his wife, just as they destroyed his mother. And along the way, Harry has devoted himself to helping and uplifting veterans and the military community. The British dumbf–ks using this moment to lie about Harry and his history deserve to rot in hell.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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127 Responses to “Platell: Prince Harry doesn’t deserve the Pat Tillman Award, he ‘abandoned’ the UK!”

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  1. Libra says:

    Ignorant rewriting of history. She is still writing b.s. for a paycheck.

    • The Robinson Group says:

      She, the British tabloids and the BRF are going to get their Karmic towers.

      • LRB says:

        Soon I hope… I am so appalled and ashamed of Charlie and Willi Wonka that they allow and encourage this sort of abuse… it reflects on them.

      • wolfmamma says:

        They reaaaaally don’t get it do they.
        They are only exposing themselves as to who they truly are… again and again and again.

        The ESPY’s have nothing to do with them
        – you don’t live here ~ you have no say

        And O by the way what Prince Harry has done is pretty wonderful for veterans and us All.

        Grow up

      • Harry Mountbatten, U.S. Citizen. Wait for it.

    • Carmen says:

      Speaking of paychecks, how much do you think the tabloids paid Tillman’s mother for sticking her two cents in? She never had anything to say about any previous awards and she had no reason to say anything about this one.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      It truly fascinates me how these BM urinalists write things with such ignorance. Platell started out in Australia and more or less fought against the male establisment of hierarchy. One would think she would have some empathy/compassion with what Harry & Meghan went through. Alas, no. That seems to only be reserved for Brits that marry other Brits and are non POC.

      This article is effin nuts. Harry was given option 1 or 5. #1 being stay within the system where you and your beautiful biracial wife will be abused everyday or #5, we’re done with you expecting to be treated with courtesy/respect, try to live a life outside of the FIRM. Still laughing at the Bee’s claim that the printer wasn’t working. The fix was in.

      I’m not going to link to the article. A couple of years ago Platell wrote an article about the BBC program The Newsreader and how it compared to her lived experience. Problematic considering what she’s writing now. These people are such contradictive beyotches.smh

  2. Ana Maria says:

    …Out of all this mess with the Windsors, this saddens me, that Harry’s family, the British media try to minimize/erase his service and Invictus…

    • swaz says:

      I’m not sadden at all, that’s exactly what I expected from them 🙄🙄 anyway Harry’s family is now Meghan, Archie and Lili 😍😍 that’s the cycle of life. My sister is in Craig, Alaska I haven’t seen her in years and I love her 😍😍 that’s the cycle of life.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        LOL @swaz. With you! I’m not sad. The BM/BM affiliated media have completely met my expectations. I don’t expect anything good from them. I’m only disappointed if they don’t make the side bet I have with my DH on the number of articles they put out about their own f*ckery.

        World leadership is in chaos. That makes me sad. I don’t want Agent Orange as a leader. If there is one thing I can count on now, it’s the Brit Shit Media making Harry underserving of an award that he has certainly exemplified as being an award recipient. I guess I’m a masochist.? I looked at the petition. LOL Trying to be kind? Sorry, the arguments against Prince Harry receiving this award are interesting (nicest possible word). Dying at the one person’s ranting that Harry should take Archie to the ceremony. Buy a f*cking clue.

    • Jais says:

      It’s gross to see it play out that’s for sure.

      • yupyup says:

        All you have to do is google. Also, I feel Harry knows it was going to happen and will graciously accept the award and go home and carry on. He knows what his family is like. This is just a Tuesday for the Windsors. They are attacking Prince Archie and Princess Lili too. He knows they are vile and will say anything ANYTHING so he is unbothered.

      • Jais says:

        Yes, it’s rinse and repeat and I’m sure he expected nothing less. And it’s still gross to see no matter how many times it happens. He can be unbothered and still acknowledge that some soul suckers across the pond are doing their usual thing. It’s as he said about the Clarkson article on colbert. Or maybe it was with Coooer. Thank you for proving our point?

      • yupyup says:

        @jais it is still gross and bizarre on so many levels. Please visit William’s Harry’s Wikipedia. William’s team is hard at work trying to re-write history about him and Prince Harry. I think also that Charles is not going to last long and William will go full insane when he becomes king. I pray for H&M’s safety.

      • Jais says:

        I have never seen their wiki pages! Lol, I cannot imagine. Willaim is going to be a WFH edgelord with money and staff at his disposal.

    • Jenny H says:

      What’s even MORE disturbing is that the BM is using the mother of a dead child by feeding her lies. She’s an old woman and the BM are fiercely relentless.

      I didn’t think of that perspective initially and it’s disgusting.

      • Lawrenceville says:

        @Jenny H. A 60-70 year old is not “an old woman”. She is very capable of making conscious decision of what she wants to do and this Harry bashing is a choice she has made on her own. She is capable of saying no comment so this argument that the DM is taking advantage of her is really not accurate. Even Thomas Markle and his older children are not being taken advantage of. They all made conscious informed decisions to be despicable abusive racist people, this Mary Tillman lady is no different.

      • Jenny H says:

        @Lawrenceville – No I totally get it. I was just reading an article about this and saw that she is 69. (I was thinking she was in her 80’s or something!) I came back to my comment (before I read your post) to make another one saying I didn’t realize she was so young and completely change my mind. You just beat me to it. 🙂

        I also want to add that AP pulled this number (30,000) out of her as*. It’s all bs.

    • Armoire says:

      So much so, that Heil locked the comments under a subscription now. There was a lot of pushback to their Royal offices supported smearing campaign against the Invictus and Harry. Plenty of comments calling out the Kate situation. When Daily Heil realized that the current Royals are on thin ice and only so much can be squeezed off of Harry, they moved all their smear campaign under the sub, to somewhat stop the negative comments from unbiased readers.

  3. equality says:

    So after you have retired from the military, you have an obligation to remain in your country of birth and to never make money at anything ever? Only KC and PW are allowed to merch things and make money (of course, in addition to taking taxpayer funds)? How many veterans are there in the UK? Does that ONE who is “incensed” represent them all? Notice they don’t bother to put how many are defending PH.

    • Julia says:

      Notice she doesn’t name the veteran. Anyone on social media can say they are incensed and ex military, doesn’t make it true. I find it hard to believe anyone in India would care about this. It’s all manufactured outrage.

    • Dee(2) says:

      I never understand this abandonment approach. Harry left Sandhurst join the military,did two tours of duty, left the military and then became a full-time working member of the royal family going on numerous well-documented tours until he left with his wife in 2020. Are people never allowed to leave the UK to settle in other countries? Once you join the military are you never allowed to leave it until the day you die? They act like he’s doing something that literally thousands of other people in the UK have done and probably billions around the world. Serve in the military, move into the private sector after the fact.

      • Blithe says:

        Or even take the military piece out of it. Son joins the family business. Gets married. Wife also joins the family business. They decide that the family business is not for them. They move away to live a more independent life that meets their growing family’s needs.
        Even without the abuse, the racism, the intrusion of the tabloid media — this is not just what families do every day — this is what families are SUPPOSED to do: Children grow up to become adults who are capable of surviving —and thriving — independent of their families of origin.
        The runaway slave metaphors are all too clear here.

        While the historical events that we’re celebrating didn’t help my ancestors all that much, I totally support a holiday that celebrates freedom and independence. ✨

      • Jenny H says:

        Prince Harry undoubtedlysees this for what it is: “Vendetta Journalism…”

    • sevenblue says:

      I remember a Tatler article saying to Meghan not to make Harry choose between her and UK. Like Harry said, the media and BRF always knew that Meghan was gonna leave due to the abuse, they didn’t want/expect Harry to leave with her and their baby. Harry was their meal ticket, they were allowed to write/report anything about him since he was a child. Now, they have zero access to him and he isn’t performing for them. That’s what they are talking about when they say he abandoned UK.

      • Afken says:

        It wasn’t tatler it was a newspaper but yeah I remember that, it was when they found out during the SA tour that they were suing the media.
        Like hello, Harry already said in the engagement interview that he chooses Meghan. These people are silly!

      • Christine says:

        I remember that as well, it was so nonsensical. Harry was never going to choose you people over the love of his life. Period. You played yourselves, and now? With this level of gaslighting? Even if he and Meghan split (I don’t believe they ever will), I don’t think he would ever live in the U.K. again. There is nothing there for him, but abuse.

        You had one job, not to be truly awful to the woman he chose to spend the rest of his life with, and he’s never coming back to save any of your asses at this point.

  4. Andrea says:

    Meanwhile back at the ranch….it’s going to be 112 degrees in central Cali today

    • Whyforthelove says:

      There is an amazing person on Twitter who throws out the screaming baby meme’ everyone these folks do stuff like this. I wish I could post that as it is the only appropriate response to such trash as this article.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        I’m not on twitter. Can read some parts of twitter. If you’re talking about the lady with the adorable dog…..yeah. Love the baby meme stuff and the adventures/stories about the dog. Laugh a lot. Her dog stories are like our Queen of Everything Cat stories. I enjoy Larry the Cat’s posts too. Love that he’s been a constant in a sketchy situation. And maybe doing things in peoples Those baby memes are the best. Paraphrasing, but they hit it spot on. “How dare H&M do anything, like breath, while someone in the BRF is doing something or nothing. Take away their titles for breathing.”.

  5. Maxine Branch says:

    Those gutter rats in the UK can scream, yell, print whatever they choose. The most honorable person in Harry’s birth family is Harry. He severd Queen and country was prepared to serve his country but his country would not embrace his wife. Therefore, being ever the gentleman, he chose his wife and left his country of birth to continue to serve on an international scale. I applaud this man of integrity .

    • sunnyside up says:

      Well said. I have been reading some of the comments on this story in the DM, it is so sad, they actually believe what the DM is saying.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        The DM comments section are their own echo chamber of true believers and purchased bots. Propaganda has become a cornerstone of the way the BM operates.

      • Julia says:

        You are never going to get an intelligent comment section under a Daily Mail article. The comments under the NY Times article and the article in people magazine were encouraging though. The majority of people were defending Harry and praising his work with Invictus and military service. Many people are buying this negative propaganda.

      • Lawrenceville says:

        I’m not sure why the comments are read from the mail and then reported here. There’s a reason why some of us never click on the DM and telling us what the mail commenters are saying is just not good nor fair to our mental health.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Lawrenceville, you have a point.

      • kirk says:

        After what the DailyFail did to Meghan, I will never click on them. They lie with impunity. Even when they’re marginally truthful, the stories are mostly garbage or highly incendiary. They pay extra £££ to ruthless paparazzi to get extra intrusive picture scoops so gullible consumers click on pix of celebs in distress, like they were hoping to do when Harry and Meghan went to New York and got chased all over by paparazzi (probly) from Britain) who were willing to endanger people’s lives and actually did property damage crashing into parked cars. Why anybody wants to grant DailyFail advertising revenue by clicking on their stories is a mystery.

    • Christine says:

      Well said. Harry cares about people beyond the U.K.’s borders. His impact is world-wide now. You look like absolute idiots acting like this man is not a hero.

  6. SussexWatcher says:

    Harry was also forced to retire from the military so he wouldn’t outrank his lazyass brother.

    This woman sounds like a deranged lunatic, just like her royal overlords. Nothing she says is true.

  7. Midnight@theOasis says:

    “ As many have pointed out, including some of the 30,000 (and counting) Americans who have signed a petition in protest against Harry’s award”

    A petition that was most likely started by the British Media and has accumulated bot and deranger signatures.

    The consistent goal of the BRF and BM is to create as much chaos and toxicity around whatever. H&M do in the hopes others will disassociate from them.

    • equality says:

      Yeah, that getting .000009 percent of the US population to sign their petition is really impressive.

      • Julia says:

        I bet most of those signatures aren’t from Americans. Probably a load of British grannies along with the bots pretending they are from the US. 30000 signatures is pretty pathetic given all the tabloids have been promoting the petition.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        equality, I think it’s .009%. Either way you slice it, that is not even a ripple in the water. What an idiot.

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        I have more followers on Poshmark than that petition has.

    • Dee(2) says:

      I would add in the populations of the UK, Canada, and Australia too because it’s being reported in the media there. So you have a half a billion ” interested parties “, and you have less than 50,000 signatures. I’m sure a lot of this is multiple signatures using vpns, and bot work. But the larger point is that most people out of that small amount of the half a billion who are even paying attention to this, don’t have a problem with this award going to Harry. Especially for someone so, ” controversial, and divisive”.

  8. Maxine Branch says:

    In addition to my previous post, those gutter rats are incensed because the global community outside of the veteran community will now see how Prince Harry has empowered the veteran community.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Maxine Branch, exactly. I don’t know why they didn’t see where the IG was going. When ABC was in Canada for the 1 year to go trip, I suspected they wanted to create interest with the networks to see if someone would start showing them. That will be huge for the IG.

  9. This award has nothing to do with the UK and Harry leaving to save his own and his little family’s life. This award is for all he and his Invictus games do for injured veterans. They need to stop with this he left the royals. They wanted him gone and he left. Again Tillmans mother needs to STFU. She is not part of the foundation that gives this award out.

    • Eurydice says:

      That’s the thing. The people doing the screeching have nothing to do with the foundation and its decisions. And all this pretense that they don’t know about the Invictus Games is just a pack of lies. The press has been reporting on Harry and the IG for years, so they know exactly what he’s done. But royal reporting is dying and Hating Harry and Meghan has proved to be a lucrative new industry – facts don’t matter, only the hate.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      If more of this insanity style of writing is to come…there are no printable words to describe the idiocy. The outright misinformation and loathing being hoisted onto a retired veteran who decided to use his position to create an organization to lift up and potentially heal his fellow veterans is insulting to anyone who has ever worn a uniform for the UK. The people involved in Invictus around the world know the truth about Harry, and it’s good. His so-called royal family are just bat-sh*t crazy! Has anyone checked the castles’ water for mercury contamination?

  10. PC says:

    Amanda Platell, along with the other sycophants who work for the BM, are a bunch of sick twists. When dogging out Harry over this award they all conveniently leave of the IG. Funny that. They are so mad that Harry is loved and supported in all the right quarters it’s no wonder they are all out for the count physically and financially. Falling down stairs, divorces, cancer, job losts, disgraced actions, being sued, losing readers and viewers, and losing money hand over fist. That island is the Titanic of dry land.

  11. Hypocrisy says:

    I’m really tired of people who have not accomplished anything and do nothing but spread lies and hate having the nerve to say who deserves what. (Where’s her military service records and volunteer hours) This woman isn’t a journalist she is a hate filled bitch with a pen.

    • Lady Digby says:

      How has Amanda served her country? Has she ever served in the military? Has she ever volunteered? Helped anyone? Ever donated time, money and effort to a worthy cause like IG? No? Just a vindictive and vicious columnist for the Fail: how low can you go?

  12. Proud Mary says:

    Folks, see how the good Lord works in mysterious ways? The real reason for the meltdown is being revealed through the royal family’s own mouth pieces: it’s because Harry chose his own mental health and safety, and that of his wife and children, over the toxic British media and his toxic brother and father.

    • Angied says:

      This is why I do not have an ounce of sympathy for them. They could easily come out and say we are glad that Prince Harry is honored for his service to veterans by receiving this prestigious award but they are a jealous envious lot, Veterans mean nothing to them but for the chance to dress up an play toy soldier in their fake uniforms and fake medals. That family is disgraceful.

  13. OriginalMich says:

    It is absolutely bizarre how much unhinged coverage this award (that I have never heard of before) is getting. Maybe it turns out to be a net positive because the more people pay attention, the more they will (eventually) learn about Invictus.

    Harry will get a standing ovation at the award ceremony. He’ll make a moving speech about service, veterans, and the powerful role sport can play in healing trauma. Meghan will look gorgeous. The pictures of them will break the internet, like all pictures of them do. And the ROTA, Royal Family, and hateful nuts will stay miserable.

    • Jais says:

      Yes, at the end of the day, this is getting the award more attention. Which will culminate with a lovely moment at the awards and it will be clear why Harry was chosen. It’s just hard to watch as the BM smears any organization or person who works with Harry. The goal is to scare people into not associating with the Sussexes for fear of backlash. Luckily ESPN and Jake Woods and others aren’t scared of the BM and called out the absurd hate. It’s good to watch as people people refuse to bow down to this asinine narrative.

      • Christine says:

        You just know his speech is going to be superb. I will watch the ceremony live now, so that’s a positive for the ESPYs. I usually would just wait for Kaiser’s summary the next day.

    • Feeshalori says:

      I’ve never heard of this award before, but now due to all this appalling media attention and backlash against a most worthy recipient, you can be assured I’ll be tuning in to watch Harry walk away with his much deserved award. And hopefully viewership ratings will go up the night of this broadcast. And it will serve all those haters right.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        I doubt most of the derangers and people on “the royal beat” in the UK had heard of the award either.

        I guess they decided to forgo the usual strategy of “it wasn’t that important”.

        One thing to note is that ESPN is a big media dog so … taking them on is unwise.

      • sunnyside up says:

        I agree, I had never heard of it before, and I had never heard of Pat Tillman either. If the British media had said nothing I would probably still know nothing about him.

  14. Mslove says:

    This is manufactured outrage and it’s ridiculous. The Fail is a sleazy tabloid that should not be trusted.

  15. Miranda says:

    Harry did not “abandon” the UK. Even after relocating to CA, he has strived to remain involved in the various interests he still has there. He expressed a desire to bring his children to the UK and keep them in touch with their heritage, and share in their father’s memories. Then some petty piece of shit snatched away his family’s secure lodging and made that all but impossible. Anyone with half a brain knows who abandoned whom.

    • Christine says:

      This. The royal family and British media made it impossible for Harry to remain in the U.K., and that’s before considering Meghan and Archie. You treated the man like a stray dog that needed a beating, how could ANYONE think he would stay and put up with it? Harry knows his worth and where he should spend his time, especially now that you all have so kindly pointed out what you erroneously think of him.

    • kirk says:

      That’s one of the most important reasons to continue his fight against The Sun and NGN. From court docs we learn they wanted to bring their children with them in September 2022, but weren’t given adequate security protection by RAVEC even though RAVEC got the month’s long heads up they demanded to think about it.

      • Jais says:

        This. The papers attack them for never bringing their kids. And yet they tried to bring them and were denied security despite asking a month ahead of time.

  16. Interested Gawker says:

    All Harry asked for, as a boyfriend, as a husband and as a father was for the media to stop piling scorn, insult and lies upon the woman he chose to spend his life with and later their child. H&M wanted to be released from working with the Rota who were working hand and glove with the palaces to make life untenable for Meghan and Archie. H&M took advice beyond the walls of the palace and took the papers to court for the illegal things they’ve done. They made their life in M’s home country and still the UK media and the BRF work to malign their reputations and exert a perverse amount of manipulation upon social media outlets and sleepwalking foreign papers that parrot talking BM points with little discernment because the BRF is considered ‘entertainment’.

    The ridiculousness of the BM’s behaviour on the heels of the unpleasantness of KP’s ‘where’s Kate’ bots being so nasty online towards a new set of media, military and ordinary people who were not privy to the treachery of H’s family will expose the sick media ecosystem the BRF wield against the Sussexes. This BM/BRF campaign has been dragging a lot of international companies and institutions and private citizens into their vendetta against H &M and that can only turn out poorly for BM/BRF in the long run.

    • GoldenGate says:

      It’s not that deep.

      • Jais says:

        In this case, it’s pretty clear that the BM has been on a smear campaign against the Sussexes for a very long time. Years. Part of it has to do with the lawsuits. But either way, they’ve written enormous amounts of negative articles about them. That’s just factual observation. Saying it’s not that deep seems like an odd response. It’s like telling someone they need to calm down for just noticing what’s happening.

      • Lawrenceville says:

        @Jais, right? I can’t even believe someone attempting to put down another person for their opinion. We all are entitled to our own opinions but are never entitled to the facts and distorting said facts to suit a narrative. Telling someone to “calm yourself down it’s not that deep” because they stated facts is really something else I won’t write here for fear of my post not adhering to the rules and guidelines of this forum. The BRF/BM and their minions are truly shameless. They are determined to poison every single platform against Harry and Meghan and they’re having a bee in their bonnet that Celebitchy is not taking any of their nonsense. Shameless people.

      • bisynaptic says:

        It kinda is.

      • Christine says:

        It’s exactly that deep. Well said, Interested Gawker.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Where does depth come into this? It’s only the facts as they are.

        Harry did not abandon the UK, he asked to be released from dealing with the rota. He and Meghan refused to withdraw their lawsuits with those same news outlets. He and his wife were prepared to continue serving the Crown under QEII under that arrangement including relinquishing the Sussex title. This was denied to them. They told him no ‘half in half out’, that was the palace decision. Later, after CIII ascended, he took away their lease to Frogmore Cottage.
        Harry was told they were not allowed to be working royals without being part of the rota system and had their UK home removed from them.

        After H&M left BP and KP, with the assistance of the BM, using print/online media, a large network of bought bot engagement, hashtag manipulation and SM censorship conducted a campaign of harassment of the Sussexes to try to damage their reputation, injure their revenue streams and endanger their lives. Every time a positive news story is reported about H and M they come out of the woodwork to diminish and insult all involved as well as harass and even threaten people tangentially involved. The idea “Harry is controversial” is propaganda to further BRF’s aim, propaganda that gets further afield in various media places worldwide because royal gossip isn’t taken seriously, they rely on that as a help in their aims.

        This is simply the floor on which all of this anti H&M stuff rests. It is inorganic, intentional, malicious and 100% coming from Harry’s family and the British Media.

  17. NotTheOne says:

    I can’t believe they are going after an award like this. I hope the Pat Tillman foundation pushes back HARD. This is insulting to all veterans.

  18. TN Democrat says:

    It really broke the rota and Charles/William’s brains that Harry left and didn’t come crawling back. None of them had a future media strategy that didn’t involve embiggening the left behinds at Harry’s expense. Does anyone else think the rota realizes the extent they are F(ing)O after constantly and continously F(ing)A and are just beyond panic realizing the monarchy is in free fall since PP and QE died? These stories are dogwhistles for lunatics and make Harry’s security issues, here and abroad, so much worse. This type of story (as well as the stories that focus on the kids) is appalling.

    • Christine says:

      I’m with you. They are whipping up extremists, against a family with very small children, that doesn’t even live on the same continent. I need for these people to face some accountability for drawing a target on all of the Sussexes backs with their blatant lies.

  19. jill says:

    Kaiser should consider copying her last paragraph into the comment section of this asshole’s article. Just drive the point home that we see them for who they are and that they’re full of sh*t.

  20. Eurydice says:

    Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah. The Tillman Foundation is a US non-profit and has nothing to do with the monarchy and Tillman’s widow and brother made their choice. So go back to reporting on the dwindling UK royals and how William is the greatest statesman who can’t find a pair of trousers to fit him properly.

  21. Lau says:

    That I know of Marcus Rashford who has also received the award didn’t serve in the military so they are being very selective with their ourtrage as per usual. He did receive it partly because he shamed the Tory government who didn’t want to feed children in British schools.

  22. s808 says:

    Harry left the military on amicable terms. As far as Britain is concerned, that’s all that matters. No offense but in regards to this reward, no one in their right mind gives a f about H leaving the UK. They are a non factor.

  23. Beana says:

    I think Amanda Platell’s point, which she likely got directly from the Windsors, is “How dare Harry be alive after leaving the UK.”

    • Julia says:

      That is the point. As long as Harry and Meghan are alive and living independently of the monarchy they have won. They are showing it is possible to live independently of the institution. It’s embarrassing for the Windsors who thought he be destroyed by now.

    • Christine says:

      Agreed, they are making it obvious they wish Harry was dead. It’s so awful, and the printing of it daily should be criminal.

  24. North of Boston says:

    Are flying monkeys like albatrosses, do they never have to land? Because the swarm of BRF’s / far right agenda dopes flying monkeys never seems to leave the air, just coursing around looking for the next ridiculous thing to bang on about, stir up drama, spread false or misleading takes on everything Sussex. At this point I’m like STFU already you twits.

    • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

      It doesn’t help that they have so dang many of them flying about all at once, so you can’t really keep track of who is flying where and who is flying off to do something else and who is just showing up to participate in the newest wave of dive-bombing…

  25. Mel says:

    Didn’t Harry say in Spare that the Rota’s constant harassment and always revealing where he was , put other soldiers in danger and William also needed ” support” ( do my work for me ) so he had to leave the military? He wanted to make a career out of it because he was happy. I think the best thing might be to just start ignoring the Rota’s BS. They’ve been gone for 5 yrs, they don’t take any money, they make their own. Why can’t you let go? Oh is it because you NEED them to make money because the rest of the family is crap.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      But that’s the problem, once the BM inserts themselves where they don’t belong it does become an issue to be dealt with, one can’t ignore them because the news stories impact other organizations and municipalities. One can’t ignore other media outlets asking for clarification and it becomes a whole other thing. One has to sort through nuisance posting on SM too. The governor of California, the First Lady of Nigeria, a relative of Mandela, the NYPD, all sorts of private charities like WellChild who can’t even announce their venue in advance for the sake of security -they all have to set the record straight when the alternative is allowing the BM to cast aspersions, misquote or cast their remarks in a way they didn’t intend or was never true to begin with.

      The onus is on the BRF and BM to quit acting like this.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed, there is absolutely nothing Harry and Meghan can do to change this. It’s all on the royal family and British media, and they are run by bigots who are like a dog with a bone.

  26. Fran says:

    They lie so much. Is she now saying there’s no money and fame to the monarchy? Because I thought according to them polls show Harry is no longer famous and he is broke yet somehow he is able to buy awards.

  27. Libra says:

    So what is the point of your article, Amanda Platell? To see Harry destroyed, broken and crawling back to you so you can commence the abuse all over again? Is this how the RF and the tabloids treat ” a much loved member of the family”? You all are sick.

  28. Amy Bee says:

    I believe an entity that celebrated when Harry announced that he was leaving the Army was the press. Harry remaining in the Army meant the press had less access and the inability to write stories on him.

    • Christine says:

      That’s a really good point. They probably hated everything about Harry’s active military era, and rejoiced when his family made him leave the military, well before Meghan.

  29. Dora says:

    The UK and some of the experts and citizens act like bitter ex’s who are pissed off that their victim escaped them

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Dora exactly just like Alice Evans who has given her bestie Alison Bogoff of the Fail another exclusive on her war against her former husband. Abusers got to abuse and can’t cope with the escapee leaving them FAR behind.

  30. Marni8 says:

    British media is vile.

  31. ContraryMary says:

    They’re still mad about the Invictus Service and they’re even madder because Invictus Games won’t be in the UK.

    If they run it down now, losing it is manageable.

  32. Jaded says:

    If Platell had 2 brain cells to rub together she’d realize that it’s bottom-feeders like her who, with their royal-sanctioned hate campaign, caused an untenable situation complete with endless online hate messages, credible death threats, comparing Archie to a chimp, Harry’s OWN family tut-tutting about Archie’s skin colour, KCIII kicking them out of FC and pulling security, and the mental anguish Meghan was being put through to the point where she was contemplating suicide. Harry 100% deserves this award with the global success of IG and his invaluable work with injured veterans. Platell conveniently forgets all this in her spiteful screed. She can go pound sand.

  33. Linney says:

    It is remarkable that two people who live in another country and go about their business have to be constantly slammed in the British press. Why should anyone get worked up about this award? Don’t they have better, more interesting things to write about? If you want Harry and Meghan to “fade away,” then stop writing about them. These so called journalists make complete fools of themselves and only succeed in making Harry and Meghan look even better.

    • North of Boston says:

      And not just in the UK

      I’m planning a trip to Italy, and was searching for info on events, attractions to look into. One search lead me to what looked like a local new / events site for the small region my family came from. After I looked at their events calendar, I checked out the main page to get a feel for what’s going on day to day. A few general local stories, but also mid page flattering article about William, with a mention about how he can never forgive Harry for whatever, a few weeks later, different article, same subject. This week, another article about William at the top of the News carousel, and one directly below it basically quoting the Mail about the ‘outrage’ over Harry being awarded the Tillman prize. An Italian language news site supposedly about a city of 20,000 in a sparsely populated mountainous region banging the drum for the BRF / BM party line … including nonsense about a woman complaining about an American sports network/charitable foundation honoring Harry … as their top news item of the day. I realized it was one of those “faux-local” news replicator sites and deleted the link. But it just shows how someone is churning out the nonsense to saturate news markets and the news cycles all over the place

      • Christine says:

        Wow. Thanks for this perspective, the British royals and media are so insidious!

      • Angied says:

        It’s a form of brainwashing. I come across these sites all the time. All negative news regarding Harry and Meghan. The sheer volume of this kind of news against two people is frightening. I believe this is why Harry is so concerned about security. It doesn’t take much for some nutjob to do something. Even on legitimate sites you see this so called news all the time. The MSN online page does this quite often. I believe this is coordinated by certain individuals to tarnish his and Meghan reputations. It’s like it’s never ending for them.

      • AC says:

        We were in Spain in Jan (before the K disappearance). At the stores, seen magazine covers about how graceful she is etc. But living in the continent, most people really don’t care. Not to mention, the ones that do pay attention also think they’re dysfunctional esp compared to the other European royals. no matter the abundance of BM trying to brainwash people, ain’t working.

  34. Saucy&Sassy says:

    The brf/bm need to decide whether Harry abandoned the UK or he was exiled. Geeez, that alone makes them look looney.

    There are people who are committed to believing that Harry is the face of IG and that’s it. Because they don’t see all of the work he does for the service members, they really think he doesn’t do anything. I think they are happiest believing that.

    Well, if the IG Foundation Board doesn’t choose Washington D.C. for the IG 2027, I will have to wonder about that. I suspect Harry would show up in Birmingham, but I really have to wonder if Meghan would. I doubt they would get the needed security. I think the brf and bm have made it clear exactly what they think of the IG (and the UK veterans) first at the 10-year anniversary and now about this award.

    • Christine says:

      I would love to be a fly on the wall at IG. IMO, the British media and royal family have made it impossible for IG26 to be in the U.K. There can’t even be a discussion about it at this point, there is no nuance or subtlety.

      • Angied says:

        I believe they don’t want it to be held there. They would have to face the military cheering Harry and they don’t want to see that. They could care less about the veterans. If held in D.C it would be fabulous getting the full support of the American public. I hope they bring it to D.C.

      • Christine says:

        They are so petty, they don’t even care about their nation’s economy, and the money it would bring to the U.K. during an economic crisis. That says it all about the royals and rota.

  35. TheOriginalMia says:

    These people are unhinged in their hatred for Harry & Meghan. They truly thought they owned him. Thank God he escaped, battered and bruised, but stronger for the experience.

  36. Norvy says:

    The worst thing about this: The British Royal Family is so corrupt and evil, they want to see one of their own fail at life simply to return to England. I have no respect for KC3 nor Prince William (both wives are worthless and irrelevant).

    • Anna says:

      This isn’t only BRF and Harry situation. When you emigrate and try to carve a life on your own, very sadly, you learn that those who remained in your home count or even city are waiting for you to fail. Because if you succeed, it means that they could too if they put in the effort. So it is comforting to see you fail and confirm that it is not possible to succeed and staying as they are is a good choice. BRF are more “common” in they behavior that they would like to admit.

  37. Nerd says:

    AP sounds as if she has lost her grip on reality and just reciting lies and delusions. Harry served ten years of active duty in the military representing the Queen and his country. He would have remained in the military if it weren’t for the media’s desperate need for royal drama to write about and his brother and SILs lazy work ethic needing to be covered up. After his first tour he was so desperate to return, he learned how to fly an Apache helicopter. Harry is more well known than the other royals because HE was the one who was sent to various countries to represent the royal family. After seeing what war had done to some soldiers and seeing the amazing work of the Wounded Warriors HE created something to help veterans not only in the UK or US but all over the world. He was just in the UK for the ten year Invictus Games ceremony and Scottie Little Soldiers. He continues to support WellChild in the UK. Harry has done more for the people in the UK than the worthless other royals who are actually paid for. AP is a horrid person and I look forward to the Karma she deserves for disrespecting a real soldier and man for not only protecting himself and his family but soldiers and their families all over the world.

  38. Lisa says:

    The left behinds all need psychiatric help! A little therapy might make them understand that they are not all that well liked. I am really just over it! I will never understand it. Harry can’t breathe without them try to stop him from living his life. They all need a time out!

  39. bisynaptic says:

    “…in the Netflix series about he (sic) and Meghan…”
    — She can’t even string together a proper sentence, FFS. The king is getting more money, than ever. Can’t he pay for a better scribe?

  40. Tessa says:

    Harry s birth family abandoned him
    Treated him horribly
    They are the divisive and controversial ones

  41. cheesus_christ_superstar says:

    “… media comments condemning the decision have flooded the internet not just from disgusted Americans and Britons, but from countries as far away as Australia, India and elsewhere in the world.” – Australian here. We don’t care.

    • Cassie says:

      These Royal writers and becoming more unhinged as the Monarchy becomes more fragile and unstable .

  42. AC says:

    I’ve mentioned before this is the reason why I don’t even click on DM website. Even on here, I skip their excerpts and just go right to the analysis and comments.
    Platell doesn’t live in the US so no one in the US GAF what she or her demented colleagues think. No matter how many times these idiots whine and complain and having a complete heart attack because of HMs success in the US, H is Still getting the Pat Tillman award. So keep crying. And they should worry about their own elections happening across the pond 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
    Btw.. We’re back in the US after 6 mths overseas – Happy 4th and Independence Day to the USA 🇺🇸!

  43. maisie says:

    Actually Harry was forced to retire from the military because the Queen would not approve his promotion from Captain to Major. That would have had him outrank his brother and they could not allow that. “Up or out” is the rule, so he really had no choice.

    • Heather says:

      @maisie, and Pegs knows this. That’s gotta make him feel small lol. Love that for him.

      In all seriousness, do the BM not realize they are held in less-than-zero regard in the US? As in literally they are used in journalism classes as examples of jokes and non-ethical reporting. It’s a non-serious job for non-serious people and they really ought to be embarrassed.

  44. Wagiman says:

    I just saw a ghastly sky news Australia headline that since the Tillman ‘controversy’ Harry is now one of the least popular people in the US! Seriously unhinged.

  45. jazzbaby1 says:

    “Abandoned?” Was exiled from, Platel, and what does that have to do with an American network giving an award named for an American soldier?

  46. LDMiddx says:

    ‘Harry may also have fought for his country, but he then abandoned it’.

    Just to unpick this comment from the scurrilous and disgusting article: even if it is considered as true that Harry ‘abandoned’ his country by moving overseas (though millions of people do that every day without being called traitors) why would it negate Harry’s decade long service to his country?

    I think that someone who has fought for their country has earned the permanent respect of that country’s citizens, regardless of what they may afterwards choose to do with their life. So as a UK citizen I feel shamed by AP’s hate piece which reflects badly on this country.