Pat Tillman Award recipient Jake Wood defends Prince Harry on TMZ Live

Last week, ESPN announced that Prince Harry will receive the Pat Tillman Award for Service, specifically because he’s a combat veteran who founded the Invictus Games. The “backlash” to Harry receiving the award has a throughline: the biggest critics are taking pains to avoid mentioning Harry’s military service and the Invictus Games. Pat Tillman’s mother Mary Tillman gave exclusive comments to the Mail on Sunday, saying that she was “surprised” that someone so “controversial and divisive” would receive the award and that the award should go to unsung heroes. Like Marcus Rashford, a famous British footballer who received the award in 2021, I guess. I knew the British media’s outrage would be loud, but even I wasn’t expecting the turn it’s taken over the past week, with people outright lying about Harry’s service and ignoring Invictus. Currently, the anti-Sussex people are arguing that Harry should “turn down” the award, for reasons.

What’s also been curious about all of this is that there’s been some interesting pushback on the critics and the lunatics. TMZ ran a story yesterday about previous Pat Tillman Award recipients backing Harry. One of the recipients is Jake Wood, a former college football player and US Marine who served in Afghanistan. Wood received the Pat Tillman Award in 2018. He appeared on TMZ Live yesterday and defended Harry receiving the award:

I’m really glad that veterans like Jake Wood are coming out to simply tell the truth, because it’s gotten really f–king wacky to try to sift through the lies and the performative outrage. All of the critics’ arguments fall apart upon closer examination. ESPN is standing by their decision, as is the Pat Tillman Foundation. There’s going to be national, if not international, coverage of the ESPYs giving a platform to Harry and the Invictus Games.

From Jake’s IG Stories:

Photos courtesy of Jake Wood’s IG, Cover Images, screencap from TMZ.

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69 Responses to “Pat Tillman Award recipient Jake Wood defends Prince Harry on TMZ Live”

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  1. equality says:

    I can’t believe TMZ had someone defending PH. I wonder if some of the previous award winners, especially those who were IG participants, may have actually recommended PH for the award.

    • Julia says:

      TMZ in general aren’t terrible when talking about Harry and Meghan they did some decent reporting of the NY car chase, using info from contacts in NYPD and their coverage of H&M overall is better than the British tabloids.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        But aren’t they owned by Rupert M now? Or am I getting confused?

      • sevenblue says:

        @SussexWatcher, yeah they are bought by Murdoch. I think, they are trying to walk middle of the road when it comes to BRF. They gave platform to BRF’s weird lies, photos, but they also reported H&M getting chased by paps in NY truthfully. They don’t follow one agenda, because they have some kind of reliability with their sources. People assume if some news got broke by TMZ, it must be true. If they lie purposefully about something black and white, they lose that one brand. I am also sure if BRF paid them, they would gleefully go after H&M (especially Meghan) with all kinds of crazy stories.

      • Christine says:

        There was a discernible shift at TMZ, I remember it as being during the pandemic, but Fox Corp purchased them in 2021. I don’t even bother to go to TMZ at all anymore, and it used to be BY FAR the most trusted source in celebrity news. That ship has long sailed.

    • Kelsey says:

      TMZ is very annoying and loves to stir a pot as much as the next media source, but they DO have the reputation of the tea they drop being reputable, and they are VERY determined to keep that reputation. Now if a well placed, legitimate seeming “source” had said otherwise they’d run that too. But they’re going to go with what will hurt their wallets the least (and in this case, the best course was to go with the “good” side)

    • yupyup says:

      I saw it happen real time. Harvey Levin was always calling H&M polarizing ect. Then the 2 white cackling hens would always chime in to trash them especially Meg. Then the whole “where is kate happened ? ” and TMZ did a special on it. Harvey on air told Piers Morgan that he actually liked H&M after that and that their popularity has gone up due to the shenanigans at Kensington Palace. That he saw the Meg has good intentions and is just trying to do good in the world and Harry is being a good father and husband to protect them. I was floored and so was Piers. I honestly think Harvey didn’t know that much about H&M until he did the special and saw the shenanigans live. How much they were attacking them because they wanted to deflect from KP. I think it was a turning point for some of the world. A lot of new royal watches were finally paying attention to what was really happening every time you heard bad things about H&M.

      • sevenblue says:

        @yupyup, Also, it was the first time a lot of people witnessed how tightly the BRF was controlling the british media. Harry said it, but I think it is a little hard for Americans to believe all the national media can be controlled by one family. To witness it during Kategate changed a lot of people’s minds.

      • equality says:

        Good for Harvey to finally see the truth, I guess, but doesn’t say much for him as a supposed journalist to not have researched more thoroughly from the beginning.

  2. Nerd says:

    Every time Harry and Meghan receive an award or recognition, the always butt hurt anti Sussex klansmen complain to a UK trash tabloids who then claim that it’s a huge backlash that means that Harry and Meghan should “turn down” the award. They go on to attack or bombard the organization that is honoring them with claims that it’s the huge influx of the public complaining and completely ignore that it’s always the same people who hadn’t heard or ever cared about the previous organizations honorees or award recipients but all of a sudden they are invested in being the loudest. The only people who need to “turn down” anything are the media and haters who still are butt hurt that four years ago Harry and Meghan had autonomy to decide that they deserve a better life than being abused by them and those their haters support.

    • slippers4life says:

      Exactly. If Harry’s dentist gave him the “no cavities” award. They’d be on about how he shouldn’t get that award because he left a “cavity” in the BRF and then they’d dox the dentist.

  3. Izzy says:

    I mean, I didn’t have “agreeing with TMZ about anything” on my 2024 Bingo Card, but here we are…

  4. Amy Bee says:

    Kaiser touched on the true reason for the outrage, Harry and the Invictus Games are going to get national and international coverage. The royalists and the British press were happy when he got attention and praise as a working royal because it benefited the Royal Family but not now he’s outside. The British press’ objective is to make Harry’s life as difficult as possible.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I really hope this is just another nail in the coffin of London getting the 2027 Invictus Games. There’s been too much abuse of Harry to allow them to host.

      And speaking of that, wasn’t the announcement supposed to be on July 1? I don’t know where I read that – and obviously I’m wrong! – but I thought they were making the announcement?

      Please be DC! Please be DC!

      • Tara says:

        You are Making a good point. They probably already know it’s not London – so now they have to suffer

  5. Maxine Branch says:

    Applaud this veteran for speaking out. Harry needs no justification for being honored. His veteran service and his Invictus Foundation both speak for themselves. To me this award is a long time coming. The Tillman Foundation has been following Harry since 2013.

    • kirk says:

      Didn’t know that “Tillman Foundation has been following Harry since 2013.” Knew that Harry had volunteered with Team Rubicon crews before. Team Rubicon was the first organization listed on their 2021 Christmas card, with first picture of Baby Lili, when they made donation to Team Rubicon.

  6. Bumblebee says:

    They thought they were only insulting Harry with their comments. Nope. They insulted a Gold Star family. Two well respected veterans organizations. Many, many veterans who have sacrificed too much for their country. And exposed a family’s ongoing disagreement. This is not the BRF, politicians, or opinion media. These are regular, everyday Americans who don’t play games.

  7. Chaine says:

    To me Harry exemplifies the same thing Pat Tillman did from square one, getting aside a life of incredible celebrity and privilege and volunteering to put his life in danger in a war zone.

  8. JanetDR says:

    What the heck did they mean about “controversial in the United States?” Seriously, who fed them that?!
    Kudos to Jake for how he handled the question.

    • Aerie says:

      ‘Controversial’ is a buzzword used to get clicks. Along with ‘outrage’ ‘backlash’ and ‘breaks silence’, it is one of the most overused tetms in the tabloids.

    • Steph says:

      The thing controversial about Harry in the US is that he’s a royal. But America dismissed the BRF so thoroughly that I really don’t think people even care about that.

  9. 411fromdownunder says:

    I don’t understand why TMZ guy said, he’s a controversial figure in this county.

    Would it be the UK?

    How so in America? Harry stood up for himself and his wife/kids against HIS family and the people orchestrating the BRITISH monarchy. There no skin in the game for Americans with Harry’s actions… the fight with family is personal and even his legal fights are with British media magnates, not American ones.

  10. Tessa says:

    Harry is so not controversial. All propaganda to try to put down Harry.

    • Proud Mary says:

      IKR? They say he’s controversial, but never say why. Marrying a black biracial woman and living his toxic racist family is all it takes to be “controversial.”

    • Jais says:

      So do they mean he’s controversial because he wrote a memoir correcting a lifetime of lies? Or as the BM like to call it, trashing his family. Please. So many people have read spare and understand that Harry was actually pretty compassionate towards his family while simultaneously calling out their bullshit.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Somebody is pushing the ‘controversial’ word; Harry is NOT controversial in the US. Most people don’t think about him or even know who he is.

      • Oh come on. says:

        Exactly @Beaniebean! Harry isn’t “controversial” in the US at all. I’d say 90% of Americans never think about him, ever. For the 10% who know who he is, he’s the cute one who’s married to Meghan Markle. The few Americans who know who he is think he seems nice.

        There’s no shortage of racists in America—like anywhere else, including the UK—but racists in the US are usually too insular to care, or know anything, about a controversy in another country. They’re too busy being racist here to gaf about the UK.

        Only Fox talking heads find him “controversial.”

  11. therese says:

    I like Jake Wood, and he is well spoken and I hope people will take in what he said. And he is nice looking. I’ll tell you what I keep hearing and what really riles me, and that is people saying that Harry is a controversial figure. How is he controversial? What has he done? Broken laws? I am offended that both these men from TMZ said he is controversial, even though they apparently asked Jake Wood to speak to the subject. But they asked Jake, so you are able to separate his controversial side from the good he has done? I hadn’t realized that the RF and British media had been that pervasive and persuasive. Tomorrow we celebrate the 4th of July to commemorate Independance day from Britain. We owe them nothing. Historically they haven’t been able to win a war without us since we left, and even though Winston Chruchill had begged us to join the war, when we were over there they said about our servicemen that they were overpaid, oversexed, and over here. So our men said that the English were underpaid, undersexed and under Eisenhower. You can’t out cocky an American. We don’t have to fight a titty baby war for Charles and Will. I am getting too het up about this: I can only hope that others will speak out on Harry’s behalf that are as well-spoken, calm and winning as Mr. Wood. Maybe it has to get worse before it gets better, and by getting worse, it draws more attention to the accusations and then the truth. Thank you Celebitchy for covering this. I also heard someone saying that Harry had targeted his father when he was up in a plane, don’t remember if it was Mrs. Tillman.

    • sevenblue says:

      I mean this isn’t the worst. The worst is over long time ago. H&M didn’t have anyone supporting them, let alone accepting awards from foundations for their work when they were living in UK. They didn’t have money to survive outside, they were stuck, Meghan was suicidal. Harry said he used to read the tabloids everyday to know what they were saying about Meghan and get depressed and angry. He got emotional and started to cry when he was giving a speech for a charity (forgot the name) because he looked at pregnant Meghan in the audience. He isn’t reading this sh*t anymore. They have a house, security, multiple jobs and 2 healthy kids.

      The tabloids are always gonna attack them, they don’t let it affect them anymore. They attacked other charities too, still these people are giving them awards, inviting them to their events. No one gives a sh*t. If it affects you too much, I recommend you to stay away a little from negative stories, because most people aren’t hearing or reading these.

      • therese says:

        Thank you @ sevenblue. I was trying to stay away from negative stories, and I fell off the wagon on this one.

      • sunnyside up says:

        I used to get angry reading the hateful comments in the DM and the DE, it was a relief to find this site and find others who shared my opinion about Harry and Meghan. There is still a few quality British newspapers, very few.

      • Lawrenceville says:

        Honestly its very, very therapeutic to stop clicking on any of those negative Sussex bashing sites or articles. That’s why I don’t like when people read the Fail and come tell us what the commentary on those sites are saying. And even when Kaiser excerpts them on this site, I skip them and just read Kaiser’s comments, that all. And it’s really nice that the Celebitchy website just puts a link in there somewhere for one to click if one so chooses to read the article. I feel very empowered when I choose to NOT click on the article and just focus on Celebitchy commentary etc. I value my mental health and cardiac health so much I choose to not engage with those morons in any way shape or form. I used to get very angry and upset to a point I would experience palpitations reading those Sussex bashing articles until someone on here said the S. Squad had recommended and started a “do not engage and starve them of attention” campaign. I jumped on that wagon and haven’t left. I feel am in a much better place now since then.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Lawrenceville, thank you for sharing that. I am also mostly reading Kaiser’s commentary for most of the stories, because the way british tabloids write is really depressing. It is also good to take a break time to time from negative stories. It is not healthy to read the thoughts of deranged minds all the time, it brings nothing but stress. I try to find humor in it, but focusing on good news is always better option.

    • equality says:

      To me, hosts of TMZ are controversial. They make their living off other people’s fame and being hyper-critical of others.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’m reminded of something my dad told me about when he was in the Navy & his ship docked next to an English ship in Japan. Some American swabbie called out, ‘how’s the world’s second-largest Navy?’ and some English swabbie responded with, ‘how the world’s second-best?’

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      therese, what has to be fought now is the influx of British ‘reporters’ (I use that term loosely) at what used to be credible media sources. Unfortunately, the billionaires have decided that the way to make money is to copy the bm route. I wouldn’t have thought that would happen here, but after the Presidential debate it’s very obvious that CNN will be the next Fox News.

      John Malone is a billionaire on the Board at CNN and this is what he said:

      “I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing,” he said. Then he suggested a model: “Fox News, in my opinion, has followed an interesting trajectory of trying to have ‘news’ news, I mean some actual journalism, embedded in a program schedule of all opinions.”

      This is why I believe the Fairness Doctrine needs to be reinstated when the Dems take the House, Senate and Whitehouse.

  12. Dee(2) says:

    The” controversial person” part is really silly because beyond the fact that I don’t really think that’s true for a vast majority of Americans, plenty of people are controversial. Mackenzie Scott is controversial, Michelle Obama is controversial, hell they just tried some nonsense with Dolly Parton! Dolly!! Being a public figure means someone is going to have gripes about you but awards like this are about your contributions and specific areas, not that you’re the only person on Earth with 100% approval rating. Kaiser said when they first announced it last week that the British media didn’t realize how big of a deal it was to get this award, well this is what happens when they finally clued in. Harry and Megan to some degree cannot continue to get these awards, while the British royal family seems to be holding the monkey’s paw. The problem is this isn’t July of 2020, it’s 2024. They have had years to meet with these people at events, go to private dinners, hold meetings, and donate money behind the scenes. They know the work that they do outside of him being a ” Prince”. Which is why they are getting the award’s and why the organizations are going to bat for them. All this does is highlight more for people who are in positions of power but not running to the tabloids every five seconds the agenda they have

  13. SussexWatcher says:

    I’m so glad Jake Wood is speaking up. And I agree with his comments that Harry parallels Pat Tillman in many ways. Harry could have easily chosen to not enlist and remain in his privileged bubble (like the privilege of an NFL player). And could have easily chosen to return to the lazy ways of the rest of his family when he left the military. But instead is making a real difference in the lives of thousands of veterans and soldiers. The royal family and their deranger minions can suck it.

    I hope others will continue to speak up whenever Harry (and Meghan) comes under this manufactured criticism. I also hope Harry gets thunderous applause and a standing ovation when he receives his award.

    • therese says:

      Serena will be there, and she loves Harry and Meghan. I wanna see someone mess with Serena.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        I’m so excited Serena is the host!! I’ve never watched the ESPYs but will for Serena and Harry (and hopefully Meghan in the audience! She’s gotta be there, right?! Please 🤞🏽).

  14. Becks1 says:

    I’m seeing a lot of pushback on the “controversial” part on social media in response to some of the stories about this, so that’s good.

    I honestly just think a lot of people (including Mary Tillman) aren’t aware of the scope of the Invictus Games and aren’t’ aware of how involved Harry is in the games. He’s not just the founding patron – he’s there from the opening ceremonies to the closing ceremonies, he gets to know as many of the athletes as possible, and he’s very involved in everything leading up to the games. And while yes, he was inspired by the Warrior Games, he has taken Invictus to a completely different level. I think Heart of Invictus made clear how much the games mean to those who compete in them.

    I’m glad there is pushback like this.

  15. Proud Mary says:

    The royal family and their cronies have to realize by this point that all their crying and lying just give more publicity to something a lot of people would otherwise have not had paid any attention to. The ratings for the EPSYs this year will go up, I bet.

    • Tina says:

      They are not smart. They could have ignored this but instead they brought so much more attention to it. There will be a lovely video tribute before the award and lots of people who didn’t know about IG or its impact will now see it.

  16. Steph says:

    The only thing I don’t like about the defense so far is that they keep saying veteran work when it comes to IG. I think it’s important to mention that IG works with current members of the military too. Showing how inclusive it is really helps bring home how great the IG are.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      This is a very good point! It’s good that ten years on Invictus is getting more recognition and facts about the games and the organization becomes better known.

  17. aquarius64 says:

    Is it true that Pat Tillman’s mom is going to give another interview to the Fail this weekend? If so she’s been bought to trash Harry. I think there are other reasons: ESPN’s statement of her not having a voice in the selection process, basically calling her a liar, and her family, former DIL and son who are board members, have not defended her publicly. If the Fail interview goes forward details of the process, and possible dirt on the foundation, is part of the deal. Mary Tillman may resent not being officially on the board and sorry, Gold Star mother non withstanding her words are subject to scrutinity. What a mess

    • equality says:

      It’s interesting that she “no commented” NBC and wouldn’t give them an interview, but will interview with DM. Makes it appear that the allegations of being paid are true. If it was a real concern for her, she should be willing to give any outlet a statement. She may be a GS mom, but the foundation was started by a GS wife and she is slamming her with this, as well as PH and the foundation and IG. No, she’s not above scrutiny.

      • Jais says:

        I really hope she doesn’t speak to the DM again. But no doubt, countless news outlets have contacted her since she spoke to the dm. And she’s yet to speak to one. Which does make it seem like she was paid to keep her comments exclusive to the DM. Again, continue to hope that’s not the case and she will clarify her thoughts with a non-tabloid news outlet.

      • aquarius64 says:

        So Mary Tillman ghosts a US national outlet and goes to the Fail? I wonder if she’s under contract not to talk to other outlets. She lobbed a grenade here; and even if she wants to back out I wouldn’t put it pass the Fail to expose the contract with a payment agreement, just like Toxic Tom did with Coleman Rayner with the Pap Gate pics. She’ll be ruined if that’s revealed.

      • SURE says:

        Yeah, gold star mon took the money to trash a veteran and his project specifically designed to help service men and women – truly shameful.

      • Chrissy says:

        The sad part is, and something she may live to regret, is that her son, the heroic Pat Tillman, would be embarrassed by what his mother is doing.

    • sevenblue says:

      I think she said she wasn’t asked and ESPN said she was never asked about previous awardees as well. I don’t see a lie there. She can talk to DM until the end of the time. She is still not representing the foundation. So, there is nothing to change except the fact that she is gonna be known as the person giving an interview to the most unreliable and shameless tabloid out there. Why is she not going to an American journalist if she wants her voice to get heard?

      • TigerMcQueen says:


        I think it’s a little sad that she’s doing this, because her reputation as a valiant GS mom who fought for the truth about her son is going to get wiped away by her actions here. It’s not talking about any issues she has about the foundation and the award, it’s how she’s doing it and who she’s doing it with. That will taint her in the end. Just so messy and unnecessary to do it this way.

      • sunnyside up says:

        It seems sad especially if the Fail did mislead her. Which seems likely, I can’t imagine why anyone would object when they know the truth. Which our RF does.

      • Jaded says:

        I’m sure this is going to put a big wedge between her and her family. She’s clearly gone rogue and doesn’t have a clue as to the how disgusting the DM actually is. She’s been cajoled into some kind of contractual agreement whereby she only speaks through them, and they’ve managed to convince a bitter, opinionated woman with no actual knowledge of Harry’s work, and who has nothing to do with the actual awards, that Harry is a bad choice. Way to lose the respect of your own family Mary.

  18. Trei says:

    The ESPY Awards would be a great opportunity to announce Washington DC as the new host of the Invictus Games 2027. The official announcement was expected by the end of July but this is a great pr opportunity with a large audience.

    • sevenblue says:

      Oh wow, that is really a great idea. I hope they selected Washington. All the public voting was for USA.

      • sunnyside up says:

        As a Brit. so do I after the turn out at the tenth anniversary service. The garden party might have been arranged first but according to the court circular William, the next CIC of the armed forces was at home doing nothing.

  19. Hypocrisy says:

    I hope they put together an Invictus Games video before introducing Prince Harry that is so heartbreaking and uplifting that all the haters look like the fools they are. The hate pile on for every single thing involving the Sussex’s needs to stop, I’m glad to see push back.

  20. swaz says:


  21. Beverley says:

    I find this British-initiated media objection (vicious hysteria) to Harry being awarded the Tillman honor quite telling. You’d think they’d be on their best behavior awaiting the decision about the 2027 IG games, hoping that it will go to England. But instead it’s as if they already know or certainly suspect that their vile lies about Harry and deliberate misinformation have increased the chances that the IG will go to Washington DC. Surely they can’t fathom that Harry will bring the games to their salty, hateful shores. Our wounded heroes deserve better.

    Can’t wait for the announcement.
    Team USA!

  22. pottymouth pup says:

    something all these yahoos are forgetting, especially when saying that Harry shouldn’t get the honor because he’s a famous rich guy and that only lesser known people should be honored using the rationale that Tillman chose to serve instead of taking the easy way out continuing to playing pro ball is that there actually is a pretty big parallel between Tillman and Harry in that Harry also could have skipped serving (and avoided a war zone) because he is a prince, and yet he chose to serve. Harry made the same damn choice to put his privilege aside to serve. Unlike Tillman, Harry did not die in Afghanistan but he sure as hell went out of his way to honor the military & help veterans all around the world when he returned home

  23. Belinda says:

    Sorry to derail thread, but I just wanted to say: well done Labour!!!!!!!

    The Daily Fail did their best to try and stop them, but they failed, big time.

    And the Daily Fail have tried to break Prince Harry, and they have failed there too.

    The good guys DO win.