Royalist: James Middleton’s dog memoir is a ‘tawdry profiteering’ exercise

Several months ago, James Middleton confirmed that his pseudo-memoir would be published later this year. The book is called Meet Ella; The Dog Who Saved My Life. It’s about his now-dead dog Ella and Ella is also used as a framing device for James to tell his story. Of course, James is already promoting the book by playing up his royal-adjacency, with promises to reveal his visits to Highgrove to meet King Charles and his time spent at Sandringham. It’s all very tacky, and the dead-dog angle is rather morbid, in my opinion. Well, Tom Sykes at the Daily Beast has written an opinion piece about how he finds it rather tacky too. Ya think? Here’s an excerpt:

One can only imagine the reaction among publishing executives when the manuscript for James Middleton’s new book—about his dead dog, Ella—plopped into their inboxes. Did the brother of the Princess of Wales even need to pitch Meet Ella; The Dog Who Saved My Life, one wonders? Or did he simply announce, having gazed into the abyss of his soul, “What the world truly needs right now is Kate’s brother’s dog’s biography,” and wait for the contract to arrive?

Maybe James’ insights into the life and death of his four-legged companion (which died in January 2023) are a valuable contribution to the genre, and simply too compelling to ignore. Or maybe the executives took a hard-nosed commercial decision and thought: “Well, the last book by a Middleton sibling, Pippa Middleton’s Celebrate, which gave people guidelines on making ice and suggested turkey was a good choice for ‘larger gatherings,’ was a disaster, a staggering testament to nepotism, stupidity and venality, so what are the chances of lightning striking twice?”

Anyway, the book is written and, come September, can be yours for just $29, so get ready for a moving account of Ella chewing royal furniture, Ella getting her muddy paws on multiple future monarchs, and James and Ella’s “many adventures, from Scottish mountain sides to royal weddings”—even though there is no evidence that Ella ever attended a royal wedding. It’s not surprising the marketing folks threw that one in there because without Kate, everyone knows this book would be just another unloved mutt in the literary pound.

Presumably James is hoping his new book will be a money spinner, an eventuality which would, it must be said, be against the run of form of his underwhelming entrepreneurial career thus far. There was, as even attentive Middleton-watchers may struggle to recall, Boomf!—a personalized marshmallow delivery service because who hasn’t woken up at 3 AM craving a marshmallow with their face on it? The ailing business was put into administration by James before being sold. It was later rescued and continues to trade.

The whirring sound you can hear? Why, it is Queen Elizabeth II, who was so dismayed by Pippa’s book that she banned her from doing any interviews, spinning in her crypt. Royal adjacent siblings have always been an issue for the monarchy. Publishing the profound musings of individuals whose greatest claim to fame is sharing DNA with a duchess rarely turns out well and opens the family up to claims of tawdry profiteering.

Not so long ago, royals were barred from cashing in on their status, other than a modest tea towel enterprise at Christmas, maybe. But there has been a notable collapse in family discipline since Charles took over; from Harry’s memoir Spare, to podcasts and appearances on reality shows, romance novels and even flogging milk to the Chinese, the cast of royal hangers-on are back to their old tricks. There is a simple word for it; nepotism. King Charles should do all he can to stamp it out as effectively as his mother did.

[From The Daily Beast]

“King Charles should do all he can to stamp it out as effectively as his mother did,” all while Sykes cites examples from QEII’s reign. Zara Tindall didn’t start shilling for her many corporate sponsors during Charles’s reign. That started when QEII was very much alive. Peter Phillips was flogging milk in China during QEII’s reign. Fergie was writing and selling books during QEII’s reign too. QEII was ineffective when it came to her family members’ side hustles and everyone agreed to look the other way about it until the Sussexes left the Firm and were able to pay for their lifestyle. While I appreciate the fact that Tom Sykes is at least calling out James Middleton’s tasteless book, the hypocrisy in the British media will be astounding – in the same breath that they disparage the Sussexes’ Netflix contract, they’ll lavish praise on James’s dumb book. Notice that there’s no mention of Queen Camilla’s son Tom writing a whole f–king book based on food served for royalty over the years too.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, James’s social media.

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39 Responses to “Royalist: James Middleton’s dog memoir is a ‘tawdry profiteering’ exercise”

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  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    Tom Parker-Bowles royal cookbook is the most tacky and grifting IMO as it is entirely based on his access through his mother. At least James Middleton is telling his own personal story, which is completely fine, and just trying to sell it based on his royal connection.

  2. equality says:

    How could QE ban Pippa from doing interviews?

    • Lady Esther says:

      I think there’s a bit of rewriting history going on here…at the time of Pippa’s book, and attempt to become a TV personality in the US (appearances on NBC, one of the major TV networks IIRC) on the back of it, I remember reports that it was William who laid down the law and told Pippa to stop with any attempt to become famous as a royal adjacent. Soon after that she settled down with Terribly Moderately Wealthy Matthews. I doubt QEII even knew who Pippa was!

      Now Pippa is trying to launch her Soho House Berkshire Edition website on the down low with dreams of becoming an English Tory Burch, but there isn’t much reported about it so I guess it’s James’ turn….

      When will the MIddletons learn that they are extremely basic and no one cares about any of them?

    • Miranda says:

      I was about to ask the same thing. Surely she didn’t have any authority over her grandaughter-in-law’s sibling, especially if the book had nothing to do with the institution (aside from the fact that Pippa only got a book deal because of her royal adjacency)?

    • sevenblue says:

      They are changing the history. She did interviews. Her book didn’t sell and she was mocked by comedians for the stupid book. That is why she took a step back, not because she was banned by the royals from trying to be famous.

      • Moondust says:

        I’m nostalgic about Pippa ‘s tips.

      • Chaine says:

        @Moondust “When one’s feet get tired from trudging through one’s enormous castle, an electric scooter is a fun and environmentally friendly way to take a load off while still moving from the throne room to the dungeon!”

      • Glossop says:

        @chaine lollllzz

    • BeanieBean says:

      She couldn’t & she didn’t.

      • Moondust says:

        @chaine thank you 😊

      • Proud Mary says:

        It’s complete rewriting of History, because only a year ago I saw an old interview Pippa did with Matt Lauer, on the today show, and thought she presented herself remarkably well. But the book was a major flop, a joke. Also, how could QEII ban others from side hustles when she herself had many — gin anyone?

  3. MsIam says:

    I guess this means the Middletons are still in the dog house? Sorry about that but not really.

  4. bb says:

    Is there no one in his family – his partner maybe? – who has the sense to save him from himself?

  5. JENNIFER says:

    Sykes is William’s stenographer, I guess this means William and the Middletons are still at war.

    • ML says:

      Maybe W wants K to show up at Wimbledon or do something else, and she’s not willing? It clearly reads as an attack.

      • Kingston says:

        LOL Why would bully care if kitty cant or wont turn up to events? Seems to me thats exactly what he wanst, given that he and his handlers busy painting him as the fun-loving, single dad.

        With the senior middletons turning up for wimbledon after kitty was raised from the dead in time to attend trooping, it seems to me that signalled a turning point in the separation/divorce negotiations.

        I’ll always remember that kitty’s cokehead uncle gary said back in march on that reality show he was on, that he will respect their decision whenever they made it and that he wouldnt comment on them until AFTER they made their announcement.

        Now, that sounds very “separation/divorce announcement” to me. PLUS, we were being primed by palace spox that kitty’s role will be “very different” going forward. I took that to mean theyre still hoping to hide the separation/divorce for as long as they can and are trying to carve out a role for her thats kind of a hybrid of what Diana did post-divorce but at least this time they wont have to worry that kitty will overshadow the RF because she’s naturally dull anyway.

        So after an absence from royal adjacency that lasted for the same period that kitty was out of commission (i”e from end of December 2023 to mid-June 2024) the senior middletons turning up for wimbledon, in the royal box, looking happy for the first time in 6 months, and the shitmedia, at the same time, ceasing their coverage of the middletons’ bankruptcy and robbery of their customers and clients, suggests a detente between the royals and kitty/the middletons.

      • Proud Mary says:

        He probably wants her to show up on Saturday, the same day as the Espys, or on Sunday, the day after.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      I don’t get it either. Why lift up the Midd parents in such a showy way and then put down poor James? Maybe the book reviews and articles up to the September drop will be enough for a sales boost of his dog food company. Since no one thinks much of him, he has nothing to lose.

  6. sevenblue says:

    Oww, did James forget to send Tom Sykes some dog food? It is interesting we got a negative story about a Middleton. Tom has been converted to KP’s side successfully after the Rose story. I wonder what is going on behind the scenes.

  7. ML says:

    As stated, a lot of those examples of cashing in on royal connections are from QE2’s reign…as W’s cheerleader, is Tom Sykes subtly bringing attention to the fact that KC was the real royal in charge of the family at that point?
    And TS is clearly not impressed by James, but it’s amazing how much he emphasizes that JM is K’s brother in this article. You know, he is really careful not to emphasize that JM is the future king’s BIL, isn’t he?

  8. NotTheOne says:

    Tom Sykes is an echo chamber for whatever the Windors want promoted. He regularly refers to stories by the tabloids as if they are 100% true and fact-checked and never talks about how they have been proven wrong over and over again. He is the reason I no longer subscribe to Daily Beast – if they are okay with that level of integrity on something so trivial as the House of Windsor, what else are they mucking up?

  9. Mslove says:

    Yes, the king should definitely do something about the nepotism running rampant in the royal family, starting with himself & his heir, who are also nepo babies.

    • Lulu says:

      LOL, nepotism in the royal family is a feature, not a bug.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Exactly my thought when reading that! Royalty is nothing but nepotism, that’s the whole point.

    • Jais says:

      Charles has already slimmed down the monarchy. And apparently he should do more about all the nepotism? So he should tell all these adjacent people to stand down? Meh. Good luck. Hustlers are going to hustle. Just like the monarchy. Honestly, it’s not even that big of a deal to me. If people are willing to publish James’ book, then fine. If people are going to pay Fergie and Peter to shill milk and romance books, then fine. So what? Only Charles is allowed to sell jam and dog bowls? Who is he to tell anyone else not to do anything tacky? The only time I care is when they hypocritically complain about Harry and Meghan doing something. Let people sell their books. People will buy it or they won’t.

  10. Hypocrisy says:

    Can’t wait to see the numbers this book brings in🤣… this is going to be fun.

  11. Digital Unicorn says:

    Shots fired – feel the burn. James should follow Pippa’s path after she’s tried the same thing and got dragged for it. Using the death of his dog and his MH issues to flog a book that sounds like its going to be all about him and his ‘royal’ experiences is low, even for a Middleton. Guess its now his turn to cash in on the royal status – everyone else in his family has. Wasn’t there stories about Carole writing a book a few years ago??

    I predict it will end up in the bargain bin v quickly as I don’t see anyone buying this – the Middletons are just not that interesting and James is NO Harry!

  12. Becks1 says:

    Oh man, Tom Sykes really really hates the idea of this book, lol. It seems clear that William was opposed to it and James went ahead with it anyway, right?

    I can’t see it being a success. to the extent that anyone may be interested in his interactions with the royals, they’re only interested if he’s spilling dirt. No one is going to care about a puff piece about Charles laughing at Ella in the gardens of Highgrove or whatever.

    • Sue says:

      That’s why I don’t think William cares at all about this, least of all to the point of getting his pet reporter to vent about it. So what’s James going to say that in anyway reflects badly on William? If there is actual dirt and tea being spilled it hasn’t been even remotely hinted at so far. Just another boring book that is royal adjacent and that isn’t going to sell. I think all these folk have Spare numbers dancing through their heads (and that includes people like Jobson) and when these books get published they are so, so not even close.

      • 809Matriarch says:

        I agree with the statement about people fantasizing about Spare numbers. That’s what messed up Whoopi Goldberg. Everybody saw how Prince Harry’s book sold so much. Now everybody is trying to rush out their memoirs. It ain’t the same.

    • Nic919 says:

      This will end up doing as well as Pippa Tips. No one really cares about either of them except for their indirect connection to the royals. It’s too bad Carole and Mike didn’t instil a work ethic in any of her kids.

  13. Mina_Esq says:

    I appreciate that they are calling out James, but my favourite part in this article is the implication that Harry is a “royal hanger-on”. Sir, he is literal second born of the reigning monarch.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    The Queen gave her dresser permission to write 2 books and let’s not forget that both Charles and Diana wrote books under her reign so this is some major revisionist history going on here.

  15. bisynaptic says:

    “There is a simple word for it; nepotism. King Charles should do all he can to stamp it out as effectively as his mother did.”
    — LOL surely, he’s joking? Republic couldn’t do better.