JFK Jr. & Carolyn Bessette reached a ‘kind of rapprochement’ in their last year

We’re coming up on the 25th anniversary of John F. Kennedy and Carolyn Bessette Kennedy’s deaths on July 16th. People Magazine already had exclusive excerpts from a book about Carolyn published this year, Once Upon a Time: The Captivating Life of Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy. Now Us Weekly has published more excerpts and additional stories in this week’s cover story. The main focus of Once Upon a Time was that Carolyn wasn’t some villain, nor was it her fault that the marriage had ups and downs, nor was it her fault that the flight was delayed. I don’t know the truth of their situation, but like everyone else, I do find John and Carolyn fascinating. Some highlights from Us Weekly’s cover story:

John & Carolyn were solid in the last year of their lives: Despite reports the pair — who wed in 1996 — were headed for a split prior to their untimely deaths, new revelations tell a different, more nuanced story of their complicated, passionate and enduring relationship. They were in therapy together and were talking about starting a family. “Toward the end of their lives, they had managed to reach this kind of rapprochement,” The Day John Died author Christopher Andersen shares in the latest issue of Us Weekly. “Whatever friction was there was being dealt with.”

The early days: According to Beller, the couple spent the early days of their romance going on dinner dates, traveling to Kennedy’s Long Island summer rental and hanging out in Central Park, playing touch football with Kennedy’s pals from Brown. “[Carolyn] would stay on the sidelines with John’s German shepherd Sam … calling plays, and teasing everyone mercilessly, laughing. John loved it,” Kennedy’s college friend Richard Wiese said in Once Upon a Time.

Carolyn played hard to get? Andersen says Bessette was “very cool, very smart [and] very intoxicating.” Historian Steve Gillon, who wrote America’s Reluctant Prince: The Life of John F. Kennedy Jr. and was a former good friend of Kennedy’s, adds that she “could challenge him intellectually. Carolyn found him, and then she made him work for her. I think that’s one of the reasons he was smitten.” Kennedy — considered to be one of the world’s most sought-after bachelors — proposed on July 4, 1995; Bessette reportedly made him wait three weeks before she said yes. They tied the knot in an intimate ceremony in front of just 40 guests at a small church on Cumberland Island in Georgia.

Reclusive Carolyn: Their marriage was marked by highs and lows. “There were a lot of issues,” says Gillon. Bessette hated being thrust into the spotlight and hounded by the paparazzi, and she resented Kennedy for it. “John had grown up with this media presence his whole life; it didn’t bother him,” explains Gillon. “But Carolyn was terrified. She became more reclusive.” They fought, sometimes publicly. (Photos of them arguing at NYC’s Washington Square Park made front-page news in 1996.) “They were both very high-strung, and I think they had tempers,” says Andersen. (Gillon recalls a fight the pair had in the kitchen of their Tribeca loft over a letter Kennedy received from his boss at his political magazine, George, during which Bessette “lit into” Kennedy for not sticking up for himself more.) “We saw several arguments they had in public,” adds Andersen, “but by and large, people thought Carolyn was worth it.”

They were discussing having kids in their last months. “[John] even had a name picked out,” says Andersen. “[Whether] it was a boy or a girl, they were going to call the child Flynn.” Bessette was coming around after having reservations about bringing a baby into the mix with all of the media attention they garnered. “She was doing much better in the closing weeks of their marriage,” Andersen says. “John was making accommodations for Carolyn and she was finally making them for him.”

Things were looking up. “Carolyn had found a way to cope with all of the attention,” says Andersen. “They had found a way.” Kennedy (who’d finally decided to follow his father’s footsteps into politics — “that was his calling,” says Gillon) was feeling hopeful, Andersen adds. “Days before he died, John said, ‘I’m happy with where my life is now.’”

[From Us Weekly]

I’m kind of wary of either extreme when it comes to stories about the last months of their lives. They were having well-documented issues and they had likely separated, however temporarily. But they were working on their marriage and it was actually a “good sign” that Carolyn wanted to go with John to a Kennedy family wedding that weekend. It does feel like there’s a movement to approach John or Carolyn as a sainted “great white hope” figure, when really, they were both messy people.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images. Cover courtesy of Us Weekly.

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96 Responses to “JFK Jr. & Carolyn Bessette reached a ‘kind of rapprochement’ in their last year”

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  1. Nicole says:

    I’m probably the only one who didn’t think Carolyn was a good fit for him. I fully acknowledge that I am not a NY society person, but I kind of feel like part of picking her was to appease his mother, Jackie. Prior to that time he had many high profile relationships with (blonde) actresses. (He definitely had a type.) I kind of thought Daryl Hannah was his true love.

    • Asdf says:

      He was afraid of what Jackie would say and the two women never met. Only after the death of his mother did they go through with the wedding.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Asdf, considering Jackie K. passed away in May 1994, JFK jr & Daryl Hannah were still more or less together when Jackie died and JFK jr didn’t actually start dating CBK until late ’94. Believe the announcement of Daryl & JFK jrs break up happened in Aug. 1994. Carolyn & JFK jr. didn’t get engaged until over a year of Jackie’s death.

        ??????????????????? Don’t know what you’re trying to say here?

    • girl_ninja says:

      John and Carolyn believed they were meant to be together, which led them to marry. However, Daryl showed insensitivity when she complained to John about her dog’s ashes while his mother was battling cancer, despite possibly not intending to be hurtful. Her words were insensitive and hurtful nonetheless.

    • Josephine says:

      I have no idea if they were suited but the whole “Carolyn found him, and then she made him work for her” storyline is gross. I really, really hate when people try to explain how women “land” these famous men, almost all of whom were probably not worth the effort. If you need to play games to land someone, they are not the person for you and you are going to win a stupid prize for your stupid game.

      • nikki says:


      • NikkiK says:

        Thank you! I’m so over the glorifying of game playing in relationships; it’s no wonder their relationship was so shaky.

      • JustBitchy says:

        Carolyn didn’t get much except a sad watery grave

      • Lucille says:

        American media has a bizarre need to make everything into a fairytale to sell the tragedy. In reality, they were just two messy ass people in a toxic relationship like the rest of us have been at some point in our lives.

    • Persephone says:

      You’re not the only one that thinks that, Nicole.
      Carolyn was dating Michael Bergen almost the entire time she was with John (before and after she married him).

    • Elizabeth says:

      No, I didn’t think they belonged together, either.

  2. Alex Can says:

    I do not find these two fascinating whatsoever. However, I’m sorry they died so tragically. And my god she was fashionable and elegant.

  3. DIANA says:

    Ehh. I don’t believe that. I think they were two people who came into the marriage with good intentions. And then within 6 months realized they made a mistake.. And rather then end it ,decided to keep it going because it would have been pretty embarrassing to end a marriage so soon.

  4. bisynaptic says:

    I can understand the urge to make it appear as if they could have had a happily ever after, but I think this misses the big issue, which is that he endangered (destroyed) the lives, not just of himself, but other people, with his poor judgment. Hubris.

    We’re seeing a similar display of recklessness/ hubris, in his cousin RFK Jr.

    • Aerie says:

      Thinking you can fly a plane and thinking you can run the country aren’t exactly the same thing.

      • bisynaptic says:

        Who said they were the same thing?

      • Jaded says:

        He deliberately chose to fly in the evening in a dangerously foggy area despite not being instrument trained. He did endanger their lives and they all paid the ultimate price for it. Most of the Kennedy men have inherited the outrageous hubris of old Joe Kennedy. That’s destructive whether you’re flying a plane or running for president.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Is it an inherited trait or the result of a toxic family culture? John was less prone to the misogyny of the Kennedy men because he was raised by a woman who married in, but he still grew up with a lot of the Kennedy entitlement. And it’s hard to argue that he wasn’t reckless and a risk taker. That seems to be the through line for Kennedy men.

    • Elizabeth says:

      I’ve always said that arrogance is only Kennedy curse.

      • Lisa says:

        Feel sorry for her mother, he took 2 of her kids with him

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Neither lady had to get on that plane with John, though. Plenty of other pilots at the airport rightly were nervous about weather reports and how the sky looked that evening, and they cancelled their scheduled flights. Too bad no one at the airport warned John that he shouldn’t fly due to the dangerous weather forecast. In addition, John was running late due to complications at work and due to Carolyn’s sister, Lauren, being late showing up as well. It was probably a mix of unthinking carelessness; rushing; disregard of the weather; no co-pilot coupled with pilot inexperience; along with hubris & entitlement by All Three of Them! FWIW: In general, all humans can be messy. There are no perfect human beings.

        John’s relative pilot inexperience was a huge factor (many say he did not have enough pilot hours to be flying without an experienced co-pilot). It has also been said that Carolyn had previously avoided flying with John out of fear and uncertainty about his flying expertise. Reportedly, it was Carolyn’s sister, Lauren, who had convinced Carolyn to take the flight in the first place. Lauren had another function she was planning to attend on Long Island, not the Kennedy wedding, which is why Lauren made her own personal choice to fly on a light aircraft piloted by her brother-in-law, John Kennedy, Jr. She could have taken a chauffered car, or the train! Lauren went on the plane of her own free will, and she convinced Carolyn to fly with John too. It is what it is, and ever shall be. None of the three will be brought back by solely blaming this one or that one for the fate they all met.

  5. ohwell says:

    I liked CBKs style but I do not find her interesting. Being the quiet mysterious wife in the background did her no favors. Every grifter who had any contact with her are creating her personality…Most of it negative.

    John had a duh look too him. Maybe he was better looking in person but I can’t get by the sloth look to his face.

    • Pajala says:

      I saw him in person on Fifth Avenue and he was not better looking in person!

      • Elizabeth says:

        He jogged past me in Battery Park once, and I thought he was really gorgeous. Unfortunately, Caroline got the brains.

    • aftershocks says:

      @OhWell: “I can’t get by the sloth look to his face…”

      🫣 Hmm 🤔 Actually, John Jr took his looks very much after his French-American maternal grandfather, John Vernou ‘Black Jack’ Bouvier (a wealthy playboy stockbroker, whose family had made their money through furniture-making, firewood distribution, real-estate speculation, and forestry acquisition on land that contained coal reserves).

      In fact, Jackie Bouvier Kennedy inherited her father’s exact looks, which she in turn passed on to her son, John Kennedy, Jr. So, blame the Bouvier DNA. 🤷🏽‍♀️ In any case, John Jr got his gobs of hair and teeth from the Kennedy side.

  6. Jais says:

    Huh. Doesn’t Christopher Anderson write about the royals too? Saying by and large people thought Carolyn was worth it makes me eye roll. That’s decided by the ones in the relationship as opposed to all the gossipy people looking in from the outside that probably know next to nothing. And what about him? Did people think he was worth it?

    • aftershocks says:

      🎯 Yes, it’s the same Christopher Anderson, grifting on the 25th anniversary of three infortunate and tragic deaths. No, I doubt Anderson’s value is worthy, especially not in terms of his character, personal motivations, and career pursuits.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Correction to name spelling: Christopher Andersen.

        FWIW, the new book on Carolyn Bessette cited by @Kaiser is by a writer who spoke to childhood friends of Carolyn, while the US Magazine article quotes Christopher Andersen, among others.

  7. Cee says:

    I need to understand the fascination and obsession with these two. I’m sorry they died tragically and so young, no one deserves that fate.
    Is there a docuseries I can watch?

    • CL says:

      There’s a good book written by Carole Radziwill, “What Remains”. She was married to John’s cousin Anthony at the time, and the book is ultimately about losing John and Carolyn, and then her husband Anthony, in the same summer. John and Anthony were close, so she spent a great deal of time with John and Carolyn.

      • JEB says:

        I second that book. Well written and she actually knew them well.

      • kirk says:

        Thanks for the book recommendation. Sounds better than stuff written by outsiders about high profile people.

      • aftershocks says:

        There’s also a fascinating documentary film, “JFK Jr & Carolyn’s Wedding: The Lost Tapes.” You can find it on YouTube. It was lovingly put together from rough footage taken by friends at the wedding. Remember, it was a top-secret event that they managed to pull off without anyone in the media getting wind of it, which made the ceremony and the entire family celebration extra special. We don’t see very good or clear views of the actual wedding due to lighting conditions inside the church, but it is a fascinating and poignant documentary. I came away with the feeling that Carolyn and John Jr were very much in love with each other, but both had volatile personalities and their fate together was star-crossed.

  8. Brassy Rebel says:

    I’m dubious. This is Christopher Anderson who regularly makes up gossip about the royals and then publishes it. They may have been trying to get their act together, but John was staying at a hotel, not the loft, at the time of the plane “crash”. We’ll never know all the truth, and there’s no reason we should. It’s not surprising that their friends would put a rosy spin on the relationship.

    • PC says:

      Yeah. He wrote William and Kate: A Royal Love Story (2010). Andersen probably thinks Incandescent William is worth it too. 🤷‍♂️

    • Dilettante says:

      Attempting to create a fairy tale, like “Camelot”.

    • shax says:

      This new book isn’t by Christopher Anderson it’s by Elizabeth Beller. She wrote it because she was able to speak to some of Carolyn’s childhood and collage friends as well as friends from her time at Calvin Klein. She also spoke to a some members of the Bessette family which has given the book legitimacy …I read in another article that it was her uncle and cousin. They gave her new-to-us pictures for of Carolyn for the book.

    • Tippet says:

      @brassyrebel, why did you put “crash” in quotation marks? Not asking aggressively; I’m wondering whether there’s some kind of conspiracy theory I don’t know about?

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Sorry. I just saw this. I used quotation marks because the plane went into a death spiral because of the pilot’s spatial disorientation. It wasn’t like what we usually think of as a plane crash. But, yeah, I probably could have left off the quotation marks. Not trying to start a conspiracy theory for sure. I apologize for the confusion. 😊

  9. Jes says:

    I have heard from someone who spent time with him that jfk jr was beautiful but not bright at all, like at all. Tragic choice for caroline to be in that relationship and for her whole family unfortunately. I find it suspicious that they are in the headlines. Is it just bc of this rota book?

    • Libra says:

      Gossip in NYC around the failing of the bar exam (2or 3 times) was that Jackie called in some favors to ensure he would finally pass. This was her dream, not his. Either he was not bright or just uninterested.

    • Loretta says:

      JFK Jr was dyslexic, hence his study difficulties

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      He had learning disorders. That’s not the same as being “not bright at all”. However, it’s true he was pushed into becoming a lawyer by his mother. And that certainly didn’t help him to find his own way in life. It’s tragic really that Jackie couldn’t accept her son as he was and kept trying to remake him into his father or, at least, how his father was perceived by the public. All of this added to John’s problems in life.

      • Jes says:

        To be clear, he may have had learning disorders. I agree that learning disorders are not a tell on intelligence. My friend was hanging out with him on nantucket/mv for full vacations, and his impression was that JFK jr was not bright at all. In JfK jr case, both things may have been true, learning disorder and not bright. His decisions seem to indicate the same.

      • aftershocks says:

        Hmm, dyslexic, learning disabilities, traumatically losing his father just three days before his third birthday; being followed, idolized, pampered, pressured, endlessly written about and 24/7 hounded by paps and the media, it’s a wonder JFK Jr was as grounded and as successful as he was, albeit rich and entitled. His idea for George Magazine was ahead of its time, which is likely why it struggled so much to be launched and to stay afloat. Crafting and publishing a political commentary magazine with a celebrity ambiance was an idea ahead of its time.

  10. Silver Birch says:

    I have zero interest in this book or in digging up anything that happened before the tragedy of that crash. But I did just want to say, seeing those photos of him: damn, he was a good looking man. I had sort of forgotten how hot he was.

  11. D says:

    If you are interested in a book written by someone in their inner circle who truly knew them, I would recommend Carole Radziwill’s What Remains. It isn’t a book all about John and Carolyn, but about the loss of them and Carole’s husband (John’s cousin and best friend) Anthony Radziwill. Carole really humanizes them and makes it clear that both of them were just regular people trying to live their lives as best they could under extraordinary circumstances. Neither was perfect and both were complicated, but isn’t everyone? I think that all gets lost in the myth, especially because they died so young and so tragically. I also find it so misogynistic that she gets called the villain when he was literally flying the plane and crashed it, killing himself, his wife AND her sister.

  12. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    I’ve said it here before, circa Winter of ’98 I saw her having and intimate dinner with a very handsome, big, blonde male model type at Tartine in Greenwich Village. They were leaning in to each other, and she touched his arms and hands a lot. I’m not surprised they were having trouble in their marriage.

    • D says:

      I LOVED Tartine! The one on West 4th in the West Village, right?

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      If that’s true, I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t in response to JFK jr’s own infidelity. What’s good for the goose and all. The Kennedy men aren’t exactly known as non cheaters.

  13. Sunshine says:

    Isn’t Christopher Anderson one of those fictional royal reporters?

  14. Loretta says:

    JFK Jr was one of the most handsome and fascinating men ever

    • Giddy says:

      On a trip to New York we happened to see him walking with Maurice Tempelsman and John was incredibly handsome.

    • Lucille says:

      What was fascinating about him? Some might say he’s just a basic white dude.

  15. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    I remember what a “catch” he was thought to have been, but in the end his ego killed her (unintentionally of course). And if they had lived, I think they would have ended up like William and Kate, philandering husband and living separately. Be careful what you wish for, some princes are toads.

  16. Amy Bee says:

    Hmm…looks like Christopher Andersen is trying to undermine this new book.

  17. ElleE says:

    This marriage was tumultuous from start to finish.

    She didn’t to go to the wedding, JFK Jr had decline the invite, then when he found out his sister was going to be there, he changed his response with 2 days’ notice and should have skipped it, in retrospect.

    • shax says:

      His sister wasn’t going to be there …she was spending that weekend (her husband’s birthday & wedding anniversary) somewhere else.

      • Whatnow says:

        I missed these comments my first time through but if I recall correctly Caroline and her family or doing white water rafting and someone had to go and find them to let her know what happened. I believe they were rafting at the time and we didn’t have cell phones in those days so I’m just so sure I remember how tragic it was they had to go find her and tell her what happened to her brother

      • ElleE says:

        I Didn’t think anyone would get into this detail, but yes, Caroline abruptly canceled her plans when she found out her brother intended to go. They were fighting over the question of selling her mother’s property on MV. he only decided to go so he could talk to her in person and she then canceled. It was their cousins wedding, so I won’t comment on whether or not this was good form, on either of their parts.

        He didn’t want to sell so ironically, his share of the property became part of his estate, and I believe that imposed a 20 year moratorium on the sale of the farm on MV. Caroline just sold it in the last few years, I think.

      • Whatnow says:

        She was white water rafting with her family and somebody had to go find them because they were off the grid and tell her what happened

      • TNA says:

        @Whatnow, There were definitely cell phones in those days. I knew regular people who had them in the late 1990s, so certainly privileged people like the Kennedys certainly could have had them.

    • aftershocks says:

      Whether or not he should have nixed attending the wedding, the weather forecast for that evening was dangerous for air travel. Even the sky itself was ominous-looking, which is why other pilots at the same airport cancelled their scheduled flights.

  18. ElleE says:

    This marriage was tumultuous from start to finish. It wasn’t getting better, it was about to boil over.

    She didn’t want to go to the wedding, JFK Jr had declined the invite, then when he found out his sister was going to be there, he changed his response with 2 days’ notice and should have skipped it, in retrospect.

    Air traffic screwed up, should have been tracking his plane after he made contact and we will never know if being tracked would have made a difference.

    Weeks after JFK Jr died, my bf broke his hand on MV and still flew us home to go to the hospital. I did think 2x but we had made that flight so many times.

    He was a nice person, anyone here dissing him needs to check themselves.

    • Annalise says:

      Did you know him??? The impression I get is “arrogant jerk”.

    • Lucille says:

      Does a “nice person” scream in his wife’s face in public? Google the pics of them fighting…

      • ElleE says:

        @Lucille lol I don’t have to Google pics of him and his wife screaming at each other. I lived it in real time. The video too!

        My fave JFK Jr zeitgeist pic is of him at Philips Andover, sort of of a candid shot, with James Spader (his fellow classmate) in the background. Hardcore 80’s prep.

      • TNA says:

        Also in the Brook Shields documentary that came out last year, she said she met JFK Jr, and he basically blew her off because she wouldn’t sleep with him on the first date. That doesn’t seem very nice. Again, he was a young man and maybe he matured and treated women in his life better than that later on, but the anecdote doesn’t leave a good impression.

    • Whatnow says:

      I could be totally off the mark here but I believe that his sister Caroline and her family were off white water rafting in the wilderness And someone had to be sent to their location to let her know what happened to her brother. No cell phones in those days and I believe they were pretty much in the middle of nowhere.

  19. Tessa says:

    His aunt Kathleen was killed in a plane crash because the man she was serious about insisted the pilot take off even though the weather looked threatening.

  20. Annalise says:

    This is just my opinion, and I could be waaaay off, but when I look at/read about JFK Jr, I see a young Donald Trump.

    • Blithe says:

      You’re WAY off. Kennedy was working actively with programs like the Robin Hood Foundation— while Trump was working actively to continue to maintain racially segregated housing in the properties that he and his family controlled.
      Kennedy was born into what was then called “society “ and seemed to handle this privilege with a graceful sense of noblesse oblige — while Trump was boorishly bragging about his efforts as he aspired to break into a pretty closed New York society world. Kennedy was one of the most handsome and charismatic people on the planet — and Trump was and is so Not.
      Kennedy called his magazine “George” — while Trump plastered his name writ large anywhere and everywhere that he could.
      From all accounts, Kennedy wanted to use his many privileges to do some good in this world, including supporting the less fortunate. Trump spent his money on full page ads urging execution for a group of Black and Latino teens who hadn’t yet been to trial. They were later exonerated.

      I could say a LOT more, but the differences between their characters and their goals were quite stark.

    • Blithe says:

      I’m not sure why my previous comment hasn’t posted, so I’ll keep this short.
      Look up the list of projects that Kennedy was actively involved with. Ask yourself if a “young Donald Trump” — would have supported any of them.

  21. Sophie Ninette says:

    This book review extracts interesting narratives about what it was like to be a Kennedy-adjacent woman, whether wife, girlfriend, or car passenger. It reveals an alternate perspective on John and Carolyn’s relationship at the time of the plane crash.

    • Mcmmom says:

      In high school, I read most of the Kennedy books I could get my hands on and the misogyny runs deep in that family. It’s remarkable how much the family favored their men, even when the women were arguably more talented and qualified for office or whatever they were pursuing. It’s not the “Kennedy curse” as much as the “Kennedy male hubris and stupidity” that has plagued that family.

  22. Abby B says:

    I honestly find it so weird that people still throw various versions of their final weeks together after THIS many years. As if new information can be stirred up with any certainty. I think they’re very interesting too but it’s all just wild speculation at this point.

  23. shax says:

    I’ve ‘read’ well, actually listened to this book and the first few chapters are very good imo. They are about Carolyn’s early life before she met John. You find out about her parents, sisters, step-family and new info about her upbringing and college life. So I would recommend it just for that because the author got co-operation from the Bessette family and if you buy the physical book there are new-to-us pictures of Carolyn and Lauren (the sister that died with her) inside. The rest of the book is things you have probably read in other books about John and Carolyn’s relationship.

    Now regarding their relationship, I genuinely believe that had they lived past the summer of ’99 they would have eventually divorced. I just don’t see how they could have lasted if the first 3 years of marriage was *that* difficult..

    • aftershocks says:

      None of us are privy to what actually would have happened to them in life or in their marriage had they lived longer. But continue speculating and guess-timating.

  24. NikkiK says:

    There were rumors that they would have likely divorced in the fall, if not for dying. I never got the big deal with Carolyn though. She was just talk, thin and well-dressed. I always felt for her family though, it’s awful that they lost two daughters and that Lisa lost both sisters one of whom was her twin. I think she’s a bit of recluse and avoids any kind of attention.

    And I felt bad for Caroline who lost who only sibling at such a young age.

  25. clare says:

    There is an interesting book out now about the Kennedys:

    It describes early on how reckless and stupid John Jr was and how he put a previous girlfriend’s life at great risk. Worth a look.

    • Aerie says:

      This ‘author’ is a writer for the daily mail who specializes in gossip and trashing exiled royals. I hope your recommendation is a joke.

      • clare says:

        No not a joke – I didn’t know anything about the author and I never read any of the tabloids. I posted it because the Guardian did such a long piece and I thought it looked interesting.

    • Nlopez says:

      Thank you Clare for the Guardian article. It was hard to read that. I have always loved CBKs style, and I am glad the new book , which I am currently reading, speaks well about her. I don’t think I could have survived if both my daughters died so tragically, and left only one twin daughter living. A very sad ending for the three of them.

  26. Katie Beanstalk says:

    They remind me of characters from a Danielle Steel book.

  27. Sue Denim says:

    I met him briefly once then heard him give a talk, and he was definitely v handsome, seemed easy going and kind hearted, though he lacked the charisma or spark I’d expected. But worse, from various stories and accounts, inc this v good one from a former girlfriend who almost died kayaking with him, due to insane risks he’d taken – Come to the Edge: A Love Story – he seemed to have a death wish, and too often involved others, esp women, in his reckless behavior. People trusted him when they shouldn’t have. And unfortunately for the Bessettes that was a fatal mistake.

    • aftershocks says:

      Uh but, Carolyn and Lauren got on the plane freely. It was their own choice. They weren’t forced to fly with a relatively inexperienced pilot on an evening when the sky was looking ominous and other pilots at the airport had cancelled their flights.

  28. Glossop says:

    Never found him compelling in any way. Again, it’s the media feeding us a story; they made him out to be something he wasn’t.
    Actually, in a way, have always felt sorry for him – Jackie was a controlling mother. She pushed him to be something she wanted him to be… Jr might have been better off in a simple 9-5 desk job or in Hollywood…. As to Carolyn, I see a lot of women like that in nyc and other major cities of the world. She was thin and blonde and wore nice clothes. That’s not enough, at least for me, to make an individual ‘fascinating’. It takes a lot lot more… Robin Williams was fascinating; Jimmy Carter is fascinating; Gandhi was fascinating; Mark Twain, Will Rogers, Margaret Atwood, etc, etc, etc, but Jr and Carolyn? Not so much.

  29. Karmaflower says:

    I continue to have only the Bessette family in my heart regarding this entire tragedy. They lost 2 daughters. Their surviving daughter lost a sister AND her own twin. How do you move on from this?
    I was pregnant at the time and the frontrunner name for a girl was Carolyn. I just couldn’t think of the name and not think of Carolyn Bessette Kennedy & feel so sad for her. We went with Julia.

  30. Pinniped and Poodle says:

    AW, that is such a sweet story. I want to believe that story.