“Julia Roberts got handsy with Travis Kelce & the Swifties are mad” links

Have a great Fourth of July holiday! We will have some stories on Friday, but enjoy your four-day weekend if you have one!

Julia Roberts was handsy with Travis Kelce and now the Swifties are mad at Julia Roberts. This is actually a war I want to see. [LaineyGossip]
Nikki Glaser’s parents apologized for calling Julia Roberts “gross” for being handsy with Travis Kelce. People are entitled to their opinions! [Just Jared]
OJ Simpson was featured in the ‘In Memorium’ section of the BET Awards. [OMG Blog]
Interview with Kandy Muse. [Socialite Life]
Review of A Quiet Place: Day One. [Pajiba]
Cardi B camped it up for Marc Jacobs. [Go Fug Yourself]
Alexa Chung in her natural habitat (Glastonbury). [RCFA]
SOW is always raving about Ghosts. [Seriously OMG]
The biggest celebrity CO2 offenders. [Starcasm]
Oof, they used a photo of Gwyneth Paltrow to illustrate a “Botox craze in Hollywood” story. Gwyneth does ‘tox, but she’s far from the worst offender. [Hollywood Life]
Lily Allen is now doing feet pics on OnlyFans. [Buzzfeed]

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77 Responses to ““Julia Roberts got handsy with Travis Kelce & the Swifties are mad” links”

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  1. Renee' says:

    If this was a man “manhandling” a woman….people would have a lot to say.

    • Tate says:

      Agree. He looks so uncomfortable and keeps trying to back away.

      • NotSoSocialB says:

        His body language is definitely saying stop touching me- especially when he tries unsuccessfully to control her arms.

      • Beech says:

        JR, that was weird.

      • Josephine says:

        I thought people were probably pearl-clutching, but after seeing it, I think it was pretty gross. He’s clearly not comfortable and she clearly either doesn’t care or doesn’t know how to read his reaction. She was out of line.

    • iii says:

      I used to hate the reverse the gender thing, because some people don’t care either way, but in feminist spaces and social justice conscious spaces there is a reluctance to see men as victims, so in those cases I think reversing the genders is useful.

      Some people refuse to see men and boys as victims of sexual violence. Especially if it’s a woman or a girl doing it.

    • Peanut Butter says:

      I wonder how Julia would enjoy that if their genders and ages were reversed, and she was on the receiving end of some older guy’s crappy lack of boundaries. Whoever’s doing it, it looks gross and try-hard when the other person’s body language isn’t leaning into it 🙄

  2. Kebbie says:

    OK, that is a little weird. She’s like scratching his chest and then holding him in place. He’s being friendly but his body language is pulling away from her. She’s friends with Taylor though, she’s gone on stage at her concerts in the past.

  3. Libra says:

    Not a fan of Julia Roberts. She has boundary issues, as when she hooked up with a married Danny Moder and then the “a low vera” t-shirt when Vera refused to divorce Danny.

  4. Sarah says:

    I mean if a man did that people would be outraged she’s grabbing his chest so imagine if he did that to her!! He seems really uncomfortable too, however, not seeing how the tweet in the article is showing swifties are mad that one seems to be making a joke, which in my opinion is bad form. But they don’t seem mad.

    But sorry if a man did that to Julia Roberts we’d be outraged rightfully so if swifties are mad, which I’m not seeing in the article, good for them for not being hypocrites.

  5. Noo says:

    To me, Julia Roberts has always come across as someone with boundary issues. Like, if you’re her friend or in her circle then she owns you. But it’s supposed to be charming and you’re so lucky because she’s Julia freakin Roberts.

  6. Mightymolly says:

    It’s Travis who should be annoyed, not Swifties. She wasn’t trying to usurp Tay, but you really shouldn’t be touching someone like that without permission.

    • Aerie says:

      And how can you know if permission was granted? These are two people who know each other and if the physical contact is inappropriate then that’s entirely on Travis to make that call. All these comments about consent are bordering on ridiculous.

      • Mightymolly says:

        Is that what the body language says to you?! Enthusiastic consent?

      • Aerie says:

        Enthusiastic consent? I’m not going to confirm statements I didn’t make. But I will reiterate that I don’t know the dynamics of their relationship and I won’t presume to know how either one of them felt about this encounter.

      • Mightymolly says:

        You came to a gossip site to announce that you aren’t going to speculate on people you don’t know? 🤣

  7. ariel says:

    I saw the camera phone videos- and it did seem weird- but not terrible.
    I’m a minor league swiftie- and its fine.

    I’m of the – let’s not make a fuss about essentially nothing camp.

    • Sarah says:

      I agree in terms of their relationship she clearly wasn’t trying to cross that line or threaten Travis and Taylor in any way. But she touched him without consent and he looks uncomfortable, so if he did that to HER would it be no big deal? If he grabbed her chest like she did him would that be ok? Nope. You shouldn’t touch people like that if it’s not ok with them.

      • Elizabeth says:

        Yes but it’s completely different for a woman. I do not think she should have done this, or that it’s ever okay to touch anyone without permission, but this is not at all the same as a man touching a woman’s breasts without permission. Reversing the genders would change (escalate) the situation.

    • ew says:

      Some of y’alls refusal to see men as victims of sexual violence when the perpetrator is a woman is frankly disgusting.

      “this is not at all the same as a man touching a woman’s breasts without permission.”

      He is uncomfortable. He did not consent. He is trying to create distance.

      Y’all gross.

  8. Abby says:

    I’m a Taylor fan, and I mostly feel cringe about Julia scratching on Travis’ shirt. If the genders were reversed people would be making a much bigger deal. He seems like he’s being polite but also a little uncomfortable. I’m sure she meant well, but it’s the scratching that is the most awkward. Like was his shirt soft? I don’t understand. He’s not a throw pillow or her partner.

    • Christine says:

      Agreed, I now know what Travis looks like when he’s uncomfortable. He tries to back up, she’s hanging on for dear life.

  9. Aerie says:

    It’s not necessary to switch genders to make a point. Julia Roberts is touchy-feely and Travis K. is a giant gentle bear. He doesn’t belong to her fans and they need to understand that.

    • Sarah says:

      Seems like people are saying she is wrong not that he belongs to her fans, she was wrong and to dismiss her touching him without consent because he’s a loveable guy is wrong.

      • Aerie says:

        The issue then is consent. If Travis gave consent then it’s ok for Julia to touch him. That’s something between the two of them that none of us will never know. However, if people are objecting to the way she touched him, that’s different; but again, it’s between those two adults.

    • Get Real says:

      It absolutely IS necessary as men are not yet afforded the same respect for inappropriate/non consensual touching as women.

  10. Trillion says:

    I read that entire Kandy Muse interview in her (iconic) voice.

    • Flamingo says:

      God i love her, I am still waiting for her blush tutorial. She does it and it looks amazing. I do it and I look like Bozo the Clown.

  11. sevenblue says:

    I just saw a video of a woman pinching Kendrick Lamar’s cheek. He laughed it off too, but I wish everyone keeps their hands to themselves. It is so easy not to touch other people without their consent.

    • Kitten says:

      Right. The thing is, we don’t know what every individual’s boundaries are, which is why generally-speaking we should avoid the touchy-touchy.

      That being said, the way he grabbed her arm didn’t seem like he was restraining her? To me, it looked affectionate. Like, I have pics of myself holding my friends hands or arms as we’re embracing in pics. Granted they’re my close friends so I’m familiar with their boundaries, but I don’t see Travis as looking uncomfortable. To me, he looks like he’s relaxed and happy.
      If he was actively backing up, moving away, or showing strong resistance to her behavior, I’d feel differently.

      People are reading too much into this IMO. This isn’t an example of a man being sexually assaulted and he’s not a victim of anything beyond an older actress being awkwardly affectionate with him.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Kitten, some people don’t know how to react to that kind of behavior in public. There are a lot of women who laugh it off when they are touched by a man without their consent too. You are in public, you don’t want to make a scene some time. So, no you can’t always tell with body language. That is why you shouldn’t touch strangers like that.

  12. Flamingo says:

    It’s always so funny to me when celebrities act so outraged and indignant when strangers come up to them and act like they know them. But then the same celebrity will do it to another celebrity they don’t know and act like it’s normal.

    The lip reader on Tik Tok watched what she said. She was basically praising Travis for being in a relationship and she is very invested in it. Not creepy at all!

    To Travis credit he handled it with grace. And was probably excited to tell Jason about his ‘Pretty Woman’ moment on their podcast.

  13. girl_ninja says:

    She was out of line and it’s really that simple. This doesn’t have anything to do with Swifties.

  14. yupyup says:

    She is scratching his chest like he really is a golden retriever. I’m sorry but it’s hilarious. Travis must be like “what is happening? What just happened ?” She doesn’t seem to be flirting at all more like a mom and teddy bear son thing.

  15. yupyup says:

    She is scratching his belly like he really is a golden retriever. I’m sorry but it’s hilarious. Travis must be like “what is happening? What just happened ?” Travis has some effect on the ladies.

    • Sarah says:

      This sounds like what Weinstein would say about women, they just have that effect on men. It’s hilarious.

      You don’t touch people without consent. If he scratched her chest people wouldn’t find it funny. I don’t think she meant harm or was trying to move in on Taylor’s man but it was wrong and not funny.

      • yupyup says:

        Calm down. Weinstein was a well know rapist. How the hell do you know they don’t have a close friendship and that’s why she and he looked like it was ok? I dont see him uncomfortable at all and even leans in and smiles because they seem like friends.

      • Sarah says:

        And your comment is the kind he made, he looks uncomfortable and you don’t touch people without consent. It is wrong. It was wrong when someone did it Kendrick, it’s wrong here and to laugh it off is wrong.

      • yupyup says:

        I don’t agree with you that he looks uncomfortable and that is not wrong. He looks fine and not uncomfortable to me.

  16. tealily says:

    She gives the vibe of someone who is very touchy-feely with everyone always. Feels like a generational thing, in today’s world that’s inappropriate. I don’t think she’s moving in on Swift’s man.

    • Green Desert says:

      ITA. Something I’ve been thinking about lately are generational differences when it comes to things like this. People like to rag on the youths but there are a few things they understand so much better than us older generations (I’m an elder millennial). Consent is one, as is not touching people just as a general rule. Also not commenting on people’s bodies or looks in a way so many people still do. Doesn’t excuse Julia (a Gen Xer). But I think it explains it. Plus we all know Julia is JULIA and does what she wants (I’m a fan of hers, but I know this about her). I’m really starting to look to younger generations for these kinds of lessons.

      • tealily says:

        Yes! I am elder millennial also and this is one of the ways I feel more connected to the younger folks. I’m on OG “don’t touch me, I don’t know you like that.” Why was the 20th century so touchy touchy? You’d think a global pandemic would have licked that.

    • Huckle says:

      I’m an X-er and can tell you being touchy-feely like that is not a generational inclination. She is simply a rude person and has no boundaries.

      • Eden75 says:

        I was just going to say this.

        Gen X here as well and not a toucher at all. I worked at a company where everyone hugged and they were all butt hurt when I said, no thank you, I don’t hug.

        JR comes off as obnoxious and oblivious. Read the signs woman.

      • paintybox says:

        I don’t like her one bit so take my comments with that in mind, but I watched a video about her traveling to Mongolia when she was a young star, and she was all over the married Mongolian men – hugging them, snuggling with them – their wives were noticing but being discreet about it. It was obvious she wasn’t reading the culture but Julia’s just oblivious and thinks she vibes with men so anything she does is OK. She was draped all over her “bestie” George Clooney when his wife was on the other side of him, NOT draped all over him. It’s like, who’s married to him? It’s selfish of Julia, and honestly that scritchy-scratchy whatever that is she’s doing on Travis’ chest is too f*ing creepy. So gross.

    • Wagiman says:

      Please don’t make it generational. I’m about maybe 15 years older than JR and I’d never! Most people I know between 50 and 85 would never either.

      I sometimes watch an older TV series with an ocd character who, while refuses to be touched, touches people’s clothes /things constantly. It’s frankly a silly portrayal and the touching of other people and their stuff actually annoys me at times. The show has its charm and I close my eyes at the OTT stupid stuff. But touching is completely out unless it’s a good friend /relative.

  17. Roo says:

    This is Julia’s M.O. She does that every time she is near an attractive male to show that she is still an attractive ingenue. When she announced the Oscar going to Denzel Washington, she made it all about her and draped herself all over him as they exited the stage after his speech. When she appeared at Cannes with Clooney, she was all over him and I think Amal was right there. She has such main character syndrome.

    • Princess Caroline says:

      That’s why I don’t f*ck with women like Julia. Always HAVE to be the absolute center of the attention. The prettiest & most outgoing girl in the room. They don’t respect boundaries and they certainly don’t respect other women…even their closest friends & family. The ultimate pick me’s

    • Christine says:

      That is the perfect way to say it! She does have main character syndrome, with a subset of romantic leading lady syndrome.

  18. Ameerah M says:

    Lainey is right. It’s pure amateur hour from folks too young to know Julia and how she works. This is her being Julia. Nothing more.

  19. Kirsten says:

    It does *seem* like he’s trying to back away, but there’s no way to know why she’s doing that or if it’s fine with him from a five second video where you can’t hear anything.

    That said, not a fan of Roberts.

    • Huckle says:

      Me neither. I like a couple of her movies but I really dislike her as a person. At least what I read about her.

  20. Sasha says:

    I loved that write-up of Julia. It makes so much sense. I don’t see her behaviour with Travis as her being in any way seductive or flirtatious. She’s being familiar with him the way she would with anyone, man or woman, that she’s decided to claim. We all know people like this. She tries to make pets of people. I see it as relatively harmless in the grand scheme of things?

    • Bumblebee says:

      Making pets of people ? Claiming random people? Relatively harmless? No. No one is claiming me or treating me like a pet. I am a human being who deserves the same respect as everyone else. Just because Julia is a celebrity and is ‘affectionate’ doesn’t give her the right to invade other people’s body space and touch people without permission.

  21. Bumblebee says:

    We had an acquaintance (female) who hugged everyone when she greeted them. Affectionate hugs like you were her best friend and acted like her feelings were hurt if you didn’t hug her. I didn’t think anything was weird about it. So it surprised me when my husband told me it made him uncomfortable. That he didn’t want to hug her. And asked me if I could talk to her about it. Now, 20 years later, understanding better about boundaries, how men can be preyed on and not respected, I look at what Julia Roberts is doing and know it’s not okay. Julia Roberts, stop touching other people, stay out of their body space. Unless you know someone intimately or they have given you permission, a handshake is it.

    • Sarah says:

      I am not a toucher if I don’t know you and feel close to you and trust you, I do not want to be touched by you. No one ever respects these boundaries and I’m constantly told I’m cold, stand offish or even rude. And I’m like nope I’m extremely friendly and warm I just don’t want to be touched. I hate the kissing on the cheek thing that is FORCED on people now and when you don’t like it it’s judged.

      So while I don’t think Julia was moving in on Taylor’s man she wasn’t being respectful or thinking of anyone but herself and that makes her a terrible person.

      Just because you like to hug doesn’t mean everyone does and forcing it on people makes you wrong and acting like the people uncomfortable are bad makes you even worse.

  22. Barbara says:

    I’m not really a fan of Lily Allen but the whole Wikifeet and Feet Only Fans is funny. Hey, if my feet weren’t so beat up, I’d do it!

  23. Princess Caroline says:

    If I was Taylor and that was MY man…Julia wouldn’t be invited around anymore.

  24. Mina_Esq says:

    Lainey’s take is the right take on the Julia and Travis thing. It’s her way of welcoming someone into her circle and basically mothering him.

  25. viva says:

    I was honestly surprised about Taylor Swift not being in the top 10 biggest celebrity CO2 offenders as she and her private jet are talked about so much. Some of these names on the list were completely out of the blue for me

    • Christine says:

      Right? Pitbull being #1 really surprised me, mainly because I didn’t know Pitbull had the kind of career where he has this kind of money. Off to research WTF I missed.

  26. Christine says:

    BET must be struggling if they are putting OJ Simpson in their “in memoriam” segment. There is no other explanation for what is obviously a grab for media attention through controversy.

  27. Mcmmom says:

    That video is weird. The only man I would touch like that is my husband or my son – I wouldn’t even touch my brother in law, who I have known for over 30 years, like that. It’s not a hug, it’s not a handshake – it’s an intimate (not necessarily sexual) physical gesture that doesn’t fit into a socially acceptable action. Even a kiss on the cheek is more normal than scratching someone’s chest.

  28. JoanofArc says:

    Why is she tickling him? Then grabbing him because he wants to pull away. I wouldn’t even think of doing that to any close male friends. Gross. Very desperate old lady vibes.

  29. Paulala says:

    Julia knew the cameras would be on Travis. She just had to be the center of attention. As usual.

  30. Yonati says:

    I’m affectionate; I’m a hugger. Big time. But I have boundaries, I know about consent, and that looks like flirting. She KEEPS touching him. It’s not a friendly “nice to meet you.” It’s “I want to touch your body and I’m Julia Roberts so I’m going to get away with it.”

    • Christine says:

      I am also a massive hugger, and I have never touched a man that I wasn’t involved with romantically this way. It’s his pecs, his chest hair, and I get it, he’s hot, but no. Do not do this with anyone other than your partner or your child, or a friend who has already said they like physical contact like this.

      I’m imagining both of my brothers’ reactions if I did this to them, and they already know I am a massive hugger, by proxy of being their big sister. They would be creeped out, and so would I.

  31. chrissy says:

    What’s with the kitty Kat scratches on his chest, seems inappropriate to me and a major flirt attack

  32. Dee says:

    That video makes me very uncomfortable for Travis.

  33. Katie Beanstalk says:

    To be honest I don’t care about either of these people.