Prince William & Kate ‘donated privately’ to Hurricane Beryl relief efforts

Hurricane Beryl was/is the first Category 5 hurricane of the 2024 season, although as Beryl hit land in the Caribbean, she was downgraded to Category 4 and then Category 3. Beryl churned and wrecked her way through Jamaica, Grenada, St. Vincent, the Grenadines and the Cayman Islands. People have lost their homes and there’s a growing death toll. Thursday night into Friday morning, the hurricane was bashing her way into the Yucatan Peninsula, with a lot of damage expected in Mexico and Texas. Many of the Caribbean nations affected are part of the British Commonwealth or part of the British realm. King Charles released a statement on Thursday about the destruction and loss of life. Meanwhile, Kensington Palace briefed everyone far and wide that Prince William and Kate were “donating privately.”

Prince William and Kate have been donating privately to Hurricane Beryl relief efforts after the powerful storm tore through islands in the south-east Caribbean, it is understood.

The natural disaster has led to at least six people being killed in Grenada, Venezuela and St Vincent and the Grenadines. As the storm worsens, a hurricane warning has been put in place for Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Little Cayman, and Cayman Brac. The Prince and Princess of Wales, who carried out a royal tour in the Caribbean in 2022, are said to be supporting current relief efforts and continuing to follow the impact closely.

It is unknown house much the royal couple have donated to relief efforts at this time.

[From The Daily Mail]

On one side, good for them for donating and announcing it, in their peculiar royal way, effectively screaming “We’re privately donating because we don’t want attention, that’s why we briefed every reporter about it.” The thing is, arguably their whole f–king purpose is to raise money and highlight worthy and important causes. Their donation shouldn’t be private, it should be a flat announcement that their Royal Foundation is dedicating X amount of pounds to the Red Cross, CARE, Direct Relief, etc. Then they should do a photo-op to drive it home, that people need to donate and attention should be paid to the devastation. I know, I’m once again handing out free advice to these people, but jeez, why can’t they ever get this right?

Photos courtesy of Instar.

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72 Responses to “Prince William & Kate ‘donated privately’ to Hurricane Beryl relief efforts”

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  1. Caitlin says:

    “Donating privately” – whatever that means. GMAFB.

    • Louise177 says:

      @Caitlin, Probably giving as little as possible but the attention and praise as if they donated millions in cash and resources.

    • WaterDragon says:

      Sure they did… I’ll believe that when I see the receipts.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Does it mean the the money comes out of the Foundation, which is other people’s donated money, or out of funds from the Duchy of Cornwall, which of course is now his private income.

      • goofpuff says:

        They would never give their own money willingly, so I would guess its someone else’s work and money they will take credit for like always.

    • The Robinson Group says:

      2 quid?

    • BeanieBean says:

      ‘Have been donating privately’, making it seem as though there’ve been multiple donations. I don’t believe it. And I think Kaiser is spot on–you claim raising awareness for humanitarian causes is your raison d’être & yet you ‘donate privately’ & provide zero info about how & where to help? Useless, they are bloody useless.

  2. Chaine says:

    Cmon Willie is that the best you can do? Even Donald Trump went to the Caribbean territories after a hurricane and threw around some paper towels. You should go down there and put to work those shoveling skills you were showing off a month or so ago and help with the recovery.

    • Maggie says:

      WHAT? Why would that p.o.s visit the Caribbean, they’re not part of America….hence why the royal family donated money🤣He visited Puerto Rico, which is a part of the U.S. That’s where he threw paper towels, and later wanted to trade Puerto Rico for Greenland.

      • BeanieBean says:

        True, true, all true–but Puerto Rico is in the Caribbean & is a US Territory.

      • Maggie says:

        @BeanieBean Hurricane Beryl hit Grenada and Jamaica, ISLANDS. That p.o.s went to one, Puerto Rico🙄the comment implied he went to territories, more than one.

      • Paintergal says:

        Trump went to PR, that was years ago, different storm.

  3. Proud Mary says:

    If this was private, why do we know about it? I recall when it was against royal protocol for royals to make donations, and worthy of a visit to the Tower when the donations were made public. I just love how they are just flailing at this point — remember what would Jesus do? For the Firm, now it’s “What would the Sussexes do?”

  4. Hypocrisy says:

    Last time I read a story about them donating money, it turned out that it wasn’t from them they just presented someone else’s fundraising efforts. There have also been old articles that when they do donate it’s an extremely small amount always undisclosed. I’m sure all donations will be welcome, and my 100$ is probably more than these people donated.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I think it’s the reason they’re not going to take Kaiser’s advise. It’s because they know people will be unimpressed by the amount, given their 25 million pounds per year income.

      • Tennyson says:

        When the late queen’s 2 cousins, Katherine and Narissa and 3 second-degree cousins were locked up in a state asylum, meaning costing nothing to the family, Queen Mum was congratulated for making a yearly donation to the mental facility. It turned out to be £100/year, a sum which wouldn’t have cover 1 day for 1 girl at said institution.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Tennyson, I hear that’s less that Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon spend on gin in an hour.

      • kirk says:

        Thanks for the info Tennyson – So the reason for not claiming the relatives housed in state asylums was because it was done at taxpayer expense? Too bad the Sovereign (Enrichment) Grant deal was struck years ago ensuring zero accountability for any specific royal, and assurance the Grant would never decrease, despite the lack of people to supposedly fufill the need for royal people out doing royal work. Otherwise, UK gov could reduce the Sovereign Grant for amounts to house discarded relatives supported by taxpayers.

  5. Privately as in announcing to the world privately? They need to consult a dictionary about privately.

  6. HeatherC says:

    Someone explain it to me like I’m five. How does the media know about such private donations if they are, in fact, private?

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      It’s like what Susan Collins said above. The BM needs to consult a dictionary. It’s obvious they are very confused about words like ‘privately’ and privacy.

  7. ML says:

    “…should be a flat announcement that their Royal Foundation is dedicating X amount of pounds to the Red Cross, CARE, Direct Relief, etc. Then they should do a photo-op to drive it home, …”

    100% this!

  8. Joanne says:

    At least King Chuck is sending “his most special thoughts and prayers”. No ordinary thoughts and prayers are good enough.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Doesn’t provide clean water or antibiotics. People do that.

    • Margaret says:

      I noticed that too. I take it to mean that he thinks his thoughts and prayers are more special than anyone else’s. Whoever wrote that needs a proof reader.

  9. Jais says:

    Well, since they’ve let everyone know about their private donation, it’s not really a private donation then. So thanks for letting us know?

  10. Nanea says:

    Too bad they donated “privately”.

    Otherwise we might have found out eventually how little they actually gave. Like when the Royal Foundation revealed that their donation to something wasn’t the previously announced ~ £ 320,000 pounds but only £ 13,000 or something like that.

    We all know that Bulliam “Billy” Idle is beyond stingy, so it can’t have been much.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Or, like, when the BM tried to claim the Royal Foundation tried to claim they donated money to the Invictus Games when it was a transfer from the Endeavour Funds (Harry’s funding) to the Invictus Games.

  11. Chantal1 says:

    The fact that they allegedly donated isn’t private, just the amount of money is private. Got it.

    Every bit helps but sheesh! These people can’t do anything straightforward. The BRF still don’t know how to use their platform effectively for anything other than Sussex bashing. Including one sentence encouraging people to donate is all they need to add to these embiggening “articles” yet they never do. I hope the RF and their minions take Kaiser’s excellent advice. Think of the great PR, BRF! Oh and it’s wonderful that W remembered to include his wife in this latest embiggening…

  12. Flower says:

    Lol that yellow dress that Kitty wore on the Royal Disaster Tour was one of my favourite outfits of hers of all time.

    It reminds me of one of my favourite aunties who is a firecracker even in her later years.

    Not a fan of Kate, but the dress somehow brings back good memories.

    • Jais says:

      Iirc most people despised that dress. But I’m with you and always kind of liked it. It looks like something a murder she wrote suspect would wear.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Oh, I love that dress on her! It is so awful in its extra-ness! Flounces, ruffles, peplum, ‘diamond’ belt buckle!, ‘pearl’ buttons! shiny, shiny fabric! Oh, it is splendid!

      • Holz says:

        Yes it was supremely ridiculous, and I enjoyed it too. I think she was trying to (again) cosplay Diana. Google Diana-yellow dress-Australian beach. But again Kate never gets it right.

      • Blithe says:

        Kate was definitely trying to cosplay Diana: It’s a very strange mishmash of the top part of Diana’s wedding dress — made casual, but with really awful shiny floral fabric, and LOTS of buttons. Someone should have told Kate “No!”

  13. Kelsey says:

    Please. They probably sent a $40 CashApp and went about their business. That’s why they didn’t specify an amount.

  14. Nic919 says:

    Mustique was in the path of the hurricane and it is more than likely something relating to that. So rich people helping other rich people. If it was something to help the peasants they would have said so.

    • Oh come on. says:

      Hehe wouldn’t be surprised if their “private donation” turned out to be less than £1,000, dedicated to rebuilding a yacht marina in Mustique

  15. Ameerah M says:

    Donated privately makes me think they didn’t actually donate that much and therefore don’t want the donation public- but they won’t the recognition for it.

  16. Amy Bee says:

    This was all about promoting themselves rather than highlighting the issue as Kaiser said they could have said who they donated to and encouraged others to donate to charities involved in the hurricane relief. They’re just so bad at this.

  17. Kathalea says:

    I bet they donated £20 or £ 50, ‘together’..Not a penny more

  18. blueberry says:

    Gah they are so tacky

  19. bisynaptic says:

    LOL “private”.

  20. Digital Unicorn says:

    Ah I see they are taking several leafs out of the Sussex’s book of how to do things….

    • Nic919 says:

      The Sussexes actually name the organization they are donating to though. These people are not transparent at all.

  21. Tessa says:

    Oh and there is her scarlett in velvet and feathers at Ashley party

  22. Tessa says:

    The photo of her with the open mouth and weird expression is priceless

  23. Molly says:

    He’s sad, sent condolences, gratitude, and of course “thoughts and prayers.”

    Money. Send MONEY. BOATS OF HELP. TEAMS OF DOCTORS. FOOD. CLOTHING … You cheap over-paid talking head. Here’s something they could actually make a show of while truly helping.

    But … nah. I have to go adjust my Thistle.

    • kelleybelle says:

      And of course accompanied by very old pictures of them together. Nothing recent, right?

  24. Renae says:

    These are not serious people!

  25. Libra says:

    It’s so private they had to issue a press release. My head can’t even begin to take in the worldwide mocking of anyone else doing the same.

  26. Maryse42 says:

    Can I just say, WOW that yellow dress is an absolute monstrosity? I don’t always hate on Kate’s fashion as much as some other folks here but I am just kind of flabbergasted at how exceedingly awful that one is!

  27. Bonsai Mountain says:

    Grenada wants nothing to do with them – they got dropped from the Royal Tour because the Royal refused to address Grenada’s calls for reparations. That ‘spirit’ and ‘resilience’ comes from being former slave colonies of the British Empire – so all that stolen wealth comes from the Caribbean, Africa, India etc. Nobody wants their piddling ‘contribution’. Reparations or be quiet. Insulting.

    • Gingerbee says:

      @Bonsai, exactly. The Caricom nations have done more, than Bully and Kitty’s piddling private donations. Guyana and Trinidad have sent up shipments of goods and supplies to Grenada. The Wailes are just performative, and is only doing this for good publicity 🤦🏽‍♀️

      • Sophie Ninette says:

        I live in Trinidad. People here have rallied to the call for help from the hurricane hit islands with incredible generosity. The first boats left on Wednesday loaded not just with food, but with tents, generators, medicines. I have collected food, clothing, blankets and more from numerous people over four days, with my car loaded up each time I arrived at a drop off point. What is needed is tangible supplies and efforts, and widespread sharing of information so that other people are motivated to get involved. Residents of some islands won’t be able to go home for a year, if ever. TT has extended an invitation for families with relatives and friends here to come and stay without immigration hassle, and for schools to take in students after the vacation. The Royal family could use their massive influence to describe the kind of help that the British public could be providing, and leading the way with their own contributions, transparently revealed. We are talking about rebuilding small-island nations, from the ground up.

  28. tamsin says:

    i think the announcement of the donation probably comes from their new pr. You often heard about the late Queen donating “privately” as well.

  29. Lili says:

    This should be aBoon for William, its an enviromental crisis whilst Hurricanes can’t be stopped, but the fact they are coming earlier in the year should be cause for concern. A few years ago i was in the Bahamas for a wedding in late August and the locals told us we had cut it pretty close, as most of them leave the islands when in september for hurricane season

    • BeanieBean says:

      Hurricane season starts June 1 and ends November 30, but yes, the really big ones usually hit a bit later in the summer.

  30. Mina_Esq says:

    I approve of this type of copy keening!

  31. Beverley says:

    Performative bs.

    KKKhate would rather toss them a couple of $$ than be touched by a black Jamaican. And Pegs wants to be a SuperDuper Big Boy Global Statesman…but only in the white nations. So a private public donation makes them look better from a distance.

  32. QuiteContrary says:

    Kate should donate that yellow dress to be made into kitchen curtains.

  33. Lexistential says:

    GMAFB. “Donating privately” is such vaguespeak trying to sound dignified.

    I’m just gonna count down to Archewell and World Central Kitchen to *actually* help.

  34. Annalise says:

    All I want to know is WHAT is that yellow monstrosity Kate is wearing??? Polka dots AND flowers?? AND puffy shoulders?? AND a bow at the neck?? AND a Peter Pan collar?? AND a peplum?? And a flashy built-in belt??? 🫣🫣🫣

  35. JFerber says:

    5 pounds? Max? These people are despicable leeches–lying, despicable leeches. And it’s only “private” in that they don’t mention it’s only 5 pounds, because it would, and should embarrass, no, shame them. The frigging nerve of these grifters!