A blind item about Gwyneth Paltrow’s Hamptons house guest has been solved

Last week, PopBitch ran a particularly gross blind item – you can see the full screenshot here. The basics were as follows: an A-list actress has a house in the Hamptons and she regularly has friends stay with her. One of her friends – “a NYC-based wordsmith” – stayed in a guest room and had some kind of explosive diarrhea incident. Instead of confessing to the A-list actress, he just left money for the maids and got the hell out of there. Now the A-list actress is disgusted with the guy and she’s telling her friends about what went down, plus Hamptonites are now texting each other about “Ozempic-induced diarrhea.” Well, the Daily Mail did a big reveal. Unsurprisingly, the A-list actress is none other than Gwyneth Paltrow. But the NYC-based wordsmith? Who is he?? Turns out it’s everyone’s favorite hanger-on, Derek Blasberg. He’s like Jonathan Cheban for the elite.

The mystery surrounding the unfortunate guest who lost control of their bowels in a bed at Gwyneth Paltrow’s Hamptons home has now been solved by insiders who have named the person at the center of the scandal. DailyMail.com can reveal that the culprit behind the mortifying incident is socialite and celebrity hanger-on, Derek Blasberg.

The internet was whipped into a frenzy last week when a blind item in a popular gossip newsletter claimed that Goop founder Paltrow, 51, had been tasked with cleaning up someone’s ‘Ozempic-induced diarrhea’ at her home. But insiders have claimed that media personality Blasberg, 42 – once described as ‘one of showbiz’s most well-connected men’ – only conveniently blamed it on the popular weight loss wonder drug before allegedly fleeing the property.

‘It’s not Ozempic, that’s just what he told everyone,’ the insider said, before revealing how the secret made its way through the Hamptons set. ‘Gwyneth told Oprah, Jerry and Jessica Seinfeld, and Larry David. It’s shocking how many people know this story and how he has managed to keep it out of The Post… probably via his best friend [socialite Dasha Zhukova] – whose mom just married Rupert Murdoch.’

Blasberg is no stranger to spending time with Paltrow at her five-bedroom Long Island home, where she hosted her wedding to Brad Falchuk. In 2022 the fashion expert posted a snap of himself and the actress celebrating her 50th birthday at the sprawling property. And it appears someone tried to out Blasberg as the phantom pooper four weeks ago when they commented two poop emojis, a toilet emoji and a dynamite emoji on the Instagram post.

[From The Daily Mail]

“It appears someone tried to out Blasberg as the phantom pooper four weeks ago when they commented two poop emojis, a toilet emoji and a dynamite emoji.” OMFG. Like… how embarrassing, how awful, how scandalous. It’s bad enough that Gwyneth knows about Derek’s awful exploding diarrhea, but the fact that she’s telling everyone about it? Blasberg is probably going to be cut out of Hamptons society for at least a year. And if it wasn’t Ozempic-related diarrhea, what was it? Let me be honest – when I had the norovirus years ago, it was a mess. Not this bad – I was horking up almost everything – but it was BAD. For days. If he was legitimately sick, I would be more understanding. But what caused this??

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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62 Responses to “A blind item about Gwyneth Paltrow’s Hamptons house guest has been solved”

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  1. Pearl says:

    Cocaine cut with baby laxatives?

  2. jazzbaby1 says:

    She looks like Anne Heche in that picture.

  3. Proud Mary says:

    I’m always surprised that with all her money and being a “beauty expert” and all, yet her hair always looks fried and damaged. Weird.

    • Aerie says:

      ^^this. I’ve given up being shocked at how unhealthy her hair looks and the fact that she insists on keeping the same flat style tells me she doesn’t notice or doesn’t care. They can’t all be Jennifer Aniston, I guess.

    • Josephine says:

      I agree although I will give her this — she doesn’t seem to use all of the fake hair that everyone else does. But I woud love to see her return to the long bob she rocked at some point. He hair is just not healthy.

  4. K says:

    Well I always thought Gwyneth was full of shit so her friends are too.

    • Tulipworthy says:


    • Karmaflower says:

      She’s a c u next Tuesday.

      I feel badly for him. I doubt she would have shown 1 iota of discretion if he had told her it happened.

      I can’t tolerate shallow.

  5. Hypocrisy says:

    This entire thing seems cruel to me, why would anyone share this with the public. Just get rid of the ruined linens it isn’t like they can’t afford to replace them.

    • Kaiser says:

      It honestly sounds like Blasberg sh-t on more than just the bed!

      • Ameerah M says:

        @Kaiser – this feels like it’s about more than just sh-tting the bed- I think something more happened. And she honestly could just be mad that he fled and left her and her staff to clean it up. Which is a sh8tty thing to do. Pun intended.

    • MaisiesMom says:

      I agree. No one needs to know this. I can understand her being annoyed with her guest, but don’t blab to anyone. And if the person spreading the news is some other friend or guest whom Paltrow told in a moment of frustration? They should shut it! Think about how it feels for him.

      Obviously the guy should have said something to her but he doesn’t deserve to have his literal dirty laundry aired like this. Not even if there was more to the story and they had a larger falling out.

    • ML says:

      I also feel like this is really cruel and too much information. If true, I don’t know what caused him to do this, but I feel certain that if he could have avoided it, he would have.

      • Barrett says:

        agree, people are human maybe he just got sick.

      • Lux says:

        I don’t think it’s cruel if he’s so crude as to throw money at the maid and skip town. If a houseguest behaved like that at my place, I would surely tell my best friends. It just so happens that my best friends are not crazy power players whose reactions or jokes to such a crazy incident could be immortalized. You know Larry David turned around and told that story 1000x better with dry asides.

        Blaseberg is a Truman Capote-wannabe without the talent, charm and wit. What has he actually published other than some weird social etiquette book no one read? Professional hanger-on’s days are always numbered,

    • tealily says:

      I genuinely don’t need to know this. I didn’t even know who this guy is before now, so this is all I know about him.

    • Dilettante says:

      It’s not about what happened to Blasberg, it’s about how he chose to handle it.

      • TheOriginalMia says:

        I understand being embarrassed, but theowing money at the maids like he was at a hotel and not his good friend’s home… Just doesn’t sit right with me. And I could see Gwyneth being petty and telling people how he treated her home and her staff. Accidents do happen. It’s how you conduct yourself in the aftermath that reveals your character.

    • Anony83 says:

      That was my thought; what terrible manners to go around telling anyone who’ll listen about something that your house guest is almost certainly mortified by.

      I have Crohn’s Disease and I’ve had my whole colon taken out and now have an ostomy, which can result in some pretty mortifying accidents over the years. If I found out that a friend was telling everyone and their mother about it, I would cry and then never speak to them again.

      Should he have fessed up and tried to clean it all up before he left, certainly. But, I can absolutely empathize with why he didn’t. I’d hate to have to admit that to someone like Goop-y, especially if I would then be grilled on WHY it happened, whether it’s Ozempic or just a bad case of gastroenteritis.

      These are full grown adults and GOOP-y there almost certainly has tons of staff taking care of her in her Hampton’s house. If anyone gets to complain, its her staff.

  6. Side Eye says:

    If it’s all true, that he just left the property without an attempt at cleaning it up himself or telling anyone is straight up gross. That’s just crazy.

    I don’t know about Gwyneth, but if a friend was staying with me and had some sort of major accident, told me about it and did their best to clean it up, that secret would die with me. I think it’s the fact that he just left it for the maids – I mean wtf. People get sick all the time. Some viruses are no joke. But it’s the fact that he just bounced.

    Now if he made some attempt to clean it up or threw out whatever was damaged and offered to replace it (carpet sheets whatever) then Gwyneth telling her friends about it is next level mean girl.

    • Ameerah M says:

      EXACTLY. That’s the part that stuck with me. That he just fled and left her staff to clean it up.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Yeah it’s the just throwing money at it and leaving which is the bad part. Cleaning up feces correctly and not opening yourself up to risk it’s something that people do need to be trained on appropriately, so just expecting the maids to know how to do that and to have the appropriate items to do so is rude. This situation actually did happen with my best friend when we were in our early twenties after a night of drinking, and by the time I had woken up she had already cleaned everything up disposed of my sheets and mattress pad and was like hey let’s go and hit up Marshalls for some new bed stuff for you and let’s go get some brunch.

    • DragonWise says:

      Yup! People have gross accidents–it just happens sometimes. I would have been mortified if it happened to me, but I would do my best to clean up, throw away what can’t be saved, and pay for professional cleaning/replacement of items, and would expect nothing less of a houseguest. He just ran like a b*tch, and I *really* don’t like the classism of throwing money at the maids as if they just deal with poopcanoes on the regular! I’m afraid I would probably tell people too, especially if it’s just some professional hanger-on whom I don’t really care about!

  7. Zapp Brannigan says:

    I have a friend with Crohn’s disease and this is his worst nightmare, he restricts what he does and where he goes to avoid just this type of scenario. I don’t know what, if any, kind of medical issue Blasberg has but I do know that the people gossiping and laughing about this have no class, no matter how much money they have.

    • Christine says:

      I’m with you, I would never in a million years do this to ANYONE, much less someone I call a friend.

    • ML says:

      Crohn’s is no joke. We also have loved ones who suffer from it—my heart goes out to your friend, ZB. There’s no way that this guy did this on purpose and I don’t think there’s any reason to humiliate him for it.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Yes. Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome. It’s a real problem for people suffering from these intestinal diseases. But he shouldn’t have fled without telling his host and treating the maids like 💩, so to speak. Still, GP shouldn’t have broadcast this far and wide before talking to him first. If he was still going to be a jerk and not apologize, then he deserved what he got.

      • sparrow1 says:

        I have IBS. I’m really careful what I eat and drink when I go out and when we stay over at other people’s houses. Working from home is easier than when I was in the office – I restricted myself so much at work, to the point I used to eat shortbread most of the time. I eat better now I’m at home. I did wreck my IBS recently going too far with foods I should’ve avoided, however.

    • Steph says:

      I don’t think that’s an equal comparison. No adults are making fun of him having an accident. They are pissed that he didn’t try to clean up his accident and then ran away for it to be discovered. Imagine going to gather your home after hosting guests to discover you had a room covered in shit? No warning or anything. That’s fucking disgusting. It was so beyond rude of him.

    • Anony83 says:

      I commented above that I have Crohn’s Disease and this is my worst nightmare writ large.

      He should have obviously tried to clean it up but I’m willing to bet that in a giant house like the one Goop-y almost certainly has, it’s not as simple as just taking the laundry to the basement and throwing it in.

      He would have needed to ask for help which would have meant admitting what happened to Goop’s face and given the way she’s apparently handled this, I can kind of see why he didn’t want to do that.

      Throwing money at it is obviously not the solution, but at least it acknowledges that the staff (and not Goop) are the people who were really wronged here.

  8. Angelica Schuyler says:

    I just don’t understand people who handle these situations so poorly. Yes it would be embarrassing to approach your host and explain a situation like this, but if the person had enough respect to approach Gwyneth privately, then she may not have put him on blast with others. He could have saved face with general society and made it up to her privately. But to just throw money at the maids….. So tacky. He should have just manned-up and owned up to his issue. Now everyone knows what a stinker he really is.

    If I were the host, I could respect the privacy of a guest that came to me in confidence. But not one who disrespected me and my home.

    • kirk says:

      Angelica – Totally agree. Avoiding telling your host is just going to exacerbate an already embarrassing situation. And for people who are excusing him for having Crohn’s or bowel disease – don’t they make adult diapers and pads to deal with that? I think NIH recommends to sufferers of those diseases that they take a bag of cleaning supplies with them when they travel.

      • Anony83 says:

        So, I also think he handled this poorly but, just as someone with Crohn’s, adult diapers or pads exist but these kinds of accidents are not really things you get forewarning about. It’s not like I take an adult diaper everywhere I go (and by the time you realize you need one, let’s just say it would probably be too late.)

        We can definitely hold him responsible for how he handled it after the fact, but expecting him to have somehow prevented it is a very different thing. I get that if you’re able-bodies that the risk of this sort of thing seems very remote but for people with GI issues (or a range of other chronic illnesses), there is only so much that planning and prevention can do for you.

  9. JP says:

    I don’t know who this dude is, but the crazy diarrhea from these weight loss drugs is for real. I have a friend who took a bus trip to an Eagles game last year and shit his pants. Had to hide in the bathroom and text another friend to go to one of the team stores to buy some overpriced sweats. I feel awful for him…but it’s also hilarious.

    • MaisiesMom says:

      I was on a trip with someone who was on it. They couldn’t figure out why their stomach was frequently upset and they had to bow out of a few excursions. Turns out it was the Ozempic. Shocker. They went off right away, at least.

  10. Talie says:

    Deuxmoi also had an item about this, but suggested it was far messier and, like, all over the place, which is nuts. Look, Gwyneth is an elitist, we all know that, so she will never have loyalty to someone not of the club. He may have been invited in, but in her mind, it’s probably much easier to banish him.

    • kirk says:

      Sounds like Gwyneth told a total of four (4) people. Probably to give them a heads up in case they might extend an invitation to him.

  11. CkkLeo says:

    It is now on Derek Blasburg’s wiki page!!!!!! omg

  12. Mslove says:

    The maids probably handed the mess over to a biohazard cleaning service. GP probably had to get a new mattress for the bed as well. It’s likely he pooped on the floor running to the toilet. I wonder if the bedroom had tiles or a high pile carpet?

    • DARK says:

      if it was on the ceiling that is not normal even in an extreme illness situation.

      • Mslove says:

        I don’t see how poop would get on the ceiling, unless he was flinging it around.

      • Mslove says:

        OMG, I just read it was on the walls too? Maybe it’s a fetish?

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Explosive diarrhea can get on walls.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Mslove, not saying this guy did that, but I read before that some people on drugs can play with poops, especially throwing to the walls. I don’t think it could be some fetish thing, hopefully not 😭🤮

  13. sevenblue says:

    How are you gonna leave your poop and not even try to clean up? It is your poop. Even cats have more basic hygiene than this guy. Maybe, Gwyneth is talking to people to warn them not to host him in their houses. I feel sorry for the guy the info got public, but he is old enough to know better. It isn’t house cleaners job to clean up your poop.

  14. Libra says:

    Not even going to touch on this soiling the bedroom problem; so many unfortunate causes. Came here to say that Gwyneth projects an elitist, snobby, mean gossip girl persona, the star of her own stage, and it doesn’t surprise me that she is blabbing this and further humiliating another human, whether his subsequent actions were appropriate or not.

  15. Steph says:

    Accidents happen. Even humiliating ones. That does not mean you get to leave a f-ing biohazard in someone else’s house! I’d be telling EVERYONE I know too!

  16. UpIn Toronto says:

    Poop at goop’s

  17. ohwell says:

    Yikes! That is so embarrassing!

    Gwyneth telling everyone is cruel but Blasberg should have cleaned up after himself! Nasty.

  18. LadyE says:

    “Gwyneth told Oprah, Jerry and Jessica Seinfeld, and Larry David.”

    Seriously??? These people name drop about *anything*!!

  19. JustMe says:

    I think I read somewhere that Goop and a friend were discussing it over lunch and someone overheard it and sent it I DeuxMoi??

  20. Amy Bee says:

    The moral of this story is non-diabetics stop using Ozempic.

  21. Rnot says:

    If my employees had to clean a “friend’s” literal shit off the literal ceiling, I’d put the word out too. That’s an alarming level of disrespect, even in those social circles. The sin wasn’t that he got sick and made a mess. The sin was that he didn’t make any effort to communicate or clean it up. Hungover high school kids behave better than that.

    • Lizzie Bathory says:

      Yeah, I have a hard time believing this would be public if he hadn’t been a pretty bad guest overall. Messes of all kids are routinely kept quiet in these circles & bad behavior usually doesn’t leak (sorry).

      I had to laugh at, “It’s not Ozempic, that’s just what he told everyone.” Was he even supposed to stay the night, or did he have to crash before making a mess in a guest room? Either way, sounds like he won’t be getting lots of invites going forward.

  22. Nerd says:

    I’m so not interested in her that I didn’t realize that she had remarried and I’m not even interested enough to do the research to find out when, to who and if they are still married. She always seems so bland and uninteresting to me, even in movies. Her mother however I loved watching on Will and Grace.

  23. samipup says:

    See I’m thinking, I would never share gossip like that about any family or friend. Have some grace and empathy. That’s being a true friend. The whole ‘Golden Rule’ thing. Conversely I wouldn’t want to associate with people that are that mean. I don’t want that negativity or toxic-ness in my life.

    • sevenblue says:

      I mean, the guy left poop at her house, didn’t clean up after himself, then left some money like it was some hotel. Why call it “gossip”? She might be warning other people not to give him their house to stay. It isn’t like she gave an interview to a magazine, she is sharing the sh*tty situation with her friends. You can catch all kinds of diseases from that, it is literally a safety hazard. I am not keeping that to myself. I would consider the guy who left his poop in another person’s house “toxic”.