Prince William has been seen & recorded zipping around Windsor on a scooter

Almost one year ago exactly, we heard a strange story about Prince William. These were simpler times, long before his wife went missing for six months, and the British papers were always eager to hype stories of William’s peasant-LARPing. The strange story was that William bought himself an electric scooter to zoom around the Windsor estate, because we’re supposed to believe that he absolutely lives full time at Adelaide Cottage and he’s always scooting over to the castle to talk to his father. I actually thought the scooter story sounded dumb and untrue. Well, I was wrong! The egg scoots.

I know people make too many references to Arrested Development, but this is SOOOO Gob Bluth, right? It was a running joke through much of the original three seasons that Gob went everywhere in Orange County on his dumb Segway. William really does have Gob Energy.

I’m reading through some of the coverage of this video… apparently, the source is TikTok? Someone was visiting the Windsor estate and they happened to get this footage of William, and it was posted first on TT before media outlets picked it up. They’re also making a big deal about how the scooter makes the most sense for William because it’s a “three-mile round trip” from Adelaide to the castle. Is it really that far? I have no real sense of how the smaller cottages and homes are placed on the Windsor estate, honestly. Quick question for British peeps: for getting around grand estates, do you guys use golf carts? Because a golf cart seems like a smarter choice here, as opposed to the heir to the throne scooting around helmet-free and without security. Of course, on a sunny day, I imagine that walk is beautiful and I can’t imagine choosing a scooter over a lovely three-mile walk on that estate.

Also: I sort of believe the scooter stuff shows that William is probably living in a suite at Windsor Castle. Just my opinion.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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46 Responses to “Prince William has been seen & recorded zipping around Windsor on a scooter”

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  1. Laura D says:

    Lord knows I’m not his biggest fan but, surely the heir to the throne should be wearing a helmet?

    • AB says:

      Ha! I love the part in that morning show video when the guy says “He’s quite a cool prince” and someone in the background goes “Ehhh …” 😬

      It’s not great to go helmet-less, I get that it would look corny but I’m surprised they let him do that.

      ETA: sorry I didn’t mean this as a reply, it was supposed to be its own comment

    • Becks1 says:

      He absolutely should be wearing a helmet. I know a lot of people might think its not necessary, but we had someone at freaking soccer practice in the spring (in a large park) DIE from a fall from an electric scooter – he hit a lightpost and fell at the wrong angle and died from the head injury. It was awful.

      I have always made my kids wear helmets even if they’re just riding their scooters in the driveway, 100% of the time, no exceptions. A ton of kids around here ride bikes, scooters, electric scooters, etc without helmets and it makes me so anxious.

    • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

      After having a good ol’ lol at the commentary in the clip that was my first thought. As Becks mentioned too, a seemingly harmless fall can be devastating. Plus, as a “role-model” it’s good to be seen in a helmet.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Someone juxtaposed Harry doing an obstacle course with flair and William scuttling clumsily along some balance beam, with a helmet on, surrounded by spotters. I don’t think he wants to be seen in a helmet again but it is irresponsible.

      KP wants it both ways, to have the international spotlight and attention but not have any accountability or oversight. Images are potent and can influence people. Seeing Prince William on that scooter with no helmet is a problematic support for others to reason themselves into skipping wearing a helmet too -if the second in line to the throne doesn’t need one why should I…? If the beach photo of him and the children hung in the air with the background changed out had been an advert there would have been a disclaimer on it telling people it was a trampoline stunt and shouldn’t really be attempted.

      Running to Instagram, running to TikTok lets KP get away with putting what ever fantasy or propaganda William wants out there with no checks and balances with a domestic media supporting these things and praises it all. This is problematic and will only get worse if William is as enabled in his delusions and pettiness as King as he is now as the heir.

    • Gabby says:

      A helmet? To protect what exactly?

    • PrincessK says:

      Well the Queen went riding almost all her life without wearing a hat for protection and was always criticised for doing so.

  2. Proud Mary says:

    Well, I guess that’s better than using a heli for his gas guzzling weekend visits. But my, aren’t we trying a little too hard with the “look at me, I’m so average, and cool and such.” It’s so staged; aren’t the invisible contract press never supposed to publish paps of their private moments without permission? Yeah, He’s been scooting all this time, and just when he needs a PR moment, some stranger magically snaps him. Rings of farm stand video.

  3. sunnyside up says:

    He could try walking, slower than the scooter but it would save him gym time.

  4. Wagiman says:

    I’m sure I’ve seen that identical footage months ago. More fake news

  5. Digital Unicorn says:

    If he was using the scooter to jaunt about from AC to the castle someone would have posted a video like this on SM long before now. Am with Kaiser he’s living in the castle and likely uses the scooter to get around the castle grounds cause he’s too lazy to walk.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Speaking of lazy, wonder if when the battery dies, he just leaves it wherever & let’s someone else come get it? Or like those rentals, times up, just stop wherever you are & leave it?

  6. MoBiMom says:

    What a dweeb! That’s all I’ve got……

    • Hypocrisy says:

      That video is comedy gold.. I’ve laughed every time it shows up on social media.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      The scooter video needs to be released with that same music that accompanies him in the clip of him surrounded by helpers as he tries to cross a little balance beam.

      Also, petition to start calling Workshy William “Scooter”. With as much American twang/drawl possible.

  7. Flower says:

    I guess Willy does not like getting those steps in ?

  8. Jilly says:

    3 miles on a scooter?! No way. He’d take his helicopter. These are jaunts around the grounds.

  9. Tarte Au Citron says:

    I know I’m being shallow, but does that man only own 1 blue sweater (or loads of identical blue sweaters, tbf?).
    I’m sure he would look ok in other coloured sweaters.

    • Mtl.ex.pat says:

      Came to say the same thing – the dorky blue pullover and button down shirt underneath has NOT and never will catch on….

    • Chaine says:

      It’s rather Steve Jobsian and not in a good way

  10. equality says:

    If he were walking he might be so slow that the commoners touring the grounds would want to speak to him. How awful for him would that be?

  11. Beverley says:

    Pegs never seems comfortable in his own body. He gives me the feeling that something else has walked into his body. It’s as though a alien – totally unaccustomed to human existence – has taken over Peg and hasn’t figured out all the controls. He’s just so awkward in his own skin.

    • Ohwell says:

      Because Pegs is trying to be someone he is not. The palace and media are trying to rebrand him as a cool, down to earth, publicly left wing, charitable, fun loving guy. He is not.

      He is a rage filled, controlling tyrant.

      Will is not a natural.

    • Jais says:

      An alien totally unaccustomed to human experience does seem to describe royal life, especially for the coddled heirs. What a strange life.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Part of the problem here is his height or rather the scooter that is not adjusted to his height. He has to bend his knee in a weird way to hold on to the handlebar. It makes him look stupid.

  12. M says:

    Very clear shots of Egg on a scooter, but no one can manage to spot Kate on all her jaunts about town. Sure, Jan. If anything, Kate is the one not living at Adelaide.

  13. Tara says:

    Who says that’s not egg-AI?

  14. Lau says:

    Gob Bluth is funny at least which William is not. I really thought he was using his helicopter to go from one side of the estate to the other but maybe he changes mean of transportation from one day to the other.

  15. Aerie says:

    1. It’s obvious from his posture that he is not a regular scooter rider.
    2. The footage is purposefully shaky as if the person filming didn’t know what they were doing.
    3. Who on the palace grounds is allowed to upload footage?
    4. Why are these videos always so short

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “Who on the palace grounds is allowed to upload footage?”


  16. Nanea says:

    Egghead looks so much like Uncle Edward here, it’s scary.

    And Ed is 18 years older.

    There are many public roads and walks on the Windsor estate, so someone should have spotted him long before now in a place teeming with tourists year round, no matter if he used a scooter or a(n electric) bike.

    The real distance between Adelaide and Castle btw is much shorter than 1½ miles either way — I’d guess ~ 550 yards/500 meters.

    Frogmore, which is farther away, still is an easy walk. Remember how Harry mentioned that Prince Phil was the first to see Prince Archie when he walked over from the castle.

  17. Eurydice says:

    Didn’t Elizabeth have some souped-up $80,000 golf cart with Bluetooth and a mini-fridge?

    The TV commentary was priceless. That one guy tried the “He’s got a lot on his plate” argument, but none of the others bought it and by the end he didn’t either.

    • equality says:

      I guess, KC got custody of the golf cart though. Or Cam is zipping around in it with her favorite beverage in the fridge.

  18. Lulu says:

    Typical KP PR fail, show off William using 20+ year old technology thinking he looks young and hip. Shades of George Bush Sr. amazement when shown check out scanners at a supermarket.

  19. tamsin says:

    William always looks a bit dorky when he tries to do something athletic or “cool.” Maybe it’s because he seems unable to carry his height with any grace or confidence. And how about a regular old bike for getting around?

  20. Andrea says:

    This is the one actually climate-postive thing he’s ever done in his life, don’t take it away from him lol.

  21. BeanieBean says:

    Three miles round trip would make a lovely walk; as slow as I am, 1.5 mi is about a half hour. That’s the distance my mother walked to/from work for over 20 years, and she had to stand on her feet all day! For a guy whose ‘job’ (c’mon, let’s get real) is mostly sitting, I would think walking or jogging to ‘work’ would be a better option.

  22. Lauren says:

    If you need a scooter to get around your home/estate it’s to large

  23. Oh come on. says:

    Agree he should wear a helmet, but I’m not worried about the role-model effect because NO ONE wants to look as uncool as he does on that scooter.

    This video could tank electric-scooter sales in the UK, he looks so awkward on that thing

  24. QuiteContrary says:

    Egg’s brain probably already was scrambled by alcohol.

  25. Blueberry 🫐 says:

    It’s clearly staged and giving so much Bob Newhart…
    Kaiser your picture selection got me crying. He looks like such a jackass in every shot.😂🤣😂

  26. DeniseCB says:

    If this is true and not a PR stunt, good for him. He should also wear a helmet and if possible, have the handlebars adjusted.