Telegraph: Prince Harry is upset at the backlash to the Pat Tillman Award for Service

I hoped that the long Independence Day weekend would dampen the British tantrum over Prince Harry receiving the Pat Tillman Award for Service at the ESPYs. The ESPYs will happen on Thursday, and no one has confirmed Prince Harry and Meghan’s attendance, but I hope they will both come out. Given Mary Tillman’s exclusive statement to the Daily Mail and the subsequent narrative around the statement, this whole thing absolutely has the energy of a British-media operation. They’re currently trying to argue that Harry should “refuse” the honor. Well, the Telegraph claims to have insider information from the Sussex camp about Harry’s reaction to Mary Tillman and the completely idiotic and forced “backlash” to the award.

Since moving abroad and being forced to give up his various military honours and associations, the Duke of Sussex has instead resorted to collecting American awards. But in doing so, it has become increasingly clear that he is now as divisive a figure in the US as he is in the UK. The backlash last week over the decision to give the Duke an award named after Pat Tillman, the American war hero killed in Afghanistan, is understood to have stunned Prince Harry.

It also presents a pressing problem as he seeks to build a career upon the foundations of his past military endeavours. For while the Duchess of Sussex is busy establishing a commercial empire promoting a domestic idyll, her husband has struggled to find his niche since moving abroad.

He is understood to be keen to focus on his experience in the military and working with veterans, hence the acceptance of a Legends of Aviation Award in January and the Pat Tillman Award at the ESPY ceremony next week. Such glitzy award ceremonies serve to boost the Duke’s public profile at a time when he is otherwise rarely in the public eye. However, when the publicity is largely negative, it points to a deeper reputational issue which it may prove difficult to overcome, as the Duke seeks another project to command his focus as the Invictus Games has done.

The controversy whipped up over the decision to award the Duke the Pat Tillman Award – for his work with Invictus – certainly took the wind out of his sails.

Team Sussex is resigned to criticism, fully aware of the polarising sentiments towards both Harry and Meghan. But when it concerns anything relating to his military record and work with veterans, it is a particularly bitter pill to swallow, one source admitted.

“Harry’s legacy on Invictus, the things he has achieved, that’s his real passion,” they said. “This is the space in which he truly feels at home, it is something he deeply cares about. The reaction certainly took the shine off the award.”

The source acknowledged that it was much the same in January when Harry, who completed two tours of Afghanistan as an Apache helicopter pilot, joined the likes of astronauts Buzz Aldrin and James Lovell to be recognised as a Living Legend of Aviation at a star-studded ceremony in Beverly Hills, California. Defence chiefs lashed out at the decision to recognise the Duke ahead of others such as Tim Peake, the first British astronaut to walk in space. Admiral Lord West, former head of the Royal Navy, did not mince his words, saying: “He is not a living legend.”

[From The Telegraph]

LMAO, they’re still so mad about the Living Legends of Aviation thing. Living Legends of Aviation is not some super-prestigious or exclusive award – it’s given to pilots and people who are involved with aviation in any way, and it was just some minor, cool thing given to Harry. The Pat Tillman Award is a much bigger deal because the ESPYs are a much bigger deal and because people don’t f–k around with Pat Tillman’s legacy. Which is why the people stoking this ridiculous controversy should be ashamed of their very noticeable erasure of Harry’s military service and his decade-long work as the founder of the Invictus Games, two biographical details which were ignored by Mary Tillman, Pat McAfee and the Deranger cult.

“The controversy whipped up over the decision…” So you’re admitting that the British media stoked the controversy, as they do over every single thing related to the Sussexes? Before the Pat Tillman Award, these same people were losing their minds at the Sussexes’ Nigerian tour and they were having panic attacks over JAM. Maybe the British media should worry about their own deeper reputational issues.

Photos courtesy of Instar, Backgrid, Netflix.

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66 Responses to “Telegraph: Prince Harry is upset at the backlash to the Pat Tillman Award for Service”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Harry is not a divisive figure. I guess the propaganda machine thinks if they keep repeating this some will buy into it. I an also annoyed that up writers believe they speak for the USA

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      They hate anything that is positive for the beloved Sussexes. Whenever an organization highlight what good Harry or meghan does, it does also shine a light on how baldhead willie and kkkhate never did anything substantial during all those lazy years to get considered for an award. They dont even have a long shot at getting any awards, except whatever silly awards and velvet robes and feathers the royals give themselves.

    • maisie says:

      This, exactly this. Harry is NOT a divisive figure, the gutter British press simply can’t stop sh*t stirring long enough to just leave him alone. It’s all about trying to pull scrutiny from what a f*cked up mess the rest of that family has become.

    • BeanieBean says:

      The Telegraph is just writing baldfaced lies now; Harry is NOT a divisive figure in the US. Nor is he just now ‘seeking to build a career’; he’s built it, he’s growing it, and he’s now being recognized for his endeavors.

  2. Izzy says:

    JFC. ENOUGH. They signed with a major talent agency; they need to let that agency start hitting back at some of this BS. The Telegraph HAS no sources in the Sussex camp. They’re just making it all up.

    I am so sick of the British media and their garbage. I hope they all get sued into bankruptcy and I hope the rota rats all go bankrupt too.

    • Cassie says:

      Don’t they get sick of this childish behaviour .
      I mean they make a mountain out of a molehill , every day they come up some ridiculous fake story .

      Harry must have become completely immune by now , just stupid chatter in the background , while he keeps doing great things .

    • equality says:

      Why hit back? Go to accept the award looking spectacular, give a rousing speech about IG and, hopefully, get ESPN to air a very moving tribute to IG and the veterans from all the countries that participate, showing how involved PH is. That is what will make them all look like petty morons.

      • kirk says:

        Amen! equality. Amen!
        Pat Tillman Foundation shouted out Prince Harry and Walking With the Wounded expedition to South Pole in a 2013 tweet. So they were aware of him and his interests even before he was inspired to create Invictus Games in 2014 after watching US DoD Warrior Games in Colorado, May 2013.

        As for malevolent britmedia, Tillman’s widow and mother are the 2nd American family BRFCo & Assoc has sought to splinter. Have they ever released that 68K anti-Harry list they ginned up so it could be properly vetted? Hah.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      💯🙌🏽 They have no Sussex sources. All of the “controversy” was manufactured by the British media and is in their minds only. There isn’t any controversy in the US!

      I hope Meghan is there dripping in diamonds, wears a strapless dress and Diana’s aquamarine ring. And I hope after they show his intro clip (filled with Invictus snippets and pictures of him during his service) that Harry gets a 5-minute standing ovation.

      The British media is OBSESSED. You lost, move on to your white Leftover Royals. Focus on your future king, giving rage-face at soccer games and riding around on his scooter.

      • Ginger says:

        I don’t believe any “sources close to the Sussex’s” talk to ANY British rag. Unless it comes from their spokesperson I don’t believe it.

        I’m sure Harry (and Meghan) are well aware that the British press will continue to do this whenever they are recognized for their work. It will never stop, sadly.

      • Jais says:

        @sussexwatcher, “I hope Meghan is there dripping diamonds, wearing a strapless dress and Diana’s aquamarine ring.” Hard agree. Yeah, they are really trying to shame Harry and Meghan into not attending the espys and accepting the award on behalf of Harry and the IG. Fuck that noise. I hope they stand tall and accept the hell out of that award😂

    • 809Matriarch says:

      Harry ain’t sweating this mess. It not affecting the ESPYS, ESPN or the DDoS. He’ll most likely get a standing ovation, give a moving speech and return in triumph to Montecito.

      The Fleet Street rags and their RF puppeteers are the divisive ones and we all see them for what they are. The media over there is loud OVER THERE. Sure we hear and see the B’s but we’re bigger than them – hundreds of millions more. Nobody is begrudging Harry his flowers except the loud mouthed bullies on Saltine Island.

      • Yvette says:

        @809Matriarch … Very much agreed. But in my opinion it’s not just “Over There” anymore.

        It seems to me that there has been a mad scramble over the past four years to pepper conservative, anti-Sussex pundits and ROTA-based royal experts among the staffs of American newspapers, online media outlets, and TV networks.

        These British operatives have spread their salty muck in Opinion pieces as if the general Sussex disdain they presented was on behalf of all Britains and, of course, the Royal Family.

        And let us not forget the Heritage Foundation’s British Wing and their campaign to have Prince Harry kicked out of the U.S. in the most embarrassing and dishonorable manner they can manage.

        That attempt to poison the apple from within from the U.S., however, hasn’t been as successful as they may have hoped. Because American newspapers–even highly conservative ones–don’t control their comment sections to the same degree to promote a narrative.

        Now the British media and salty pundits are waging their campaign with articles expressing disdain for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in American versions of their British counterparts. Disturbingly, they’re writing these articles from the ‘American’ point of view.

    • sevenblue says:

      Nobody gives a sh*t about Telegraph in USA, even in UK after they started going all the way with Tories. They are trying to make H&M look bad since they left.

    • Dee(2) says:

      They shouldn’t respond back, because the British media wants them to respond back so they can start a new news cycle over any statement that they make. You want to see if something is actually being discussed in the US go to an aggregator and see when the most recent story from a US news source, ( not InStyle or Cosmo) like NBC news, or NYT or ABC was. If you look up the story all the recent articles about it are from GB news, the Express, the Telegraph, etc. all the US stories are six seven days old because no one outside of the British media cares. If he turned down the award they would write a thousand stories about how everyone hates him, when he accepts the award they’re going to write a thousand stories about how arrogant and undeserving he is. This is the type of stuff that they absolutely need to just ignore. The fact that they are going SO HARD at him turning this down indicates to me they are afraid of Harry and Invictus being recognized and ruining their narrative in the US for a different more influential group of people.

      • Well Wisher says:

        I love the disappointment of silence from the Sussexes, why do the world’s work (in this case England) of diminishing yourself?

  3. Tessa says:

    Huevo gets meaningless awards and the media never complains

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      The British media, en masse, needs some serious f’ing therapy. Jesus wept, these people and the Royals who run to them are a pack of knuckle dragging, inglorious b-stards.

  4. Lady Esther says:

    This particular Admiral (is he still in active service?) was the go – to for quotes in British tabloids criticising Harry for receiving the Living Legends award, and now he is doing the same for the Tillman award. I wouldn’t take his opinion as indicative of how “the military” thinks of Harry but indicative of whom the BM can rely on for anti – Harry quotes….

    Also I believe it’s not possible to claim to represent “the military” as if it’s a monolithic block,but what do I know…

    • sunnyside up says:

      As I understand it the high ups in the military frequently confer with Harry over Invictus.

  5. Hypocrisy says:

    The only thing they have to look forward to with the Royals left behind is funerals, that is the sad truth attacking the accomplishments of the Sussex’s doesn’t change that. The telegraph has too many connections to the Heritage Foundation to be anything but a propaganda outlet, they masquerade as reputable when they are anything but.

  6. Jais says:

    Are the sources in the their heads? At this point, Harry’s got their number and knows this is how they roll. So I hope it’s not bothering him or the sussex team.

  7. equality says:

    So the guy with Sentebale/polo, IG/veteran’s work, Scottie’s Little Soldiers, Well Child, Better Up/mental health work, Netflix, Archewell, African Parks and rhino conservation is “struggling to find his niche”? He’s not W&K who are still “growing into their jobs”. It’s okay for them to disappear for months, but PH, the private citizen, can’t? Maybe he wants to WFH like PW or be a SAHD like Kate. (s)

    • Eurydice says:

      The funny thing is that here they’re saying Harry’s rarely in the public eye and just yesterday the DM were saying he’s everywhere all the time at movie premieres and awards shows and red carpets, etc., etc.

      • Tessa says:

        The media and derangers are once again going on about how miserable and unhappy he is and how he wants to get back together with his friends and they don’t like Meghan and the usual repetitive misinformation. Sickening.

    • Becks1 says:

      That made me laugh too. The real issue for them is that Harry has found his niche and his passions and is working hard on projects related to those things and those projects are successful.

      Honestly, if the only thing Harry had done during his royal tenure and after it was Invictus, that would be legacy enough.

  8. Lady Digby says:

    Harry and Meghan are fully aware of just how low the BM will go to target them and all their endeavors. This is how BM operate and they are notorious for targetiing certain causes and minority groups etc., On Sunday I attended the Chester Heritage festival at which the keynote speach on Statues was given by the celebrated british historian David Olusoga who made frequent references to how notoriously nasty BM is. He cited the FAIL for campaign against the National Trust for their report on estates with colonial links. Tabloids and SM media campaigns against “woke” causes and any reevaluation of the legacy of the British Empire that they feel threatened by. He also cited the flop tour of 2022 as a result of the failure to acknowledge and address the legacy of colonialism. David was concerned about young history graduates being deterred from researching into the Britsh Empire because of the real risks of being targeted by the right wing press and social media who stoke up “culture wars” for clicks and money.

  9. sunnyside up says:

    Refreshing to see the Torygraph being more honest than usual.

    • Amy Bee says:

      More honest about what? They just wrote in this piece that Harry has nothing going on and is only picking up awards.

    • BeanieBean says:

      What did you read? I just read a pack of lies.

    • kirk says:

      sunnyside up – How would you know whether “the Torygraph” is “being more honest than usual”? They’re using the same usual UNNAMED SOURCES to manufacture a story claiming WITHOUT PROOF that Harry is becoming “as divisive a figure in the US as he is in the UK.” You sound like a troll.

      • kirk says:

        Perhaps saying you sound like a troll is overstating the case, but please see my comments below re the Telegraph. Regardless of whoever winds up owning it, the people who generate copy for it are not honest brokers of truth.

  10. Eurydice says:

    Um, no. Harry isn’t a divisive figure in the US because Americans aren’t thinking about him 24/7. The Mary Tillman thing lasted about a day here and then everyone moved on. I don’t think Harry’s upset – he’s learned to turn off the comment section.

    Interesting whiplash – Meghan’s gone from being a total failure to an entrepreneur building a commercial empire, and Harry is struggling to find his niche, while being awarded an honor for his long-term dedication to a niche. Really the BM have their brains dry cleaned every morning to start out fresh with no history.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Honest is comparing it to the past. The Telegraph is aimed at the more intelligent reader, they don’t like Meghan either but Invictus did get a mention and so did the deliberately stirring things up. We should be grateful for small mercies.

      • Fawsia says:

        I don’t what you just wrote, but no American knows what telegraph newspaper is or care about! The right wing media isn’t hurting Harry here in America!

      • Eurydice says:

        The “small mercies,” if they exist are swallowed up by ridiculous lies. For them to say he’s looking for a niche and a career, when it’s obvious that he has both (it takes only a brief google), is outright lying. And they have no idea what Harry thinks about the “backlash” or if it’s taken the shine off the award or taken the wind out of his sails or whatever.

        If they’re looking for something to have taken the wind out of Harry’s sails, they might consider him being betrayed by his family. Some criticism about a single award isn’t going to do it.

      • Jais says:

        So I only know the Telegraph aka Torygraph from following Harry and Meghan. Now I know that Boris used to write for it or be the editor? And that Tominey wrote a lot about Harry and Meghan in the Telegraph. One thing I’ve noticed is that Tominey and Telegraph writers like her try to be very slick and misleading in their lies. Half-truths mixed in with out-right lies that indicate they are not actually as slick as they think they are. But they lie with big words and impunity.

      • kirk says:

        “The Telegraph is aimed at the more intelligent reader,” puuuuhleeeeze! The paper that had a picture of middle aged men in a bathtub on the front page to ‘prove’ that Prince Andy couldn’t have had sex in a bathtub with a trafficked teenager? As for “Invictus did get a mention” that’s a low bar given that the press release announcing the awards specifically gave IG as the reason. The Telegraph, now seized by Lloyds Banking Group, is doing “us” no favors by treating the “controversy whipped up over the decision to award the Duke” as something that popped up organically in USA (i.e. ex nihilo), rather than something ginned up by BRFCo & Assoc.

  11. Jan says:

    LOL, when will the BM and the BRF realize that the Sussexes don’t give a 💩 about their wailing.
    Don’t accept an Award, show pictures of the children, let us now what you’re doing, the list goes on.
    They act like the only thing Harry has going on is the IG, they want people to forget that he has a job with Better Up, and other projects Travelyst, Sentebale and others.

  12. Miranda says:

    I don’t know if Harry is upset by all this, but I’m pretty irritated on his behalf. Enough already.

    Here’s to hoping that he and Meghan come out for the event, and Harry takes the opportunity to announce that D.C. will play host to the next IG. The BM has made it abundantly clear that the UK doesn’t deserve the honor.

    • sunnyside up says:

      I as a Brit would rather see it in DC as well after the disgraceful behaviour of The King and his elder son. While the Invictus service was happening William was at home doing nothing, Possibly the garden party had been arranged before the Invictus service was, I don’t know.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      That would be AMAZEBALLS if he announced DC as the next IG location at the ESPYs. Yes, please! After seeing the difference in support and coverage for the Invictus Games in the US vs Salty Isle, I just can’t imagine they’d host it there. Not even mentioning the security factor.

  13. Noor says:

    Mainly silence from the American mainstream media . Why allow the toxic British media to continue to manufacture a controversy over an American Award.

  14. truthSF says:

    They British media is constantly freaking out because every achievement and recognition that Harry receives in America (and around the world) is just another nail in the “hes never coming back to us” coffin of reality that they (BM & RF) have to accept. Thus the infinite tantrum per every H&M recognition.

  15. Skyline says:

    The idea that Harry has “resorted to collecting American awards” is apparently intended as a hit. I don’t know why the British press thinks it can insult all things American and then look credible. It looks like it’s in resentful denial.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Skyline I LOVE THEIR HUFFINESS because Harry gets a prestigious US award whilst last week Kingy handed out the ORDER OF THE TRIFFID or whatevah to his wife and son so they can swirl about in drapes looking smug and overly pleased with themselves. They remind me of the Sneetches on the beeches who have star upon thars and look down upon the plain bellied Sneetches for NOT having THE ORDER OF THE TRIIFID!

      • BeanieBean says:

        ‘Order of the Triffid’. 🤣🤣👾 (that’s as close to a triffid as I could find)

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Skyline – and then also think Americans will be dying to welcome Huevo. You can’t insult people and their culture and then be surprised when they don’t give two poops about you!

  16. Amy Bee says:

    The British press is behaving like Harry is no longer involved in the military community or the Invictus Games.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      He’s actually more involved than his family with their fake medals and stolen valor. His family refuses to acknowledge Invictus even exists.

  17. Brassy Rebel says:

    “Whipped up” says the quiet part out loud. Harry sees what they’re doing and isn’t bothered by any of it. The British rags mean nothing to him and never will, no matter how hard they try to get under his skin. It ain’t working.

  18. Moniquep says:

    Personally, I hope that Harry shows up with all his usual confidence looking resplendent in his tux just as he did at the IG 10th celebration. Accepting the award with his full chest and not allowing anyone to take any part of this well earned accolade away from him. And I’m hoping that he is given a 10 minute standing ovation.
    I’m pretty certain that Meghan will be there to support him as this is a pretty big deal. And no she doesn’t need to be dripping in diamonds, because that will play into the tabloid narrative of her, and that’s not who she is.

  19. JanetDR says:

    I’m just excited to know there will be some video of our favorite royals at this event! 💗 So great to see Harry’s IG recognized. ☺ Yes to a video highlighting the games!
    Boo, hiss to anyone who thinks there is something wrong with it 😡 I was trying to just be positive but I lost it at the end there.

  20. aquarius64 says:

    Pat McAfee and Mary Tillman created a mess here. McAfee basically dumped on his employer ESPN; I’m surprised he still has a job. Mary Tillman lobbed this grenade to the Fail and won’t give an interview to a US media outlet, which makes me suspect she was paid to trash Harry. There maybe an underlying power struggle between Mary Tillman and her former DIL Pat Tillman’s widow, Marie Tillman Stent on, who is also the Chairwoman of the Board of the PT foundation. Marie’s second husband also sits on the board.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’m fairly certain the Fail went after Mary Tilman, not the other way around. And I’m also fairly certain they framed her words for her.

  21. girl_ninja says:

    All this fake hand wringing in the name of Pat Tillman just shows how little the Brits get Americans. They really think that we are defined by their inflated sense of self. This is why they STILL can’t believe that Meghan didn’t want to stay around to be abused by them.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      girl_ninja, more people are seeing what they’re doing. Yes, the best way to win over Americans is to insult Pat Tillman, active military service members and veterans. That’ll do it. They don’t understand that in the US we want our military service members and veterans to know that we appreciate their service. I think that’s just too foreign to them to understand. The damage they are doing to the UK isn’t even on their horizon.

  22. Lau says:

    On kind of the same subject, I’m so glad that Harry won’t have to deal with Johnny Mercer (the former Minister of State for Veterans’ Affairs) in the UK for the Invictus Games. That tory idiot lost his seat in the election after he ran a campaign trying to discredit the military record of his opponent. I’m not surprise to see that the Windsors are once again using the same dirty methods as the tory party.

  23. Berkeleyfarm says:

    Yeah, “the living legends of aviation” was a D list award. THIS one? And being asked to present the Walter Payton award? This one is a sports world A List award. Thus the tantrums.

    • MsIam says:

      The Legends award is not “D” list. Several astronauts and distinguished pilots have won the award too. Its not a celebrity award but to call it “D list” is wrong. Harry was selected by other pilots and people in the aviation industry. Its not like Sexiest Bald Man. To be recognized by your peers is an honor.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Berkeleyfarm, the organization is international. What I find great is the Kiddie Hawk Air Academy. They hope to get a new generation of aviators and one of the things they teach is academic excellence. Perhaps it’s not at the top as awards go, but it does something worthwhile for the kids. Why would people be so disrespectful of that?

    • kirk says:

      Calling something “D” list sounds very much like a britmedia tactic. Demeaning an industry award that is given out by people highly regarded in the industry is demeaning to the entire industry.

      • AC says:

        I remembered that d list comment – didn’t go anywhere because that journalist is most likely a nobody. they’re irrelevant and work in a traditional media outlet that’s dying – not to mention no one cares what they think.
        Tbh , we’re the only ones bringing it up again.

  24. Lisa says:

    They are just mad that Harry receives real awards and he loves his Invictus Family! They love him! He isn’t playing at cos play and fake medals and awards like the Royals. The Royals are Comic Con at its finest!

  25. blunt talker says:

    I would rather see awards given for service to others than medals given because you were the first born or because the King wants pin a medal for something most people don’t know anything about-Harry has been working with Ig for over ten years and his time and work this charity has grown tenfolds-the NFL has been talking to Harry since 2014-long before Meghan was on the scene-there is nothing divisive about either Harry or Meghan-the spoke their minds about what happened to them-left at that-moved on with their lives-the UK media and royal family will not get God’s blessings for interfering in others lives.

  26. Chelsea says:

    ” the Duke seeks another project to command his focus as the Invictus Games has done”

    This is such a bizarre sentence. This article talks as if Invictus and his other work with military charities such as Scotty’s soldiers are in the past tense when these orgs are still going and he continues to work with them. He was literally doing public events with both in May. Also: we all saw Harry filming his new docuseries on another one of his great loves, polo, just a couple months ago. BetterUp and Travalyst are also still constantly pumping out work. Look I’m sure he’s still figuring some things out in this new chapter of life, and he’s got a new incredibly qualified Chief of Staff to help him with that, but these people are acting like he’s not doing anything and is just wistful for his old military days and that is pretty clearly not the case.