“MyKayla Skinner backtracked like crazy after some unfortunate comments” links

Former Olympic gymnast MyKayla Skinner trashed most of the Olympic team in a YouTube video and the pushback led to MyKayla backtracking like crazy. I would have covered this but it’s crazy complicated and she’s a dumbass. [Buzzfeed]
Drake attended Michael Rubin’s all-white Independence Day party in the Hamptons. People were clowning on the Drake photos all weekend. [Hollywood Life]
I hope Bhad Bhabie gets somewhere safe after her ex assaulted her. [Starcasm]
Podcaster Taylor Stecker says that Eric Stonestreet was nasty to her. [Seriously OMG]
Travis Kelce was emotional during Taylor Swift’s Amsterdam concert. [Socialite Life]
Ryan Reynolds loves South Korea. [LaineyGossip]
Review of Ti West’s MaXXXine. [Pajiba]
Sarah Jessica Parker is committed to giving Carrie Bradshaw the worst designer clothes and these overalls are genuinely upsetting. [Go Fug Yourself]
Zac Efron looks back at his classic works. [OMG Blog]
HBO/Max is making an It-inspired TV show? [Just Jared]
I love Lewis Hamilton’s style but the shoes are a NO. [RCFA]

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26 Responses to ““MyKayla Skinner backtracked like crazy after some unfortunate comments” links”

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  1. BeanieBean says:

    Re Carrie Bradshaw outfits–the overalls aren’t nearly as bad as that tragic denim skirt. Yeesh.

    • AM_76 says:

      I think they’re adorable I’d love a pair

      • Barbara says:

        I probably had overalls very close to those in high school in the 80s. Most of our jeans back then either had elastic on the hems or we tucked and folded them so they’d be tight on our ankles.

    • JJ says:

      I thought the overalls were bad but you’re right – the denim skirt is ridiculously ugly!!

    • Veronica S. says:

      The overalls are actually very Carrie to me in terms of her slightly off beat looks. The skirt would work better slightly shorter, IMO.

  2. Mina_Esq says:

    MyKayla is giving Kim
    Kardashian “people don’t work hard” energy.
    I’m so sad for Bhad Barbie, and for women everywhere, that we have to share our most vulnerable moments on video in order for people to believe us and the men to stop abusing us via threats that they will take away our children. I’m praying for her.
    Zac Efron’s cosmetic procedures have aged him sooooo much, it’s too distracting.
    I wish Sarah Jessica Parker would just let Carrie Bradshaw go already.
    I’m still not getting tired of TNT PDA. Sue me.

  3. Mightymolly says:

    South Korea, well Seoul, is one of the coolest places I’ve ever been. The taxis let you choose a language for pre recorded information. The restaurant scene was amazing. And my absolute fav was an elderly woman trying to show us how to bypass payment at a subway station. She saw two foreigners who didn’t speak the language, didn’t speak our language, but came over to hand gesture instructions on scamming the payment system. That’s some warm hospitality.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      That is the best testimonial for “friendly locals” I’ve ever heard! Seoul is near the top of my wish list to visit but it’s pricey and a loooong flight. Hope I make it there in the next few years.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Seoul is a fabulous city! My co-workers and I had a similar experience, three people totally lost on the street, pointing this way & that, and finally getting helped by an elderly man who, through mostly hand gestures & one or two words in English, managed to convey we really should be taking a bus & letting us know which one we needed & where to get on it. (Although he didn’t tell us how to scam paying for that bus!)

      @Pinkosaurus: Stop in Hawaii for a few days on your way out, makes the trip easier. I swear, the Seoul airport alone is worth the time & money!

    • Jks says:

      My best friend whom I have not seen in over 10 years, and I are planning on a trip to Seoul next year to treat ourselves to some cosmetic enhancements- I can’t wait to get rid of my permanent undereye bags, tighten the jawline and get rid of hyperpigmentation. We are thrilled to be going together and supporting each other. I speak Korean and my sister lives there but they have English speaking staff at the clinic and they are arranging our airport pickup, translation, hotel booking and taxi to the hotel after surgery. So far, the communication with the clinic has been great and they have been super helpful.

      We’ll spend two weeks catching up, ordering Korean food and watching some K drama too as we rest and heal. And if our faces are healing nicely, we could pop outside a bit.
      While Gangnam is not the cheapest, even with the flight, it still works out cheaper than getting the treatments done here in Spain or Singapore!

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      Mr. TigerMcQ visited South Korea for work many times, many years ago. He’s a pretty tall guy, and his coworkers were his height or taller (6’2 up to 6’6). One time they were in a subway station that was jam packed with locals (most of whom were shorter than hubs and friends), and they were trying to make it through the crowd to their train. The tallest guy felt pressure on his back started being propelled forward…because one of the locals was pushing him/using him as a battering ram to get through the massive crowd. Mr. TigerMcQ and all the coworkers LOVED South Korea lol.

  4. Eurydice says:

    The Mykayla Skinner thing isn’t all that complicated. It’s another case of someone saying stupid things so the whole world can hear them. She’s always been disgruntled about not making the team in 2016 and 2020. And her half-assed apology, which was a carbon copy of all the other “sorry if you misunderstood me” – well, you were the one blabbing on for 3 hours at a time, you had plenty of opportunity to be understood.

    • Truthiness says:

      💯 and what’s she’s really sorry about is that she’s burnt all her bridges and no one in gymnastics wants to have anything to do with her.

  5. lucy2 says:

    Simone’s response alluding to MyKayla’s comments is succinct and perfect.
    I can’t imagine looking at anyone who makes it to that level of women’s gymnastics and saying they don’t have a strong work ethic, or complaining about making a sport with a long history of abuse safer. The comments were foolish and completely unnecessary.
    But I also think there’s some truth in her apology, realizing she hasn’t yet dealt with the extent of abuse she herself endured, and often people do end up defending their abuser or abusive system. I hope she does work on that, and it gives her a better perspective going forward.

  6. Lululu says:

    She already retracted and gave an 3/4 apology (I may be being generous here) and blamed Marta Karolyi. Still, no one in the gymnastics community is going to forgive her any time soon, if ever. If she was trying to set herself up for a TV commentator job it blew up in her face. She’s gonna need to find a whole new career in a whole new field.

    Everyone in elite gymnastics works their asses off 150% of the time. It’s a sport that essentially plays down to 4-5 girls once every four years, and no one makes that team without more hard work and sacrifice than most of us can even imagine. What was asked of the team during the Karolyi era left a trail of very damaged girls, and by all accounts Skinner bore the least of it because they didn’t think much of her. She was also one of the few girls who wasn’t sexually assaulted by the team doctor, and she had the gall to criticize the policies put in place to keep that from happening again. She’s basically a white middle class Mormon princess who is bitter that she never made an Olympic team (she was an alternate in 2021) and she ripped apart a group of accomplished women, most of whom are WOC. She had no business making these comments and I hope she’s truly ashamed of what she said and not just mad she got called out. There’s racism and privilege and a total lack of empathy and respect laced throughout the whole video.

    My good friend’s daughter competed at trials and the whole group is OVER her. FWIW no one really liked her in the first place.

    • Val says:

      She wasn’t an alternate in 2021. She was named to the individual spot and won a silver medal on vault. Having said that, she has a history of problematic comments and needs to just shut up.

      • Eurydice says:

        The only reason she made the vault finals in 2021 is because Simone had to pull out of the event.

  7. lisa says:

    is Skinner in an MLM like her husband yet? it’s only a matter of time

  8. Louise177 says:

    Gymnastics fan. Mikayla is known for making racist, narcissistic, idiotic comments. I know that people do it to save their reputation and careers but fake apologies make it so much worse.

  9. NotSoFast says:

    I hate to say this. I really do…but it’s Bhad Bhabie. Not Barbie. I hate myself for knowing.

  10. Izzy says:

    Yes, it really sucks that USA Gymnastics has taken steps to prevent another massive abuse scandal.

    Girl, STFU.

  11. Megs283 says:

    As a soccer (coach) mom, SafeSport is really good. It sets extremely clear barriers, which protects athletes and coaches. Think along the lines of – coaching staff isn’t allowed to privately text athletes 1:1. Coaches aren’t allowed to privately ride with athletes 1:1. While coaching grade 2 soccer is a world apart from Olympics-level training, if someone isn’t able to operate within these parameters, they shouldn’t be a coach.

  12. Miranda says:

    Former gymnast here. For better or worse, it’s somewhat common for a gymnast to have an occasional shouting match with her coach. At the elite level, you spend enough time with your coach(es) that they can become almost like extra parents, and what do teenagers and parents often do? Argue. Shout at each other. I certainly did so with my coach. I’m not proud of it, and in hindsight I realize that there were better ways to handle things, but it happened. But during those arguments, my coach never once made a remark about my weight (I was a little heavier than most gymnasts). He never used abusive or degrading language. And most importantly, he never made me feel unsafe, whether by pressuring me to perform skills I wasn’t ready for, or by any kind of sexual harassment or misconduct. THOSE are the things that SafeSport (an organization which, it must be said, does have some issues) and other advocacy groups are trying to protect athletes from. They’re not concerned with minor disagreements that happen to occur in loud voices. If a coach feels that he or she now has to watch what they say or do, it’s probably because they were acting inappropriately in the first place.

    As for the talent level of this year’s Olympic team, they’re obviously amazing, and only got to where they are today through incredibly hard work and sacrifice. There’s really no fair way to measure them against any previous team, because their success will depend on more than just talent. Seven women need to mesh well with each other, stay physically healthy, be in the right mindset, and peak at exactly the right time. The fact that something like that has ever happened even once is almost miraculous, and the US women have managed to pull it off and win 10 team medals over the years! Thankfully, the current team is probably too busy working towards #11 (and loads of individual medals!) to pay attention to this bitter brat.

  13. Bad Janet says:

    Gymnastics is my Roman Empire. I havent missed watching major elite competition in fourteen years and also watch as much NCAA as I can every season.

    Mykayla’s bull crap is nothing new, as other posters have mentioned. She has always been a problem. This is the first time she managed to piss off so many people that even the MyKayla stans have mostly turned on her. Amazingly, when you call someone with a kidney disease fat (“she doesn’t look like a gymnast”), say the entire team is lazy, and announce that you could have gotten a spot yourself (over WHO?), people get upset to hear their favorites trash talked by someone who left the sport three years ago. Mykayla’s delusions of grandeur are finally too much.

    The gross part is, they didn’t turn on her when she made racist comments on Twitter and had plenty to say about Gabby Douglas over any imagined slight. MyKayla had a huge hand in that (including retweeting a photo of herself photoshopped over Gabby, with an emoji of a blonde girl and a MONKEY – then Gabby had to go train with her in Rio) because she was pissed that Gabby rightfully made the team over her. She had to go way too far and insult everyone before people were willing to finally see her for who she is while they were willing to rake Gabby over the coals over anything she did, to the point where she disappeared.

  14. Giddy says:

    Let’s just say it: Mykayla is a cold and jealous bitch. She thought she was being interesting and charismatic and instead fully unmasked herself. Good.