Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck didn’t announce anything over the holiday weekend

Many of us predicted that the Fourth of July holiday would be interrupted with sad news about the Bennifer marriage. We were wrong! And I’m happy about that. Whatever is going on with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, I still believe it’s a good sign that they aren’t rushing to announce a divorce. Whatever is happening, they’re still talking and still taking time to weigh their options.

Now, I do think it’s bad news that they spent the holiday weekend on different coasts, and both were getting pap’d like crazy. J.Lo was in the Hamptons and Ben was in LA. Ben was seen going out to lunch with his kids and stopping by his office. Jennifer was seen shopping with Emme, riding bikes with friends and doing more shopping. Throughout their separate public appearances, Ben and J.Lo were playing games with their wedding rings – some days, Ben wore his ring and other days, not so much. Same with J.Lo.

There are tabloid stories about how J.Lo’s family is encouraging her to just dump Ben and be done with all of it, but I don’t really believe that (Jen’s mom has always adored Ben). There are stories about how Jen Garner is tired of acting like Ben’s marriage counselor, which I don’t believe either. We’re just… waiting to see the way the wind will blow, I guess.

J.Lo was active on social media during the holiday too – she posted some cute photos by a lavender field and a throwback to a song about being single. Let me tell you, Jennifer has no idea what to do in a garden.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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25 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck didn’t announce anything over the holiday weekend”

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  1. Libra says:

    These trousers are so unfortunate. No one would buy them in a yard sale for 1$ on the e nd of the day table.

    • Ashley says:

      Huh. I literally googled them when I saw them because I thought they looked fantastic. Each to her own.

      • Mustang Sally says:

        I very much agree @Ashley. The whole look is “afternoon at the farm stand in the Hamptons,” – the hat, clothes, etc. are pretty much a uniform for the crowd out there. She actually looks to pretty with minimal makeup, flat sandals and comfy clothes. She is not manufactured looking and posing like she did in Paris.

    • Polly says:

      I love them! On her lol.

  2. Sunshile says:

    The stories about Jlo’s family wanting her to dump him because quote ‘It’s upsetting to her family and Jennifer that Ben cannot see there is a woman who is loved by millions that will love him eternally – but he would rather throw in the towel than actually just try to fix things.’

    I could see that be true because Ben seems clearly done while she hanging on for dear life. So I could see her putting that out there to put pressure on him

    • Get Real says:

      Agree. She’s basically imploding at this point. She needs help.
      And the “millions who love her” don’t know her. They only see what she wants them to see.

      • Sunshile says:

        Just a couple days ago pagesix had an article about her wearing a bracelet with Ben’s initial on it, now it’s everywhere she’s shading him with her latest insta post. There are also nonstop negative articles about Ben on the dailymail, he relapsed, her family turned against him, he’s grumpy and she’s sunshine and deserves better etc it’s very obvious it’s coming from her side. He’s not coming back so she has to destroy him I guess

    • TheHeat says:

      When I read “loved by millions that will love him eternally”, I thought they meant Jennifer Garner. LOL!

  3. ElleE says:

    Watch Halftime. JLo’s parents and sisters stay their lane and don’t advise Jen about sh!t (her mom is criticizing her is not “advice”).

    Looks like Jen is done with the crying and the fixing and is taking a break, doing the “Jesus take the wheel” thing with their marriage?

    As a soon to be divorced mom, I know that there is no special bond between two people who had children together, once you decide to break up your family. Ben spending so much time publicly with his ex-wife-it looks like co-dependency and nothing like co-parenting, I don’t see J Lo hanging around MA ever.

    Anyway, best of luck to them!

    • Lili says:

      i came here to say i like your response, i can see the codependence, Ben is inadvertently making Jen G the badie in the break up

    • Ladiabla says:

      Maybe her mom and sisters stay in their lane now, but didn’t her mom at one point call Ben when JLO was married to Marc Anthony and having problems and Ben was still married to Jen Garner? I would’ve flipped my s**t if I were Jen G, but she and I are very different people. You don’t do that when the guy is married. So yeah, her mom’s triflin’. She thinks the rules don’t apply here cause her daughter’s JLO, but what would she say if her daughter was in Jen Garner’s place? My family is old school. They don’t play like that. Once you’re married, that’s it. They aren’t going to be calling their kids’ exes for ANYTHING, for ANY REASON.

  4. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Jlo in the countryside feels like prince willie huevo working overtime a monday night at the office. It’s just not real lol

    Jlo knows what to do in a garden: she poses for pics duh

  5. Jaded says:

    Country JLo is soooo cringe. Just more posehard silliness. Give it a break honey, you look ridiculous.

  6. Jayna says:

    I definitely believe they put that out there as far as what her family is telling her. It is very pointed and sounds very J-Lo.

    There is no way Jen Garner is involved in counseling them on their marriage. LOL The over-the-top 3-part project on her soulmate Ben would rub an ex-wife wrong, because Ben meant something to Jen G, for ten years. So Jennifer Garner stays in her lane.

    Has she been around him a lot recently? Well, yes. He separated. He probably moved very close by so that the kids wouldn’t feel so displaced. They are in their neighborhood. But, yes, Jen Garner would be very concerned about how this separation would affect the kids and the huge publicity. They are co-parents, and this was a huge disruption in the kids’ lives,and it became known during a lot of end-of-year school activities. Jen G, as a mother, would be part of how the children were going to be dealt with and all of the graduations, Jen G’s party for Violet, Ben’s for Sam. I mean, it was being covered ad nauseum. That’s why Jen Garner was involved and being seen going over there. She and Ben needed to be on the same page regarding the children and their feelings and protecting them as much as possible.

    While Jennifer Garner has probably always been pleasant when in the presence of J-Lo, she made sure never, ever to be photographed with J-Lo, which you just know that J-Lo wanted.

    • Mustang Sally says:

      Thank you @Jayna – I was going to say something quite similar. I would imagine the kids feel very unmoored due to the Ben/Jen’s separation. Let’s face it – those poor kids had a separation between JLo and ARod what – 2, 3 years ago? I would imagine Ben spending more time with them to give them a sense of security. And, Jen G and Ben had those kids together – she is going to be part of the equation as a co-parent.

  7. Nikki says:

    JLo is very image conscience and likes to control all aspects of her image. I think he may be over it more than she is but in the end I wouldn’t be surprised if she is waiting until after their wedding anniversary, there really is no rush and every reason to slow walk this since they each have children who’s lives where joined. This would be her 4th divorce and the first two each lasted less than 2 years. I feel for their kids, hopefully it is amicable and the kids remain as connected as they seem to have become.

  8. Carolnr says:

    They spent the 4th of July on separate coasts. People magazine ( Ben’s go- to magazine) reported that both Ben & JL have separate Summer plans.I am sorry… This does not sound like a couple that are working on the marriage!
    JL’s mom & sisters allegedly are telling her to file. They are saying that she is losing herself staying married to Ben & she needs to file for divorce
    I was thinking they would announce the divorce after their 2nd wedding anniversary ( July 15th). They are allegedly( if reports are right) both working with the same attorney, Laura? ( forget her last name)for a peaceful divorce…

  9. Lili says:

    I was really routing for them, i’m quite sad its not the happily ever after.i wish them both well. and Jen Garner needs to focus on her boyfriend, unless she really wants Ben to break up that relationship too.

    • Truthiness says:

      I had to be supportive and present when my ex went through a punishing failed relationship because our son was involved. We’re still bonded and want the best for each other.

    • TheHeat says:

      Jen Garner has proven to be a stable force in Ben’s life. I think she’s closer to him right now, to ensure that he stays sober. And that is 100% in their kids’ best interest.

  10. Truthiness says:

    A relationship doesn’t have to be The Greatest Love Story for it to work. Monetizing and looting it for content creation when one’s partner isn’t comfortable with that idea is really dumb if you want the relationship to survive.

    I don’t think JLo will find a jumpoff in the lavender fields but looking for one in Italy and the Hamptons is a good start I guess.

  11. JFerber says:

    He looks very happy in the pic alone, away from Jennifer. Yes, I think he’s definitely over this marriage. Too bad J. Garner is tied at the hip to him because of the children. She can never really be free of him. What a burden for her. I hope as the kids get older (Violet is already 18), Jen can stop band aiding him wherever he is broken (in many places) so he’ll be a fit dad for the kids. For hell’s sake, it’s HIS responsibility to be fit for the kids, not HERS to keep him patched up for life. What a user he is. I don’t envy that role and if I were her, he’d be on his own completely. It’s HIS job to keep it together to be a good dad, not HERS. Incredibly selfish, awful man.

    • A says:

      That doesn’t seem to be his dynamic with Garner. He’s been sober for years and seems to be doing just fine during this separation.

  12. Carolnr says:

    I agree with you. I think Ben is enjoying his work and his children. I think that Ben will be fine!
    I am sure Ben is anxious about selling the $65 million mansion. Hopefully, it will sell faster with the renovations that JL had completed to the house.

  13. Truthsyrup says:

    I think Jen G likes to be seen as mother Theresa. She could easily talk to Ben on the phone, instead of being in his house.
    Her boyfriend is very tolerant.