People: Brad Pitt ‘loves so many things about’ Ines de Ramon, ‘she’s great for him’

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As we discussed, Brad Pitt and Ines de Ramon made a big coupled-up outing at the British Grand Prix over the holiday weekend. While Ines and Brad have been photographed together before, this is – to my knowledge – the first time they actually went to a public event together and held hands and such. It’s notable, is what I’m saying. They’ve been together since the fall of 2022, and Ines was still technically married when they started up. But hey, so was Nico Mary! Remember her? She was the married hustler who got a “Brad Pitt Girlfriend Rollout” back in 2020. The rollout died swiftly when Nico’s marriage to a 68-year-old man was exposed. Good times. Anyway, back to Ines. She allows Brad’s crisis managers to push stories about her in People Magazine, Us Weekly and Page Six, and here’s the latest:

Brad Pitt and Ines de Ramon are going strong. Following the couple’s recent appearance at the British Grand Prix, a source close to Pitt tells PEOPLE that the actor, 60, is “still very happy with” his girlfriend of more than a year.

“Things have been amazing since they moved in together,” the insider says. “It’s more of a serious relationship than just dating.”

Adds the source, “Brad loves so many things about her. She’s great for him.”

The Academy Award winner has been working on his latest movie F1 that has been filming during this year’s Grand Prix races, which kicked off this past March. F1 is being made in collaboration with the real-life Formula 1 community.

“Brad’s having fun filming,” the Pitt source tells PEOPLE. “He loves spending time in Europe. He filmed in England for the Fourth of July, and Ines has been with him.”

In February, multiple sources told PEOPLE that the pair are living together, with de Ramon having moved into Pitt’s home. “It’s pretty recent,” a source close to de Ramon said at the time. “They are going very strong and she is happier than ever.”

[From People]

The Pitt-managed stories about his relationships are still really weird, right? They’ve been living together for four or five months and this is how it’s described? “It’s more of a serious relationship than just dating.” Ya think? A nearly 60-year-old man shacking up with a 30-something divorcee for months and it’s only now that we’re hearing that it’s a “serious relationship”? Do you guys think that she actually moved in for real? I doubt it. This whole relationship just seems so heavily managed and solely for Brad’s image rehabilitation. I feel sorry for Ines but I hope she’s getting paid or getting something out of it beyond these stories which make her sound like a prop.

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36 Responses to “People: Brad Pitt ‘loves so many things about’ Ines de Ramon, ‘she’s great for him’”

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  1. ML says:

    Those pictures: Yes, they’re holding hands. However, maybe it’s just me, but I honestly don’t get the feeling that they are soul deep in love or ready to kiss passionately at all. I think that’s part of the try-hard feeling, and as an actor, you’d assume BP could fake that better. Plus, if you google his past girlfriends, he looks more involved than with Ines.

    As to Ines: this man rather famously abused his ex-wife and kids and he’s still going after his ex publicly. Keep that in mind now that you’re involved with him, because leaving might be tricky.

  2. Eva says:

    I don’t know if they actually live together. There are rumors circulating on the Internet that she spends a lot of time in her apartment, which she is currently renovating. The photos taken by paparazzi usually come from one place, close to her work. It’s still hard for me to believe that someone would want to pretend to be in a relationship with someone who isn’t even liked by his fans and regularly causes embarrassment to them. I know Brad isn’t very intelligent, but that doesn’t help his image, so if it’s not a real relationship, why does he need all the extra shame?

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Brad and Ines are kind of the cheap version of george and amal. Brad needs a serious relationship if he wants to rehabilitate his image. She is at the age where she is mature enough and where having kids would be important if she wants any, so my guess is that he is hoping for that so that those kids are also gonna be props to his image-rehab also.

  3. Lucy says:

    When news of them first broke, another commenter said she knew Ines and that she was messy and/or enjoyed drama. I find that believable. He loves so many things about her but doesn’t name a specific thing? Other than she’s great for him?

    Honestly I think if Jolie was papped on a date tomorrow, they wouldn’t be “more than just dating”, they’d be secretly married (Pitt and Ines).

    • Eva says:

      Pitt is so obsessed with Angie that I can’t even imagine what he would do if it turned out that she was in a relationship with someone. It would probably not end with the wedding with Ines and another series of news about their infinitely deep love.

    • MrsCope says:

      “Brad loves so many things about her. She’s great for him.” That’s how I would describe a book I’ve never read, or a show I’ve never seen but I’m trying to fake it in a conversation!

      • Ivy says:

        Seriously. How is that the best they can come up with

      • AshoftheIsland says:

        I hate it when relationships are described in this way. “She’s great for him”, yeah, but is he great for her? Are they great for each other? Do they bring out the best in each other? Or does she just support all his bad habits and not cause a fuss? I bet it’s that last one…

  4. Christine says:

    I guess they finally figured out that endlessly moaning about how his favorite child and first daughter, Shiloh, hath forsaken him is a bad look. Brad Pitt had more chemistry with the box from Seven than whatever this is.

  5. Lolo says:

    Twitter is calling her Temu Angelina 🤣

    • Eva says:

      And they nailed it! 😂

    • FIFI says:

      IG as well! This was supposed to show he’s moved on yet all this has done is male people question if it’s really over Angelina. Good job PR team.

    • Snarkle says:

      Damn Twitter! Temu Angelina is an absolute chefs kiss

      Ines let him out of the house in that hat. She must secretly hate him

      • CLOVE says:

        @Snarkle Someone on Twitter (X) called her “Great Value” Angelina. Great Value is a brand at Walmart. I lost it. 😂😂😂

  6. Lens says:

    Yes she was still technically married when she got with Brad in the fall of 2022. And Brad was still technically married when he got with Angie back in 2015. I don’t think that is a thing anymore. If you’re truly separated that’s as good as divorced. And I’m surprised at the skeptical comments about his relationship. I would think everyone would rejoice and be full of hope he’s found a serious girlfriend to take up his time.

    • Eva says:

      It would be nice if he only dealt with his relationship with Ines instead of constantly tormenting his ex-wife and her children in various ways. What’s more, ines does it with him. It’s hard to rejoice their relationship when you read all the nonsense implanted by brad and ines.

    • Betcha says:

      So let me get this straight. You think we should rejoice that Inez abuse apologist is dating Brad who just had all six of his kids let the world know that they have nothing to do with him not even his name. Did I get that right?

    • TQ says:

      Good know Brad’s PR team is reading Celebitchy.

      And didn’t realize “separated” and “having an affair” were being used interchangeably now by Brad’s team. That’s super convenient for his narratives.

  7. lucy2 says:

    He’s got a new movie to sell, he’s got to promote the girlfriend! Because he can use his kids for publicity anymore.

  8. Facts says:

    Pitt told y’all in 2016 he messes up everything he touches. That he never cried or feels anything. Any woman should RUN

  9. Betcha says:

    Not sure why they push the living together narrative. She works full-time and half the time he is not in LA Plus she bought a condo a $1 million dollar condo that she’s renovating in West Hollywood after she settled for divorce and got a bunch of a bunch of money Brad is a big Chiefs fan but on Super Bowl Sunday she was not at home with him she was photographed at her friends Super Bowl party drinking and sitting on Instagram on her phone. And when her sister came to visit they stayed in her tiny apartment. Brad wasn’t even in town so if they’re living together wouldn’t they stay in their house? He probably goes over to his house to f*** maybe that’s one of the many things he likes about her. This article makes her sound like a call girl.

  10. MThe says:

    They both look like they are wearing clothes from the pre-teen section.

    And I’ll never believe a man who has been disowned by his children is capable of loving anyone other than himself.

    • Eva says:

      Not only from the pre-teen section but also from another century (20th). Vintage maybe…

    • spicydragonfly says:

      so true! and his hats? such a throwback 90’s vibe. BP has not moved out of the era in which he was a heartthrob. but honey times have changed and he has not evolved.

  11. Mslove says:

    Brad’s outfit looks like it came from the dirty clothes hamper.

  12. BlueNailsBetty says:

    “ She’s great for him.”

    That is the most revealing sentence ever written about Brad. It’s all about him and how he benefits from her existence. She has no purpose other than to be “great for him”.

    So. damn. gross.

  13. FIFI says:

    Oh god these articles make him look TERRIBLE! It’s all about what she does for him. The ET one said he takes the lead and shes happy to attend his work outings. What about her projects? Thats not a partnership. She just a PR tool as he cant even the whole family image anymore.

    I’ve never heard a more bland statement then “he loves many things about her.” Good lord.

    • Facts says:

      They don’t make him look terrible he is terrible.
      I always reference things that happened in the beginning. He had a totally different attitude in 2016. Mainly because he was afraid of the truth coming out. When it partially came out and people didn’t hold him accountable he is more cocky now.
      People forget how he mentally abused Aniston while they were married and more afterwards. Who tells their wife they have feelings for another woman and she does nothing. Courtney Cox told this.
      He is an azzhat and now it’s Angie’s turn but at least she fights back.
      He will Temu Angie the same way if not worse because she has nothing.
      Angelina told a reporter on the Eternals press that some men like making love to you or making you their trophy but they wouldn’t die to protect you. Thats how Pitt treated her. IMHO he still is obsessed with her and as her lawyer stated is still trying to punish her for leaving him.

  14. Nanea says:

    Strong, happy, strong, happy, more than dating.

    If that’s all that can be shared with the public, I’m not buying what they’re so desperately trying to sell.

    Not that I would anyway, as it relates to Pitt, and it’s sad to see his violent temper, his abusing his kids, his alcoholism get swept under the carpet, just because there’s a movie coming out eventually, with a well-documented scab as the lead.

  15. Ohwell says:

    Everything is about Brad.

    “She’s great for him” is such a gross line. His PR should do better.

    I guess we will be receiving more quotes about his relationship since he is promoting his new movie.

    • Eva says:

      And it will last two years, because next year he will be promoting another new film. And in the meantime, he will try to distract attention from lawsuits and further antics (because who knows what else Brad will screw up).

  16. Ollie says:

    Is she not wearing a bra?

  17. Katie Beanstalk says:

    I really like these hats on Brad. He looks like he’s about to go fishing.